srayzie ago

Thank you 🙂

jonnythaiwongy9 ago

I agree with everything he said in the interview, but the way he says it sounds like me if i were giving an interview, is there any proof this is an actual insider?>

CipherPuppet ago

We trust Victurus He is a pretty credible guy

SweetCarolyn_4Jesus ago

John 'Skippy' Podesta's Evil Twin Comet Ping Pong & In The Torture Chamber #HotShitSkippy

srayzie ago

Does the video in this link play the screaming of the child being abused? If so I can't handle watching it

SweetCarolyn_4Jesus ago

YES So don't watch it!

srayzie ago

Thank you for telling me. It would haunt me 😕

SweetCarolyn_4Jesus ago

You're welcome, it makes me very upset also. I don't want you to listen to it or watch it if you can't stomach it, the only reason I share it is to expose the horrible things happening so someone will stop these people from hurting children. I'll give you a summary. It's video of someone that sounds like John Podesta's voice as he hurting a crying child. At the end there is a voice print graphic showing you a sample of his voice which matches it.

srayzie ago

Gosh I hope that baby is ok now 🙁

21yearsofdigging ago

Wow wow wow. Been listening to Robert Steele on other channels as well. Thank God for that guy, hope he stays safe

victuruslibertas ago

Thanks, website under DDOS attack I believe. It is down.. Looking options going fwd

srayzie ago

I kept reading about Israelis cheering when the twin towers were hit. I didn't believe that Israel was bad. I felt compassion for the Jewish people because of what Obama did. I now see. It all makes sense. I keep hearing "JEWS" tho. I don't think it's so much the Jews. Just Israel in general right? I don't understand the term Zionist and all of that. I didnt hear that term until I made a Twitter account last year.

Blacksmith21 ago

I'm a little late to the table, but what I gleaned was:

1) Trump/Mil/FBI/Some-NSA/CIA are the good guys, NWO/CIA/Top Pols bad. This is really splitting out like I've been saying for some time;

2) The FBI is using us to help parse through the mountains of data to create actionable leads they can act upon (we should be proud, especially the autists, keep up the good work);

3) Do not get discouraged;

4) This is a process, not an event;

5) If DHSAnon is not a LARPer, and is indeed correct, then the original anonymous video is spot on and needs a relisten to help fill in the blanks:

6) DHSAnon confirms that they are rolling up the low-level pedos first, as evidenced by the 1200+ arrests in the last month. Be patient, the big fish will be getting added to the fry soon.

7) Israeli involvement - Don't forget that DHSAnon also implicated the UK. AUS and NZ may be involved directly as well (think UKUSA or FVEYES). This is an "intelligence" thing, not a Jewish thing. There is no great Zionist plot, just a country tied at the hip with US and UK intel, all working in their best interests, not their/our country's best interest.

Looking4hope ago

I'm afraid to go to the docotrs when I'm pregnant... I'm sure that's helping them find their victims :(

srayzie ago

I know. Imagine when you are forced to vaccinate your kids even though it's dangerous and is linked to autism.

party1981 ago

Unfortunately I do not know of a link for it. It was posted on VOAT in the big FBIanon thread when pizzagate first came to VOAT.

CipherPuppet ago

Ok, this is official fantastic. Everything fits with what George Webb and Robert Steele are saying as well. Anyone else notice how many leakers are leaking to alt media? Its in retaliation to the CIA leak to Washington Post and NY TimesI think I have watched Victurus Libertas work for 6 months and I am amazed. He mispronounces words, but his sources are never shills and the info always pans out

srayzie ago

I am so excited too. But since you have been listening to Victurus Libertas, can you tell me about him? Who is he? What makes FBAnon and now this guy open up to him?

CipherPuppet ago

He is some guy in Texas named Jim. He came out with stuff at the same time as FBI anon. Here is what i am seeing. IC are leaking to alt media, as well as to Wapo ,etc The good guys in IC cannot leak to MSM because they are the enemy and do not report the news, but rather what their handlers want them to report.We all know that MSM is owned by 5 families and its job is not to report the news, but to keep the people divided and confused. So when FBI anon posted on July 2 2016 on 4chan, it was a test to see if they could marshal a populist army of sorts. Since Victurus Libertas is a pretty truthful guy, and a born again, he may be attracting insiders who also have a moral compass. We gave Victurus a ton of shit in the beginning. He almost kicked me off his channel. But he ended up proving to us he was a truthful man and he has broken a ton of stories that ended up being correct. The insiders trust Jim and his wife Angie because they are trustworthy. Its just that simple.

srayzie ago

Wow thanks for the info. I need to start watching his videos

bopper ago

Honestly I haven't really followed Webb a lot. Yeah, "fabricated" was probably not the right word. Also honestly, there's no telling what's going on out there w/ this sick stuff.

To me it sounds just like Podesta, and when you factor in the strobe light (same as Majestic Ape), and listen to the isolated bass guitar (someone did this and posted the video) that proves live music was going on at the same time ... dunno

MommyLove ago

His site is down right now.....

MommyLove ago

"If folks knew that CPS in California is tied into a huge racket that kidnaps children from parents, they would realize just how sick this is. Foster homes, CPS, etc… all get paid well to jail parents and then snatch their kids away. These kids suffer abuse, and perpetuate the growing cancer called pedogate."

Please help spread the word about the child trafficking ring run by the US Govt. through CPS.

Mtnchan ago

Thoughts, if CIA was in pedo island, and CIA hates trump, if they had anything on Trump they would have played the card, unless they couldn't do that without the FBI playing their cards. Looks like there may be a stalemate, mutually self-assured destruction agreement between the agencies, a cold war where the CIA can't actually use any of the cards or the FBI will trump their hand (pun intended) and play all the cards.

Second thought, once a person is blackmailed and they know they are, they can just enjoy the fruits unlimitedly, bc it doesn't matter anymore, ie Clinton going to pedo island dozens of times, he's just leading other foxes into the hen house.

Lot of people have told us pizzagate isn't where we should be focused, including FBIanon, here we have another insider saying that what we get is intended with a greater agenda in mind, like shaking the tree, we have to assume this guy is doing the same sort of thing if he's real, anyway we all know pizzagate is in the middle of the hornet's nest. Maybe the FBI, etc doesn't want us doing too good of a job, hence the cryptic shit, for fear they lose control of the situation, and we are basically digging up the foundation of our own house, while we're trying to get at the termites, we could potentially bring down the whole house on our selves and everyone in it, including the people that don't even know there's termites.

speckledcat ago

and people were attacked a few months ago discussing Zionism and the effects it was having.

Gigabump ago

Well, pretty much sums up the bay of pigs hoax ... Guess it worked for them the first time, gotta go with what got you here ... Trump is trying not to bite ... Must keep a cool head. Better keep one. What if they could convince us Haiti is the next Cuba?

ploppy ago


Godwillwin ago

Yeh. The coordinates took me to a military base with a long road that dead ends at the coordinates.

VieBleu ago

Hey welcome, upvoted.

Godwillwin ago

I just read the one with the guy telling us where vault 7 is. On twitter right now things we being linked. A list of computer files/documents of Podesta's. One titled Italian child sex or something like that .

srayzie ago

This is the same guy that talked to FBIAnon

srayzie ago

I was kind of thinking it could be Steele too. He kept talking about him.

jv209 ago

if it was steele himself, he would have just done the interview in person instead of requesting everything in text. The guy was just on Alex Jones, why would he need to play pretend in messages?

srayzie ago

I'm thinking that it's because FBIAnon leaked things that were not even public in like July. He wouldn't want to be suicided. I don't know if it's him. Maybe it's someone close to him. It was just a thought. Maybe this second guy was Steele trying to make his way into this investigation more. So now he can help without looking like FBIAnon that gave out leaked info. I'm gonna have to go listen to him on Alex Jones.

fivmincal ago

yeah I have this friend who said this fake news story and people BELIEVED IT!!

juhos ago

How we know this isn't just fake to get views? Why all those "insiders" happens to give interview specifically for this guy, who is basically nobody? Isn't that pretty odd?

inb4 shill, just trying to stay skeptic. There are a lot of LARPers out there.

Godwillwin ago

Which anons? Darn it. I always miss the AMAs with anons. I checked into 4 chan last night and didn't see anything particularly interesting. Was HLI there and Anon5?

Freemasonsrus ago

I would say the "new Israel" is the chosen, correct? Reformation after the pedos and blackmailers are outed?

GeorgeT ago

I read the article in one gulp. All makes sense. Here is my two cents. There is an internal battle within the so called Iluminati. (I am in my early 40's and have done rsearch since 1998, read all the books from Carrol Quigley to David Icke) The old world order pedophile psychopaths are not pragmatic to function in the cyberage - one leak is what it takes. New Guard - Trump and his cabinet are high functioning sociopaths - not pedo-psychopaths. Trump is into 6ft tall models, period. As Newt Gingrich aluded to Trump is not member of the murderous child trafficking ring. Trump is the Clean New World Order, waging war against Old Pedophile World Order that thrived since Caligula and Nero. Trump and his allies realized that in the information age Old perverted ways have to go to avoid exposure and civil war. That old Orwellian 1984 / Brave New World lunacy cannot be realized. Plans have changed, Pirate ship power play has been restructured and Trump is at the Helm, backed by the moral majority, to promote tried model of Americana of the 1950's, not out of some noble altruistic reasons - out of sheer pragmatism. Pedo-order of the old order does not function in the age of internet. The methods they used to cover up Franklin are useless trying to cover up Pizzagate.

Godwillwin ago

So you think trump wants a one world order though? I don't. His policies are all so anti globalism. He can't be for a new world order with these America first policies, right?

GeorgeT ago

Trump wants capitalism, free market. He is a blue collar billionare. He is the best the world haf since JFK. Take advantage because in a few years they are going to put some homosexual pervert psycho in charge (like Rubio) and it will be bad news. Trump must fire Pribus and Paul Ryan, andvpurge CIA,,make high level Pedophile arrests, he risks his life doing that but now he has gone too far. He and Michael Flynn made too many enemies. Trump is anty NWO, since if you go after pedophilia you are going against NWO.

Godwillwin ago

I agree but since you said he was new world order, I got confused. I'm pretty certain he's not into this globalist one big world/no countries crap

ScrewEdditCensorshit ago

Well, it doesn't really reveal anything that wasn't known by /pol/ for quite some time.

IlluminatiKing ago

Will be very interesting if true.

Godwillwin ago

Yeh. I'm wondering if he was a little tipsy?? I'm grateful either way

SturdyGal ago

No not tipsy. A solid guy. Always sounds that way.

VieBleu ago

💎VB Goodhouskeeping Seal💎

This interview is the shazizzle

520patriot ago

This is the same one who said arrests will happen with initials right? be very cautious. dont get your hopes up. the pizza eaters probably are paying people to come and fuck with our minds in all ways

heretolearn ago

my concern is that killary and billy will be dead before justice is served. why not speed up the arrest process? I imagine potential evidence is being destroyed right now by the pedo guild.

GeorgeT ago

Can't destroy it, that's decades of trafficking, ritual murder, MK Ultra, CP, Snuff - impossible to cover it up. Cyber age - document burning is useles!!!

Godwillwin ago

Nypd and FBI have it

party1981 ago

The annotated PDF is even better. I've read the entire thing dozens of times.

Godwillwin ago

He sounded really tired or drunk maybe lol while he was reading the q&a- but I love him for getting this info out tired, drunk, sober or high- I love him

But I really really want the transcript but the website is crashed. I guess it's being overloaded by too many visitors

party1981 ago

I still got it up on my browser. Seems pretty legit to me.

bopper ago

George Webb, it's from a thread here on Voat.

Possible ago

I going to try and think critically here so don't take my head off about it.

First, the interviewee takes what seem to be known facts (events that have happened) and tells a story with them (in short, he suggests that Mossad owns washington). Second, the interviewee makes vague (my opinion) statements about what will happen in the future (more arrests, higher level people).

There's not really any hard statements like "X person did Y thing, and if you go to Z you will find the video which proves it."

For a second, suppose it's all true. Let's say the guy thinks everything he's saying is right. What do we really learn here?

If it turns out to be a hoax, I think most people will decide that spending time on this is a waste... but even if it's not a hoax, I'm not seeing the value in these responses. If someone came to me with something important to share, and this is what they told me, I'd say "Now tell me something useful."

OneMoreDay ago

Also inaccuarate about how the seven countries were chosen. Based on reports, they weren't hand picked by Trump, they were used because the previous administration had already passed a ruling that had removed the visa waiver for those countries.

This was reported many times, and was the reason SA wasn't on the travel ban.

CipherPuppet ago

What if those 7 countries were picked by CIA, which is the sister agency to Mossad? Then its actually correct. Secondly, if RudyG suggested it, well we know he is in tight with Mossad and has been since his days in office.

SturdyGal ago

You are good to be skeptical. It confirmed a lot for me but offered nothing new. Maybe that is just because they can only say what is in public domain already. I saw it as a pep talk, trying to assert the reality of pizzagate over the gaslighting.

Godwillwin ago

The Russian Angle was explained for the first time. They don't want trump and putin to reinstate assad and to defeat ISIS because they weren't quite done with taking over the Middle East just yet. They still need to topple Iran. Ughhh it's disgusting how they have murdered all these children with the wars they started and the beheadings and crucifixtions and burning people alive. Our government create those monsters. Our government destroyed Syria, a once thriving and beautiful nation.

Also new to ME is the Israel Saudi Arabia thing --but I'm sort of new to politics. I knew oil was the driving force of a lot of wars, but I didn't know there were plans to take down Iran.

3141592653 ago

Yes , Syria is part of the cradle of civilization. Our whole alphabet and number system started there. And mathematics! What's been done to Syria is horrible and shameful and a loss for humankind

LincolnsMullet ago

I felt the same way. Even if it's true, it's more of a feel-good article than getting down to new details. I appreciate it, don't get me wrong, but there's no essential revelations here that is moving us closer to implicating anyone specific. Which is the goal here, I think, no?

It's keeping our hopes up, anyway.

Godwillwin ago


It all makes perfect sense. Amazing. The Russia thing and Mossad thing complete the puzzle.

Wow. Just wow

We have to spread this video around everywhere!

heretolearn ago

first time hearing this yt channel. I like what I heard. I hope it's true.

Pechal ago

We can only hope its truth. But we cannot know at all, no matter how much trust you have there is no way we can know.

Can only hope if its true that it does get revealed with undeniable proof of video (even though it would be gruesome and disgusting, there can be no doubt for the public and in history) and pedo politicians get exposed and given the death penalty.

Insubordinate ago

Some brave individual needs to Wikileak the contents of Carlos Danger's hard drive. Then it's over.

mrjdouble ago

Plot twist: Wikileaks already has the contents of the hard drive. Senior official at the state dept first blew the whistle and gave the files to the FBI. With an corrupt obama relic running the DOJ, guess what, no indictments. FBI's hands were tied. So the source then saw the FBI was sitting on all the evidence they could ever need, and he was disheartened by that, so he then sent copies to WL. Date i've been hearing is feb 19th for the drops.

Godwillwin ago

Who's Carlos danger?

mrjdouble ago

I believe that would be an alias for Anthony Weiner.

PoundSign_999 ago

Yes, that's his monicker when fishing for underage girls.

mrjdouble ago

He's scum. Did you hear when theY took possession of the infamous laptop and recovered the emails, they were apparently stored in a folder called, "insurance policy".

I think he's smarter than he looks. He went out of his way to source and covertly store them because he knew exactly what they were capable and either kept them to leverage them against his cronies in a bid to keep his miserable ass alive. Or he knew there might come a day when he'd have to make a deal with the feds.

Piscina ago

Wow, that's amazing. Thank you. This video needs to stay up for a LONG time.

za-throwaway ago

" If folks knew that CPS in California is tied into a huge racket that kidnaps children from parents, they would realize just how sick this is. Foster homes, CPS, etc… all get paid well to jail parents and then snatch their kids away. These kids suffer abuse, and perpetuate the growing cancer called pedogate. Politicians who have pedophile tendencies are groomed for power, because they can be later extorted and controlled. "

Fucking unbelievable...

PoundSign_999 ago

It is unbelievable but I recently encountered a woman who had eight of her children stolen from her from California CPS. Can you imagine? I don't know what "crime" her or her husband committed, if any, but the thought of those kidnappings having occured for nefarious reasons turns my stomach.

chelseaclinton ago

A couple of videos have hit Youtube recently about pedo connections in Napa Valley to corrupt law enforcement and judges.

OhGoodGwief ago

Sounds kind of strange that he would mention 34 years of service. Makes it pretty easy to track him down. And it doesn't sound right how willing he is to verbosely spill so much in our vernacular.


chelseaclinton ago

Hopefully that's disinfo to throw off the pedos.

party1981 ago

This VL website gets some great scoops.

But the 30 high profile arrests didn't happen. There were no Senators. All of the initials - none arrested yet.

I think the basic story here is right, but I could have written 95% of it myself.

What I could not have done is what FBIanon did on July 2 - predict that there is a massive FBI investigation into the Clinton Foundation involved with child trafficking. I still reread his transcripts all the time. Somehow, the man who answered those questions knew everything many months before the public. It's funny how he said so many things that confused me in October, but that make sense now - like the U.S. government funds ISIS.

CipherPuppet ago

Party1981, that issue is addressed. FBI Anon did a "bank shot" stating arrests were imminent, That was a ruse to create terror in Schumers heart, and Pelosi's heart and McCain and Graham, and they all reacted. Its an "art of War" tactic, Brilliant! Victurus Libertas is a truly great guy despite the fingernails on chalkboard mispronounced words. Watching Robert David Steele's videos and nodding my head in agreement.

party1981 ago

It's been addressed, but the "bank shot" explanation is not fully convincing. I watched many of those senators speaking on the floor during Sessions' confirmation hearing. They were calm. They did not act like people who thought that Sessions would turn around and arrest them. It's basically a failed prediction. That's ok. Not every prediction has to be 100% accurate. But we have to be honest with ourselves when predictions turn out false. Saying "well I predicted X, but I was just lying as a bank shot" is a kind of ad hoc rationalization, confirmation bias. Don't succumb to that, or you'll lose your objectivity.

CipherPuppet ago

I have to disagree and here is why. Bank shot implies a tactic or strategy. Secondly, what senators do on TV and in front of an audience does not reflect what they may be feeling inside. How many performers show no nervousness on stage, but later say they were petrified. Finally, during confirmation hearings, who is to say that Pribus and others were not keeping the waters calm until their man got in? I saw Schumer acting very nervous and statements by him, Pelosi and others indicates to be that they were terrified. McCain and Graham were reticent to see Sessions in. I would say that in retrospect, Sessions appointment has been the most dramatic

party1981 ago

Everything you are saying is a way to rationalize or justify the fact that the insider made a prediction and it turned out false. Perhaps you are correct that the lied, in the form of a bank shot. That doesn't mean that we shouldn't factor the failed prediction into our evaluation. Suppose the person makes another prediction. How will you know if it is true or not? If it comes true, you say he was telling the truth. If he becomes false, you say that it was a bank shot. Heads you win, tails I lose. The whole point of science is to test predictions. If you're not willing to do that honestly, you will not arrive at the truth. And that's what all of the citizen investigative journalists here are trying to do.

CipherPuppet ago

Ok, maybe I am not clear in my point, What I am saying is that you can look at it as a prediction, or you can look at it as a war tactic. As some others have pointed out, FBI anon may have been rattling cages, which is what Robert Steele says IC does all the time. If you want to infuriate an enemy into making tactical mistakes.....;)

Godwillwin ago

Right and how exposing everything on wieners computer and in the emails could potentially destabilize the entire world. I couldn't wrap my mind around that. I still sort of can't but I can a little better now that the Mossad Saudi Arabia Iran Syria and Russia angles have been explained.

party1981 ago

Yeah when I first read FBIanon, I didn't understand why he said that the U.S. government funds ISIS. I didn't understand why he said that all of the mass shootings were fake. I had never heard of that before. I didn't understand why he said that a war would involve Israel, Saudi Arabia, or why the U.S. would get nuked. I didn't understand why he defended the civilized past of Islam before the CIA and MI6 got involved. I didn't understand how there could be so many child abusers in the government (FBIanon never talked about CIA/Mossad blackmail operations). Now I understand all of this. It was a rough five month education. The funny thing is, I think FBIanon went through the same process the year before July 2 (when he first posted). I think the HRC server probably triggered to him to do a deep dive research into government corruption.

VieBleu ago

I appreciate how you have followed him, to sniff out the veracity- good background work. So I want to throw this out there for your consideration. I think when there was that definite buzz "Arrests Immanent" not just from VL but other sources too, that was law enforcement playing the internet a bit to rattle the targets, get them to act out. If you know you are guilty and you start seeing that message all over the internet, it works your nerves and that's when people make bad moves like moving or dumping assets, shredding files, selling off contraband cheap, etc...

Because he has been a channel for good info, I think we have to keep in mind that their leaks might not serve our interests every time, but a bigger picture interest that they have. I have come to see the buzz created online within watchful communities as one of the weapons both sides are using against one another. I also think WorldCorp is some kind of psy-op, not sure which side. That's not to say JP isn't the person in the infamous video, but rather, who has that video, and would partially release it in order to rattle him? The people who handle him could be doing it to keep him in line, or law enforcement could be doing it to keep him more unbalanced than he already is. To me it's dirty and WorldCorp looks like Heavy Breathing style to me, so that makes it CIA/Alefantis, but I can't be certain it isn't a leak from Weiner's computer which is in the hands of the FBI . Sorry to go on a bit there just the ideas kept coming.

party1981 ago

I agree. I asked whether the FBI leaked the WorldCorp video in another thread. It would make a lot of sense.

SturdyGal ago

Exactly. And they did this interview to keep up our morale because they could see the confusion over no arrests.

Dressage2 ago

This is very good. I think citizen journalism is going to get stronger and stronger. Once this Pizzagate explodes with the arrests of the big fish, people will see we have not all lost our minds and/or need a new hobby. We are making a difference as we already know. Some of the things I have uncovered have now disappeared from their websites. There are many others on here that have experienced the very same thing - the scrubbing of their social media and websites. Look at Besta Pizza just for an example. We have power because we are one all over the world with the same mission to save the children. If we save one child, we have succeeded. I needed to read this article tonight to give me a shot in the arm after seeing that horrible video (Father). Just keep digging!

VieBleu ago

people will see we have not all lost our minds and/or need a new hobby.

made me chuckle and yes! it will be nice.

witch_doctor1 ago

VL is a good guy and sincere IMO...the funny thing is that I kinda tried to joke with him when we were talking via PM and he got pissed at me due to a hopefully he reads this and realizes I stand behind him and was just kidding.

bopper ago

He told me that you can take a long walk off a short pier. Not. Bedtime for me.

witch_doctor1 ago

OK, just realized MY reading comprehension was off. Awkward.

newworldahead ago

Suddenly, we have citizen journalism, and it will end up saving the people, in the end.

So good to hear! The whole PG community is a bit chaotic at times, but I am so proud to be a part of it.

acme2011 ago


madmanpg ago

So Robert David Steele, formerly of the CIA. If he shows up dead soon, we'll know.

mrjdouble ago

The man has balls. He's been on this exposure crusade for some time. His name is out there, he's obviously well know by the opposition. He's a real smart guy, so something tells me he took a page out of their playbook and has some kind of dead man's switch set up that would get to the right places should he ever turn up missing.

As we've all learned on Ray Donovon: Blackmail can be an extremely effective tool.

GeorgeT ago

Check out Robert Steele article - Accidental President. Apparently accordng to Steele, Trump was offered $ 20 Billion (yes, billion, not a typo) by Lyn Rotchild to throw the election. Then Weiners laptop was seazed and Trump refused the offer.

Rhino7682 ago

Ya link to tht?

VieBleu ago

wow, link? I'd like to listen to that interview

pepe16 ago

Here you go -- I mirrored the video on so it's not likely to be censored. You don't need an account or anything to download it.

h ttps://!7Yo0RAYC!CGfx5lEto6UZac2-K1aDO38mVccWzKvrIQ1JP2HsLlg

VieBleu ago


Gothamcity ago

If the Mossad/Cia is so powerful how did Obama get the Iran deal passed that allowed the Iranians to get 150 billion dollars? This sounds like bullshit to me. Sorry

Freemasonsrus ago

Because he was groomed CIA and wasn't brownstoned.

srayzie ago

I think we should ask Robert David Steele that question. I'm curious about that too.

chelseaclinton ago

Could we get him to do an AMA here? He was on Alex Jones today but Alex, bless his heart, can't stfu for a second and let his guests talk.

Littlebird1 ago

At the end of the video the DHS insider basically says 'it is the citizen journalists who will eventually free the people from this deep state corruption'... Looks like we really are making an impact and causing effect. It's up to all of us to keep pushing relentlessly and tirelessly to never give up.

User890020 ago

Is it 'legal' to all upvote the story on Reddit?

Gothamgirl ago

I've heard this early on, Definetly a good refresher. I disagree the last AnonFBI gave some great clues. He gave an Id card with a name which lead to this person & file. I think this was a guy at one time.

party1981 ago

Wait, can you elaborate?

The FBIanon from last week said that there would be 30 high profile arrests. I think he was basically proven wrong. But did he predict something? I would love for him to be right.

Gothamgirl ago

During the interview Anon posted a pic with an id card with the name xian zhang and called this person a "chinese rat". In the wikileaks emails its in bowl of whacks and also in this one. At the bottom it states add roman numeral 8 to this name. That is how I found all of this files. I don't quite get what they mean. My guess is bad vaccines/diseases., gender reassignment stuff

party1981 ago

I have no idea what any of that means. Chinese rat? What video?

Gothamgirl ago

Video? I didn't mention a video. It was posted on 4 chan and the link is broken now.

redditsuckz ago

Sean Gallagher of Department of Homeland Security was sent the pizza.jpg link in the podesta email...

[email protected]

Dont expect the DHS to do much....

mrjdouble ago

But what he was essentially saying was there are good and bad factions in all forms of gov't. So sure, he's likely a pedo for receiving an email from podesta with a hidden image in it, but that doesn't mean they are all creeps.

Kapao ago

Hmm. ISIS is CIA and Mossad creation that blew up in their faces/backfired, but they are freaked out about it being destroyed now? That makes no sense. If ISIS didn't serve its purported purpose (destabilizing Syria and Iran) why would they care if it's wiped out? Seems more like they'd welcome that.

Also, why wouldn't intel agencies have fought hard against the Iran deal? If CIA is as powerful as I imagine they are, that garbage deal would never have seen the light of day. They're leaking everything they can against Trump, but they leaked none of the details of that deal - details that folks would have completely freaked out about.

Sorry - those things don't square at all for me. There are plenty of folks that want to throw out disinfo right now - lies woven into just enough truth to make you believe.

Side-note, who is this narrator? He can hardly read and misses the context of many questions/answers. Is he posing as someone an intel leaker trusts with this stuff?

Freemasonsrus ago

Because if you make nice with Iran then it looks less suspicious when ISIS walks in and destroys them. No blow back. They're freaking out bc A) people talk, even terrorist B) their weapons are traceable C) Russia knows the truth and if they make nice with Trump they will spill the Intel. D) the plane of singing Russians was actually also carrying chemists who were going to test the sarin used in ME.

party1981 ago

It's simple: they still want to topple Syria. They still want to go to war with Russia. They still want ISIS to help do all of that.

ArcherMcTaco ago

Oh shit..... Yup, this is some serious shit and it makes perfect sense.

BorisBadenov ago

Again, and this is getting quite old at this point, Osama bin Laden's "porn stash" is a good entry point for exposing all of this in a way that is appropriately ridiculous and entirely self-imposed as it was the "intelligence" community itself that pushed the "porn stash" but is now backpedaling and claiming that it may not even exist. In all likelihood Osama bin Laden's large "porn stash" is actually a reference to 9/11 money man Saudi prince Al-waleed bin Talal who has a large pornstache i.e. porno-style mustache. Thus Osama bin Laden's porn stash really has to do with the money connections behind 9/11 and related crimes. Al-waleed is the largest individual shareholder of Citigroup. Al-waleed is a buddy of Rupert Murdoch and the number two owner of Fox. Al-waleed has his own orphanage in Burkina Faso for some reason. Al-waleed has his own divinity school at Harvard. Anthony Weiner warned Harvard over a decade ago about the bad optics of this situation. Al-waleed's bodyguard was spotted at the Boston marathon bombing. Al-waleed owns the yacht that formerly belonged to Donald Trump. Donald Trump called Al-waleed a dope on Twitter, which Al-waleed partially owns. Al-waleed initially blamed 9/11 on the Israeli occupation of Palestine. Now he is an honorary ambassador to Israel. These sorts of facts go on and on and on but they only get more absurd. Trump's not just dealing with a rat's nest within a maze within a mindfuck. This is pure mental illness, reduced to absurdity. Go long Orville Redenbacher stock.

VieBleu ago

the Prince (Al-waleed) tweeted, “You are a disgrace not only to the GOP but to all America. Withdraw from the U.S presidential race as you will never win.”

Trump fired back: “Dopey Prince @Alwaleed_Talal wants to control our U.S. politicians with daddy’s money. Can’t do it when I get elected. #Trump2016.”

Godwillwin ago

This almaweed is an evil looking little man that's for sure

party1981 ago

I'm pretty sure that OBL was dead a long time before the raid.

I bet the CIA helped finance the Zero Dark Thirty movie.

mrjdouble ago

They certainly consulted and provided bogus, "Classifed information" to make the film. Likely an elaborate CIA psy-op to really hammer home the official narrative. He lived a nice life and died several years before they said he did. Shadiest part about the whole thing? They confirmed it was him and dumped him out a chopper over the Indian Ocean? Gtfo

party1981 ago

Yeah I always thought that was fishy. They caught Bin Laden and produced Obama's PDF birth certificate at the same time. It was his reelection campaign strategy.

mrjdouble ago

Exactly. When you have a card to play like that, obviously you wait to the most opportune time.

Godwillwin ago

The whole threw his body in the ocean stunk of BS from the very beginning. When I read that across the ticker on the news that night I was like hmmmmmm

witch_doctor1 ago

Wow...thanks for posting and thank you to VL for getting this interview. That feeling we all have that something big is about to happen...real. Someday, down the road it would be cool if T_D, v/pizzagate and /pol/ could meet up with the legit intelligence anons and have a beer stream it...kinda like HWNDU, but with less Sharia and more remove kebab...

8pinkstars ago

Trump said in his press conference today that he has big announcements next week! I have a good feeling!

bopper ago

Sounds like they're very tuned in to you guys so maybe so :)

witch_doctor1 ago

I hope you are right!

bopper ago

It really does (sound like they follow you guys). I'm a newbie here and wasn't even on Reddit so my hat's off to everyone, may you see the fruits of your labor.

witch_doctor1 ago

Really? That surprises me....I figured you were a reddit refugee like me. The funny thing is that I was a noob to Reddit (T_D) until August 2016 and my former home was a popular hunting board in TX. BTW, what do you do in Big Bend? Saw you mention it in the Marfa thread...never been there but I figured it would kind of be like the Griswold's at the Grand Canyon...get out of the truckster and look around.....but as far as activities?

bopper ago

The beauty of Big Bend is its nothingness. Incredibly solitary, the silence is deafening, the distance(s) will fool you. It's a beautiful desert w/ a "secret" mountain. We just stay in the motel in "the Basin" at the top of the (Chisos) mountain. But you can go 'outback' there and not see another human for, well, as long as you want. Just bring water :) But I love the desert. Haha, just caught the Griswold comment, that might be me.

bopper ago

He really comes down hard on CPS in California, sounds really bad. It's always about money. Finished reading, he says FBIanon is real deal.

GeorgeT ago

Nance Schaffer was exposing CPA before getting 'suicided'

MolochHunter ago

yes I did think maybe he otherwise has low level literacy or dyslexia - which is why the spoken word via youtube would be his referred medium

Progressivelymean ago

This is such good news guys. This dude explained the connections between the Mossad and CIA brownstone operations in a way that finally makes sense.

21yearsofdigging ago

George Webb has been talking about the same thing too! All the ducks are starting to line up

GeorgeT ago

JFK was quoted saying 'I will smash CIA into 1000 little pieces.'

Disgusted-Lurker ago

A lot of this was also covered by George Webb in his series. This validates his work, if true.

Godwillwin ago

Yes. I couldn't make sense of the Russia thing. The only thing I could come up with was the globalist must want a nuclear war for population control and destabilization. I just couldn't make sense of it.

It makes sense PERFECTLY now. The DHS anon made it crystal clear. Amazing

ravensedgesom ago

seems to align with verified research.

bopper ago

"Trump will get leaked videos from strong intel supporters and throw a spotlight on the cockroaches." Trump's meeting with Benjamin N. is "theater."

MolochHunter ago

Very interesting interview, but the way Victuras stumbles over reading 'his own' questions - I dont think he did the interview. Someone else did and handed this to him.

No great crime, he's still making a good contribution

SturdyGal ago

He says his followers helped him with questions.

DarkMath ago

" Victuras stumbles over reading 'his own' questions".....Lol. I know. Is he from Philly? God bless him though. I love his show. I love people from Philly but god damn they can sound illiterate sometimes.

bopper ago

But don't mess with Texas.

DarkMath ago

Or Lynn. Holy fuck Lynn is the worst. Don't ever mess with Lynn.

Lynn Lynn the city of sin. Don't walk out the way you went in.


MolochHunter ago

lol I dunno, I'm in Australia, all we know is we appreciate their cream cheese

witch_doctor1 ago

BTW, sometimes when I am down and need a pick-me-up, I read about the Cronulla riots. Awesome. Much respect from this hemisphere.

witch_doctor1 ago

Based Aussie's...we used to drink Sheaf Stout every Saturday in the liqour store parking lot after BJJ practice. It's like you mixed soy sauce and beer but it works so well.

DarkMath ago

Well I'll put it this way, there are still a few cities in America where the poorest people living there are the white people. Philly's one, think Rocky Balboa. Boston's another one, think Micky Ward: It's a sight to behold.

bopper ago

You left out West Virginia man.

DarkMath ago

"left out West Virginia"......Lol, how could I forget! Yes West Virginia, the only problem though is West Virginia is a State and the poor white people aren't so packed in together so they're easier to deal with.

Not so in Philly and the Boston-Lowell-Lynn-Worcester metropolitan area. The poor white trash are packed into triple deckers real tight and will fuck with your head. How do I know? Because I was one of them a long time ago. :-) Growing up poor and white sucks.

bopper ago

Man on google maps Boston looks like it exploded (the street lay-out :)

DarkMath ago

Yeah, the streets were built for horse and carriage. It's bizarre sometimes to walk around downtown Boston, there are few street that are like 100 feet long on a good day. The other half of the city was built on land fill from Bunker and Beacon Hill.

bopper ago

My kid was just there. I'm sooooo southern. But I should really go there sometime. We haven't even had a winter here :) Goodnight.

zzvoat ago

Thanks, OP! FABULOUS!! Just downloaded it in case it is "disappeared."

This is REALLY important information, especially for those it's new to. We can't engage an enemy if we don't know who the enemy really is. Shadow boxing gets us nowhere.

Anon..."suddenly, we have citizen journalism and it will end up saving the people in the end." (eyes well up and overflow)

. .

To all of our beloved Jewish researchers, mods, and lurkers...

If you have been unaware of this information regarding Israel and the Mossad 1. You may not believe it. 2. You may feel personally attacked by the mere suggestions/allegations. What I think we are all wise to remember is that these people are psychopaths. Psychopaths have no countries, no religions, no race, no age, no ableness, no gender orientation, no feelings, no conscience -- nothing. They are soulless.

They are not you and they are not me. They are none of us.

CipherPuppet ago

Well stated. In the interview, there was no attack on"Jews" It was an expose on Israel Government tactics. Likud party strategies.

MAGABoomer ago

Are we sure about this guy? Because I posted a lot of what he's saying week/months ago specifically in relation to Epstein's island, and Israeli blackmail. They getting their script from VOAT?

JamesGhost ago

Well said. The deep state of Israel is no more representative of the Jewish people than our deep state is representative of the American dream. They all want to enslave us from the top down.

cheetoboat ago

Agree. The middle east sees all americans (ie christians) as been one in the same with our govt. Lets not do the same.

Narcissism ago

Psychopathy is not related to child abuse if you check the research. I have hung out on Psychopathy forums for years never heard anyone talk about abusing kids. Abusers are Narcissists/ Sociopaths that were abused themselves.

chelseaclinton ago

I have hung out on Psychopathy forums for years W-why?

Godwillwin ago

Beautifully said! I'm still proud to be an American even though our leaders have been satanic pedophile warlords. I'm still proud because of the PEOPLE. My neighbors. My town. Because of people like you and all the centipedes and autists and depolorables. I'm proud to stand with you as an American to take back our nation and the world, really. America's leaders have been a disgrace and have started so many horrendous wars. But we now have this one chance to dethrone these heinous demons. Let's stay the course. We have to fight this fight to the end.

VieBleu ago

I am not one to quote bible verses usually, but I saw this on the VL Youtube channel and I thihk it is appropriate here -

Rev 3:9 I will make those who are of the synagogue of Satan, who claim to be Jews though they are not, but are liars--I will make them come and fall down at your feet and acknowledge that I have loved you.

DustyRadio ago

It's always better to see some of these verses in a larger context- Here is Revelation 3:7-10

I think it is even more compelling read together.

7 And to the angel of the church of Philadelphia, write: These things saith the Holy One and the true one, he that hath the key of David; he that openeth, and no man shutteth; shutteth, and no man openeth: 8 I know thy works. Behold, I have given before thee a door opened, which no man can shut: because thou hast a little strength, and hast kept my word, and hast not denied my name. 9 Behold, I will bring of the synagogue of Satan, who say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie. Behold, I will make them to come and adore before thy feet. And they shall know that I have loved thee. 10 Because thou hast kept the word of my patience, I will also keep thee from the hour of the temptation, which shall come upon the whole world to try them that dwell upon the earth.

bopper ago

Excellent excellent and timely observation and comment.

bopper ago

I bookmarked the (text) interview.

8pinkstars ago

So did I but it's gone now

bopper ago

Joke? And who downvoted me, my feelings are hurt.

8pinkstars ago

No!!! Not me!! It's what he said in the interview he said "there are pictures of WJC that would destroy him"! I love your posts and if you see mine you'd know I hate them!

bopper ago

Heh, I hate them too. Really bad. Not surprising is it, about WJC.

Lovely government and friends we got .... Bill Clinton, Brock, Hillary, Weiner, Podestas, Epstein, Alefantis............

8pinkstars ago

Disgusting, are you on twitter? I tweet at them, about them all the time, I'm a survivor of this sick stuff so I have made it a personal vendetta

bopper ago

Nah, I don't tweet much. I did while watching the Trump rallies via youtube. I certainly can understand your personal circumstances and the vendetta! "Where we stand usually depends on where we sit."

Godwillwin ago

Might have been an accident. When I'm upvoting while on my phone, sometimes my butterfingers hit the wrong arrow. It wasn't me though ;)

bopper ago

Off w/ your head man!

bopper ago

"There are videos of some of the most powerful players in the most humiliating positions." (Via CIA and Mossad.)))

Godwillwin ago

Do you think it's with teenage girls and young elementary aged children on Epstein's island or is it only teen girls? Both are wrong of course. But him saying the media people are even involved makes me think that they can't ALL be raping toddlers and 7 year olds, right? Of course, terms is wrong too. Any aged sex slave is wrong wrong wrong. But I'm just having a hard time wrapping my head around this. I was convinced of the big politicians, but all in the media too?

bopper ago

Honestly I think it's varied and complex. For example, FBIanon (or the other intel guy that popped in here on Voat), said Lester Holt was 'clean.' Dunno. Also some are lured into situations, who would not ordinarly engage in things, who are filmed, and just being there is enough for blackmail. And some are really bad. Some like children, some like boys only, some like Weiner like teen girls, some are into abuse. Yes, it's hard to get your head around. I would say Bill Clinton only likes females. Who the heck knows what all's going on, hope we find out. It's very hard for my wife to understand all this also, so far-fetched seemingly.

Godwillwin ago

Yeh I haven't tried to tell too many people close to me because they will think I've lost my mind. I'm spreading as much as I can on an anonymous twitter account

bopper ago

My wife will indeed watch the Ben Swann report. And that's because it's presented just like a typical MSM segment, and that's what people are used to.

PoundSign_999 ago

What's the difference between the media, Deep State and corrupt politicians? A: there is no difference. They are just different wings of the same apparatus.

SturdyGal ago

According to the book Trafficking Epstein liked inderage girls starting at 12 years for himself. But since he and Ghislaine are Mossad I would guess they could get whatever the target wanted.

GeorgeT ago

It's official, during 2015 intrview, Jake Tapper & his wife list Comet Ping Pong as their favorite dinery?????? Serious. I saw new video by A CAll For An Uprising (150 000 subs) who noted that New Jersey has the best pizzerias in the whole of US, and he has never seen any high ranking politician or a media person anywhere near those joints. I guess they are into different sort of pizza.)

8pinkstars ago

"There and videos of WJC that would destroy him"

gangpressorliber ago

feb 3rd dated

bopper ago

This guy says that Epstein's island was basically infested with intel and used for blackmail purposes of politicians via cameras, videos.

I'm still reading it.

GeorgeT ago

Trump went to the Epstein Island, Black OP operatives tried to convert Trump but there witnesses who saw that upon seeing under age girls Trump freaked out, said it wasn't his thing and boarded the plane. He became thorn in the Pedo-community since.

mrjdouble ago

I think that was the biggest bombshell of it all. Not that there were these sick pervs in the highest levels of gov't, I mean that part is obvious, for whatever reason, people of means and power enjoying fucking children. But what blew my mind was when he said Epstein was on a sanction mission from Israel and he was, (is) an Israeli spy to gather dirt on people so it could be used later against them. I imagine they get the information, present it to the perpetrator and say play ball or your finished. With self-preservation in mind, well, because that's how these fuckers work, totally makes sense.

bopper ago

Totally. It is quite obvious they are puppets, they make promises then turn their backs on the people. Whatever could be the reason for that? Whatever could be the reason that both left and right wing are both warmongers.

Jem777 ago

Think it might be helpful to start taking apart the CIA Zinonist Vatican connection. This is a very important historical and spiritual understanding that needs to be worked through. This involves bloodlines and we have to understand it from that perspective. The CIA was the internal intelligence of the Vatican that worked with Nazi Scientists Dr.Mengele "Angel of Death" which later came to US under inverted name CIA.First hand witness to openration Paperclip story. Goal was for pure blood anti-Jewish. We need to investigate how this worked into Colombono with Maddie McCann. Rh neg registry called CARIS keeping track of especially 0- blood carriers internationally.

GeorgeT ago

Thank you for mentioning. I totally forgot the king pin of pedophelia - Mr.Vatican himself. A book by Geoffrey Robertson 'Case of The Pope' goes deeper than anyone. Pure depravity without any accountability. Priests at Vatican are immune from prosecution by the law enforcement. Law onto themselves. Only a Vatican Cardinal can 'investigate' a pedophile priest. Good ol' Vatican - pedo haven!

bopper ago

Book from the 1800's The Two Babylons is great.

Mooka_Molaka ago

Wait... CARIS?! The RH neg registry is actually called CARIS?!

I'm sorry to sperg out but #CarisJames certainly comes to mind. And the Rh Neg. thing has both interested and concerned me since I personally am an Rh Neg blood type. I guess I am just wondering and a bit worried re: what they want with us or from us Rh Negative blood types.

And I guess as others have said I'm a bit exhausted. Trying to keep up and on top of the massive amounts of info can be maddening. And to top it off I was hospitalized for a week in January, so I fell behind on some things here.

Anyway, Thank You all for the research & work you've all put into this~

God Bless You~

Flying Spaghetti Monster Bless You~

Godwillwin ago

I had to get s rhogam shot a week or so before I delivered all my babies. I can't remember if that was because I'm Rh positive or negative. I think negative. They gave me a little card to carry in my wallet saying I am Rh negative lol

VieBleu ago

you are right - has this been brought up? what a clear connection and explanation for the name.

bopper ago

My head is spinning. The Vatican as I understand it is a front for Zionism. From a spiritual and protestant/puritan/reformation viewpoint the papacy is the whore of Revelation and a reinstitution of the vanquished (by God) Jewish Ceremonial law/religion, which became moot w/ the revelation of Christ the Messiah whom the Jews "unadvisedly" rejected. I'm exhausted.

mrjdouble ago

Also, it's theorized that the Church created Islam as well, sometime between 5 and 600 AD. The basic idea being, gives us a reason to divide the people of the world, and stay at a constant state of war so they are less likely to revolt or cause problems for gov'ts.

bopper ago

Yes. Mohammed, in eschatology, is (according to the Puritans), the "false prophet" that's allied w/ "the Beast" (papacy), in Revelation. So it makes sense.

Jem777 ago

Yes. I think it is important to understand the Zionism possibly arrouse pot oh the Ashkenazi Jews which have now been traced to the away of Khazar (kazarian mafia) fake Jews possibly became 13 illiniunati bloodines. This gives soled foundation as to why the Vatican has been intricalky involved in destruction Jewish race behind the scenes. They iiuminati are most all a very odscute bloodline RG meg or more precisely O- they are placed on international registry at birth to keep track of these children 24/7 for blood transfusions. The registry is Called. CARIS as #caris James whicj showed the eye defect coloboma as defect reulting in a Pax 6 mutation any result fro the carriers of RH negative bloodlines.

Progressivelymean ago

Epstein's island was a giant brownstone op.

bopper ago

"According to Webb, the captors scare the children into silence with a fabricated narrative of torture and ritual abuse." Reminds me of the "father" video. This is a huge huge mess, I hope we get through it all in one piece.

Littlebird1 ago

I also believe there is an element of MKUltra type memory wiping that takes place. So many people who are victims of this type of abuse say that they lost their memories of their childhoods, only for it to come flooding back to them in their 30's...

vacvape ago

This is certainly MK Ultra style torture. Sensory deprivation/overload.. they're already children so there can't be much regressing. Forced to see their transgressors as parental figures.. look to them for protection, etc.

bopper ago

Thank God the brain can heal. I can imagine.

Piscina ago

It's called neuroplasticity. That kind of abuse would be really difficult to heal from. Best you could do would be come to know that you, as victim, didn't cause it and learn to manage your mental illness that arose fro the abuse

bopper ago

Yes, neuroplasticity. Has to do with (malfunctioning or depletion of) neurotransmitters and/or nuerons (that's the chemical and physical side), and then (I believe) the spiritual side, the soul, which an old preacher used to describe as "a bundle of faculties." PTSD is what we're dealing with it seems.

VieBleu ago

Cathy OBrian has a new interview out after many years of silence - it amazes me what people can endure and still look and sound relatively normal....

gangpressorliber ago

Good share.... this helps reassure me with the delicate Israel Zionist situation.... If Trump is consistent as he shows to be... this looks like we will be taking down the whole thing altogether!!! Zionism etc... thousands of years of evil destroyed!!!!

GeorgeT ago

Alex Jones is still silent about mossad zionist connection. The New Jesey Muslims that Trump said cheered on the day of 9-11 were in fact mossad agents dressed as Arabs. Police arrested them and after two months of interrogations Israel had them extradites back to Tel Aviv where three of them gave an interview saying they were innocent and were in New Jersey with cameras to DOCUMENT THE EVENT. It's on Utube and was reported by Washington Post who then changed the story - changed by that disabled reporter whom Trump supposedly mocked - Trump does spastic hand gestures when mocking people in general, he didn't know the reporter was dissabled, still Trump got the heat. But I digress.

bopper ago

The intel guy says the meeting w/ Israel recently was just "theater." Trump is crafty.

educate_yourself ago

he was just up on stage with netanyahu? he doesnt shut up about israel and its awesomeness, i dont know how against zionism he really can be..........

Littlebird1 ago

I agree. Trump is known as a serious Israel butt-kisser. He has only ever had positive things to say about Israel and has never appreciated the plight of the Palestinians... I wouldn't hold my breath waiting for him to bring down Israel or Zionism anytime soon....

Piscina ago

If you watched Netanyahu and trump's press conference,, you will see that trump asked Israel to stop , for now, building on Gaza or West Bank (can't remember which one). Netanyahu said he wasn't happy to do that, but that it was a starting point.

Godwillwin ago

Is it possible Mossad and Israel the nation aren't REALLY hand in hand? Is it possible netenyahu is being kept in the dark by Mossad. Kind of like the CIA running the show here?

It doesn't seem likely but I'm trying to make that puzzle piece fit

Editing because I just read freemasonsrus explanatiin so I'm leaning away from my above far fetched theory now. Lol

TabiCatTwo ago

Seems like Obama putting sanctions on Israel would contradict this narrative.

Freemasonsrus ago

I agree. He was outright hostile to Israel and I'd like that bit cleared up as far as why. I can understand why Israel would have done what they did with the brownstones out of paranoia. Doesn't make it right. But if this gets cleaned up and Israel knows that they don't need to do those things in order to have an ally, then it changes the game.

Godwillwin ago

Good point

gardenofbacchus ago

Thank you. Very important.

AgainstCotton ago

The last FBIAnon this guy interviewed completely bombed. This has got to be bullshit.

Edit: Watched the video. IDK what to think, just waiting and seeing.

witch_doctor1 ago

No, he didn't...VL's anon interview said that they "expected to see movement" this week...which I think we all have seen. The European Adoption Agency raid and the potentially related NH Alderman raid looks like they are working their way up the food chain.

I was looking for HRC to be wearing orange first after Jan. 20....but maybe they are going the other direction?

bopper ago

That's what the interview says, going up the food chain.

Tanngrisnir ago

Did you listen tot the interview? The DHS guy flat out says that FBIANON lied about that to piss off the elites and distract them from their real move.

mrjdouble ago

FBI ANON also clearly said he was going to purposely say some stuff that was incorrect as counter-intel for the people that would like to capture him.

AgainstCotton ago

see my edit

Tanngrisnir ago

Same here.

DarkMath ago

"The last FBIAnon".......I sort of agree. Maybe it wasn't the exact same FBIAnon that come first? That dude was for real as verified by the first document in the data-dump the FBI did after his AMA. I forgot what the exact data dump was but there was no other way the first document could have been predicted by FBIAnon unless they were the real deal.

It's tough to tell about this DHS guy. It's so easy for someone like the Russians or whoever to spoof things.

All I know is somethings got to give here. This shit show has to resolve itself sooner rather than later. The longer it goes on the worse the outcome unfortunately.


The Wikileaked Podesta emails was the first shit Breeze, which begat the #Pizzagate shit Winds, which begat the 2016 Election result shit Show, which begat the Comet Ping Pong shit Storm, which begat the MSM Fake News Narrative shit Tornado, which begat the MSM Russian Hacking shit Hurricane which begat the Deep State Soft Coup shit Super Typhoon which will beget the 2017 Swamp Draining ever-loving shit TSUNAMI. PRAISE KEK MUTHAHFUGGAS..

DarkMath ago

"shit TSUNAMI".........I hear ya but I actually worried the CIA and Clinton Foundation fucked up so bad the shit went into another dimension of Space-Time and God just loosened a 6 mile wide meteor of "shit" and it's headed our way.

Thanks CIA and Clinton Foundation! I really appreciate it! I always wondered what pissing God off would look like and thanks to you dip shits we might all find out.


GladToBeHere ago

One for the ages

DarkMath ago

Oh yeah, they're DoSing the crap out of victuruslibertas dot com right now. The page took a minute to come up.

DoSing is always a good sign someone's spitting out truth to power.


LostandFound ago

Yeah its been down down for hours now .. fuck

Semore ago

aaandd its down now...

LolturdFerguson ago

His site is down with a 503 error as of 11:15 pm cst.

pepe16 ago

Here you go -- I mirrored the video on so it's not likely to be censored. You don't need an account or anything to download it. h ttps://!7Yo0RAYC!CGfx5lEto6UZac2-K1aDO38mVccWzKvrIQ1JP2HsLlg

oneposteach ago

Good work

BackAgain ago

Dude I think you are right! I'm on 30+ seconds of loading and its still a white screen

Id say it could be high server traffic but the last time they released something big I didn't expierence anything like this

lude ago

3rd that

Millennial_Falcon ago

FYI, guys, there is free software like OBS studio, which you can use to copy any video that you watch.

EDIT: This video is slow AF and is just the guy reading a transcript of the interview. Just read the transcript, here:

Silverlining ago

Upvote Thank you for the transcript.

GeorgeT ago

There are two Zionist factions, pedo-CIA, and Trump's pedo-free-market sociopaths, I'd take the latter.

Gammi ago

Your Welcome.

Gammi ago

One thing Trump is going to have to do is clean house in the CIA.....I hope he realizes many in that group are his enemy.....he went and talked to them not long after he was elected.

unrealisthenewreal ago

When Trump went to talk to the CIA he referenced the "fifth column" in his speech which, according to Wiki is "any group of people who undermine a larger group—such as a nation or a besieged city—from within, usually in favor of an enemy group or nation. "

Gammi ago

I did not hear his whole speech so I am glad to know that!

bopper ago

That's what this guy is saying in the interview.

Gammi ago

I know, and I hope Trump is aware not all in the CIA are is friends.

bopper ago

Oh he knows, that I can tell you (Trump impersonation.) Trump knows he has mucho enemies.

Gammi ago

he has a web he said he would put the interview on it.

srayzie ago

Sorry. Can't. I'm doing this from an IPad. Someone else please mirror. It has already been deleted from other places