JDepp9thPizzaGate ago

Thank you RebelSkum for your hard work. I'd like to think this movement is picking up steam, but most I talk to are still apathetic, even when faced with blaring evidence of this scandal.

RebelSkum ago

Thanks! Great work yourself!

GeorgeT ago

Great article! ICMEC Launched by Killary and Blair's wife! Wow - it's not even wolf in sheep's clothing, more like Sabre-tooth toger in sheep's clothing - they should both be extinct!

Judgejewdy ago

Please refer to this post https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1723445 and associated comments for some enlightening NCMEC info.

Pizzalawyer ago

So Congressional funding is 40 million per year, I wasn't aware it was exempt from FOIA, that's gotta change , thanks for the link. Like I said, NCMEC and ICMEC, needs at least 20 researchers on it, maybe more. If it's elites we are after, the Epstein files and the Weiner laptop files and these two orgs is where we will find all we need to know.

Dressage2 ago

The money is a staggering amount. I can't imagine what Podesta Group did for their share. (Eye roll)

RebelSkum ago

They don't have much of a promising past :/

Jem777 ago

Excellent research @RebelSkum. This place as well as its international version is a massive government finders program. They are in place to hide the truth. That was obvious when it was learned all child sex images goes through them first.

GeorgeT ago

They are not even subtle abouit it. I mean Jeff Koons on the board of directors? They might as well put Alifantis while they are at it - just to up the ante! PS Alifantis is a board member of Edibleschoolyards.org that is teeming with the Hollywood celebs who have afiliations with that coven witch Marina Abramovic.

Pizzalawyer ago

This forum should dedicate a minimum of 20 researchers to this organization because something smells fishy in Denmark. In 2013 NCMEC was allocated $40 million in taxpayer funds (annual or over a period of time?). Additionally it undertakes a rigorous campaign for private donations to augment its budget. From a business model perspective, it doesn't get much bang for its buck. In 2016 it assisted law enforcement in 20,500 cases 90% involving runaways, 6% involving kids taken by family members usually in the context of divorce cases, 2% involving young adults ages 18, 19 and 20 and 2% involving abductions by strangers and/or simply lost children. 2 % represents 410 children.

To be sure, runaways who don't return home soon after a hissy fit with their parents are extremely vulnerable to pedophile predators. Imagine how many of them might end up at places like Comet Ping Pong, eating free pizza, secretly imbibing in a free beer, listening to cool music (sarcasm) and generally hanging out playing ping pong or just chilling.

Since 90% are runaways, are the funds of this quasi agency/quasi charity dedicated to the unique problems of runaways? Or is this just another slush fund for upper level management and a vanity charity for board members?

This is in DC, has tangential connections to Podesta and Alefantis, so start digging folks. P.S. And thanks to RebelScum for bringing this to the forefront like Honeybee tried to do a few weeks ago.

ZunarJ5 ago

ALL groups/foundations that get started up after high profile abduction/missing persons cases should be investigated from where they started. John Walsh/NCMEC for starters. Look at the fortune Beth Holloway made begging for money for her allegedly still missing daughter Natalee. Beth's facebook has been gutted. She sure doesn't look like a woman desperate to find her allegedly still missing daughter. This may be the 21st century, but people still sell their own children for big money. Always start looking at the parents and follow the money trail.

GeorgeT ago

I feel same way about Johnny Gosh's Mother, and Bennet Ramsey case.

ZunarJ5 ago

Jennifer Kesse is another one. See Joyce Kesse's gutted facebook. Marc Klaas has made millions. The Etan Patz case is highly suspect. There are many, many more.

Tanngrisnir ago

Excellent article, RebelSkum!