bdiminishedminor7 ago

Great read! I've pondered this a lot myself: what is life like when you are on top of the world? When you are one of the people who live behind the curtains of the world's stage, and who can actually pull the strings? What Gods do they pray to?

My guess is that, being on top of the world, they feel fully exposed to the stare of the cold suffocating dark that is our Universe. I think that when you're on top of the world, keeping your faith in God is incredibly difficult. You're all exposed, there's no-one left to blame, you're all alone. No-one to guide you, no-one to console you, no-one left to take the blame on your behalf. There's no padding, no filter, no barriers. It's just you and the eternal void.

And there's the duality: the narcissistic alpha-monkey glee that you are a God of this World (Rex Mundi, a Gnostic concept), and that you really are the superhuman you thought yourself to be. But tucked away deep in your soul, there burns the instinctual knowledge that you are (or should be) part of something Divine, the proof of which seems more distant than ever. Becoming King of the World will only confront you harder and harder with the fact of how insignificant your existence is without God. A God that is nowhere to be found on top of the world.

So, yeah, I can understand how this mortal dread can turn narcissists into psychopaths. In absence of God, they need to become one. They need to find ways to nurture every sensation, to encompass all bliss, all pain, all fear, all suffering. And the deeper the dark eyes of the eternity burn into their backs, the more extreme their actions will be.

rail606 ago

"Among problems considered in the Hebrew Kabbalah is the theological issue of the nature and origin of evil. In the views of some Kabbalists this conceives 'evil' as a 'quality of God', asserting that negativity enters into the essence of the Absolute. In this view it is conceived that the Absolute needs evil to 'be what it is', i.e., to exist.[45] Foundational texts of Medieval Kabbalism conceived evil as a demonic parallel to the holy, called the Sitra Achra (the "Other Side"), and the Kelipot/Qliphoth (the "Shells/Husks") that cover and conceal the holy, are nurtured from it, and yet also protect it by limiting its revelation. Scholem termed this element of the Spanish Kabbalah a "Jewish gnostic" motif, in the sense of dual powers in the divine realm of manifestation."

Right from the wikipedia on the jewish Kabbalah.

redditsuckz ago

Part 9 - The Sodomite Gateway - Tools of the Trade

“The belief in the occult world is if you could sodomize God, you’d get God’s power. You become as gods through sodomy; that’s the way the Greek gods became gods. Alexander the Great was a great sodomizer and his Greek army was the most fierce. Hitler tried to pattern his SS and military after the Greek warriors using sodomy. When you put that all together, the civilizations that God wiped out boiled down to the practice of sodomy. ”

Part 25 - The Sodomite Gateway - Rosetta Stones Yielding the Secret of the Masonic 33

33 = symbol and image of two butts/rape

The number 33 has been researched extensively by many students over many years and assigned meanings in a wide variety of categories, and while I don't recall anyone connecting it with sodomy, it is, and the spell cloaking it has been potent indeed! Leveraging the graphic element representing the buttocks used in Dee's Monas Hieroglyphica, sodomy is pictured when two are arranged to position one behind the other. When rotated so the couple are facing left, this appears as the number 33.

zzvoat ago

People deeply into this stuff feel like (or actually do) need the sacrifices with blood and cannibalism to stay alive. We may doubt that because we don't need that but are they even human?

dtneslo ago

The Taxes are Oppressive jk not funny

InnocentAngels ago

First time poster here, but have been lurking since Reddit. Just so you know, I'm not great with my computer skills because of my age, so don't ask me to link. I wanted to add my observations after watching the above Youtube video. When you look at the comments to that video there is a comment by Adalberto Cervantes Rodriguez. He rants about everything from illuminati, being implanted with a chip, government after him. Anyway, I googled him and found on other sites where he talks about pedogate and organ harvesting. He also has a Youtube channel. He sounds like an victim of a fragmented mind, natural or not. Reminds me of the woman that had the account on Twitter 3 years ago that was naming political figures and abuse for years by them. He may be someone for you guys to look into.

pig_lifter ago

Thank you, I will look into Adalberto Cervantes Rodriguez for more.

Narcissism ago

They like kids because they are Malignant Narcissists with a God Complex.

equineluvr ago

Some of the evil fuckers ARE NOT "RELIGIOUS" AT ALL!

You have to reconcile that little factoid, which you will never do chasing your tails discussing "religion."

mrohm ago

Schnobelen is no more credible than Mike Warnke, John Todd, and other "Satanic" claimants in the evangelical community.

Highly skeptical account of him here:

Yuggoth is a fictional planet from HP Lovecraft's stories.

I don't doubt that pizzagate is real or that these people are occultists, but I think Schnoebelen is just making things up.

equineluvr ago

:) I have heard this about him for YEARS, just too lazy to search for (yet another) link.

Thank you! :)

equineluvr ago

Thanks to being misdirected to microfocus on organizations, there is a ton of mark-missing in these posts.

The "religious" stuff is merely an EXTRA LAYER and provides JUSTIFICATION/ACCEPTANCE for the behavior.

druhill007 ago

care to elaborate?

algernon4peace ago

Brilliant analysis! Thank you! 👍

pig_lifter ago

It's not so important if it's real or not, what's important is they believe it.

yourtruthseeker ago

That was a great read, thank you

SuperJohnWayne ago

Sounds like Mormonism

islandofdelight ago

The point of this activity is that these people feel a compulsion by inter-dimensional parasites which feed off the 'life-force' energy of the child, through the sexual act. These parasites are also fed by violent activity of any kind, and this is always present as a motive in large scale terrorist attacks and even wars. The parasites are called Archons in Gnosticism, and demons or djinn in other cultures. The Rothschilds, Zionists, Jesuits, Soros are basically servants of these parasites, all organized under the system of the Illuminati which is Luciferiansim. And Satanism is more or less the same thing, minus all the aristocratic bloodline/freemason/jesuit aspects.

equineluvr ago

" these people feel a compulsion by inter-dimensional parasites"


YES, I WAS A VICTIM. And you are completely off the mark.

Jsanto ago

Funny your mention him, I have an interesting book called Lucifer dethroned written by will. It's pretty disturbing

Singleservename ago

I have studied gnosticism, hermeticism and a little bit of their occult spinoffs. But I would probably be an atheist and I detest the judeo-christian tradition, or any semitic religion really.

I have used DMT, LSD, ketamin and many other psychoactives. I have practiced tantric sex. Done a couple of Vipassana retreats. I meditate with some frequency but do not consider myself a spiritual person.

Please explain to me, considering these parameters, how fucking and torturing children can be a religious or sprititual experience? How does it work? What are its basic concepts?

Having travelled all these paths I cannot for the life of me understand how such acts could open understanding into anything except the potential depth of human depravity.

I want to understand what Transyuggothian Magic entails and why it can be an enticing path. I implore anyone with insight to enlighten me. So far I am merely perplexed.

Singleservename ago

I would like to thank you all for your thoughtful, soulful, insightful answers. I believe I have a very rough idea of what they (believe they) are after.

I'm truly glad to be here, and be reminded that after months of struggling through these depths of human depravity the vast majority of people are still decent, loving creatures.

Now let's prepare to fight this evil.

Stukov ago

Studied person as well, I can explain it pretty simply. Everyone has some energy beyond just the physical. This energy we hold can be used for various things, we can individually use it to create our own little sub-astral worlds, we can use it to charge our anger, to focus our intellect, give us hope, and other things. It is the power of our spirit and soul.

However, it can also given to others or taken from us. On a spiritual or cosmic level this energy can be transferred to entities for power, that entity can then do what it wishes with it, whether it be given it back to others in need, or feed off of it for survival. On an earthly level this energetic transference and we often call those who do it purposely psychic vampires, those who feed of the spirit/soul/will of others. You also see it when people cheer for on performers, the willing participants charge those on stage.

Now to answer your question, these individuals are attempting to feed off of this energy, not just through consumption of flesh/blood, but complete draining of someones spirit/soul. Fear is a powerful providing a very raw leaking form of energy that can be fed upon (though technically you can do the same through other powerful emotions like love, but most people reciprocate love so its give/take more equally). So these individuals induce the harshest pain and torture to create this fear so they can feed upon it.

My understanding these monsters do it repeatedly, as people do recover and recharge to a certain degree. At some point they will break, in which they could be reprogrammed I suppose like in MK-ULTRA topic that has been covered here, or they can be physically consumed.

The idea for them is that they have fully drained all life-force and physical life from an individual and consumed it all to power themselves. I honestly have no idea what the actual effects are, such as there apparent belief in this leads to a form of immortality and power (given they reached the top of the human hierarchy). I also suspect that they choose children because there energy is a bit more pure and unattached?

What I mean is we all make attachments, to things, to ideas, to people, this spreads our energy out and gives us connection to these things. I assume these connections make a person harder to break and less energy for them to feed on. A child who has barely lived, especially one who has little to no family, this would make it easier for them to break and less interference so more energy to feed on, at least presumably.

I've also thought that of those who are selected and programed with an MK-ULTRA would feel very special, like a rare survivor either selected or feeling a survival of the fittest (maybe a competition like Battle Royale/Hunger Games) where they killed and consumed their competition of other children. They would probably be pretty devoted followers of whatever brainwashed ideology.

dtneslo ago

A child has pure spirit, pure will, pure heart and pure form. Annihilate this rare confluence of Cosmic Power and you splinter Creation into the loveless Hell we have before us now....Their mission statement....Their IPO.....Hell on Earth is THE goal.............

equineluvr ago

Thank you! Continue to follow your gut. You are on the right track. Here's what I posted a sec ago:

"Thanks to being misdirected to microfocus on organizations, there is a ton of mark-missing in these posts.

The 'religious' stuff is merely an EXTRA LAYER and provides JUSTIFICATION/ACCEPTANCE for the behavior."

strix-varia ago

This is all truly beyond comprehension. These "people" have an agenda and they will do anything to live out, complete, (whatever you want to call it) this agenda because it has been going on for centuries and centuries. The agenda is all about satan. You might find this helpful. Here is a bit of info on Tranyuggothian Magic found at around the 4:00 mark: (unfortunately the video does have to show snoprah). and this Having said all of this...some of these words are unnecessary like Tranyuggotihian magic, which just tends to complicate things. What is happening now has happened before. This is nothing new under the sun. It is in the Bible, Genesis 6. It's all there.

ByTheBook ago

Imagine you are the devil in the flesh and your goal is to direct as many people away from Jesus as possible. You instruct your followers to sodomize children. It becomes a sex addiction in both participants that passes virally from generation to generation. Those children that are not slain grow up and now have perverse desires they want to act upon. What are the odds they turn to Jesus for their salvation? They may feel betrayed by God and their sexual desires are not reconcilable with Christian teachings.

Satanism in its various forms takes that which is proscribed and verboten and instructs its opposite in its nefarious rites. In the anti-Jewish satanism this results in murder, idolatry, debauched sex, and child sacrifice, among other prohibitions. In anti-Christian satanism, this involves putting yourself above all others.

How does this lead to other universes? Muddy concepts like free will and many universe theory intersect. That child you the hypothetical thelema practitioner have now violated has many windows of probability closed off and you have as many avenues to power open.

This is a theological argument, so I'm not quoting anyone per se. I have done a fair bit of (disturbing) research on the subject I would prefer not to repeat. Mark Passio is a thorough Satanism resource, although he probably doesn't have the whole story as he didn't make it very high on the totempole. I have no notes from my Free Masonic research. I wasn't keeping very good track when I started down the rabbit hole.

20Justice4All17 ago

I remember reading somewhere that the deprived acts (Crowley I believe) are meant to mock the purity and holiness set forth in the Christain faith. This mockery is supposed to prove the powerlessness of God by taking innocent children and horrifically abusing them. If you want to know more and are willing to study there are many writings on it. I suggest starting with Crowley. You can find specific reasonings behind his instruction in ritualistic pedophelia.

As a Christain, I find these activities to be in line with the ultimate goal of Gods foe: the destruction of innocence through the depravity of man based on and as a form of worshipping the devil himself.

Singleservename ago

OK I can reach that concept. But doesn't that mean that conversely, believe in purity and innocence would also grant some kind of opposing power?

Then I ask, with all this evil in the highest positions of power - where is it? Where in the world is the corresponding goodness? Surely not in power?

Why does religion work when put on its head, but not as is?

Btw not trying to argue the theodicee here.

rail606 ago

It is called the duality. Good needs evil to exist. You could not be good if there was not a bad person to provide contrast. Basically if he stopped all the evil in the world where would the test for your soul come from? Without temptation how can we say we have any free will. Basically evil is necessary in the absolute.

bdiminishedminor7 ago

I also disagree. There is no evil. All is good, because all is from God. What we call "evil" is, very simply, trying to play God instead of God. In the limitless vastness of Creation, where every moment is a result of innumerable Divine parameters, man has to resist the audacity to even believe for one second that he knows better; that he is in charge of all this. And, of course, since man is infused by God's spirit, such an error is an easy one to make: he is made in God's image, so why shouldn't he be a God also?

Thus, what we call "evil", is actually a peripheral by-product of man trying to come to grips with his place in the Universe, and his relation to God. There is no evil spirit that tempts him. The evil-doers' motivation is actually a Divine one: to create, to exist, to be acknowledged, to be called by a name. He only gets his bearings wrong, he is mistaken about his place in the order of things. He doesn't understand that his motivations are only Divine as long as he aligns himself with God. Instead, he rips himself away from God, and tries to create his own mini-universe, with new rules, and a different set of morals.

Evil is always a local event. That is why God is not affected in any way by our evil deeds. We only affect ourselves, and our own experience of Creation: either by being evil, or by allowing evil to exist.

rail606 ago

"Among problems considered in the Hebrew Kabbalah is the theological issue of the nature and origin of evil. In the views of some Kabbalists this conceives 'evil' as a 'quality of God', asserting that negativity enters into the essence of the Absolute. In this view it is conceived that the Absolute needs evil to 'be what it is', i.e., to exist.[45] Foundational texts of Medieval Kabbalism conceived evil as a demonic parallel to the holy, called the Sitra Achra (the "Other Side"), and the Kelipot/Qliphoth (the "Shells/Husks") that cover and conceal the holy, are nurtured from it, and yet also protect it by limiting its revelation. Scholem termed this element of the Spanish Kabbalah a "Jewish gnostic" motif, in the sense of dual powers in the divine realm of manifestation."

20Justice4All17 ago

I agree with your line of questioning and have had the same questions. Although I hope for justice in power - or the people in power, sadly the reality is often the opposite. So I don't hope in authority although I do try to respect those in authority insofar as they uphold the law and that the law is just. This hold true in Religion as well, as you point out. I do however believe in a loving and just God that exists outside of time and this world. That does beg the question of how such evil could exist then (i.e. how can a loving and just God allow it?). I will admit to not having the answer, but somehow I think the construct of time, this physical world, and finiteness in general is a great equalizer for both those suffering great evil and those benefiting from malfeasance. Perhaps when they/we are released from the bondage of this physical world there will be understanding, acceptance and healing. Again as a Christain I do strive to enter into this spiritual realization on this side of eternity as well. I do believe it is available to all through faith.

dtneslo ago

I would say, "Hold on" because the Power Of Love is ascending....The fact that we are here, freely discussing their VOMIT GOD means their time is soon over...We Win..... just Hold On...

Touchdown50 ago

You dont get it. Its merely metaphysical offerings to demonic entities. The entities are absorbing this tantric charged negative energy like so much bounty paper towels on a spilled glass of kool aid.

Singleservename ago

Well that didn't help.

Thanks anyway.

Touchdown50 ago

Maybe you should try it and let us know what you felt changed in you.

Singleservename ago

Yeah fuck you too asswipe.

Touchdown50 ago

What? You seem perplexed and interested. And as you stated you have experimented with different drugs and experiences. whats holding you back on this? Oh thats right you gotta rape and abuse children to achieve this enlightenment.

Singleservename ago

I'm interested to know as much as I can of my sworn enemy. Sun fucking Tzu.

Now back off dickwad.

druhill007 ago

easy lads!! Based on what people have posted here it's definitely nuanced enough to warrant investigation. And art of war applies for sure

Touchdown50 ago

Triggered aren't you?

lordoftheonionrings ago

I have my own reasons for believing in demons from first hand experience, unfortunately they are very real. Basically it's demons getting people to do the most fucked up shit possible for their enjoyment and they promise them power in return.

Singleservename ago

What exactly are the demons you speak of? Are they the entities described in the torah, bible and koran? Are they as real as angels and gods (ie to me, entirely fictitious)?

I do believe people in power get off on exercising power in a sexual context. But doesn't the power come BEFORE the 'exercise'?

Aren't these merely powerful or powerhungry people exercising their lusts through sexual acts, instead of ordinary people gaining power they didn't have, by fucking and torturing children?

lordoftheonionrings ago

Well it depends on who you ask now doesn't it. Personally I see demons as negative energy. For every positive there must be a negative good/evil ying/yang blah blah blah pay attention and you can figure it out. I question my sanity to this day but I can honestly say a demon contacted me one night, I chose to ignore it and I'm glad I did. Believe me don't believe me I don't care you're just some guy on the internet.

Singleservename ago

Yes I am just some guy. But I put an honest question out there. It's not for me to judge an honest answer.

I'd like to know about that experience - what it felt like and specifically, did it make you understand what these people, our common enemies are after?

No obligation to answer. I'm just some guy etc.

lordoftheonionrings ago

It's not as exciting as you might like but here goes. I was lying in bed next to my girl friend trying to sleep. Static came over the little clock radio we had on the night stand. Then a voice came over it, only way to describe it is demonic. Long and short of it, it started commanding me to rape/kill my girl I ignored it. It got really pissed off that I was ignoring it and growled and spit and basically threw a little demonic hissy fit. Like I said made me think I was going nuts but I have never experienced an auditory hallucination since and this was quite some time ago. The place I lived in at the time was weird, really old built in 1802 had poltergeist activity and several suicides over the years, fun times.

Singleservename ago

Wow. Scary shit. I'd still put that up to half sleep dreams (often the most vivid) but that's my interpretation and not meant to diminish your experience in any way.

Did it offer you any power in return for such an act, as you mentioned before?

lordoftheonionrings ago

Hey you're entitled to your opinion but you don't really sleep during or after an experience like that. And no it did just what I said it did nothing more. Not sure what would have happened if I did what it was asking me to do. Just saying this experience gives me a unique perspective on these types of things where I am a little more open than your average Joe to their possibilities. I don't profess to have any secret knowledge. Not sure why it picked me and I wish it didn't. I don't even like to talk about it.

druhill007 ago

I've had visions as well but never with demonic or negative forces tbh. If you live in a place where there is residual evil or have a problem with this stuff I'd recommend looking into a defense system :)

I only researched it for a few hours but you can get white magic protection spells and wards to help.

I hope I get to see them face to face. I know it sounds a little cheesy and it would be my own formation of a heroes story, but it would be like the movie blade where you are going down into the sewers to slay the vampires lol

Touchdown50 ago

Exactly. Your on my wave length.

bibigirl_ ago

I heard in a documentary that this was the reason Aliester Crowley was blessed into a certain secret group (can't remember the name). He allegedly unknowingly stumbled upon the greatest secret and revealed it in his book.

druhill007 ago

Important for us to know the darkest depths of their evil. Gotta know where to find the final boss lol.

bibigirl_ ago


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Phenomenonanon ago

These fuckers are going to be gnashing their teeth in their own personal hell on judgement day that's for damn sure.