samhara ago

Usually when people are losing the argument is when they have to swear.

samhara ago

And Ron Paul is less than honest about 9/11..

samhara ago

"Jones" is a freak and a liar. 100% Running the [bowel] movement, such as it is, into the ground.

samhara ago

I know the guy. I met him . He's a creep. Get over it.

samhara ago

It doesn't matter how many times he repeats the same thing over and over. It's going no where.

samhara ago

He wasn't going to get sued. You're being lied to.

samhara ago

Well good, I'm someone who studied 9/11 ~15K hours. And I hate his guts.

The guy contradicts himself He's not real. He timed announcement on purpose.. If you can't understand that I can't help you.

It's Guru shit.. No matter what the Guru does there is always an excuse by the followers.

samhara ago

He just proved his worth to who he works for.

Everyone's asking me why did he deny Pizza gate?

Again . - -

He mis-directs people; He is disinfo. He is a bad man.

Of course you can say "He does some good" - That's how he gets you - to conpromise, that's the honey that lures people in; without that - Withou that, he would have no draw; He would have no purchasing power to purchase your mind.

I despise him. And I feel people who worship him are fools.

samhara ago

He's a fraud. That has nothing to do with me. Stop trying to blackwash me just because you disagree.

He's a controlled agent. He might do good news but I never watch. I get my news through reading and other means.

Flat_Truth ago

My bets would be on the "crazy conspiracy theorists" over the lying media and the criminals associated with it. :/

blackfyre_rebel ago

The day I found out what spirit cooking was, the day I found the pizza/pasta emails, it was honestly amazing. I felt redeemed. I was a conspiracy and occult researcher for a few years, and to have this happen in the middle of the election cycle was incredible.

I considered myself a liberal in the past, but I think that there are more independent liberal minded people out there. I hate in pizza gate forums everyone denigrated liberals. Not all liberals support child fucking psychopath cabalists. I am moving beyond partisanship, because partisanship is a way they easily control us. Not falling for it anymore. ITS ALL BAD. And I go back and forth on Trump...between whether he is controlled opposition or legit. I hope to fuck he is some kind of legit, or a least gnostic Illuminati aligned because the BLOODLINES MUST GO.

If you research the Bloodlines relationship with extra terrestrials...then you go on a rabbit hole with no escape. Makes sense why Pedestal is into UFO/Tom delong emails and also the alien on the wall at Comet Ping Pong.

samhara ago

It does. Any way you look at it "Jones" messed up , in perfect time for headlines.

If you are blind to that, you are in a cult.

If you are making excuses for "Jonesn" and twisting logic to make his actions innocent mistake or "He Had To", you are in a cult.

samhara ago

The Mass Media will keep working, pounding the drum, until everyone falls into line, thinking the same way.

They did that. They turned it around when the JFK incident was widely suspected as a inside job. Many people thought so but they just keep pounding away and mocking the "conspiracy theorists."

Most sad for Prosecutor Garrison. He really thought he could break it all open, since he had all the facts lined up; all supporting his position.

All of his requests for supena power to bring people in for questioning were blanket denied; but for a few.

That's how big it is.

Without the Mass Media on your side you will fail. They have it all in place to twist it so we are the enemies.

Shinsha ago

People need to start using or MindπŸ’‘, and dump YouTube. If you want to take YouTube back control the $$$ it generates.

LostandFound ago

I think you will need to look deep into his personal toilet to find where he dropped that shell.

LostandFound ago

Not at all AJ did this to himself, unlike based Ben Swann he didnt stick to the facts and went on other shows roaring about how HRC was a satanic baby eater over and over. When you make accusations without relevant facts expect to have your ass handed to you. I find it very telling that he has to apologise to JA and not HRC all the same, he made worse accusations about her.

educate_yourself ago

did u caps "people like bill hicks" bc u like him and thats y ur mad or was it just part of ur weird reverse shit of mine and ur just ranting for no reason or troll or shill or w.e? doesnt matter in guess n im not ajeww doesnt matter anyway the average jew isnt bad just the talmud and some rabbis and zionists who are really satanic and just chose judaism and zionism are bad so nbd google agenda guy lol

toobaditworks ago

ranting for no reason and troll was correct.

dontmindthemess ago

Why is he someone's favorite pedo? What's up with the killroom? Chickenlover? Yeah, those are just friends joking around.... You are a sick fuck with sick fuck friends. #specialplaceinhell

Ronnilynn31 ago

"Some internet trolls focused on some pizza place". That's what he said and that's where I stopped the video & went to his Twitter post to tell him that was a big mistake. Trolls.

druhill007 ago


stellarcorpse ago

Thanks for link. I will put it in sub,

janedoemadashell ago

thank you so much for this! that asshole also is such a fucking narcissist, he is telling on himself because he NEEDS to continue to show up in msm as a victim/martyr, as well as TRULY believing the bullshit he espouses. o gee, how's little caris? almost done with all of her grooming??....fucking asshole....

stellarcorpse ago

ya, his hubris is unreal. And always playing the innocent victim. Ya, I think he likely owns her.

janedoemadashell ago

me too. and isn't also that her pieces of shit parents along with her brother live in the northwest? so damn hard trying to wrap my brain around all of this....

stellarcorpse ago

Yes. They ran a pre school for a time. Mother once worked at Comet Pizza. Father is bisexual swinger and is also the "chicken lover "guy in instagram pics.JA alleged in a pic he wanted to fuck mom. Prob a three way. I think Caris was born just for him. He was even at birth. But I do not think he is the father.

janedoemadashell ago

Wow, I did not know he was at the birth! He is just so fucking....AAAAARRRRRGGGGHHHHH!!!! lol!

stellarcorpse ago

ya, and the mom makes the comment on his Instagram birth pic "and so it began..... " He already hashtags her carisjames. I will try and find the pic and post. Creepy.

janedoemadashell ago

sorry, but GOD does that comment by her freak me out!

stellarcorpse ago

i will try to find Instagram link.

janedoemadashell ago

omg! caris is the infant in that pic? do you know who the other little girl is? ccwoolman, that's mom, right? i can't even imagine how fucked she is in life.

stellarcorpse ago

She is the infant in most of the pics. The girl taped to table as well. Yes, Woolman is the mom.

janedoemadashell ago

even the one where he is playing ping pong with the pizza peel and the baby is sitting in the corner? that pic has always bothered me. that baby looks drugged, and it seems like that is what he is referring to in 'code'

stellarcorpse ago

Ya, there is something off about that pic no doubt.

equineluvr ago

The same reason my second cousin is named after Dionysius and his grandfather was named Adonai.

Cypto Js / Freemasons are obsessed with reliving the "glory days" of ancient Greece. It's also a way to pay homage to their Jewish ancestors.

stellarcorpse ago

sorry but he sounds stupid.

KaneSlater ago

Speaking of The Hampstead Cover-Up, I just got suspended from Facebook for 30 DAYS because I lost my cool and told some sub-Human piece of shit to go F a baby, so there will be no activity on the Hampstead Cover-Up Facebook Pages, for the next month. (blocked in the U.K.) &

IlluminatiKing ago

More and more just shows he is guilty AF. That part with Cernovich just shows how stupid they think we are.

stellarcorpse ago

Cernovich owned Scott Pelley. Even with the little time given to him.

Alois_sticklgruber ago

Quick someone with a flame thrower break in his house to "threaten" him and then conveniently burn all the evidence.

Fateswebb ago

Hah cenovich won the fake news 60 min show. I'm supposed they aired it. If anything I agree they didn't help them.

stellarcorpse ago

They cut out most of he says.

V____Z ago

That is a very interesting theory. It would make all the sense in the world. If i was in his shoes, i'd probably take up heroin right about now too.

nitro169 ago

Normally I think Alefantes and even podesta would be accidented or suicided, problem is everyone is prepared now, everyone has their own "insurance file" The solution is they are all very scared right now, just waiting for the next shoe to fall. They are living in a hell with walls of fear built by their own terror right now, and someone is eventually going to give up the goods for us all to see, I can't imagine the pressure they must feel, but I do enjoy it...

V____Z ago

Black Conservative Patriot agrees

V____Z ago

what I wonder is, why is titus Frost wasting time acting like he's in high school with nothing better to do than gossip? Is there really nothing left we could be doing for the children?

educate_yourself ago

his name is bill hicks not alex jones he probably laughed at u after bc hesa cynical satanist punkassbitch

samhara ago

I believe "Bill [the] Hicks" is also a fake name.

educate_yourself ago

he was supposedly born william melvin hicks but i guess if they turned him into alex jones and he was a satanist and a cia op i dont see why they couldnta lied about that either.who do u think he was, if so?

samhara ago

I just think the name "Bill Hicks" is fake in the context.

"Jones" went on to fake-out the hicks. They think it's funny.

Does he even have a real name? The original "Alex Jones" disappeared and is patently not this guy.

What happened to that original guy from whom they stole the name and ID ? Dunno.

Maybe they had a couple people try out for the part?

Alex Jones Was Killed And Replaced

I found many more citations on this , but am out of time for this subject.

It's enough to know that I do not know the imposter's name.

Some friends who knew him when he was "Bill" have been caught on screen / tape recorder calling him that.

"Bill [the] Hicks" is a joke name. Who knows, Maybe it's G-d's sense of humor?

educate_yourself ago

shit son he was killed and replaced by actor

samhara ago


Mannix ago

OK, so the baby for sale looks like a doll to me. Look closely, it isn't a real kid. The chicken lover could be the father of Carisjames and his daughter with a necklace around them. Obviously Alefantis and a lot of his buddies are gay, so the #chickenlover could have been a gay sick sense of humor.

But how about #killroom and #murder? I can't think of any remotely good excuses for those.

Mannix ago

Also, the "Fully Sourced Executive Summary of Pizzagate Evidence" says that the "German Baby" is a doll. - "German Baby: $1200" photo of doll

stellarcorpse ago

Not his daughter!! That is a boy!!!

Mannix ago

How can you tell it is a boy? A boy wearing pink? The voat pizzagate fully sourced executive summary says it is a girl! - Someone holding girl, #chickenlover hastag (euphemism for gay pedophilia)

stellarcorpse ago

That is 100% a boy. Boys can wear pink. Look at the shoes. I am not arguing with you,. most people agree that is a boy. I don't give 2 craps what that voat summary says.

Mannix ago

So boys can wear pink, and yellow sleeves with polka dots, but girls can't wear blue toddler shoes?

stellarcorpse ago

The yellow beads also prove it's a boy. It signifies boy on boy analingus... Shoes are brown boy shoes. I am done arguing with you.

Mannix ago

Sorry, but the yellow necklace doesn't prove that the child in the photo wearing pink is a boy.

nitro169 ago

Yeah, innocent... Like I walked in and saw you loving a chicken, oops...My bad it just looked like a chicken... Its a baby!

WolvesAndSheeple ago

Hypothetical question for you and everyone else here. If you were a business owner, and thousands and thousands of people were coming after you as an accused pedophile, what would you do? The evidence is circumstantial. The guy is no doubt a creepy fuck, and I think he is most likely guilty, but there is no smoking gun at this point. If I was in his shoes, I would be going even harder than he is. Getting accused of being a pedo is the worst possible thing in the world. It is the lowest possible crime against humanity. I would be suing everyone that even mentioned PG. I don't think Alex was shilling.... I think that he was threatened by some men in dark suits. Like I have been saying all along, they were not going to just let this protest go along unnoticed. They started the propaganda war the day before the event, and they went hard, How many articles came out last week? Alex Jones apologizing for the first time in his entire life? An entire 60 minutes show in honor of PG? I wonder what their next step is. I would guess that people are going to start crashing their cars going 110 MPH for no reason. Or, 2 bullets to the back of the head ruled a suicide.

samhara ago

Before, "Jones" didn't need to apologize..

He'd just make a U-Turn and his followers wouldn't bat an eye nor notice.

He's retracted many times. BULLSHIT "first retraction?"

Perhaps first Formal Retraction. But that's cause they wanted it blazoned on the headlines the day before the D.C. Event.

stellarcorpse ago

He is not denying it hard because he is guilty. Also, notice he never , ever speaks out against pedophilia? If I were in that position I would categorically deny involvement of course but I would also discuss how heinous pedophilia is, something he never does. Think this is telling. In act he has avoided the term pedophilia completely. I personally posted once on his FB page once that I thought that if he was innocent he should in fact use the platform for speaking out against pedos. etc. And be interviewed by one of "us". Other comments were far, far worse but I was blocked and those comments are still up. He had to go through FB to remove my comment since it was in the review section.

toobaditworks ago

AJ speaks out against pedo's all the time. Including Salon, Podesta and his emails.


Pedophile Rings Rule The World : Alex Jones

May 2016: Censored: Journalist Exposes Elite Pedophile Ring

Exposed:A World Run By Powerful Pedophiles

You said

Also, notice he never , ever speaks out against pedophilia?

This is a SMALL list and i can dig up more. So you can rest easy. He even said (the day after reading that shit) he's going to go after them even harder now.

You want to know why he read that lawyer script? It's because they are trying to frame AJ for the shooter at the pizza place. It was a set up.

And if you don't beleive that:

Oh yeah... never talks about it... sure

stellarcorpse ago

That's the next step.

lordoftheonionrings ago

More people need to do this and ask more questions. IMO these guys did good but should have asked about chickenlover and killroom specifically (if they did didn't hear it) those would be a little tougher to explain away as just playing around and fun. I am amazed he admitted to taking down the controversial art in the vid personally.

SmilingWide ago

Too late, the lawsuit is in the mail!

zzvoat ago

THANK-YOU, StellarCorpse!! Took the words ( and passion) right out of my mouth! Those people are complete idiots who think they have everything all locked up playing by the old rules. But this a new time, a new day AND it's spiritual warfare. They have only the dark, while we have the Light and it's shining in all over their little cockroach selves.

stellarcorpse ago

your welcome. It was cathartic. And it is my very first HOT sub so I'm jazzed about that.

SmilingWide ago

Welcome to a new day.

Day One is coming.

BlueChampagne ago

Pegasus Symbols Explained

please share

BlueChampagne ago

Pegasus Symbols Explained

3141592653 ago

I hope you can share more

3141592653 ago

Isn't Alex Jones good friends with Charlie Sheen?

Death2Masons ago

Yes, Sheen, another twat that's does work for the cult.

3141592653 ago

Do you know if anyone's investigated the connection between Sheen and AJ?

samhara ago

Sheen was trotted out as a "truther" to discredit truther movement.

samhara ago

Hicks was a suspected pedophile. Made jokes on how cute a baby girl's cunt was.

3141592653 ago

Link? I can't find any info on this

samhara ago

Found it.

" It wasn’t the latent paedophilia [Hicks] aspired to, no doubt inspired by his heroes from the world of 70s rock. ("Why do you like young girls Goat Boy?" "Because there’s nothing between your legs. It’s like cotton candy framing a paper cut. I’m going to turn you over and spread your cheeks. It’s like a pink, quivering rabbit nostril.""

Why I hate the Cult of Bill Hicks

3141592653 ago

thank you-- I will check this out

samhara ago

It was easy to find the cite where he dated a 15 year old. But the other one is not as easy.

It' among the "Hicks / Jones" searches..

It's lot of people on this case. I'm among many.

IN '06 or so when he was in NYC people were calling him out for being "Hicks" in public. People from Austin. I think a lot of people in Austin know it; and some are scared of him.

There was alwyas speculation on why he took the deal, and that was one point of speculation, since he was known to like very young girls.


They "both" were saying things hardly anyone else were saying, so "they" drew many loyal followers.

When I find the cite again, I will link it back over here.

3141592653 ago


BlueChampagne ago

Opus Dei?

3141592653 ago

?? Explain more please

stellarcorpse ago

They are friends yes. He has been on his show.

3141592653 ago

I mention that cuz Charlie sheen is one of the most commonly speculated people when it comes to who abused Corey Haim on the set of "Lucas".

stellarcorpse ago

I don't know. But Charlie strikes me as being very hetro but you never know.

3141592653 ago

Check out what his ex Denise Richards has said about him. And their children

stellarcorpse ago

Ok. Did she accuse him of being pedo?

3141592653 ago

I believe she accused him of looking at it

equineluvr ago

Yep. He allegedly tons of child porn on his computer.

SmilingWide ago

I thought I heard it was Spielberg?

V____Z ago

Him too. These boys got passed around.

3141592653 ago

I don't see credibility to that one, IMHO. At least, none of the supposed evidence has swayed me. Sheen's a whole other story!

stellarcorpse ago

Sheen would probably fuck a goat if high enough.

stellarcorpse ago

Interesting. Wonder who you are.

SmilingWide ago

That's terrible to hear. I'll pray for you and your family.

ZeroPointNow ago

Wrote specifically about this today...

Here’s the thing…

The β€œtrolls” Alex Jones just accused of distracting from legitimate investigations are the same β€œtrolls” who connected the dots on the Wikileaks emails – exposing the corrupt Clinton Foundation, cheating against Bernie Sanders, and direct evidence that the MSM was totally in Hillary’s pocket. 4chan and other message boards, including Reddit’s β€œThe_Donald” went deep down the rabbit hole. When the #Pizzagate aspect of the Wikileaks emails took on a life of it’s own, a separate subreddit was created (/r/pizzagate), which Reddit promptly banned from the site – and now exists over at Voat. You just called all of those people trolls Alex – not cool.

44NJ9 ago

Knock him off the pedestal, he's not what people think he is. He's just another taking head trying to control the narrative.

pbvrocks ago

Alex's MKUltra training may be showing...sadly..have followed Alex for a LONG time...but this behavior is beyond..then to say he did it "for us..." because pizzagate was a distraction from the real issues (satanism, pedophilia, rape, murder, etc which is ALL PART OF PIZZAGATE..)...ty Alex for wasting years of my go in the pile right with the Jake Tapper's of the world now...

toobaditworks ago

You're a fucking liar. Alex exposes shit daily and you are here to discredit him and that information.

He exposes pedo's all the time. He expose republicans all the time. He expose democrats all the time.

You're a bullshit fraud. Who's out to destroy truth. FUCK YOU.


djklbd ago

Fuck off with the shilling dude..the cat is out of the bag that Alex jones is a limited hangout. What a piece of shit for backing down when the time REALLY mattered...

He needs to be held accountable. Can we get that fucking cunt somehow? He's treasonous.

BlueChampagne ago

Pegasus Symbols Explained 1111111111111111111111111**111111

odb281 ago

How the hell does a person who runs a pizza joint become the 49 most powerful man in Washington DC.?

S3v3n007 ago

@odb281 Dirty deeds done dirt cheap, that's how.

noone222 ago

Jones' lawyers may have convinced him that it was economically prudent to wimp out for that fag Alefantis. The truth is that if Jones doesn't turn around and go after that peter puffing pizza pedo with a vengeance he will lose all kinds of street cred ! There's no question Alefantis is a pedo providing prick, a pizza pimp and he needs to be locked the fuck up !

44NJ9 ago

He won't! It's diversion. But I don't think a citizen should be locked up for not going after him. We need to stay focused why the police and FBI are not after him. It is their jobs. If they don't, that is where the corruption lies.

S3v3n007 ago

@44NJ9, I'm convinced that whoever put the videos out there, (along with the site) was a test to see who was trustworthy. I think that's why the police & FBI have sat on their hands. Most of them are in on it & whether that means they're pedos themselves, they're getting compensated to shut their mouths or the very likely case that their families & selves have been threatened... it's the only thing that makes logical sense to me. Either way, as they see it, they're screwed.

44NJ9 ago

That's an interesting way to look at it. I think they justify not helping these kids because most are either born into the pedo system, they are runways or their parents are screwed up and they end up in foster care. I've also started wonder if they have been so hell bent on keep all the illegals flowing through to get at their kids. Those illegal kids can disappear and no on will even notice.

Newfind ago

Pause at :35. That is terrifying.

kekistocrat ago

This gets an upvote for the title alone...

Edit: The fact that Reddit, etc. are willing to entertain 'Pedogate' subs instead of 'Pizzagate' should tell the critical thinkers that Pizzagate is where its at so keep the focus on Pizzagate. It started with Pizzagate. It ends with Pizzagate. Alefuckle is guilty as hell, and we're watching damage control.

20Justice4All17 ago

Here is PizzaGate...

SmilingWide ago

I agree. They've been trying to lead it a name change on purpose, to deflect attention and guilt away from Alefantis. I advocate using #PizzaGate or both, but anyone who says to use only #PedoGate is an Alefantis/Brock shill IMO.

stellarcorpse ago

What Alex Jones has been trying to do since day one. "Comet pizza is a distraction....."

PG-IsInsanity2 ago

Hey pizzagaters, no matter how pumped up you'll get, pizzagate will still remain a ridiculous fictitious conspiracy theory. Sucks being you.

SuperShilly ago

Literally making people more resilient to your objective. Keep going it saves the good guys the pep talks. :)

SmilingWide ago

Didn't you get the memo? We create reality.

Ocelot ago

A good way of framing it. Unless they just got a lot more funding. Maybe they handed shilling over to someone else after trying to kill David Brock.

GeorgeT ago

Every one of my friends had been red pilled and their parents. They kept asking me, George just who is this guy? He can't be just a pizza owner...' to which I replied 'He makes a really gormet pizza, so yummy that he's been to the White House 5 times.' Then I add 'Only, you cannot take pizza to the White House, it's illegal.' .....

8pinkstars ago

Sorry for what you and your family went through, did anyone else believe you and try to help? Always remember karma is a bitch and one that never forgets! AJ & JA have it coming! Stay strong!

WanderingMitten ago

Ya, he ain't to smart, he should of paced it better but this also means we must(the ones looking into it) must have gotten close to something and it spooked him. So it might be worth looking at the last 2-3 weeks of new info or the threats by wikileaks to figure out what might of spooked him enough to attempt a two prong attack to silence the truth.

I say that cause he semi did a smart thing, talking on MSM and getting a non-mainstream like Alex Jones to speak up about it. So that might of been his mentality however it backfired horribly because MSM treated Alex Jones as a newsworthy source meaning that they accept it as real cause they planted it.

samhara ago

Alephantis is hooked - up with a Network. His helpers are planning this out.

He's coached how to speak.

And he's been spooked since this came out; and likely in trouble for being so sloppy.

It's more than the past 2 weeks .. They are very freaked out and spooked that Trump won.

Trump is Commander and Chief supposedly; unfortunatley they go on as if nothing happened and still follow their old bosses [CIA et cetera]

The CIA is their own entity and feel independant from the Country. They have their own schtich and are unused to having someone at least nominally against their crowd, in the top post.

LostandFound ago

I think increased pressure from the protest, however small it stood on their front door and shouted I'm not going away nor will a simple answer or a few low level busts suffice.

More subtly related, but far reaching and immediate impact - nunes whistleblowing with 47 Hard Drives.. its an awful lot of data by any standard.

CIA whistle blower audio file, reddit link gives good breakdown of audio it's pretty astonishing, references to things were just learning from Vault 7 made 4 years ago.

The pressure is on, they are really trying to tie up the loose ends and close down this alefantis story. If their plan fails i fear for his safety there are other ways to keep him quiet which will make it very difficult to ask him any questions at all.

stellarcorpse ago

I think he is untouchable. Because I don't think this is simply political, it's spiritual.

had_enough ago

well the reign of spiritual darkness is OVER, it's just going to take time to fall apart. Have you not noticed the last dastardly deed they did was fukashima and the gulf oil spill? Every attempt at mayhem since has derailed and failed, and life itself is pulling back the layers. "Apocolypse" means "revealing what has been hidden" and Occult means "hidden." So keep on keepin on, for the first time probably ever their unholy off-world support is no more and the whole evil enchilada is going to go down like the Hindenberg. Be relentless, the wall of evil is coming down so KNOW THIS in your heart and let's keep hounding these baby rapers until justice is DONE!!

stellarcorpse ago

9/11 was the last major deed. It was a massive oocult ritual.

SmilingWide ago

I have to say that this whole cover-up has been extremely amateur hour work given the vast resources available. And, I expect whoever is funding these operations will not be happy.

samhara ago

As long as it's on TV and it's telling people how to think it doesn't matter how "Roger Rabbit" or stupid it is logically. It will still float.

Like shit in a toilet.

Battling the Matrix and Freeing Oneself from the Roger Rabbit Mental World

druhill007 ago

i get this sentiment often. these are the same people controlling the destiny of humanity? he he.... thanks but no thanks, give it back to us folks

had_enough ago

James Alefantis - We know you are most certainly involved, your demise is inevitable and all this pushback will only make it worse when you go down you baby raping scumbag. Justice is coming for you and there is NOTHING you can do to stop it!!! The only choice you have left is whether to face what you have done like a man and admit it, or slither back under a rock like a lizard because you are ASHAMED of yourself and what you have done. Which is it baby-raper? Are you man or a reptile?

srayzie ago

If I were you, James Alefantis, I'd be afraid that you're going to be suicided by your political friends. By you trying to save your ass, you continue to bring attention to "Pizzagate". It was because of you posting so much info online that helped lead us to the discover how huge pedogate really is. For that, I thank you.

PrideOfOshtekk ago

He's a Rothschild.

stellarcorpse ago

I do not believe they will touch James. Against certain Secret Society protocol and etiquette.

BlueChampagne ago

Wrong. He's currently on OMEGA programming.

SmilingWide ago

True, but I have a feeling that Johnny P would end up suicided first.

8pinkstars ago

Exactly and well said!! He doesn't have to fear just us but his own circle of slimy child raping torturing murdering satanist pedophile friends! He's running scared constantly having to look behind his back and knowing that makes me very happy :)

sunshine702 ago

His boyfriend David Brock having a heart attack in his early 50's says A LOT!

srayzie ago

Me too 😁

OhRutherfordBehave ago

Let me remind you he cant answer those questions.

OhRutherfordBehave ago

Look at Alefantis in this interview, he is stressed out as fuck. His facial construction has slightly changed, massive bags underneath his eyes (just like comey) and it looks like he's put on some weight.

samhara ago

Amazing how these FBI chiefs have those dark eyes.. SPOOKY.. no pun.

stellarcorpse ago

He looks puffy and rather bloated.

GladToBeHere ago

Haven't watched the video yet but my first thought when I saw a thumbnail was 'wow he looks bloated'

stellarcorpse ago

He really does.

OhRutherfordBehave ago

He definitely looks bloated, is that a symptom of stress?

V____Z ago

It's definitely a very unhealthy bloated - it's not the drinking beer too much and having a good time bloated. This is 6 months away from heart failure bloated.

BlueChampagne ago

It's cocaine bloat which is certainly indicative of strain on the heart and internal organs, unbalanced salts and his bags suggest his anemia is getting the better of him.

V____Z ago

Truthfully that makes more sense to me. And we know he does like coke.

VieBleu ago

And trying to make the Alefantis character starring throughout this media mind play an "innocent pizza business guy" - what a laugh! It's like trying to make the Joker in a Batman movie look like a background actor. It doesn't work! He's always got that weird grin and just personally emits a sick green aura around himself that makes it impossible for him to hide.

And notice that his dear sick friend "Heart-attack Brock" was not mentioned in the 60 minutes piece. What? I mean, this poor pizza man has a host of troubles, and now his close upstanding friend has had a heart attack the week there are protesters in front of his shop? this is human interest people. Except it's not. Brock isn't part of the script, so he doesn't get mentioned. Might raise too many questions.

21yearsofdigging ago

good point

stellarcorpse ago

What's interesting to me is that he worships Pan and he rather resembles him as he is portrayed in ancient statues and art works. I will try to find links and show you what I mean. He is the prototypical Pan man.

VieBleu ago

I've seen him talk about that stuff. that doesn't do much for me - he could wear some horns and dance around all night in chaps and hoof heels believing he is Pan for all I care IF he never hurt a child in his life.

stellarcorpse ago

I could care less also. To each his own. I have a very live and let live attitude so long as you don't hurt someone, esp. a child or animal. I despise any religion/ belief system that uses sacrifice of any kind. Find it primitive and backwards..

V____Z ago

But to your point, just like with Podesta looking exactly like a ghoul, or a vampire, James is another example of people on the dark side taking on the characteristics of the demons they worship. It's like how dog owners start to look like their pets.

VieBleu ago

lol well I used to have a Venus statue around somewhere....

stellarcorpse ago


VieBleu ago

A sacrifice to "get" something which usually seems to be the reason just seems like a really loser position to be in. Idk, I'm fine with praying or visualizing things to manifest but hey here's some blood you tyrant now you owe me! just seems so base. Ha as I wrote that I thought, yeah, but perfect for the DC kutthroat kulture klub. More and more I'm considering DC the AnUS of A. lol

stellarcorpse ago

Not sure about that. Think Hollywood and DC should battle it out for #1 spot. BTW, I live in the former.

SmilingWide ago

Brock is the one writing the script and he's doing a shitty job.

VieBleu ago

wonder if the shills have missed their paychecks yet. ha ha.

Brock is a pariah in DC at this point.

stellarcorpse ago

ya, where are they?? I have recieved on one thus far. Esp my favorite shill, he knows who he is...funny they are staying away from my sub.

VieBleu ago

they are going to form a union and protest for better shill wages. We give them too much hard work.

stellarcorpse ago

Brock is lucky to be alive. I believe he is irrelevant in the scheme of things and has become a liability at this point. Knows to much.

PGTAway818949 ago

You know I find it interesting that AJ comes out and bends the knee out of nowhere in respect to Alefantis and the CPP situation. Up until then the investigation had moved almost all of its attention away from him. He's always been really open to interviews and inviting people back into his restaurant to prove there is nothing suspicious about it when people were actually poking around. It almost seems as if his entire position is to discredit the investigation and he is pushing to get himself back front and center to be honest. Because anything thrown his way ends up MSM reported and makes us look silly. He is instigating us. He reads Voat. Fuck you, Alefantis.

samhara ago

What "AJ" invited people into his restaurant? You mean "JA?"

burntheswamp ago

Podestas, Alefantis, Soros, Giustra, Clintons... they are all scared as fuck.

The deception doesn't work anymore. Exposure is here. They lost.

sunshine702 ago


surgit2 ago









SmilingWide ago

We need to get a thrash metal band to perform this.

3141592653 ago

I'm in

VieBleu ago

This is great! LOVE IT. Here's a virtual glass of beer, ami.

Let the poetry of our cause ring out! ha ha

Jem777 ago

This sounded like music to me today. Let freedom ring! Bring down the #PedoRing

eckecko ago

After old Alefanty is pulverized, either killed off by his own kind, or whatever fate awaits him, he ain't gonna have no peaceful life.. that for sho... SO I know who should play him in a great hollywood eats it's own blockbuster.... John C. Riley!

Alefanty is looking all crusty and pastey and fat and shit in that interview. Picture of healthy living. Do a Step Brothers with Alefanty and ass buddy Brock. Can't you just imagine a fist fight between those two? Holy hell. Cut! I said fisticuffs... not fisting!

VieBleu ago

lol "fisticuffs...not fisting!"

sublmnlcrimnl ago

Why does James "J'aime a l'enfant" Alefantis look like Philippine de Rothschild. He certainly has a Rothschild like legal team.

VieBleu ago

He's got a Rothchild's clout with the media too.

Remember -the "J'amie a l'enfant" T shirt guy was someone else.

BlueChampagne ago

L'enfant is a club in DC.

stellarcorpse ago

Maybe he's her love child and he was adopted. Truth is stranger than fiction.

samhara ago

Maybe "Alephantis" is a fake name; as we suspected all along.

Seems there is a resemblance. - - around the mouth.

Posing in a maid's uniform as a youth, for some kink?

freeagent37 ago

AJ and Friends Your Going down very soon...the cleansing is HERE! Put your hands up because your going to feel the force of your own making, WATCH.

Runaway-White-Slave ago

If Alex Jones is your "sacred cow" you're an idiot...

And I respect AJ in some regards, he did a show several years back where he went down the list of secret or lesser known government programs, also went into psychological warfare tactics, quite useful information but he's about making money off his cheer-section.... If the world's problems went away tomorrow he'd be out of a job and would probably come unglued...

Oh, and Mr. I-Love-Infants didn't mess up by further corrupting or compromising AJ, AJ fucked up.

samhara ago

It will all make sense once you become slowly aware that "Alex Jones" is an agent and always has been.

stellarcorpse ago

But JA is behind AJ doing this either through intimidation or otherwise..Of this I am certain.

SmilingWide ago

Absolutely, the whole thing was scripted. The timing was all lined up and obvious.

3141592653 ago

Also the timing of the CPP shooter's trial

Blacksmith21 ago

Wanna see Alefantis crack? Start dropping 4"x6" glossy cards all over DC with his face on it, screenshots of fatherhood and a couple pieces of "art" and direct them to or wherever. If you get enough "buzz" going on in DC, game's over. DC is small, words spreads quick. Eventually enough pointy-toed metrosexuals will get curious enough to peer behind the curtain and see what it is really about.

Edit 1: You'll never get to Clinton, Podestas, etc., but Alefantis - that's his hood. That's many of the pedos' hood. Time to take a shit in their backyard for a change.

20Justice4All17 ago

Clinton, Podesta must be held accountable

had_enough ago

YES! And the WANTED posted of the pedosta brothers would look grand on every phone pole in sight... here's a link Tweet the crap out this too!

samhara ago

D.C. is owned. It's a Company town ..

druhill007 ago

OOOO great idea. I feel like 4 chan could do some fun stuff with this idea. trolling humanity into its brightest period ever

VieBleu ago

maybe in the black community which is preyed upon, but remember, white DC is a "company town" and the company is the CIA. You will meet STIFF resistance and mockery in most of DC. I disagree. target your local downtown, that's where traction is needed.

TruthTrumps ago

Great idea. We should be dropping this kind of struff all over, anyway.

stellarcorpse ago

Not sure sociopaths have the ability to crack. He may be one. It's possible.

Blacksmith21 ago

Everyone has a breaking point. JA looked bloated and puffy and very tired compared to photos of him less than a year ago. That says something. What I dunno.

V____Z ago

I was going to write essentially the same thing - his face is giving it away.

druhill007 ago

thought same about podesta and james clapper. probably spending their nights sweating through twitter comments and calling the CTR shill hotline

stellarcorpse ago

I noticed this also.

8pinkstars ago

He's not getting his Satan blood cum child fucking infant juice due to all the heat on him and his friends. I just want 10 minutes with the bastard-me him & my .38 special πŸ˜‰

stellarcorpse ago

Not smart to make threats like that online. Also you cannot take the law into your own hands no matter how angry you are. It's bad karma. It all works itself out in the end.

Jilleveryboysgf ago

I have all the screenshots of Alefantis' that he sent to that guy on YouTube threatening to hurt/kill his mom and girlfriend then him. Yeah he isn't so sweet and innocent as he protests to be, ESP, with that whole "killroom" video that came out. That top room is a lookout to watch kids play at the local playground. Who builds a tower to do that crap unless you have children?!?!

stellarcorpse ago

It is my personal belief that Pegasus was a viewing location for LIVE child porn filming and possibly snuff for Satanic Elite. That type of top pyramid structure likely has occult significance as well.

V____Z ago

OK this expands on what i just wrote in another comment - "Joe Wills Sliding platform + vault door" (an Imgr title that was scrubbed) is clearly so that the audience at Pegusus could watch whatever was going on on the bottom floor but keep their clothes clean. Interesting to note, the stairs leading up there are weird and impossible to climb for children. I've puzzled over that platform and the only conclusion (coupled with the fact of the sloping floor below that features a drain, and a washing up room around the corner) is that there is murder and other really gross stuff going on at Pegusus. The audience can keep their clothes clean and observe from above.

Oh, i found the image:

stellarcorpse ago

Excellent observations.

V____Z ago

Have you seen any posts about this? Or do you have further thoughts? It's something i haven't really seen explored, because back when this was discovered, we got sidetracked by the death threats to Ryan, and no one has really gone back to look into the Pegasus material. what have others thought about that place, and the need for the upper platform. the fact that it was Pegasus that got everyone really freaking out, means we should be looking at it more. That platform has always really creeped me out. I want to know what happened in that building.

stellarcorpse ago

ya, I think the key lies there. That is what freaked JA enough to death threat Ryan. But whatever was happening there I am sure has been moved by now. I still think it may have live CP with Satanic flair but no evidence just a strong gut feeling. I don't think there have been any further developments about the place. Probably lies abandoned at the moment.

V____Z ago

Yes, I was just listening to a video where they were saying these pedo rings are very sophisticated and nearly impossible to prove. that they easily move the children from place to place. I'd still like to know what went on there, but this whole operation is long gone by now.

NonexistentNihilist ago

Alefantis, we're coming for you.

daddysdarlin ago

Awesome post! My sentiments exactly! Thank you!!!

stellarcorpse ago

Thank you!

pray_the_gay_away ago

Motherfucker is dumb enough to post suggestive pictures of him raping children on Instagram, then he's dumb enough to think he's going to get away with it somehow.

3141592653 ago

He didn't post pic of himself raping kids. Let's not get TOO witch-hunty here.

stellarcorpse ago

Indeed. He did not. Can't believe I am defending him.

Baconmon ago

I'm actually glad stupid alex jones is helping james out, because it definitely proves to the plebs that alex jones is a deep shill.. I know lots of you already know alex jones is bullshit, but you guys also know that lots of people follow him and think he is legit.. He made a big mistake though helping james, because it makes it very obvious even to dumdums that he is a shill..

And you guys already know alex jones NEVER says any thing negative about the jews.. that has always been a big red flag to me.. He believes every thing under the sun, but when it comes to jews controlling banking and orchestrating together he is like "oh no that is just impossible!"..

Narcissism ago

My guess is he is going to pay for this till the end of time. Expect edited versions of the groveling to appear whenever someone wants to dish him.

toobaditworks ago

The jews are to blame why you cock is tiny. You have a tiny cock? Isn't that right. THE JEWS DID IT! THEY MADE YOUR COCK SMALLL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!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educate_yourself ago

his studio is owned by israelis if i recall and his interns are all israeli if i recall and he has big ass NDA's if u work for him and oh yeah his name usedto be bill hicks lol so defs a halftruthing shill at best..... anyone who wants to can just google and find out how shilly he is

ThePuppetShow ago

You can blame Joe Biggs for Alex getting bitch slapped. He believed the "wethepizza" hack was real and that it came from Comet.

Psalm144-1 ago

Jones play a role...there are good AND bad sides to that role. I saw someone else on here say this and i would tend to agree that "Alex Jones is about 70% shill"

equineluvr ago

Disinfo 101: There are nuggets of truth in all good bullshit.

A shill CAN'T be 100% full of shit or nobody will believe them.

NotTooLate ago

Me three.

stellarcorpse ago

It finally woke me up. Sad times.

sunshine702 ago

Me too. For all his bravado he sure did fold right on cue. Sad. I am nobody and I've been sued by powerful people before - I FOUGHT and guess what they fold before trial!

toobaditworks ago

Fold, He's going after pedos you dumb fucking shill cunt.

stellarcorpse ago

This was never about a law suit. This was about threats and intimidation.

sunshine702 ago

And that never happened to Bill Binney? Alex needs to grow a pair and think long and hard about what exactly he stands for. INTEGRITY is who you are in the scarriest moments.

ThePuppetShow ago

What's the guy supposed to do? Joe Biggs pushed the "we the pizza" larp, claimed it was Comet and CP was found. Dumb ass didn't vet his story, it would have took him 5 minutes. Alex can't win that case.

V____Z ago

Alex fired him immediate, he would not be held responsible for that.

ThePuppetShow ago

There's a good argument. Do you know that for fact? Alex woke me up in 2002 with 9/11, so I'm probably a little bias. But, I'm definitely not closed to the idea he sold out, I just want to see something other than assumptions before I call him a sell out.

BlueChampagne ago

Alex Jones lies about 9/11.

ThePuppetShow ago

How so?

BlueChampagne ago

He was part of the Stratfor network used to spread the idea that planes hit the towers, this is what makes him complicit with the major networks. On 9/11 a control room for deep state ran an operation which used the media to fool people into thinking the physically possible had happened. That planes that do not exist in the aviation bureau's on records, defied physics to hit not one but two targets at sea level. Aluminium cannot pierce steel, every action has an equal and opposite reaction. Any right thinking person will observe, that if the tower was dropped on the plane, the plane would be smashed. The object is massive in comparison to the flimsy plane. No amount of heat can turn steel to dust, which happened on 9/11, hence the lack of seismic events in the basin of New York that morning. The paper tumbling down the streets, undamaged by fire, can be accounted for by microwave weapons which are not a form of thermal weapon. Microwave weaponry, is a nuclear weapon. There is a reason the magnetometers of Alaska sharply dropped on the morning of 9/11, coincides with the reason hurricane Erin (which was heading towards the cost of New York) suddenly jutted off to the left... This was a consequence of the plasma manipulation which was taking place by way of the ionosphere.

ThePuppetShow ago

Planes did hit the towers. I have a freind who witnessed the second plabe hit. You believe the reptillian David Ike version of 9/11.

ThePuppetShow ago

Remote aircraft. Except the Pentagon, that one was more than likely a missile.

BlueChampagne ago

Impossible in planes which don't exist in the aviation bureau. lol Impossible for any plane to turn steal into dust and if it were so, there would of been a seismic impact on the ground of New York.

ThePuppetShow ago

You're talking about the people who own the companies that make planes. Impossible? Really?

Whoa! I don't believe the planes caused the towers to collapse, I saw squib charges. That and no plane hit building 7. It's obvious explosives were used.

BlueChampagne ago

Not explosives. Not thermal weaponry, I explained this very clearly in concise detail.

ThePuppetShow ago

There was seismic activity. There were seismic spikes before the towers collapsed.

BlueChampagne ago

Ah, before they collapsed. Just like BBC's reporting of building 7.

ThePuppetShow ago

Very true, BBC was certainly early. There was certainly seismic activity as they were collapsing too. Let me guess... you think it was the death star laser beam because you're tryimg to make peopke here look like lunatics? Piss off shill.

BlueChampagne ago

No I am not insane like Reagan.

equineluvr ago

AJ didn';t "sell out." He was ALWAYS a fraud!

The late, great Bill Cooper exposed AJ's sorry ass back in 2000.

The Alex Jones Deception

samhara ago

"Alex Jones" destroyed the 9/11 Truth; that was one of his jobs. Run it into a wall.

ThePuppetShow ago

I disagree. I don't think half the people involved in 9/11 truth would have been there if it wasn't for Jones.

samhara ago

Exactly he gathered them together so he could lead them down a blind alley.

Like the pied piper, an old trick and and old story.

It's on purpose.

ThePuppetShow ago

If you believe the hologram plane theory I dont know what to tell you.

samhara ago

You continue to mis-represent me; even after I set the record straight.

Why is it necessary to mis-represent?

ThePuppetShow ago

I apologize, I must have missed something. Not trying to misrepsent anything.

samhara ago

He filled up his listeners with garbage info on it, so many people will turn away and so it will never go anywhere.

And he attacked and estranged the actual researchers. As he is doing with "Pizzagate"

He promotes a fake version of the truth, to fill up the craving for real truth, which he will never provide.

It's like how a vaccination is supposed to work.. You get the fake thing and then the real thing won't take hold.

He dropped the subject also. That was part of running the movement into a brick wall.

ThePuppetShow ago

Who did Jones attack on 9/11 truth? The hologram plane people? You don't believe that crap do you?

samhara ago

If you have no idea what you are talking about, please refrain from exposing you ignorance.

And HOLOGRAM is mis-direction. - -

ThePuppetShow ago

I have a friend in NY who personally witnessed the second plane. This is the reptilian misinformation of 9/11.

samhara ago

ThePuppetShow ago

So you do believe the planes were holograms?

samhara ago

There was no Holograms.

ThePuppetShow ago

No holograms. No planes? Just cgi on the boob tube?

ThePuppetShow ago

They edited 43 different angles from peoples camcorders?

Still sounds easier to fly the planes into the building.

Edit: I don't think you understand how many people actually saw the second plane hit the building.

samhara ago

The site which had every single clip shown on TV was taken down.

But we studed every one. - -

There was 47 different grouping. Many were copies / duplicates

9/11 Taboo by Genghis

samhara ago

You really have to study it.

Richard Hall is mid-leading people.

I've written extensively on this but our Forum was hacked, so I can't easily point you to the material.

You said you had a friend who saw it.. Ask him where he was standing. Ask him to describe what he saw.

Just for kicks.

ThePuppetShow ago

I will. He's told me the story, but it was 15 years ago and I dont remember if he said exactly where he was. I do remember him saying "they" (construction crew) were looking at the damage from the first plane and they all watched the second plane fly into the building. I'll try to get an address next time I talk to him.

samhara ago

I see. They were real planes. And the reptiles are real too.

ThePuppetShow ago

Not in the way that David Ike presents them. The 13 bloodline believe they are descendants of fallen angels, demons. That's what's with all the occult/luciferian bullshit. They are no more shape shifting lizard people than we are angels.

samhara ago

What's their name? Can I interview the person?

ThePuppetShow ago

His name is Jesse. Im not letting my buddy get harassed by someone who believes that the government would go through the trouble of projecting hologram planes to fly into the WTC buildings instead of just flying planes into the building.

samhara ago

I've interviewed hundreds of people. It's not harassment. Why don't *you ask him where he was standing. And then tell me what he says. He's your friend.

Narcissism ago

He accidentally stated once that he knows it was a Nuclear Event. But only once.

samhara ago

I see. Well he's always contradicting himself and his loyal followers don't seem to notice nor mind.

Also "nuclear event" could be explained as metaphorical speech and "Jones" could always deny he meant the phrase in a physical way?

The one "Jones" really hates is Dr. Judy Wood - and that's because she's the best on the subject. Much better than the fake Russian Military guy pretending to be a scientist who claims ["he was told"] it was a directed nuke. Wood is an actual forensic scientist and engineer herself.. But she also happens to provide the best overview and analysis of the forensic evidence.

Catchthem ago

OMG you Nailed it! Thats how i think about it also..

stellarcorpse ago

Ha, ha. Great minds think alike.

Catchthem ago


pavezi ago

Yeah, this means war, foolish Alefantis is provoking God's anger with his tricks.

stellarcorpse ago

He's going to have to summon a lot more of his demons to get out of this one.

pavezi ago

There's just no way this creep is going to get away with this. No way. Not anymore. Not with the internet. The real arch of history is towards the truth, these clowns are the real bitter clingers with their failing MSM. Real humanity is awakening, and the pedos are going to be punished, I don't see this playing out any other way - ultimately. Although it might take time and definitely a lot of work and courage.

V____Z ago

well said. We have a certain troll, who may or may not be JA, who loves to make fun of us for getting impatient. I'm really not impatient, things are moving fast if you've been watching this for years, seeing no progress whatsoever. But it does behoove us to accept that this will unfold over time - years.

stellarcorpse ago

think I know who you mean. Funny he has not visited this particular sub.

OhRutherfordBehave ago

How many years have you been following PedoGate? I had always heard this stuff for many years, I found out about the Illuminati in 2010, but I never gave it much headance because at that point there was nothing I could do about it. After PizzaGate and the Podesta emails it was just like the nuke that blew it out of the water.

keyboard12 ago

We should be able to talk about him on reddit now that he's a public figure, right?

44NJ9 ago

I think as long as it's not accusing you should be able to talk about him as much and as long as you want. How is that any different than neighbors gossiping about each other anyway?
I'm not saying he sold kids. I'm just noticing he had tons of pedo themed pics, he enjoys posting pics of #killrooms. Maybe kids get taped to tables late at night at his restaurant? There is just much to ponder here. I am so appreciative of my freedom of speech rights, where I can openly share my observations.

justiceforever ago

Just some #chickenlovers, no big deal right?

OutlawStriding ago

Youre on voat, friend. But yeah, /r/pedogate

keyboard12 ago

Sorry, yeah I just assumed everyone here was originally from Reddit and would know what I meant.

BlueChampagne ago

Pegasus Symbols Explained 11111111111111111111111111111111**

undertheshills ago

He has been a public figure since he agreed to appear in GQ as one of the most influential men in DC. His appearance on Diners & Dives, & his relationship to DC elites and David Brock cement his public figure status further.

OhRutherfordBehave ago

Hes a fucking pedophile, say it all you want.

Hillarymade1515 ago

What about an AMA request on reddit?

keyboard12 ago

Haha that would be excellent. I give it 5 minutes til it gets nuked.

hels ago

Remember Gobongo's AMA? This would be the most heavily orchestrated AMA in reddit history.

Phenomenonanon ago

There's a new pedogate sub there

GeorgeT ago

It's trendig big there. But I am never going back there out of principles! The same way I will never tune to Alex show ever again, could not care less what he has to say about the 'Globalists' or what latest Bio-DNA-elixir-revival-force he wants to sell me.

Ocelot ago

Pretty sure it's full of shills.

sentryseven ago

The whole thing was coordinated including Alex Jones. Chilling.

toobaditworks ago


We know you're apart of this massive attempt to discredit people. OBVIOUS SHILL IS OBVIOUS.

stellarcorpse ago

To produce a 'chilling effect.' Look up the actual definition if you don't know it.

ThePuppetShow ago

So, you dont think this has everything to do with Joe Biggs pushing the "we the pizza" larp and claiming it was found at comet? He claimed CP was found on Comet's computer. Alex can't win that lawsuit, it was a larp. Blame Joe Biggs.

stellarcorpse ago

No. I don't think this has anything whatsoever to do with litigation of any kind because JA would not dare bring his silly self to court with all his skeletons. BTW, that allegation may in fact be accurate as it is alleged some hacker also saw this info. There is a thread on voat about. I don't know all the details. Titus Frost does.

ThePuppetShow ago

Why? All he has to do is sue for libel. Then it's up to Alex's lawyers to prove that there was CP on Comet's computer and that bullshit menu came from there too. We all know that's impossible because it was a larp and the larpers never even claimed it was from Comet. That was more bullshit that Biggs "fell for". Reguardless of whatever else Alefantis has done, it's still libel to claim that we the pizza bullshit came off his computer.

samhara ago

That's not how Law works.

First Amendment Freedom of Speech for a Journalist.

"Jones" is supposed to be a seasoned journalist.

If "Jones" and his men fucked - up, it was on purpose.

ThePuppetShow ago

Journalists can't spread lies about people, that's libel. They can say whatever they want, as long as its the truth.

samhara ago

Also, Libel is in writing. Did "Jones" actually write something about Alephantis?

ThePuppetShow ago

Joe Biggs published it on Infowars, Alex owns infowars. Its just like when Assange went after CNN fir the pedo story, he didn't threaten to sue the reporter, he threatened to sue CNN.

samhara ago

Alright so it was a set -up /

And somehow "Jones" allowed Biggs to publish.

So in any case he's strangely incompetent, over and over and over again.

Maybe he *should loose his [alleged] station.. I thought he worked for "Gemini Communications?"

"Jones" was at the very lease incompetant to the point he hurt the cause.

He should retire and somebody who is fresh and less "mistake" prone should take his place.

Like someone who has turned down offers from the CIA instead of accepting them.

ThePuppetShow ago

I could agree with that. I wad fucking pissed off when Biggs was pushing that and wondering why nobody vetted it.

samhara ago

He's a fake journalist; but that's what he's pretending to be, in any case.

So you are saying he fucked - up ?

ThePuppetShow ago

I'm saying he had no choice because Joe Biggs published bullshit on his site.

samhara ago

Can you tell me why Joe Biggs would have anything to do with "Alex Jones?"

ThePuppetShow ago

He worked for him?

samhara ago

I see. Unfortunately it looks like "Jones" at the very least, does not have control of his own company .

ThePuppetShow ago

That is a very reasonable point.

stellarcorpse ago

James Alefantis would never bring anything to court because he is guilty as sin and does not want more light shined up his ass. End of story.

ThePuppetShow ago

James alefantis wouldn't have anymore light shined up his ass. The judge wouldn't listen to anything but what I discribed above. Joe Biggs fucked up.

stellarcorpse ago

Believe what you want. But it is alleged that there was in fact CP at the end of site. Research it. This has nothing to do with Joe Biggs, much bigger than that, doubt JA even knew about that incident.

ThePuppetShow ago

No, you should research it. There was a file download page fond on Comet, but nobody ever cracked it. Joe Biggs claimed the CP that those 2 shills posted in the we the pizza larp, along with the menu, came from Comet. Maybe you haven't been around long enough to remember. The "wethepizza" larp happened right before r/pizzagate got shut down.

stellarcorpse ago

No what I am talking about has nothing to do with the larp. You research it. I am sick of responding to you. You're a shill.

ThePuppetShow ago

You're talking about the file download page on Comet. It never got cracked. LOL @ shill.. On to ad hominem attacks?

Edit: Downvote all you want kid.

sentryseven ago

I know what chilling effect means. I just meant to say that to me, personally, it is chilling to see the decloaking.

toobaditworks ago

decloaking? The PTB are attacking the people trying to take them down and you are agreeing with them.

stellarcorpse ago

I agree 100%,

Truewarrior ago

I have one thing to say to Alefantis: THE TRUTH DOES NOT NEED DEFENDING.

ravensedgesom ago

Have these deluded creeps ever heard of the streisand effect? Guess they are that inept and insane.

Gnatsunami ago

Well, look who they have defending them. The same people who rigged an election and still lost.

ravensedgesom ago

There has got to be some sort of bloodline or deep state connection here alefantis is heavily protected

educate_yourself ago

saw a thread saying he is son of phillipine de rothschild. they look alike and he is hella protected idk.

sunshine702 ago

And we are seeing behind the OZ curtain. Great job Jimmy!

stellarcorpse ago

Hubris tends to do that.

ravensedgesom ago

I can't even watch it this mockingbird whitewashing propaganda has become totally absurd with their lockstep bullshit narratives.

stellarcorpse ago

Puke worthy I know.

Truewarrior ago

Time to bomb the shit out of cbs and Aj social media. Their biggest fears are the comments under their vids. Get to work people?

gnostic_front ago

Agreed. If anything, his retreat's created a greater hyperfocus on JA, whilst protecting his (justifiably) longer agenda. Fair enough.

lerker ago

Good post. We are coming for you Alefantis

HereticalPeasant ago

I believe James Alefantis is the lynchpin of this entire thing. Because think about it, think really, really carefully about this: who would know better all the information about his pedophile clients to whom the children are rented out or sold than the pedophile Pimp????? Of course the pimp would have the most amount of dirt on all of them because the pedo pimp is the link wHicham solidly connects all the Elite Pedo Clients together because they all have the same PIMP in common, who supplies all of them with children for their pedo desires or for whatever else, like a false flag- Sandy hook.








This is exactly why, even, Anthony Weiner has kept what he labeled, "Insurance File" on his laptop. Insurance for what??? Insurance for when If he were ever caught and was being taken down.

They're even trying to protect Anthony Weiner for this very reason. Nothing is fuckingredients happening with him even. His hearing got cancelled and now what??? We keep hearing people say they're doing something they're doing something..... all I know is I'm not seeing anything about what they are saying they are doing. I'll believe it when I see it.

But Im willing to bet that what Anthony Weiner has in his insurance file, probably pales in comparison to what most likely James Alefantis has in his "insurance file on all of them" on many, many, more people, than the number of people which Anthony Weiner has in his insurance file.

Think about all of the people we've connected to Alefantis. Fuck sake look at the long lists of guests to just one of those fucking DC parties mentioned in the Washington magazine, which James Alefantis attended too. He's freaking chummy chummy with so many movers and shakers.

All I know is rich people like that don't make friends with just anybody, especially some joe shmo pizza shop owner. These rich wealthy powerful people form their friendships and social relationships very carefully and in a very calculated and deliberate manner so as to actually have that relationship be beneficial to them in some way.

Cigarette5mokingman ago

I'm sure you had good intentions, but I quit reading once you started typing in all caps.

pbvrocks ago

He was certainly involved in "the" pedo ring..but sure there are many fact taking down the Sandusky dude in PA may be huge as that ring is tied to HRC and her father...also tied to Bush and MKUltra...lots of MKUltra "experiments" at PSU..

tapsnapornap ago

I wish I had more upvoats to give you. 10/10

11-11 ago


44NJ9 ago

agee! I think he's the broker. Apparently he goes nutz about Pegasus museum, more so than CPP. I think that's where hand offs take place or some shadiness.

V____Z ago

some massive shadiness. the reason there is a watching area that rolls across from the ceiling - so the audience won't get blood splattered on them, is what i'm guessing. (It's called the "Joe Wills Sliding platform + vault door" but the image has been erased from every link i can find.)

BlueChampagne ago

Pegasus Symbols Explained

please share

Newfind ago


GeorgeT ago

He also probably made an insurance - 'If something happens to me, that video will go viral and you will all go down.' That's why he is alive and well and feels untouchable ( for now). Having reduced Alex to a cowering piece of lard Alifantis' ego must be bloated.

djklbd ago

lol Alex is only pretending to be a cowering piece of lard dude...

He's a shill, do people not get this yet?

GeorgeT ago

Alex is a shill, and I am certain now that Alex is not his own man, he takes orders! GSN network is controlled, they can take Alex off the air. Alex does bidding for his masters. He never once mentioned Mossad involvement in 9-11. Since he rallied for Trump he stopped covering false flags.

V____Z ago

Well if we got that little clip of Podesta doing who knows what to a screaming child, you can bet he's got similar, and much more damning and conclusive evidence on everyone who's used his services.

GeorgeT ago

Was that video leaked by him as a warning in case someine starts dropping names. It sounded Skippy to me. And again Podesta never addressed it.

BlueChampagne ago

Pegasus Symbols Explained ** please share**

Atlantean120 ago

Jimmy Comet = Jimmy Saville. YES.

SoldierofLight ago

Yup. I wonder if Alefantis prances in front of his mirror at home wearing a thick gold chain necklace and an extra button popped open on his shirt to expose his hairless chest.

daddysdarlin ago

Here Here!!!

micha_ ago

Something tells me, they indeed are relatives:

Not only the nose, the smile, the eyes and the eyebrows, but also how viciously the media protects a pizzashop owner, with sick and disgusting pictures of kids and calling himself a "chickenlover" is an indication of a hidden, enormous powerful force. A force as powerful as having commanded kings already twohundred years ago, founded banks in four European cities to profit from every war. A force that has officially never lost any of it's fortunes and power. The matrix seems to be very real.

V____Z ago

Yes. It is statistically impossible that these two are not blood relatives. Source: my fucking eyeballs and common sense.

FriesischShipping ago


boxpizza ago

I can't find it anymore but there was an IG pic of JA wearing a denim jacket that had the "jim'll fix that for you" style logo but instead it just said "Jimmy Commet"

BlueChampagne ago

Pegasus Symbols Explained

please share

James means "He who supplants" "To supplant is to take the place of, especially through intrigue or underhanded tactics."

shizzle_mcbobblehead ago

My instincts tell me he's the transport end of the operation.

The supply has been in place for centuries.

User890020 ago

"PEDO PIMP", perfect.

TruthTrumps ago


PizzaStreamerLive ago

JA is not everything. Tunnelvision should be avoided and JA is most likely used for bait if need be at this point. We know some of the major players, don't forget those.

FriesischShipping ago

Break the weak link. Fuck this guy, ruin this unrepentant pedophiles life.

stellarcorpse ago


bgrenual ago

You know what I just remembered that's crazy? His social media profile picture was the one of ancient greek/roman dudes, and his thing was pedophilia. Even though I'm not convinced this dude or his pizza shop is involved, that's just a crazy ass coincidence.

samhara ago

It's way short of "coincidence," Sherlock.

GhostOfSwartz ago

There are alot more of us than them!

micha_ ago

Quality counts, not quantity.

PrideOfOshtekk ago

They are kinda incompetent though.

Cara_C ago

You don't get lower quality than pedophile satanists.

micha_ ago

You are meaning morally. I am talking about efficency and capability in the infowar.

DabbaDan ago

To a point, yes.

Once that dam lets loose and the floodgates are open, it's every bit a numbers war.

lude ago

Their best move would've been to keep quiet

GeorgeT ago

Psycopath's no1 weakness - Hubris

FriesischShipping ago

Word. They've severely underestimated the value of 'STFU!' and it will prove their undoing.

Dressage2 ago

Stellarcorpse, I apologize to you in the open. You are not a shill. I am sorry and this post is great. I guess some of us just have meltdowns. I have been hard on this since before Thanksgiving. I just get tired some days from the constant shill abuse, but never enough to ever give up. Those bastards will never win.

Cigarette5mokingman ago

That is very adult of you. I have nothing but respect for someone who can see the error of their way, and then have the balls to apologize for it. Kudos

redditsuckz ago

Alex Jones is the obvious shill...

Alex Jones Lays Down His Stance On Pizzagate

Alex Jones calls everyone investigating James Alefantis and Comet Ping Pong "Internet Trolls". @7:40

@8:40 (((CIA))) agent alex jones does some mind control hypnotism with the words "It doesnt Exist" and then a snap of the fingers.

Why Do Hypnotists Snap Their Fingers

LOL...James Alefantis picture "Goya"

LOL...get it Goy?...cattle?...he eats cattle....

Goya's Saturn Devouring His Son

Takeitslow ago

As someone whose studied hypnosis and Lagrange patterns for 10 years you are right. Do not over look this folks. When we watch video people are entrained to begin with, then AJ Brutus says "it doesn't exist now you can see" and snaps his fingers. That is a blatent post hypnotic suggestion. Finger snapping while talking is a very deliberate thing to do. Wow

redditsuckz ago

Here is a subtle one where David Seaman leans in hard and says "Its not gonna work" @1:10 and that could be a simple subliminal in regards to the pizzagate in they are not going to work.

PIZZAGATE PROTEST PLANNED, Mike Cernovich Served Secret Legal Papers!

David Seamans body language analyzed;

Body Language: David Seamen...Apology

More subliminals;

David Seaman is in "Deep Shit" - Con Artist 101 | NLP & Mind Control

Takeitslow ago

Yes, there's a great PDF floating about obamas speeches. Whomever compiled the info must be a pro. I'm just an nlp observer and unnoticed the hypnotic cueing going on in the media. I listened to Richard bandler talk about his work with the US military back in the day. Nlp co founder Grinder was army and tony Robbins admits in his audio series he took government contracts.

This is exactly why Milton Erickson didn't want non medical pros learning conversational hypnosis. Cat out of the bag.

newworldahead ago

Everyone is a shill according to you. Jones, Seaman, Titus Frost, Trump, ReallyGraceful, HoneyBee... it never stops.

BlueChampagne ago

Yeah well I eat the souls of evil ones.

druhill007 ago


BlueChampagne ago

Pegasus Symbols Explained


Catchthem ago

Yes its tough, they shilling hard sometimes. But that only tells me they are sooo scared! And gives me even more energy/will to go on. These sick fucks are going to prisson!

GeorgeT ago

I get shilled big time, it's almost comical. On Brock's payroll! Or Soros? Ben Garisson cartoon sums it up

BlueChampagne ago

Pegasus Symbols Explained


Catchthem ago

Yes i see. I almost daily have big fight.. Sometimes there are whole teams. Soros pays Brock, who than hires these paid Shills to post shit here. The last few days Shilling was very heavy with teams. This only tells me they are getting really scared and desperate! So we must continue. This guy Benn Garrison, i think he's great! Briljant drawing.

stellarcorpse ago

Not shilling this sub very much. That should tell you how afraid they are.

GeorgeT ago

This should be up there posted. Deadly meme warfare

stellarcorpse ago

I accept your apology. No problem. This shit is tough.

BlueChampagne ago

Pegasus Symbols Explained


djklbd ago

I love this post OP ✌️

stellarcorpse ago

Thank you!

V____Z ago

me toooooooo

PM_Me_Your_Clam_Pics ago

the genie is out of the bottle!

They cannot stop this movement by getting a few influential people to say it's fake, they are still using their old playbooks and forgetting that the internet allows us to communicate in real time and call out their bullshit.

quantokitty ago

You always protect your Achilles heel and Alefantis has positioned himself as that. The elites are using every resource possiible, but he's crumbling under the pressure. I say, let's apply a little more.

User890020 ago

I think he posts discrediting comments here all the time

TupacsTattoo ago

I do too. He was pretty busy over here last week.

I even got inboxed by that handle... I blocked and reported it as Spam. πŸ˜’πŸ˜’

stellarcorpse ago

what handle?

Phenomenonanon ago

He does I think birdzeyeview was one of his names

stellarcorpse ago

He claimed to be him here for awhile and It sure sounded like him but then I confronted personally saying I was an SRA victim and all the harm that has come to me a a result of this and they said they were in fact not JA or even a man at all but rather a woman from New Zealand pretending to be him. They left the forum, only returned once that I know of.

Celticgirlonamission ago

yes that is one of his screen names

44NJ9 ago

Creepy since the is some sort of watch tower close to Pegasus. People thought he was watching the playground, some now think he's watch PM.

quantokitty ago

Yeah, right? And one of his friends was always talking about being on the roof. Then there was that dead bird ...

quantokitty ago

I've heard that rumor. Not sure how true it is, but he is obsessive about control.

equineluvr ago

Most Jews are.

44NJ9 ago

obviously, he tapes kids to tables.

Psalm144-1 ago

Isn't his his legal name James "Achilles" Alefantis???

Rigg5 ago

Every connection in this investigation comes with an extreme coincidence. Like breadcrumbs everywhere. They all think we're stupid.

Phenomenonanon ago

Definitely goes by that

quantokitty ago

I believe so. Aptly named.

Searching4Truth ago

I believe it is ironically

boxpizza ago

At this point everything about destiny, good vs evil seems to be 100% accurate, these aren't coincidences

BlueChampagne ago

James means "He who supplants"

James' father was achilles.

So James is "He who supplants Achilles Alefantis" his father had a similar role no doubt.

nitro169 ago

Very true, Does the left selectively choose to agree with alex jones now? If CNn reported positively about trump I would know trump did something majorly wrong

samhara ago

Left will love to use the about - face of "Jones" to shame his followers.. Already happened.

Truewarrior ago

You should read his twitter comments of his followers. Many have posted "unsubscribe and unfollowed". He's shitting his pants right about now. And apparently he is "revisiting" Pizzagate at 4pm Ct today. Wonder what that's about.

equineluvr ago

That was a big fat nothing burger!

Just a rehash of the low-level arrests. And it wasn't even Alex doing it; it was his staff.

PizzagateBot ago

Hi! I used Google to find related Voat posts using the URL(s) in your post and created the following link(s):

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Ka7RKkHLTlQ Did you just see the 60 Minutes story on #pizzagate & Fake News? / EST

stellarcorpse ago

THank you!!

Tekno-monk ago

They are getting scared.