1count_du_bastarde ago

I've seen previous posts re: containers, trafficking concerns in Texas ....... http://www.containerquote.com/human-trafficking


Blacksmith21 ago

Damn....you are one fixated individual. See the pipe bent at 90 degrees below the cooler units? That won't survive being transported.

Blacksmith21 ago

That's the problem. They are modular. You buy the panels and assemble them into any size and install the refrigeration. Honestly, it doesn't matter much. If it is a modular unit, it can be disassembled in a few hours and disappeared.

Let me ask this - if you wanted a "kill room", would you want a 20' reefer shipping container sitting out in a parking lot, or at best inside a ground floor warehouse? Or would you prefer something more Lego-like, which can be assembled piece-by-piece in a subterranean environment? Away from prying eyes and ears...

Brings a new meaning to "Out on the Tiles", doesn't it?

rwb ago

You lost me. Are you suggesting your image search that allowed you to single out a couple of containers wider than they are tall overrides the experience of someone who does nothing but trade in containers? When I google image search shipping containers, I have to struggle to find one container that is obviously wider than it is tall among the scores of images returned. This says something.

Blacksmith21 ago

1) Condensation lines in the original photo - see the elbows below each chiller - those condensation lines. Those will not survive transport with structural flexing during transport.

2) On the rental, the evaporator is on the top of the freezer and the lines are not run through the wall like the original "kill room". This is done as the lines will travel much better through the roof than through a wall.

3) Google image search "walkin freezer interior" and you will see examples which look far closer to "kill room".

rwb ago

I just called a shipping container company that buys, sells, rents, and converts containers of all sizes and styles, and got a sales rep on the phone to borrow the experience of someone immersed in this niche who would know more about containers than you or I ever will. Without disclosing the true nature of my inquiry, I told him my image searches showed most containers were taller than they were wide, but that I had in fact seen a few pictures of ones that were wider than they were tall. I asked him how common are the ones that are in fact wider than than they are tall. He said of the tens of thousands of containers he'd seen, he'd never seen one example that was wider than it was tall.

The fact you found a few examples only proves that they exist, but you did not remotely disprove the idea that they are very rare, especially in North America. Your two links are for companies that just happen to be based on another continent. 1928 Rolls Royce Phantom's exist too, and there are also a few pictures of them, but the idea that Alefantis makes his getaway in one is quite unlikely due to sheer probability alone. You're not helping any investigation by hypothesizing the picture is of a converted shipping container that would happen to be almost as rare as hens teeth.

In addition, your examples show containers with corrugated walls, whereas the image in question shows smooth walls, which is just one more reason to believe it's a fixed room. There are yet others reasons. Would you like me to assist by researching this image a bit more, or do you want to take it from here?

SayWhatNOWAY ago

Wow! No wonder he didn't care if the killroom pics and stuff stayed up! I guess we will know if this is hit with threats!

Jem777 ago

The links are at Webb's youtube. All of them are archived. He is now on foot chasing down suspects

Blacksmith21 ago

I made the comment on the original post that this doesn't look like a shipping container. Google "refrigerated shipping container" and you won't see one with the cooling system running down the side of the unit.

This looks like a purpose built walk-in freezer. These are often times freestanding in a warehouse or other location.

Also, given the design of the condensation lines from under the units, it indicates to me that this "freezer" is not made to be transported. Those lines would bend or get broken somehow if transported in that manner.

Jem777 ago

The killroom is possibly a ShowRoom involved in trafficking, also used in drug smuggling to get through customs. The shipping receipts & shipping routes have been swept up..Think of cocaine in nose cones of airplanes into Mena, Ark

carmencita ago

IMO when you have a feeling or vibe you just can't explain or something seems really wrong, you are usually right. About this farm. I remember a farm where I think kids or teens could come for the summer. A kind of internship? I remember it was quite a topic of discussion.Could that be the farm? Search Bar Where Are You? All I can say about this whole Kill Room thing is that there must be something somewhere. We saw pictures and I think the pictures of the Refrigerated Containers look pretty similar, plus add that to the video of Wolftrail7272 where we saw actual possible evidence of what one might look like, that is enough to warrant circumstantial evidence of some kind.

rwb ago

It's about saving kids, and trying to find the truth in all matters. Don't bother imagining you have the high ground on either count. You may not like the method, but you figured out the room is wider than tall, and this information was vital to discover to maintain accuracy moving forward.

AngB23 ago

What I'm saying is that in 2007 when Frank Winstead made that recording (which I already gave the link via YT above) the kid was heard screaming from outside the building. Because Frank Winstead was very vocal about what he felt was going on in CPP, maybe then they put the soundproof "freezer" area in. Not sure when that pic was taken of the "kill room" tho.

I don't know what you mean by second recording

rwb ago

I am very good at eliciting accurate information from the lazy, but my ability to quantum tunnel back in time is still a bit dicy. I like the way you edited in a picture of an obviously wider than tall container after I made my remark ending with Even the pictures you just provided show trailers obviously taller than wide, in order to imply I wasn’t looking.

Nonetheless, congratulations on doing what you should have done at the outset. And I certainly appreciate you reversing your position just now and admitting I was right all along, that the picture indeed shows a room or container that is wider than tall.

Based on my research that the vast majority of shipping containers and trailers are taller than wide, and your latest hard won research that there are indeed exceptions, there exists a small possibility that the photo shows a container. I could make other arguments that favor fixed building instead of container, but to be nice, I’m going to let you savor the taste of victory.

carmencita ago

A Nicholas Durand joined RothschildMr Nicolas Durand - personal summary Nicolas Durand has joined Rothschild in 2005 to expand the real estate practise in Paris.He previously was a member of the Real Estate investment Banking team of Lazard in Paris.He had been involved in most of the real estate and lodging transactions in which Lazard had played an advisory role such as the takeover of Sophia by GE Real Estate and recently the sale of Foncière Ariane by Deutsche Bank Real Estate Opportunity Funds.He is a graduate of Ecole Centrale and a CPA.Also from Rothschild Geneology***

Nicholas David (Nick) de Rothschild (b.1951) is the son of the late Edmund Leopold de Rothschild (1916-2009) and Elizabeth Edith de Rothschild (née Lentner) (1923-1980). He is closely involved with the management of the Exbury estate created by his father and grandfather Lionel de Rothschild (1882-1942), and has a number of other business interests, and has published two novels. He married Caroline Jeanne Lucy Darvall (b.1955) in 1985.***I would like to see his name as Nicholas Rothschild Durand but have not as of yet. He could still be linked but want better proof.

carmencita ago

Well this is his critique of the restaurant Masseria in DC. The next day, we were home eating a homemade eggplant gratin and both at the same time thought that this was better than every single dish we had last night. Even the evening frozen pizza was more satisfying.The froze pizza was more satisfying. Could mean nothing. Will continue.

rwb ago

Brother, I don't know what you do for a living, but I can reveal with absolute certainty it does not remotely involve mathematics, physics, or engineering. It's much wider than tall, end of story. There is zero aberration in the photo, which could not be better angled to betray this immutable truth. There is no possibility whatsoever that the first picture in your thread shows a room that is taller than it is wide, or even square.

rwb ago

If you are referring to the first picture in your thread (the one found at Jimmy Comet's Instagram account) it is as obvious as it could possibly be. It's wider than it is tall, and the photo angle is optimum to furnish this information. Any suggestion otherwise is baffling. What purpose does it serve to insinuate this is a movable container of some sort when it's obviously not? There are dangers in getting hung up by pet theories. Truth must remain the only guiding principle.

rwb ago

There are lots of individual elements to PG/CPP, and I haven't followed this so called "killroom" angle at all, so I can't speak to any aspect of it. My comments were merely for the benefit of those who are following this angle and speculating on the nature of the room in question, and they remain accurate. It's not a shipping container or a trailer due to dimensions. Even the pictures you just provided show trailers obviously taller than wide.

carmencita ago

If I get time I will look into him. Am now reading that post of Deaconess Hosp. He releases some info and I will see another post that gives more. He comments that he has related info to the FBI.

rwb ago

I see no evidence it's a shipping container or a trailer of any sort, for an obvious reason. Googling shipping container and then trailer dimensions reveals there are a number of standard dimensions for both, but they are always taller than wide, or the same height and width. This image clearly shows a room which is much wider than it is tall, ruling out shipping container or trailer. The way the piping is routed for the coolers also speaks to a fixed room.

carmencita ago

I know. He was really on to something. I go over it from time to time to keep it fresh in my memory.. They retrofit buildings, areas that are available to their needs. They are usually near airports, hospitals, docks etc. That is a perfect scenario for harvesting. So then if they find a place and it is not perfect, they retrofit it. Remember there are people that have been bought off to assist them in their operations. Just my thoughts.

mooteensy ago

@carmencita Please stay safe.

carmencita ago

:-) Thank you. I have said I would be careful when making comments, to not reveal too much, but how can I not, when it is for the children.

carmencita ago

https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1587762 Here is the Wolftrail7272 post regarding the hospital organ transplant possibility. In the comments someone made the remark "a pile of money under a sheet". Buck's could have a special set up that is not possible at Comet. Organs need to be kept cold. Refrigeration.

carmencita ago

Great to see all of these pictures. That is what research is all about. We know they have the money to buy what ever they want and retrofit it too. I will try to add the post of Wolftrail7272 in the comments. Not too good at that stuff. It was about a type of kill room possibly after they were organ harvested. It was in a supposedly shut down hospital that still had machines plugged in.

Jem777 ago

This is on video now. Wolf & others know.

carmencita ago

I posted it below. I just figured out how to do it. He is so smart and would be great adding to this post. We could use his expertise right now. I would not be surprised that they figured out a way to replicate the Deaconess Hosp. rm. in the video.

mooteensy ago


carmencita ago

Which statement do you agree with I made so many on that post.

carmencita ago

I remember that phrase. It was also a comment a member made in a post by Wolftrail7272 about a Tenet Healthcare hospital about a cart sitting in an elevator that looked like one of these refrigerators, A pile of money under a sheet. It was about organ harvesting. This brings back my memories of researching St. Louis.

RweSure ago

the concrete floor?

This also absolutely bogus reasoning and completely unproven.

Alefantis ......is linked to a maternal / child organization, that operates in Haiti and deals with shipping containers. https://archive.is/OzwA6is

Alefantis worked at Johnny's Half Shell and knows the owner. The owner knew this woman in college. How is Alefantis connected to her organization? You have zero proof even knows this woman. Alefantis did not know this guy until years after he went to college. He's 12 years older than Alefantis. Alefantis is linked to this woman is a Six Degrees of Separation Way. I can get myself to the President of the United States in less than 6 silly "links." I never met the man though....or most of the "links" that connect us.

There is also no changing story of the pizza sauce storage. None. There was a bunch of nonsense VOAT speculated about until the figured out the facts were different than their assumptions. How Comet made/stored their sauce goes back to the original chef.

RweSure ago

Always thought it referred to this big bed of money


AngB23 ago

I have another thought on this. Back in 2007-2008, Frank Winstead filmed the child screams outside of CPP


He was also VERY vocal about JA CPP a haven for "murder and rapes" https://imgur.com/a/VdPkA

I think this is just a sound proof room so the kids crying out can't be heard anymore. It could be a portable trailer type room I assume. But this audio, claims from Winstead in 2007-2008, then Breitbart knew something in 2011 is all too connected.

RweSure ago

It is absolutely 100 percent NOT a shipping container.

mooteensy ago

HEY SHILL @RweSure!!!!! Unfortunately, that's what the evidence has led me to believe. And many others. @Battle_of_Evermore You have struck a nerve. KEEP DIGGING & STAY SAFE!!!!!

Psychanaut ago

Then where is the actual basement that James A mentions in regards to the tomato sauces? Do we still think that is Bucks Fishing and Camping? Also, is there anyone who can do a DNA test on any of that "sauce"?

AssFaceSandwich2 ago

"Has since stated" Link to where this was said? That didn't seem to make the rounds here to my knowledge.

Pizzalawyer ago

Returning our attention to DC,Alefantis and the chilling comments ..pardon the pun..by Alefantis and his associates re kill room and a million dollars under a sheet is FANTASTIC. The idea swirling around this thread are just what we need. Sophisticated medical facilities are needed for live tissue organ transplants. Not so for harvesting tendons, ligaments for orthopedic surgeries, bones for the dental implant industry, etc.. We do not have enough people donating their bodies upon death. So the body parts have to come from an illicit source. Simple supply and demand. Keep up the good work.

Jem777 ago

Nice :)

RweSure ago

How did you get to be a lawyer?

Pizzalawyer ago

Rumor has it that you need 4 years college, then 3 years lawschool, then pass a bar exam

cult_of_philanthropy ago

It could be the box for a refrigerator truck/semi, commonly referred to as a "refer truck". That's what it appears to be to me. The large square boxes in the upper right of the kill room picture are the refrigeration units. They're basically giant prtable refrigerator. They can be rented for use by restaurants for off site use. Also, smaller flower shops rent them to hold product for large events for extra storage of product during processing to make arrangements. Wholesalers use them to transport product to their customers.

dougG ago

The only person calling it a freezer is the OP. What are u getting at?

Micheal84 ago

According to Google, they dont.

I came across an image on 4plebs about this room, cant find it anymore.

Micheal84 ago

It could also be a semitrailer, behind a truck.

Think about it, its even more mobile.

CantWeJustDroneHim ago

Obviously if any of this is true they aren't concerned about being caught, but a truck seems way too obvious to me. Only for the risk of getting pulled over and inspected. Maybe someone who knows more can educate me a bit, but aren't shipping trucks subject to frequent inspection and scrutiny? I don't know enough, but thought the chance on one getting pulled over was fairly high

Jem777 ago

This is how you "mule" heroin and other things on roads & through customs. Hide, place inside mangoes from Haiti & Pak. Throw sent from Narco dogs, use diplomatic passports, control shipping routes, disguise it all as Humanitarian aid to make everyone believe "it is all for the kids" Launder money through shell companies like "car dealerships" " limousine companies" that cater to the very wealthy...right into bank accounts.

Ask HRC & JP they knows about mangoes.. they sure wrote about it in state dept. emails.

And took pictures of the Haitian & Pak. Mangoes.

dougG ago

A restaurant would of their volume would have a walk in cooler of that size though.

sensitive ago

Size matters, too. There are certain standard sizes for shipping containers. But it will be difficult to measure Alefantis' "container".

TrishaUK ago

Best to block them - I thought that replying to equineluvr would enlighten him/her but they have another agenda, they just ended up foul mouthing me - so I blocked. Really good actually because if they comment, you can still click on 'show' to see it if you want too. Takes all the annoyance out of it hehe. As before, keep up the good work, its all about the CHILDREN and seeing these evil monsters in JAIL! :)

Jem777 ago

@equinelur bad mouths everyone. Good research everyone.

These trolls proved themselves. They talk about "honey pots" nice work @equinluvr you were east today.

Great research to all who are helping.

sensitive ago

Well, this is definitely metal. Where is this from? Not Alefantis instagram?

sensitive ago

I have seen shipping containers from the inside (owned one), and they don't look like the killroom picture.

TrishaUK ago

Great Post Battle_of_Evermore! - Ignore DonKeyhote - Hes a troll/shill - check his voat page: https://voat.co/user/DonKeyhote - His Quote: 'i'm poised to break PG wide open' GIVE ME A BREAK! Hes been on voat.co for 1 month and posted 3 Submissions regarding pizzagate, in TOTAL and has 12 contribution points! Battle_of_Evermore, we have better things to do than even replying to these troll/shills. KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK, WE ARE WINNING AND THESE SICKOS WILL BE IN JAIL!

MattHelm ago

I don't think the "kill room" is where they kill any kids. Their goal is to sell the kids to make money from them. They are killed at other locations far from the city like at the pig farm. I think they joke about it being a "kill room" because they are sick bastards with evil sense of "humor" they all need to be killed.

GeorgeT ago

That is what I believe as well.

DonKeyhote ago

When vindicator descends from his tower you know its a useless thread xD

Yuke ago

Yep, that's certainly a difference in this case, and I happily acknowledge that fact. The construction is the same though.

DonKeyhote ago

*my brass pair

DonKeyhote ago

Deal, but my greatness is not in dispute

Yuke ago

An earlier angle on this is much more plausible. It being a typical walk-in cooler like this https://i.imgur.com/YQSZNWM.jpg A thread with possible location of the "killroom" walk-in https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1586134

AngB23 ago

Ok this makes more sense to me. I originally thought this OP was a stretch because of the electrical conduits (seen across the ceilings) and then what looks like the cooler pipes on top right exiting through the walls) I couldn't really grasp how this would be a trailer versus an actual room. Where would the electrical/pipes be connected to in a trailer? But I don't know much about cooler type of trailers so maybe possible?

But seeing the portable freezer, this does seem to fit.

DonKeyhote ago

Actually im poised to break PG wide open and you're going after a steel box that may or may not have at some point contained a child for some unprovable motive. Nice.

Vindicator ago

Interesting theory, Battle. Doesn't it have a concrete floor, though?

V____Z ago

Remember the comment about hosing it off when you're done? Cement would defeat the purpose. It looked metallic to me too.

Vindicator ago

True. I'd forgotten about that. :-)

DonKeyhote ago

Kill room could be a joke with JA cuz of his resemblance to the character Dexter. You idiot.