Death2Masons ago

David Seaman is a worthless self promoter who has done zero research and always talks about how he is being attacked in every video. Down vote for any thread praising this clown and trying to make him some icon of the investigation. Enough with this turd.

SuperJohnWayne ago

Yea he made a living off it by saying "Pizzagate is real" 10 times a day and by LARPing and shilling/spreading disinformation the rest of the time, all the while congratulating and declaring himself the prime force of this investigation. I was on 4chan threads the first day this investigation started. Back when we were possibly linking Hawaii beverage companies/lands and Ebay hard drive sellers to this. So I'll shit on him all I want.

sentryseven ago

He's deleted ALL his content.

MolochHunter ago

now says video removed by the user

SuperJohnWayne ago

David Seaman has contributed so much to the investigation. He has said over and over and over again "Pizzagate is real." That was all the evidence I needed to be convinced. He is a genius, a tireless fighter, and should be deputy AG. Seriously, Seaman, take your socially awkward attempts at relating to others, your boring personality, monotone voice, opportunistic shilling behavior, and your self-pitying melodramatic attitude that you use as a crutch since no girl wants you to fuck her, go to CPP and have a circle jerk with JA and DB.

dougG ago

Yesss! Upvoat for sure haha. Thank you

listentoreason2017 ago

I thought we were JUST told that he was in ill health and was supposedly poisoned and laying low.

NotHereForPizza ago

He mentions that in the video vaguely.