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rwb ago

Below is a video produced by Infowars Jon Bowne, uploaded December 4, which in conjunction with the one just furnished by V___Z dated Dec 5 proves four things. Those four things are:

  1. Up until around the time Joe Biggs went public with his maimed child torture menu supposedly secreted away from Comet Ping Pong, which made Jones culpable, Jones and his staff at Infowars were all over the Pizzagate story.

  2. The four month old video cited by V____Z shows Jones saying "there's strange things going on that need to be investigated" multiple times, while the guest, a CPP shooting witness who happens to be a lawyer, postures Jones on record for culpability, which Alex clues into in short order.

  3. V____Z is on a mission to prove Jones is a pedophile cover upperer, to borrow a term from Breitbart, and hopes no one will actually parse Jones's language in the video he provided, or listen closely to the language in the video I provided.

  4. Jones is not and never will be a cover man for pedophiles. Jones was put in the cross-hairs as a proxy for all PG researchers not just by Alefantis, but by the six biggest media conglomerations on the planet through three near simultaneous false flag operations, the fake menu of children for sale proffered by an Infowars reporter, the gunman entering CPP, and the lawyer witness leading Jones down culpability lane in a live interview, and has done the only thing he could do, which is walk back on Alefantis, and move forward on any and every other child sex torture/slavery front that he can, because he is not a CIA assest covering for pedophiles as V____Z states.

Comet Ping Pong part starts at 2:50. This video is devastating evidence of V____Z's fraud and solid tangible evidence that this incredibly complex angle of PG played out as I describe.

I made an offer to V____Z here:

It says: Name one other media outlet the size of Infowars that is committing a similar amount of time to covering stories of child kidnapping, child sex slavery, and pedophile rings in the U.S. right now, and I'll let you run your Jones is CIA/pedophile cover upperer program unhindered. Now that's an offer you can't refuse.

The offer stands, and is being extended to all VOAT members. Submit the answer, or expect push-back everywhere until the end of time.