Silverlining ago

CA - His mother is a Rothschild - I have in my mind. Sorry no source.

Bigribguy ago

Sounds like a circle jerk.

r3dtr1x ago

Alex Jones humors RDS if you've noticed. He keeps pushing for a 'meeting with trump' and AJ just blows him off every time.

Haldelos ago

Shepard Smith has always creeped me the F out...would not be surprised at all.

TheSeer ago

Just above every pedo, alleged, convicted, suspected or otherwise, that i have seen, has been clean shaven. Very weird. I wonder what the deal is there? Not enough testosterone to grow facial hair? Or its a look less likely to frighten children? What?

ThighHighSwampBoots ago

No pedostache?

srayzie ago


GeorgeHodelDidit ago

The Pedofags got to start killing us off or this story is going to get out. If only the sleeping masses would just wake the fuck up.

ArthurEdens ago

It's a typo from the writer not the source, he has hiccups like this sometimes

chelseaclinton ago

I first came across RDS years ago when researching Presidio child rape ring and Michael Acquino (sp). IIRC he started the First Earth Warlock military unit. He seems well intentioned but I'm not completely convinced.

SoSpricyHotDog ago

I understand that assumption based on the circumstantial evidence... some of it reaches farther out there than other theories. But at the end of the day, it is just that. Circumstantial. If there was concrete evidence of "bisexual pedofile Luciferians" - our job here would be done.

I didn't say it was unbelievable. I simply suggested verification/proof of some kind to solidify this claim.

Don-Keyhote ago

This could easily be true regardless of pizzagate. Don lemon was drunk on new years eve sayinf he needs a boyftiend for a change. His new years resolution was to not get hiv like cooper may have. Some gays, perhaps a great many, and filthy degenerates. Their moms probably had high sex drives (Italian study). This is the gay gene and it will surely be announced soon and gays will be aborted away. The new brown Americans traditionally hold very unforgiving views of gays.

bobseaworthy ago

Why would the Narrator's 'source' apologize to him in this video for being too busy to send more updates or responses? I'd think a 'source' is holding all the cards, so why apologize? That's the part of the video I found hardest to believe.
But keep up the good work. This forum is meant to sift through the nonfactual...and I think it's safe to say there are no new facts from this video that aren't suspect or that can be verified....But please, prove me wrong

TomDrew87 ago

Lol they're building a strawman in order to discredit the whole pizzagate investigation, be careful guys

slickleg64 ago

Nothing would make me more happy than to see don lemon burn

Orange_Circle ago

Gay guys going after teen boys isn't a surprise though. It's what they do.

BackAgain ago

Maybe that's why CNN hates Trump so much. They are all a bunch of Pedos. Anderson, Cuamo, and Lemon

The357Cure ago

Remember when "pedophilia" was just called faggotry?

21yearsofdigging ago

What does LARP mean?? Anyway Anderson Cooper was raised in a CrAzY family.His mother is Gloria Vanderbilt and she is like a poster child for Elite mind control(old school) Here is her art which is basically doll heads missing eyes and quite frankly VERY satanic looking

I know doesn't mean much but as I look around it seems many luciferians are really into this damn doll thing

ThighHighSwampBoots ago

Better than her moose knuckle jeans in the 70's. Id really like to know why Anderson's brother killed himself. Maybe he was A's little victim.

Melitica ago

Live action role play

Oopster ago

Well, DC privileged boys will be DC boys (with their manly mentors).

r3dtr1x ago

Don't believe it. Sorry. Video seems Fake AF. Losing credibility, will discredit the investigation. Need some corroborating evidence before you start name-dropping pedophiles like this. Please post again if you obtain some evidence.

HillBoulder ago

Where are they mods on this one?

gurneyx ago

it follows the rules. Its information that you choose to do with however you want. No one is saying you have to believe it.

HillBoulder ago

I've had better things than this deleted.. No bother it doesn't really matter

unclassified ago

Whenever they say insider or ex-employee it's almost always fake.

Phonesmin ago

wait, do some people still think this is real?

The_Kuru ago

It's not good enough to just have the correct answer. You have to show your work. That's what my algebra teacher used to tell me.

OhRutherfordBehave ago

Cooper Anderson??? Are you gas lighting us? Anderson Cooper.

ZalesMcMuffin ago

lol Cooper Anderson


Gay guy here. My ex-boyfriend told me he sees Cooper having unprotected sex with lots of guys in sex clubs. He will eventually disclose on the news that he has AIDS.

TomDrew87 ago

What a queer cuck

srayzie ago

You don't mind your boyfriend going to sex clubs? 🤔

Orange_Circle ago

Shep Smith looks like the one who will keel over any minute.

Don-Keyhote ago

Why is barrbacking so popular in precisely the population aids afflicts? The rest of us aren't super amused at its spread to heteros.

ArthurEdens ago


Don-Keyhote ago

I gave evidence in my comment. Why should anyone rrspect yours for offering none

ArthurEdens ago

I'll rephrase: self-hatred imo

Don-Keyhote ago

In the future when you wanna rebut facts with your opinions, just don't post please.

ArthurEdens ago

no can do

Don-Keyhote ago

Ok u got me I'm one of em and my authority on the matter is indisputable I have slain you foul troll be gone with ye

ArthurEdens ago

Which "evidence" did u provide that shows barebacking is more prominent in the gay aids community than straight or straight aids communities? You didn't site it in this subthread.

Don-Keyhote ago

LOL! Why do you think they get hiv xD

ArthurEdens ago

You're busting my balls about not providing evidence, where is yours?

Don-Keyhote ago

Unprotected gay sex is the entire reason for its spread, eventually to heteros, especially blacks. The city of SF was warned repeatedly and they said no fucking way will they ever close their bathhouses epidemic or not. This is what I imagine led William f Buckley jr propose mandatory tattooing hiv-positive men's buttocks. You see, a real leader goes to any length to protect his people, whereas some liberals argue against even disclosure laws whereby infected people must inform their parnters. Obviously the biggest winners would be gays, who would die less, but the idea that stigmas are necessarily bad is the basis of the left's social policy and has been categorically disastrous for all involved.

ArthurEdens ago

Again, you're breaking your own rule, lots of info, but no evidence, it's your opinion in the way things happen, do I just take your word for it, no. I know the stats on aids in the gay community, you're not saying it though, just re-f***ing-laxe

SoSpricyHotDog ago

Well... ummm... thanks? Perhaps your ex-boyfriend was confused, was it Anderson Cooper or Cooper Anderson?

And why would this nugget of unverified information assist with Pizzagate? Cooper can fill butts or have his butt filled by consenting adults as much as he wants to.

My ex-girlfriend got ass pounded by Bill Clinton while Bill Cosby fed her pudding and Bill Maher pee'd all over them. WTF does that have to do with anything?

MolochHunter ago

hey, wow, um, i think we have the same ex-girlfriend

remedy4reality ago

spit out my beer

thanks @MolochHunter XD

Throgmorton ago


The_Kuru ago

I think the theory to a connection is that those guys push the "pizzagate is a hoax" narrative so the accusation against them implies they are too guilty to be objective in their reporting on the matter and that they'd want to cover it up so that no one goes sniffing around their lifestyle. So it would be a legitimate pizzagate concern if wasn't a bunch of bullshit slanderous accusations, which it almost certainly is a bunch of bullshit slanderous accusations. I'm not a big fan of anonymous sources, be it Politico ( they've made a living off that shit ) or so-called pizzagate investigators.

Antiracist10 ago


Touchdown50 ago

Ill remain skeptical

surgeson ago

It pains me to see so many people just lapping this shit up.

Dressage2 ago

Great job! Keep the leaks coming and tell them we appreciate their fight by helping us take down these evil people.

SoSpricyHotDog ago

Whew... I don't know about this one. The "source" mentions Cooper Anderson... come on! Haha.

Serious questions:

  1. Was this source vetted/verified?
  2. Does this source have anything concrete?
  3. What are next steps?
  4. With this kind of hearsay - and the typhoon of "Fake News" and new sources bubbling up, should it become common practice to "hold" on these announcements until there is a bit more verification/evidence?

ki-yoshi ago

Of course this is nonsense. All those supposed insiders had no reason to come to this guy. Much better outlets can be found. It's an actual fake news outlet. Someone making money by spreading disinformation. He's telling an audience what they want to hear. Thing is, it's propably true because most gay men like young guys. It's not a secret, but there is no insider. He's just guessing and hoping that something will corroborate.

Nana66 ago

Just as good as the Russia did it source, no?

wellington33 ago

Guys, i think we need your help on this poll:

surgeson ago

This is their third so-called insider. They're just in it for the clicks.

Blacksmith21 ago

As with everything, we shall see. My concern from recent observations is - are we past the tipping point where 40-45% of the country just won't wake up? If it isn't reported on CNN/MSNBC it isn't real?

This is scary shit folks. We've watched the equivalent of 100 20MT nukes drop on us, if Watergate is only a 10KT bomb.

2BuckChuck ago

Watergate was a grenade that was treated like a Nuke. there's a difference.

nitro169 ago

Roaches are not impacted by nukes, we need to step on them until their guts spill out.

zzvoat ago

"If it isn't reported on CNN/MSNBC it isn't real?" Bingo!

redditsuckz ago

40-45% of the country just won't wake up?

Soulless hive minded bio-robots from the Matrix. They have no more life than a mannequin in a store window...or 50% of this planet is occultists and the rest are so brainwashed they have no brains.

21yearsofdigging ago

Hahahaha, you are RIGHT ON!!

Psalm144-1 ago

I do love Victurus Libertas heart and soul and i believe him to be genuine in effort. That said, the credibility of his "Sources" are certainly in question. Having Robert Spook, i mean Robert Steele on his show doesn't really do it for me either.'

Mad_As_Hell ago

He lost me at 'Cooper Anderson'

chelseaclinton ago

It might be a weak attempt at not picking up attention from scanner bots, such as Clif High suggesting people refer to Pizzag8 as Procter & Gamble.

Jem777 ago

Agreed. Good intentions maybe...but being played naively.

goat_cheese_pizza ago


strix-varia ago

Do you mean Anderson Cooper?

gurneyx ago

yup i was hasty writing it

surgeson ago

A hasty copy paste you mean? Because the site has the same error.

SoSpricyHotDog ago


surgeson ago

LOL @ CNN Insider talking about "Cooper Anderson". Look if you're gonna LARP, do it well.

MasterLucifer ago

Maybe new hat CIA are anti old hat CIA. You never know.


JrSlimss ago

Chris Cuomo does as well. He was involved with Dana Giacchetto, who was heavily involved with Jeffrey Epstein and the Digital Entertainment Network.

Mad_As_Hell ago

His brother (Governor Andrew) was in Epstein's Little Black Book and came up in those Cathy Agnew tweets. Chris seems to have gone into hiding since calling fathers who don't want their 12 year old daughters seeing penises in the changing room 'intolerant'

Selnee ago

This would not surprise one bit. He oozes slime ball.

gurneyx ago

maybe not sure but worth looking at.

SoSpricyHotDog ago

Did he say that this was the same source that leaked the CNN tapes to Veritas?

surgeson ago

Not sure he said that, but it was definitely implied. He's riding the waves of journo's hard work by making up leaks from so-called insiders. He's a fraud and he needs to be exposed.

Freemasonsrus ago

Can you expand on that? I haven't paid much attention to the website, just watched videos when posted here so I don't have a background on him. Everything said in this particular "leak" sounds completely feasible, barring the name flip. Shep Smith in particular has been on a tear since DJT was elected. Besides him being a liberal, I can't say for sure why, but him being part of this sick counter culture wouldn't surprise me one bit. We've heard from several sources now that have claimed that inside CNN there are contacts and others squirming over PG. The whole Robert Steele thing does turn me off though. He just seems like either an attention whore or disinfo agent.

surgeson ago

Untrustworthy source.