helpingabit12 ago

We can expect over 1 000 000 views over the next few days, on the multiple videos...

Many comments on the video interview asking "is he ok", "how come he is still alive?" etc.

If you go to "His" Twitter account you can't even find one comment regarding the popularity of the video interview.... And there latest tweet regarding Blackrock (as mentioned in this post ) is also not popular at all.

Some extra info, it is possible to hire him to give a lecture to talk about this topic. Price per person 15 euro,-

The video Interview also is embedded on the lecture reservation page,

Someone (a youtuber ?) could go to his upcoming lectures and make a video interview if Ronald is ok with that. also, probably in his upcoming lecture he will at least get some questions about it at the end of the lecture(?)

(a big opportunity for Youtubers to go there and make exclusive, instant "trending" content !!!)

Next lecture: Heerhugowaard (nl) Date(s) - 06/05/2017 14:00 - 17:00

Drnoway ago

Has somebody a link to the politics of zionism document he mentions? Amazing interview! That stuff is too dark for normies, they will simply not believe a word he is saying. And it IS just his word without any proof. No name naming. But he is very very believable.

Death2Masons ago

I already can't relate to anybody else, because only internet people know about the reality of our world. All the people I see in person are clueless, and addicted to their proograming. This man must be even more isolated, because he literally experienced it first hand.

Death2Masons ago

It is, but you should be watching the full video and ignore that trailer. It is in bad taste.

Death2Masons ago

Outstanding thread. Good find Orangutan. Thumbs up.

helpingabit12 ago

Lets make this more strange/interesting...., In this interview (7:13) he walks out a reptile house exit (inside a zoo.. the camera focuses on the sign 12:26)

He say : The current financial system belongs in a reptile house... He also says it reminds me of the emotionless people, cold blooded.. he also say he walked out a "reptile house" before....

Laskar ago

This is the fourth post on this interview.

VOAT is like reddit, mods bury good posts, like the original one on this interview, then others do a copy paste as if they have just discovered it.

Today there are several identical posts on the first page.

Make you wonder.

Orangutan ago

Well sometimes its the first time a user and seen it and wants to share it. They don't know or follow the daily or hourly activity on this subreddit/voat. Other times something popular is of course going to go somewhat viral and if its worthwhile shouldn't cause to much concern from people who are interested in these types of things.

Laskar ago

It's not your fault.

Still, it's interesting to suddenly have five identical posts up today, when the original post was buried after one day.

If you look at the front page page before posting something, you will see how often this happens, while research posts are buried. You can also do a search first.

Mad_As_Hell ago

I think the reason for its resurgence (I posted it 5 hours after this one as I hadn't seen it in the timeline and was deeply moved by it) is its appearance on r/conspiracy, that's where I found it anyways

Mrs_Ogynist01 ago

No way. I'm old enough to have seen quite a few presidential elections & there has never been a complete & utter freak out to someone like this before. Ever. Like him or not- he is not one of "them." Jared & Ivanka might be tho.

Banned4Truth ago

just red pilled my mother with the full interview in an email. For months we've been fighting about the realities of the real world, I sure hope she can accept this video

2impendingdoom ago

The full length video is very compelling and he seems sincere. This reminds me of all the banker suicides/bizarre deaths in the past few years

neo50 ago

"8000-8500" rule the world. We can take them down once there's enough red-pilled people that will unite. Excellent video (full length) that confirms many of our findings.

Omnicopy ago


target_blank ago

holy fucking shit. i knew it, i fucking knew it.

Piscina ago

Wow, that is probably the best video I've seen in terms of this stuff being real. Those dirty Satanist fuckers. I'm so angry. And the world is run by these animals.

Mad_As_Hell ago

Me too, and I'm pretty certain he'd be killed if he went into specifics, am surprised he hasn't been already for saying this much.

TrishaUK ago

Excellent interview. Thank you for posting it here! - Shows there are some still out there in the elite world with a conscience, we need them to come out and realise there are many, many of us here who will support them. A fantastic thing I get from this is when he said that the 'circle of elite' is fairly small. So with 1,000s of us waking up around the world to whats going on and 'uniting' they CAN BE SHUT DOWN, like a house of cards so to speak. - I am 100% sure that, because President Trump has never used drugs/alcohol, he has been able to see clearly what his elite peers are 'involved' in regarding Luciferian and children/babies abuse/sactifice. I believe it has sickened him, and why he is under attack from all angles. I honestly believe he has a plan, and like he said, he will not 'announce his intentions to the world for them to scatter/flee' he literally wants to obliterate them! - I listened to this encouraging prophecy update today, ( Heaven's Battle Plans Unleashed upon The Earth - Mark Taylor) - Its from Mark Taylor, the ex-fireman who, received a prophesy in 2011 about Donald Trump becoming President of USA. Listening to this interview last year is what got me praying for Donald Trump, and then after praying along these lines all this opened up to me and I cannot ignore it so have to keep digging in the hope it will help SOME CHILDREN SOMEWHERE. Ref: ( President Trump prophesy in 2011 )

Mad_As_Hell ago

Good point re Trump and drink/drugs, hadn't thought of that. I hope to God you're right, as I fear it's the only chance we'll ever have for the truth to come out. They're never going to let a fish that big slip through the net again

Narcissism ago

Bet thats the position Trump was put in back when his companies failed.

Mrs_Ogynist01 ago

Why would TPTB hate him so badly then, if he were controllable? The reaction to his election would suggest that he has not been blackmailed. Yet, anyway.

Mad_As_Hell ago

Watch the full interview if you have 40 minutes to spare

Mad_As_Hell ago

What the original full interview if you can, someone posted link above. No bells or whistles, just the horrifying truth

Mad_As_Hell ago

Just posted this, didn't realise it was up already. Real eye-opener, essentially confirms much of what we've been investigating all along between human trafficking and child sacrifice revelations. No wonder they're fighting Pizzagate so hard, in theory this could bring down the whole global financial system if we could actually get the truth through to the masses

Schweiz ago

You know what though? We already fucking have, and they fucking refuse to believe it. We're all deemed conspiracy theorist because we're too damned to have internet access with 7 brain cells to see that this fucking stuff is real. They created a system where millions of people could believe it, yet literally fucking nothing happens. No riots, no media, no justice. I just pray to God that soon there will be a video of some Satanic ritual with all kinds of politicians, just like Alex Jones did with Bohemian Grove, but that shows the true fucking evil these sick fucks have, and show what evil the ignorant fucking blue pilled citizens have ENABLED. For the love of God, if there could be SOMETHING.

Death2Masons ago

Alex Jones is fake and his Bohemian Grove video was lame and showed nothing. He is part of it and he is a zionist. You just clowned yourself.

Mad_As_Hell ago

I hear ya :( This particular red pill is too large to swallow for most. I had manys a sleepless night in the early days so can relate, but some are willing to do serious mental gymnastics to avoid dealing with the terrible possibility this is true, and attack the messenger instead. Maybe a leaked video (that was 100% clear cut evidence rather than open to question like Worldcorpo, although that child's screams could never be faked) could have a They Live sunglasses-type effect, but a lot of people would probably lose their minds

DerivaUK ago

Since this emerged a while ago I have shared this piece wherever I could. I find it has been effective at persuading people to look at the subject more closely because he is so very believable. I'm grateful for his bravery and wish him well.

HidemyUserName ago

came here to bitch. it's annoying as FUCK.

SoSpricyHotDog ago

Yeah, someone went a bit ham on their marketing 101 course... Repeat, repeat it again and then repeat it. But, 10 times in the span of a 2 minute preview is next level marketing.

kazza64 ago

i dont know how safe it would have been for him to make this video i mean he was lucky to get out alive as it is

Baxterbaxter ago

I am wondering the same thing... how is this guy even still alive?

riposte ago

What is this guy's name? Was this video made recently, and how long can he stay alive after revealing so much?

amendthediscourse ago

He mentions that the likely reason he is still alive is because he hasn't named names, i.e. of people, orgs, etc. Somewhere near the halfway point of the full vid.

Baxterbaxter ago

Ronald Bernard

HollandDrive ago

One of the best and most revealing interviews you will ever see on this topic. Incredible.

When you reject good, the greatest of evil fills the vacuum.

YingYangMom ago

Agreed. An awesome black pill to swallow. No regrets, however. Only hope.

equineluvr ago

The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion that the interviewee mentions (arranged in folders).

HollandDrive ago

You can simply listen to someone read it to you on youtube, it's over three hours. I assume it's complete.

I wonder if Carroll Quigley ever mentioned them?

DerivaUK ago

Working my way through this since you put it out in the last thread on this video. It is indeed worrying and depressing in equal measure.

SwampAintDrained ago

I have archived this entire website, it looks interesting. You never know when stuff like this might just disappear on ya...

I wanted to check out Wolfgang Halbig's website but it seems I am too late and that it no longer exists...

riposte ago

I'll have to finish reading the full thing later, but this is the most depressing thing I've read in a long time.

PizzagateBot ago

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Death2Masons ago

Somebody down voted your link to the full interview. Gotta be one of our scumbag pedo damage control mods.

7hrowaway ago

Was literally just about to post. Here's a link to the full 40 min interview, highly recommend.

Vic138 ago

This is one of the most amazing things i've ever watched on the internet, and I've seen and heard a lot of great stuff. How can anyone down vote this?

What if the sacrifice wasn't going to be used for blackmail, but as an initiation into a deeper level? For the next interview I'd like to know if these people are there because of their family (or bloodline)? What connects these people? And, does he think there is an even higher level with only a few people?

I used to save this in case youtube decides to delete it.

Death2Masons ago

I just download videos I want to keep.

lobsterguts ago

Thanks. I just started watching, but he's telling the truth.