sensitive ago

Hi @abortionburglar, I have to remove your post because it violates rule no. 3 (no summary or description given).

DarkMath ago

"Pedos get so mad".......DrakMath, are you feeling ok?

AllianceFan ago

Can you cite evidence of him paying Lisa Bloom and the accuser off?

SayWhatNOWAY ago


rooting4redpillers ago

FFS, this video. Even the least of us are so done with this shit.

SayWhatNOWAY ago

BS! Get lost you FuckTard!

SayWhatNOWAY ago

Fuck off you shill!

Pechal ago

So immediately after the election the 'dozens' of women that claimed sexual abuse that CNN would not stop talking about, SUDDENLY got all paid off and decided to be quiet right? Yea thats what it was.

Also interesting to note all the claims of sexual abuse on the women were things like groping, because they didn't have to have any proof and didn't have to file a police report at the time. There was no claims that he actually raped anyone. A giant media circus attack.

TruthTrumps ago

Member for 8 minutes and this is your first contribution? You are about as legitimate as the pathetically impotent video.

gurneyx ago

i love how people automatically believe this with Trump but there is miles of evidence with HRC and Podesta that they cant seem to believe.....None if the things presented here had any actual proof at all not even circumstantial proof lol.

TruthTrumps ago

What a bunch of crap. No substantiation of anything. I'm not saying Trump is innocent...but this proves nothing. It's beyond ridiculous.

DarkMath ago

I looked up the first name that was referenced as "evidence", Michael Parker. I found no connection to Trump. Unless you can provide some evidence on Michael Parker then you, abortionburglar, get another strike. Sorry, I don't make the rules. ;-)

MyUSA2017 ago

You were nicer to the OP than what I was going to post. Thanks for saying it with class.

23eulogy23 ago

There is a highly regarded user here and reddit called abortionburger. Look, the names don't match. It's a copy cat account

Piscina ago

Thank you. I thought it was abortionburger.