AreWeSure ago

There's a new sheriff in town? This was started Jan 18th. Which means it was under the old sheriff.


This has been done under many previous sherriffs. Google National Johns Suppression Initiative and you'll see this is not new.

The operation was part of what's called the National Johns Suppression Initiative -- an annual initiative now in its 13th year. In Harris County, it ran from Jan. 4 through Super Bowl Sunday and netted the most arrests of any agency.

"I'm exceedingly proud to lead the nation in targeting sex buyers and traffickers during this annual initiative," said Harris County Sheriff Ed Gonzalez in a statement. "Houston was home to Super Bowl LI. As we welcomed the world to our City, we made it clear that there is no place for victimization and sexual exploitation."

kidavenger ago

I did not mean to imply that I am not appreciative of the hard work done by the men and women in law enforcement to catch the perpetrators and rescue the victims. If it came across that way I apologize. I only meant that I am hopeful that AG Sessions will allow a full investigation and prosecution where warranted, for this and other similar cases. No secret meetings on the tarmac to discuss grandchildren and golf.

Forgetmenot ago

Thank you for clarifying have not had time to research today.

Evileddie13 ago

'Rescued.' LMAO, they were probably 17 year old drug addicts that VERY WILLING suck dick for money. Yah all act like these were toddlers.

dontmindthemess ago

Well, if it was your sister or daughter with an addiction problem, it makes it okay to enslave and torture them. Do you drink coffee, or Mountain Dew/Coca Cola/Pepsi? Smoke cigarettes, pot, vape? Drink beer, booze, wine? Lets hold you against your will and sell you for sex because you do one of them. Try to escape, gets beat down, anally raped, face smashed, just because you have a substance addiction. Maybe you have this problem because its how you cope with the fact your uncle/dad/grandfather/brother/neighbor made you suck dick when you were 6 and you have nightmares. Its all your fault and you deserve to be used by more people, lokked down on by strangers because you're on a street corner at 3am turning tricks. Im sure they're out there because its their choice. Maybe you were grabbed and they shot you with smack for 2 werks and you get sick unless you turn 20 tricks a night. I'm glad your here to enlighten us with your side of their lives. We wouldn't have the inside scoop like you do. My first wife was 6 years old and had to suck her grandfathers dick if she wanted some ice cream. Her parents dropped her off every day during the summer because they had a pool, and her mom was abused by him along with all her aunts and uncles when they were kids. She became an alcoholic and died of liver cancer because thats how she coped. I know this is Voat and we all have our opinions, and i respect that and you. But, fuck you. Wait till you have a daughter and she's abused behind your back and has her way of coping. But, if she gets forced to do it, it's okay, she wants to do it because she's a drug addict and she deserves it.

Evileddie13 ago

What fantasy land do you live in? Being a how is a VOLUNTARY profession.

dontmindthemess ago

A how? If youre talking about a "ho", not all hookers are voluntary. Especially, underage hookers. I have a few doubts that some 16 year old aspires to be a streetwalker. Its one thing to have loose morals and like to fuck, its more common to be forced into hooking with underage girls. Some may start out as a runaway, but all it takes is one bad decision or wrong turn and their freedom is now determined by a large man who beats or rapes them into submission. After that, they do whatever they have to not to be brutalized and to keep him happy so they don't pay the consequences. Look into the word "pimp". True, some women are whores by choice, but I don't think its a majority. The article does state that they were lured into sex slavery. Lured and slavery do not generally imply voluntary.

StreisandEffect ago

And how did they become addicts, Sherlock?

Evileddie13 ago

Bad personal choices, Einstein.

Flaaffy ago

I wish they would release all of the names! /:

zo34 ago

For the ones involved with kids they will if there are convictions. They'll be on the National Sex Offenders list.

Flaaffy ago

Omaha and Lincoln are very close to each other, and human trafficking routinely takes place in both cities very frequently.

I wouldn't be surprised at all if most of the traffickers run a circuit through both.

Pechal ago

I know the answer is obvious, but why is there no major news media covering this. In the past few days if you add it up there is now thousands of arrests related to sex trafficking!? This is not normal!

Fatsack ago

Utah passed the Death Penalty for human traffickers

Aderville ago

And we still have the firing squad!

Fatsack ago

Only if chemical execution is unavailable. Basically you can't get out of a death sentence by a shortage of chemicals

NoBS ago

Fuck yeah! Trafficking in children requires a more extreme form of punishment of course, but we are on the right track.

Forgetmenot ago

Wait a minute does anyone know offhand if Lincoln was the location of the franklin cover up??

atheist4thecause ago

752 people arrested holy cow.

DL4L ago

FYI there is a post where all recent busts are being compiled too

podesta4prison ago

Could you link it please?

89jgn2 ago

Rule 1 mods this isn't necessarily directly related

pinging pedo protectors @Millennial_Falcon @Crensch

Chad_Stethoscope ago

It's definitely related. Underage human trafficking. It's current. References a wider operation. Sourced.