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redditsuckz ago

Pizza = AZZ Pi - Ass Pi

"I don't know if you guys have realized yet, but Pizza is symbolic of ritual sodomy, and it is the core of the Illuminati/Freemasonry ideology. Uncovering Pizzagate IS uncovering the heart of Illuminati practices. They believe that the third eye (butthole/pineal gland) is opened in ritual sodomy."

"Thus, the shilling against Pizzagate is going to be extreme. It is of the highest consequences to the brotherhood that runs the world."

"Pizza was likely invented purely as a symbolic worship of ritual sodomy. This is the very core of the problem. We are tearing it right out of our society."

Pi = the pedo spiral and goes on forever

The Pi Code

Martin Gardner's fictional "Doctor Matrix" used to say that, properly interpreted, the number pi (the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter, whose decimal expansion begins 3.14159265358979323846...) contains the entire history of mankind.

"pedo swirl" in blood

Special Drinks = Pi;

dog = slang for Male Prostitute

Pizza Esoterica - Pizzagate or The Pizza Gate? Pizza Code in Media- rape of god

Littleredcorvette ago

I keep looking at the swirl. I'm starting to see 666 embedded in it. This pic helps with seeing it.

Two of the sixes are dark spaces and the third is the white empty space between the dark spaces.

UnicornsAndSparkles ago

Yes. For a long time I have thought the golden ratio was linked to the whole surpression of knowledge through "brotherhoods".

I really do hope you're wrong about azz pi.

Littleredcorvette ago

I am fearful that donut/ doughnut 🍩 Represents sodomy also.

Littleredcorvette ago

😱 omg. So in-our-face!

Locals are conditioned to it. It's the path to acceptance. 😞

redditsuckz ago

I am fearful that donut/ doughnut 🍩 Represents sodomy also.

Probably...look at Bucks Fishing and Camping photo with the Donuts and blue candle phallus;

Jem777 ago

It is stunning that no one blew up all the pictures on Alefantis Bucks Fishing & Camping. Are people really that stupid to believe a picture of a steak with a big knife sticking out was a legitimate website for a legitimate business?

Or that Jimmy the pizza cook like to go camping? Or for that matter Washington DC elitists go to a camping & fishing store?? That is almost as ridiculous as Comey saying "Hilary's classified emails went to Huma then she forwarded them to Anthony in NY to print out" No crime here. Really????

UnicornsAndSparkles ago

Judging by this I would say tacos and melons mean something too.

redditsuckz ago

Even Nachos...

Found from the investigation yesterday into the satanic band "Abiku"

On "Top Nachos" facebook page - "Fuckin Donuts"