Silverlining ago

Still Chinese or Korean when I click the links - mine just above and that in the OP

onyva ago

you can get there by clicking on gallery-->now or then. I was talking about the 6th picture in the now gallery. It kind of reminded me of alefantis, but he looks a bit chubby though. Im not sure if its him. Here is the now gallery here is the then gallery

Jakestr ago

UGGGH just HOW many of these disgusting hangouts are there? VERY Comet Ping Pong like

Saibra ago

Good catch! English is fine, good job.

onyva ago

yes, this is what the site looked like when i first got there about a month ago. I used google translate and it is about cosmetic chin surgery. I dont know why something like that would be on the bars website? If you go more back with the wayback machine it first shows the bars program, then around 2013 this chinese cosmetic surgery stuff, and now its back to the bars program.

DonKeyhote ago

What kind of studio, music or kids fashion modeling

pizzagater99 ago

who is the event creator "finallyiamnoone"? someone on his page speculates that he is Simon Guzylack

pizzagater99 ago

it appears its actually a girl, with heaps of weird flickr, youtube profiles. also appears to SELL DRESSES FOR WOODEN DOLLS/(BABIES?)˜.

Vindicator ago

One of the Alefantis Instagram pics was of a doll with a pricetag pinned to it's dress that said "German Baby". Bet it was this chick's store. Someone dig it up.

GeorgeT ago

It had a price tag $1200 for a German baby! - It was rather macabre!

pizzagater99 ago

Holy shit

LA_Trump ago

This is hard evidence against Alefantis.

dougG ago

It's not even his bar, how is it hard evidence???

PizzaGateFullRetard ago

It's also not written by or seemingly in any way directly endorsed by "KIM" or Oliver Miller. It's just more circumstantial "weird shit" that could have several different explanations.

onyva ago

Yes i dont think this is hard evidence at all against alefantis or his business partner oliver miller, but it does show what kind of people come to this bar. maybe lots of people like that come there to meet, maybe just this one.

pizzagater99 ago

actually its written by the event organiser for kim

PizzaGateFullRetard ago

Forgive my skepticism, but how do you know that? I see that it's credited to a "GERARDO C." and was added by finallyiamnoone. How do you substantiate that either one is KIM's event organizer?

pizzagater99 ago

edit: debunked, you were right

OK, to answer your post, the answer to this hinges on the assumption that "finallyiamnoone" is a unique enough name on the internet to be the same person.

Searching this username yields, amongst things, an account on the forum "Den of Angels" which is a doll enthusiast forum. If you create an account and log in, you can see post signatures, which reveals an Etsy shop "cacheedanslaforet" where the "finallyiamnoone" account sells products. and

I can't really comment more on this. Without a substantive link between the account and the etsy/blogspot at least, we can't really say much at all, and i'd say this is a dead end.

EDIT: Successfully debunked this lead. The user is cacheedanslaforet, as stated/linked in their profile. The music taste is extremely different to the profile, None of the same artists appear whatsoever, even if you browse back to 2011 when the rateyourmusic account was active (BTW the for the dodgy account is still active. someone should message them?).

Therefore i can say with some certainty finallyiamnoone who made this event on is not finallyiamnoone/cacheedanslaforet/the doll creator/scottish student

Stay woke. Pursue this lead and find out what this advertisement is and who made it.

pizzagater99 ago

Holy shit... That was just edited to remove the account's real name. i'll find an archive link in a minute edit: i think i was wrong on this one

micha_ ago

Good job. Very interesting. Obviously pedos (those poor two girls on that pic!).

I am beginning to wonder if the "kiddy contests" were also a product injected into mainstream by the pedosatanists (just like the whole sexualization of kids agenda!).

GeorgeT ago

And all the pre teen beauty peagant contests! Dresssing up girls in high heels and lipstic as young as 6 - I mean WTF? Remember J.Bennet Ramsey?