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YingYangMom ago

Egyptian authorities arrested the 30-year-old Hijazi, her husband Mohamed Hassanein, and six others in May 2014 on charges of abusing children in her care and engaging in human trafficking, kidnapping, sexual exploitation, and torture. Local human rights groups have said the charges are fabricated and part of a crackdown by Egypt's government on civil society.

Those are very serious charges. Why would the Egyptian Government want to punish a group of people helping orphans and children? It doesn't make any sense.

Hillary Clinton, along with several congressmen and international rights groups, had called for Hijazi's release.

Ok. Guilty as sin.

"We promised them that we could come back," Hassanein told the Times after the verdict, speaking of the children their organization was dedicated to helping. "Children are wealth, and they were strong while we have been in prison. We want to go back to the streets."

Oh, noooo :(

Are_we_sure ago

Why would the Egyptian Government want to punish a group of people

Have you no clue about the Egyptian government? Egypt's leader is a dictator and had presided over a crackdown on human rights groups and other civil organizations. Did you not notice that human rights groups are sticking up for her? Are you so blind with hatred, the name Clinton makes you stop looking at other evidence? Did woman was being illegally held prisoner for 33 months before her trial, a violation of the Egyptian constitution. The government examined the children at her organization and found no signs of abuse.

Here's an article from two years ago on her case.

Here's a bunch of Egyptian Human Rights Groups advocating for her

DarkMath ago

"Have you no clue about the Egyptian government?"

And have you no clue about the Muslim Brotherhood? Egypt is divided 51%-49% between two dictators el-Sisi and Morsi. I'm no fan of either because they're two sides of the same coin. They're six of one and half a dozen of another respectively. They're the left and right boot in Orwell's "If you want a vision of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face - forever."

The only hope for Egypt is if The Deep State within the U.S. government collapses of its own weight and stops fucking around with you people. Hopefully their turn in the driver seat ends later this year. I don't know if you're writing to us from the Middle East but I'm starting to suspect you might be. Well boy do I have news for you. If you ARE writing from Egypt or Jordan or Saudi as I'm starting to suspect then you've been fooled.

The Deep State is a master of compartmentalizing fraud. If you're Muslim Brotherhood they told you everything you wanted to hear. Ever ask yourself who was on the other end of the line? You need to open yourself to the fact it was probably Henry Kissinger and that ain't good for you. Kissinger is a genius. His plan is to keep Muslims in check by getting them to fight each other.....forever. Ring any bells?

If you're writing from Israel then I'd say hat's off to you. Getting the Muslims in the Middle East to kill each other until there's no one left is absolutely brilliant. It's diabolical but brilliant nonetheless. That's maybe what I'd do in your shoes but unlikely because I'm a Christian who believes in such tired old platitudes as "Love your enemy" and "Turn the other cheek". You know the deal, you know there's a catch, those are platitudes for a reason. The last time they were so ignored was 2000 years ago and got your Zealot asses thrown to the four corners of The Wind. If you were ever caught out which looks like maybe the case then any initial success would be returned in spades of anger and righteous indignation to never support Israel again from here to eternity. That's sad but that's a fact. Oy-vey.

"For they sow the wind And they reap the whirlwind. The standing grain has no heads; It yields no grain. Should it yield, strangers would swallow it up." - Hosea 8:7

YingYangMom ago

  1. You're using the same tactics as the MSM (only picking up parts of a phrase to twist the overall narrative in your favor).

    Example: "Why would the Egyptian Government want to punish a group of people" instead of the EXACT ORIGINAL QUESTION: "Why would the Egyptian Government want to punish a group of people helping orphans and children?

  2. You don't provide sources to discredit an argument and hope that by repeating the same BS again and again, people will come to believe it.

    Example: "Have you no clue about the Egyptian government? Egypt's leader is a dictator and had presided over a crackdown on human rights groups and other civil organizations.

  3. You imagine that the majority of people are still blind and brainwashed. Human and organ trafficking is infecting our planet and the people involved in their operation have also been found to be female humanitarian workers : refer to Laura Silsby.

    Example: "Did you not notice that human rights groups are sticking up for her? Are you so blind with hatred, the name Clinton makes you stop looking at other evidence?"

  4. You use Masonic symbology in your argument.

    Example: "Did woman was being illegally held prisoner for 33 months before her trial, a violation of the Egyptian constitution."

  5. You provide links that seem biased or which logos are not as transparent as we'd like them to be (OBVIOUS Masonic/illuminati Hand Symbol) for their logos. The Occult hand sign is an attempt to write "BELADY" in arabic and which first letter is a B sound in arabic and needs a dot under it (which you can see is replaced by half a sun). All this is very shady to SAY THE LEAST. Thanks to you, I have dug a little deeper and found that Hijazi is a US citizen who lived in Church Falls, Virginia and who studied at the Geroge Mason University. Also, her husband Mohammed Hassanein is another lead to pursue. Her FB page, the FB of her organisation post pictures ( especially their comments ) and the people and orgs they are associated with don't actually inspire confidence, nor trust. There is a whole lot to be dug in here. Why don't you dig a little yourself before defending these suspicious characters?

I stand by my first comment.

EDIT: I've added a MSM source (The Guardian Article) for the fact that she studied at George Mason University and lived in Church Falls, Virginia and put up a description and image for Hijazi's "Belady" Group Logo which is obviously related to Masonry/Illuminati/Satanic/Occult symbols or hand signs.


Are_we_sure ago

points 1 and 2

only picking up parts of a phrase to twist the overall narrative in your favor No. My point was the Egyptian government is punishing all sorts of people and this is well known. And they don't need a valid point for it. The repression is the point itself. The reason they are doing this is to drive people out of civil society. To show people if they organize, they are in danger. And I didn't provide anyone of the thousands of links to this because it's absolutely well-known.

You want links? Here's a link about Egypt disppearing people and torturing prisoners

Here's a link about how Egypt has widen its crackdown and shut down a group dedicated to treating victims of police torture.

point 3 This is what I meant by blind. This is just a puddle of confirmation bias and treating a new case solely by its resemblance to an old case.

point 4 >You use Masonic symbology in your argument. WTF? Are you serious? Wow. Perhaps in your head this meaningful, me I'm a rationalist. 33 is the number on my Larry Bird jersey. You have an issue with her being held for 33 months, take it up with the Egyptian government.

5 >You provide links that seem biased or which logos are not as transparent as we'd like them to be I have no clue what you are talking about.

OBVIOUS Masonic/illuminati Hand Symbol) for their logos.......Hijazi's "Belady" Group Logo which is obviously related to Masonry/Illuminati/Satanic/Occult symbols or hand signs. Yikes. We boarded a train for a different place here.

Why do you bold Falls Church, VA and George Mason University? Does that make you suspicious?

I've added a MSM source So you read that article and you still find these characters suspicious? Did you miss all these parts? Abdel Fatah al-Sisi had taken control of the country and cracked down on dissent, real and perceived.....During questioning, Hassanein was beaten...state-censored media...they wanted big, splash propaganda to show that the government was standing up to the big, bad west... that a forensic examination of the children showed that they had suffered abuse before they were taken in by Belady. Prosecutors stalled, renewing detention without charges for 15 days at a time..."Absent proof, made available for all to see, that they have committed a punishable offense, the charges should be dismissed."...Human rights groups have condemned the detention and said it falls within a larger campaign against aid and civil rights workers.....“From everything we can tell, it’s ridiculous,” said Sarah Margon, the Washington director of Human Rights Watch.....swept up into this excessively heavy handed approach by the Sisi government to go after a whole range of actors. So while the work she was doing was for children, development oriented, it seems very likely that she was lumped in with a campaign against NGOs, human rights organizations....very virulent anti-American and anti-western” sentiment has dominated Egyptian media for months...40,000 people have been imprisoned in Egypt since 2013, many tortured or detained without trial or legal counsel.

You missed all those parts didn't you?

So the facts of the case are the Egyptian government brings a case against them on suspect evidence (a father complained, they were keeping his kid who ran away from home. The kid was actually in another part of Egypt."), keeps them detained for years, delaying and delaying their trial for two years and then when they are cleared by the court, the court holds it's verdict for another three weeks. The court decided March 23rd, to delay its verdict and then yesterday, they dropped all the charges. So guess what, she's not even accused of trafficking anymore. The government has dropped that accusation.

But keep digging, I'm sure she's guilty of something in your mind.

YingYangMom ago

I didn't miss any parts. I read it all. Something is suspicious when you dig DEEP enough. Check this new development here for further incriminating evidence.

Tell me I'm paranoid, tell me I imagine things, tell me whatever you want. When you put everything together and connect the dots, she looks as guilty as fucking sin.

Are_we_sure ago

Of course, you are paranoid. You believe in Masonic/Illuminati nonsense as well.

And you have no clue about evidence. The "incriminating evidence" you speak you just pulled out of your deep pool of confirmation bias.

You are weighing on this against, the evidence of people who were actually on location, who could asess the situation. The government of Egypt investigated her. They had three years to investigate. They dropped the charges. She is no longer accused of anything.

YingYangMom ago

They dropped the charges. She is no longer accused of anything.