rooting4redpillers ago

Eryn's clearly still an unabashed Hillary/Obama/Podesta-supporting leftist tool. As long as she keeps that up, she gets NO pass, or benefit of doubt, from me. You're on the right track here. Keep up the good work, and thanks for bringing attention to this. A+

rooting4redpillers ago

Remember, Hillary Rodham Clinton was Secretary #67.

rooting4redpillers ago

Oh no, I'm with you. Guess I came across badly. Your first impression makes more sense than mine. Reading your title, I was so sharply reminded of that Podesta tweet that I just had to throw it in.

ArthurEdens ago

It's pretty amazing how the web of people have dripped into control over the decades.

duhiki ago

What about Huma Abedin being a spy for the Saudis? Could that fit within the narrative of secretaries not being secretaries, but spies?

Yates ago

Google huma abedin muslim brotherhood and 100 other articles come up. This has been buried for years.

ArthurEdens ago

I think you nailed it

rooting4redpillers ago

Secretaries are not secretaries - Julian Assange, April 15, 2017.

This led the op to remember - Podesta's secretary was advocate for sexual abuse victims.

This (I'll call it "backwardly negative") "style" of writing, immediately reminded me of this speculative/accusatory John Podesta tweet, concerning Jason Chaffetz:

When they say it’s about family, it’s never about family. - John Podesta, April 19, 2017

Reminding me of this:

Chaffetz asks Justice Department to Uphold Institutional Interest of Congress | The Committtee on Oversight & Government Reform | Feb 16, 2017

Today, House Oversight and Government Reform Committee Chairman Jason Chaffetz (R-UT) sent a letter to Attorney General Jeff Sessions asking the Justice Department to convene a grand jury or charge former State Department employee Bryan Pagliano for refusal to appear before a committee of Congress, a violation of 2 U.S.C. § 192.

Reminding me of speculation over a Jason Chaffetz resignation, AND, Hillary's unsecured private email server...

Reminding me of Wikileaks...

...and now I'm right back to Julian Assange... and Secretaries are not secretaries... completing a full circle of cryptic and unending, NEVER openly or fully explainable shit.

People call "conspiracy theorists" crazy.

Narcissism ago

You mean Moneypenny wasn't a real Secretary?

samsg ago

"And in the dust gold dust" probably means that hidden in the "dust" of the information, whether thats mundane emails or whatever, lies some gold. That gold is related to secretaries not being secretaries, but something else. Or if it's CIA related, maybe CIA is using secretaries as spies or handlers for government officials/judges?

darkknight111 ago

Very odd he says this. The last time he was cryptic with a tweet....Vault 7 came out.

If this line of thinking is true, then another big release might be coming soon. Maybe within the next 1-2 weeks.

If we go be the secretary angle, then any secretary (current or former) might be a target of the next release. Note that this is an alternative train of thought to what's already been discussed (I dont question the plausibility of said discussion).

jstrotha0975 ago

It means his mole is someone that isn't actually CIA, but someone that works with them.

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