GeorgeHodelDidit ago

Yeah I am a Tea Party type who hates the Dems and Repubs....its funny to understand finally that this damn Cult is the secret of our Political problems. We could probably come together years ago if people just understood the amazing Evil behind all this divide and conquer stuff.

GeorgeHodelDidit ago

Look at that long link this is what convinced me that Hodel did Zodiac also. Steve is probably right about the Chicago Lipstick Murders also...but much less evidence on that one.

GeorgeHodelDidit ago

Yes I just picked it because I needed name not associated with my other on line handles...and I am a Black Dahlia buff. A guy named Steve Hodel has written like five books that his dad is the Black Dahlia killer and the Zodiac killer. He as LOTS of amazing evidence. One of his online fans actually figured out the Zodiacs famous Halloween skeleton card he send to the media or cops. It is a rare Celtic language. I did a google search of one of George Hodels friiends who was recorded at Georges House when the Police bugged him in 1949-1950 and the guy was a count who was trained by another count who was basically a Satanist. I sent Steve the Pizzagate stuff being my theory that George probably got introduced to his Sadism by the Los Angelos or San Fransico Elite. Steve refuses to believe it but George did rape his own daughter at an orgy. Steve writes about that. George also bragged that blackmail is how he was able to be found innocent of his rape trial. It all seemed so Pizzagate. But Steve who was a Los Angelos Police Homicide Detective that retired at a high rank doesnt believe the Satanic Cult theory I sent him. I suggest if you like true crime stories you read Steve Hodels books. Black Dahlia Avenger 1 and 2 and a book he wrote called Most Evil that is Steve Hodels ideas of the Zodiac and the Chicago lipstick murders. is his website. Last year he did a follow up on the Zodiac. A fan who lived in Europe who knew the Celtic language from 2000 years ago basically proved that George put the name HODEL on the card. this is fucking amazing to me.

Having read all his books and all his other stuff and following his website when Pizzagate first started I did some looking into possible Satanist around George Hodel. I found the one potential one and sent the stuff to Steve. But alas Steve believes his father did all the murders himself...which I do also.....but I just believe he most likely was in a Satanist Cult himself. I believe there is some evidence for it. Steve is a good guy I think.

Funny his father George is from Russian Jewish family. Which if you have followed the Pizzagate Śatanic side of it seems to fit a little too perfect.

rodental ago

I'm so fucking sick of the left-right dichotomy. I consider myself a left leaning centrist, and I want to see every last pedo shot dead. Also, I'm willing to bet there are as many right wing pedoa as left wing ones. Also, only in America would anybody call the Democrats left wing. Here in Canada they would be the extreme right.

ConcernedParent2 ago

The list of Republican pedos is huge and OP is either really young or living in a Republican bubble. Are we forgetting about fucking Hastert, the longest serving Republican, that was given a slap on the wrist despite molesting a bunch of boys?

unrealisthenewreal ago

"I will not apologize for citing fact. I will apologize for being proven wrong."

Yasssss queen (apologies, my liberal side is coming out.)!!! But in all seriousness, so glad you're bringing awareness to the aftermath of what's about to go down. Also, MSM (if you follow Seaman) might try to divert our attention away from politics and onto a "discovery" in Antarctica...

Don-Keyhote ago

Intrigued by this liberalism is a mental disease = literal hypnosis, someone elaborate? I have been redpilled (on race and statism) since 14 and never listened to pop music..i used to pronounce the H in Rihanna and people would laugh..

Blacksmith21 ago

No one said it is a "mental disease", other than Rush Limbaugh. I am suggesting a far deeper sociopsychomatic root cause. My personal theory is that like any spectrum, you have people who are highly susceptible to subliminal programming one end, and those who are not on the other end. My theory is that those on the susceptible side may be manipulated through subliminal messaging, MK-type mass programming, etc. through a variety of electronic media. We know it is real, it is a fact. Patents have been filed for devices which can "backfeed" ELF and VLF which can make people enter beta states more quickly. I bet you could hit 80% of those on the left with about 10 TV shows alone. Obey. Consume.

2impendingdoom ago

Please don't let your experience with your own family frustrate you so much. The same way you are denying that Republicans could be implicated sounds like the same argument you are getting from them about dems. Surprise them and admit that it is a problem for both sides, maybe they'll be more receptive to listening. Your whole family sounds stubborn, including you. :)

Blacksmith21 ago

I'm stubborn, no doubt about that. But if you read my post, as well as follow-on comments, I said I have no problem, and essentially expect the fact that there will be high level Republicans caught up in this mess. I'd appreciate if people would quit putting words in my mouth.

2impendingdoom ago

I'm objecting to your claim of 80% dem/20% republican implicated. Where do you get this number? if its just a guess, then I disagree. I think its closer to 50/50

Blacksmith21 ago

We're about to find out, aren't we?

2impendingdoom ago

So i hope. I do agree with what you say, all your posts, but beyond that I see the parties as degenerated to utter fabrications, You've got states where one party doesn't stand a chance so that doesn't stop anyone from running "In Name Only," what they actually believe doesn't matter, they do the bidding of wall street and the cia and get rich on insider trading. That's why, when you get out and actually talk to people, like at airports around the country, normal people all pretty much want the same things, things we aren't getting. I appreciate all of your comments, and hope that I am understanding you as you intend. my apologies if not.

Blacksmith21 ago

Party doesn't matter anymore. I'm sick and ******* tired of getting beat upon the last several decades. Left, right, I don't care. What I care about is if someone has the ability to be self-aware, intellectually honest, and can revise their opinion on the fly based on credible sources. . I put that ability in with those who are not easily susceptible to external, ambient programming. I think that MK evolved into being able to get a certain type of people to think alike and chant a narrative a la a cult.

2impendingdoom ago

That sounds about right, and the stimulus of fear is probably integral to keeping it that way.

Don-Keyhote ago

Well the obvious commonality to their viewpoints is virtue signaling, which feeds ego and self worth. Since these decades of PC/victimology have coincided with higher access to public higher education, more of those on the susceptible side of your spectrum will become hopeless liberals, and their views further reinforced by mass media. But those are Jewish controlled sectors, and isn't it a fact that mkulta was developed by Nazis here in USA?

Ivegotredditcancer ago

Thats where people like us come in to prove just how long this has taken to bring to light.

SturdyGal ago

My concern is that there are thousands of child-oriented charities who may be trafficking and they will of course be missed in the first rounds. So, even if a great effort is made to combat trafficking, we will be co-existing with them for a long time. And we have seen that some federal state and county enforcement agencies are compromised.

We have to develop some kind of local citizens board or group that oversees all of these. Someone who has no ties to funding or existing organizations, but has some power. Not exactly sure what this would look like. I can see if it involves direct contact with children it also would be an in for pedophiles.

Maybe these groups need to be unofficial and off the radar. Not sure, but there will need to be some uncompromised oversight.

SpikyAube ago

I think this idea of 'the left' is nonsense, come on, there are plenty of people with left wing political views who are investigating PG - assuming there are two camps of opposing and completely different types of people is just playing into the elites' game of divide and rule. There are also plenty of right wingers who are refusing to believe PG and call everyone who does an idiot.

Also 'left' and 'right' doesn't mean anything anymore, and it doesn't mean what it used to that's for sure. To most Europeans the Democrats are incredibly right wing, and of course in reality they don't have any actual political beliefs that extend outside of what their own self-interest.

We're not right and left anymore, we're just the good guys, and the pedos are the bad guys, and that's the only distinction we need to make.

ConcernedParent2 ago

Exactly. I don't get why this crap is even allowed here - it's not only divisive, it's just flat out not true. Posts like this is exactly why I never send people here when I'm trying to convince them pizzagate is real.

ConcernedParent2 ago

Stop spreading this partisan bullshit. This is exactly the kind of talk that the media will use to discredit this as a "right wing" attack and use to spread disinformation, the exact thing you're trying to prevent.

Step out of your echo chamber and realize that there are lots of "Liberals" on this very website attempting to help, and this partisan talk is divisive. Steemit and a few left leaning subreddits on reddit believe pizzagate is real too. Before the reddit pizzagate subreddit was shut down, there were lots of Bernie and Jill supporters helping out.

I have some hard core Hillary supporting friends who were disgusted when I presented them the facts of this case. I didn't refer them to this website because I know posts like this one is what they would see and they would have dismissed it. If the media does embark on an epic disinformation campaign, shit like this is only going to help them. Seriously, cut this crap out.

Blacksmith21 ago

Don't you think it's a little a little late for this?

And aside from a joke (yes, a JOKE) not made for the thin-skinned, I didn't say anything which isn't true. What part of my post do you find objectionable?

ConcernedParent2 ago

You are making it sound like it is only the democratic party is full of pedos, and that only those on the Right give a shit about helping stop it. It's divisive and not a "joke", it's free ammo you're giving to the media that will use it to keep people from learning the truth. Pizzagate is not partisan and should never be presented as such.

Blacksmith21 ago

Sorry if facts are being misconstrued as partisan politics. Why don't you guys on the left take a second to remove the cotton from your ears and put it in your mouths and listen for a second:

Those of us on the intellectual hard right have been fighting the Clintons since they burst on the national scene in the 90s, specifically, from a pro-2A standpoint. We, the hard right, have been abused in just about every form imaginable from the left for the last thirty years, since we began to go after the evil we saw in the Clintons. Yes, Pizzagate is not a left-right issue, it is a 90%Left/10%Right issue. Maybe 80/20. I will admit I'm wrong when proven wrong.

FWIW - I see some people here, from the left-of-center political spectrum jumping down my throat for my original statement. What I do not see is people from the left-of-center offering a logical explanation as to why these facts exist. Bueller?

2impendingdoom ago 1982 cited article, Reagan was in office; Franklin scandal (did you miss all those threads?) GHWBush was in office. If anything, the dems learned from the republicans. Its a POWER issue, not an ideology issue. you know that.

ConcernedParent2 ago

It only seems like it's a "Leftist" issue because right now our biggest and most blatant evidence is coming from a few technologically challenged idiots that happened to be Democrats. You are crazy to believe that this is "90% a leftist" issue and willfully ignoring the long list of Republican pedos that are well known and that were HUGE scandals when they broke. You must be either really young or living in a Republican bubble if you think they aren't there; do you not remember how pissy Republicans got when someone built website cataloging all of the Republican rapists and pedos? Their domain is expired now, but you can see the list here:

Seriously, get out of your bubble, this is not a left vs right, the left and right don't exist when it comes to the elites, they all support each other.

Blacksmith21 ago

Since my post was deleted, I'm unsure if you will get this. Anyhow, thanks for the link. I scrolled through the entire thing and agree that it is most certainly an issue across all political ideologies. I mentioned this in my writing. The difference is a perception issue - your list is a bunch of nobodies. The likely Pizzagate suspect list is a "Who's Who" of Democratic politicians and operatives. That's just a fact. Perception and reality are two different things.

"You must be either really young or living in a Republican bubble if you think they aren't there": I'm probably at least as old as you are, if not older. I do not live in a bubble. In fact, I'm pretty fucking far from being in a bubble.

2impendingdoom ago

For anyone on the "right" trying to wake up your family and friends on the "left" especially the women in your lives, I recommend you show them the KAY GRIGGS videos easily available on youtube. A voater recommended them to me and they are very sincere and compelling first hand account of how the system selects and promotes "rising stars" who are ritually compromised and morally debauched. She was the wife of a alcoholic marine colonel George Griggs.

YingYangMom ago

We need to meme the heck out of Fake News and push the 'protect the children against the power-hungry elite' narrative. We need to fight back by using the best weapon we have against CTR MSM shills and that's the universal sense of responsibility and protective duty that human beings naturally feel towards the weak, especially the children. Heck, even animals that move in hoards will team up and protect their groups' young.

2impendingdoom ago

okay that is scary! Please show her the Kay Griggs videos!! They are long but really sincere and convincing.

BigBlazer1 ago

Guys here check this jeff sessions senate livestream, all the implicated are freaking out

Rimbo ago

I think we should be uploading screenshots to as its a decentralized cloud storage that is imutable and cencorship free. is known to take down screenshots.

abcdefg222 ago

I do think we need to look forward but this post is too political. It's a collective us (ALL of us) versus anyone who is hurting children. I don't know how much will be left of the political parties if everything comes out. They won't exist anymore as they do today. Leadership on both sides will be exposed. Hopefully the rest of us can band together for justice.

VieBleu ago

that's what it feels like - ragtags from all sides coming together.

Blacksmith21 ago

I do agree, but there is no way to address the topic without the "political elephant" in the room. All I am doing is naming names and observations.

BigBlazer1 ago

dude its not too far to assume that they are prepping the lefty truck bombs (antifa etc.) what you thinking?

Blacksmith21 ago

I was actually sitting here staring at a picture of Sessions thinking to myself "Jeff, you better have some good fucking security."

BigBlazer1 ago

truck bombs, pipe bombs, fireworks, chemicals, molotovs, car bombs, suicide vests, its gonna get dicey

Blacksmith21 ago

I know. I am in DC frequently. I think about this daily.

BigBlazer1 ago

DC's gotta be a fortress though, but they are sneaky

Mtnchan ago

I think this will initially further their belief that trump is dictator, which would likely incite more violent uprising and calls for impeachment and assassination. also suggests the powers of persuasion know that some of them will be going down and are seeing that stage by planting the dictator seed.

Blacksmith21 ago

Good observations. I've come out of the 3 month final redpill process with opened eyes. I was 60% redpilled before November, but its hard to even compare. I think I have my head wrapped around this. I'm actually enjoying life again and am in a generally good mood. I've stopped talking to those who will never redpill about it as they cannot process it. Even my spouse who fully believes this stuff, still cannot process it, and prefers to watch TV over discussing this for more than about 38 seconds.

fred34285 ago

Sounds like our This smacked me in the face over the July 4th Holiday so I have a little headstart.

Spouse is fully on board here now, found voice, and appalled at the number of liberal "friends" that are dropping off the radar on social media. Just for speaking one's mind...sigh. The elites really have us polarized and demoralized.

Blacksmith21 ago

I cannot even tell you what it is like on my end without a serious breach of OPSEC.

fred34285 ago

Yep, reading you five by

Dressage2 ago

I have seen posts on PizzaGate that are left leaning posters as well as right. We have some right that is going down the tubes as well as the left. This is about pedos, organ harvesting, blackmail, money laundering and the other forms of human trafficking, i.e., slave labor. We all care and both sides of the aisle will have meltdowns. It's okay, we are here for the kiddos and let nothing including politics stand in the way of our mission.

remedial ago

It's already starting: Trump will take the first direct strike from msm: he'll be called a dictator, they will associate it with Putin/Russia and what's happened now and in the past.

memegod420 ago

You missed one:

-Russia Triple Down. They will try to spin it as Russian Gov't/loyalists trying to imprison American patriots by planting evidence, etc.

IDeliverPizza ago

Lol that won't be smart they might get the chuckee fucklilboi special and get the cl evidence throw at them

unclassified ago

Looks like they're not going to go after the big fish. Hope I'm wrong.

FoxDen ago

Good topic. I have been thinking about this too. The left is already embracing violence as an answer to its problems. I am not talking about the average Democratic voting person. I am talking about the ANTIFA / Pussyhat militant left crowd. They are encouraging violence against conservatives (e.g., Nazi punching) for those who act without thinking. They are normalizing violence for those who think first (e.g., Fight Clubs on college campuses and calls for a fight, etc from faculty and leadership). And, they are engaged in mass propaganda to convince their friends that Trump is about to go full-Hitler and round up all his opposition. In addition to the initials the OP shared, names such as Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, Barney Frank, Tim Kaine, Lindsay Graham, and John McCain may be among those targeted (if the alleged FBI informant can be trusted). The arrest of any number of these characters could incite a mass uprising by these pawns - which as the OP mentioned, will be well-funded and persistent (unlike anything we have seen before).

Keep your wits about you.

pizzaequalspedo ago

With any luck, hopefully Soros is caught up in this somehow. You have to cut the head off the snake, before he starts a civil war in the US.

FoxDen ago

I don't have a reasonable expectation he will be caught up in it - at least in any way he can be criminally culpable. He is definitely involved - but he is behind the scenes. Like any top level criminal, he would never get close enough to the day-to-day operations to be exposed.

The only reason the lid has never been blown wide open on this global cancer is because politicians, the media and entertainment industry are controlled by the banks / deep state Soros-type figures.

Even if he isn't involved in the criminal industry behind #pizzagate (which isn't a logical conclusion if you follow the money), he has a vested interest in bringing about U.S. Socialism through any means necessary, including the violent civil unrest. we have seen recently (Link also archived:

The gang implicated in the #Pizzagate scandal are the same people that can bring, and have taken huge steps to bring about, U.S. Socialism. They're how he exerts Hegelian pressure from above. The pendulum is swinging far to the right, as people are waking up around the globe. If the #Pizzagate pervs go down, pressure from below in the form of violent civil unrest is the best weapon Soros has. Given his age, he has no time to lose. I'd bet my paycheck he will spend every dime he has (all 250 billion dimes, give or take more dimes than we will all collectively earn in a lifetime) funding Antifa and other U.S. terror organizations. Things are about to get uglier.

JPPennypacker ago

Soros, while evil as fuck, is just a public face / middleman for the head of the snake Rothchild and Rockefeller.

Wolftrail7272 ago

I've been thinking this for quite some time and I'm glad to see others have thought this far in the future. I have info that I want badly to release however will hold off until the larger busts occur. It's the kind of information people get killed for.

2impendingdoom ago

please stay safe, but can you release it at somepoint if arrests don't happen? I am intrigued and curious

GeorgeHodelDidit ago

Pesonally I have been trying to wake my family up for three months. My sisters are all super lefty one of them even did a stint in the peace corps. They have been real bad to me over these months. I know its not nice but I want their whole world to go sideways for them. I want them shocked and horrified and in tears. I went thru it in early December and they were pure moronic bitches about it. So I want their awakening to be painful and life changing.

Gothamgirl ago

Same here.. I stopped talking to everyone who looks at me sideways over this. I figure later when shit hits the fan I will give them the same look.

Blacksmith21 ago

If it makes you feel any better, I've been treated like shit by my lib parents and cousin. Unbelievable that these people will put party/cult before family.

VieBleu ago

I know what you are talking about. It hurts, but it comes from being deeply susceptible to ingrained propaganda. Be glad that at least they produced offspring that could handle the world in ways they are incapable of, bless them, keep strong, and maintain hope for an eventual healing. My heart goes out to you. Don't let this embitter you, rise above.

unrealisthenewreal ago

My parents are both religious conservatives who vote republican and I tried to tell them both about pizzagate. The next day, my dad showed me the wiki link that said it had been "debunked" so of course when I tried to explain why it said that I was just a "crazy, paranoid person." On both sides, right and left, pizzagate is a hard pill to swallow and most of us have been going through the experience absolutely alone. I remember thinking "no, this can't be real, this kind of evil doesn't really exist" only to be constantly confronted with "circumstantial" evidence. Half of me wants all of this to come out/blow up just so I know I'm NOT actually a crazy person. Thank God for this community of voaters that continually restore my sanity on a daily basis. It's just interesting to me that this "conspiracy theory" has attracted the most articulate, caring, hopeful and loving people. We must stay positive and send out good, loving vibes! Stay strong "MeTooBros!" I'll make sure to include you in my prayers tonight :)

VieBleu ago

Warms my heart and spot on. Thank you.

2impendingdoom ago

I am pretty sure that most people on "the left" want criminals and corruption routed, do you really think that mothers and grandmothers and sisters (the pussy hat contingent) really support pedofuckers? That's just irrational. If the left listened more carefully they would realize that they align with Trumps campaign issues better than HRC did (antiwar especially). So we will see what he actually does. To date, the media has disallowed and scrubbed all of our pizzagate evidence. The right would have screamed the same if GWB/DC were arrested for war crimes for 9/11, the msm (cia) is fighting this tooth and nail, and alleged soros funded riots is working to provoke mayhem. Please give people more credit, when they see the evidence they will be horrified (your MK ultra conditioned suicide risk victims aside, that is a valid point). My emphasis is that the left and right are NOT each others enemy and we should stop using that divisive concept. You are very right that so many here had a lot of depression and existential crisis waking up to this and we should use this opportunity to create a brand new inclusive centrist political paradigm that works for the peoples interest.

Theupsidedown ago

Yeah I think what you're missing though is that they do not want to believe that their heroes are involved in this shit so they will be more likely to buy into the disinfo than believe the truth.

2impendingdoom ago

Well, I can't speak for everyone, but there isn't much about pedofucking, drug, weapons and organ trafficking that gains sympathy. The podesta email where HRC explains how SA and Qatar are funding isis proves treason. can't get much simpler than that.

Theupsidedown ago

You're not fucking listening, dude.

Look up cognitive dissonance and selection bias. People when faced with something that flies in the face of what they believe will actually seek out information to confirm what they believed in order to relieve the cognitive dissonance, because it's easier to deal with than acknowledging that their worldview is fucked.

Don't respond to this comment. Think about what I'm saying, LISTEN, and shut the fuck up.

2impendingdoom ago


Theupsidedown ago

You're a fucking idiot.

VIrginiaPerson ago

I understand what you're saying, but I'm with @Theupsidedown on this. The pizzagate stuff is too horrible for many people to accept. It's easier to take the blue pill and go on living in false reality. I'm sure a lot of people will come over to our side, but we have to also be prepared for the reaction of the people who will not accept it no matter how plain the evidence is.

unrealisthenewreal ago

I sadly agree.

Blacksmith21 ago

I don't know how many lefties (by my definition, 30-35% of the populace) you are around on a daily basis. The one's I've seen have been in full on irrational meltdown. And I am talking about the ones with degrees, kids, jobs, and paychecks. Not the "Occupy Wallstreet" Bernie Bros.

MolochHunter ago

If you know the tricks its easy to neutralise their arguments without it getting heated. You just remind them that political correctness emerged out of the Humanist movement, and then ask what more important Humanist goal is there than the protection of children? Therefore, join us in the protection of children and be reaquainted with your Humanist roots.

Because at the end of the day this is why the Left are in such a hole - the overzealous pursuit of cherrypicked PC aspirations has led them to not be able to see the Humanist woods for the Politically Correct trees

And Pizzagate/Pedogate is the absolute perfect/ideal historical twist to demonstrate their unwitting departure from Humanist cause (along with them attacking freedom of speech and democracy)

Blacksmith21 ago

That's friggin' deep. Does this mean we should dig into The Human Fund?

MolochHunter ago

At this stage of societal decay, you can take any good cause/org and presume it is being subverted to its exact opposite

crystalclearme ago

I agree. I also have made the observation 100 % of them only receive news and information from CNN and HuffPo and NYT and the liberal news media only.

VieBleu ago

I agree with the criticism. Your obvious biases regarding leftists are unfortunate. You see in swaths of generalizations. PIzzagate is not owned by conservatives, Christians, libertarians, Trump Republicans or any other one group. It is a travesty from which the entire population suffers and reels.

I'm not saying there isn't a type of behavior that has been seen since the "shock" of Hillary's loss that was drummed into the public's heads by the media, it's just that all sides and everyone in between are susceptible to emotional not rational thinking. You've seen an Alex Jones rant, right?

I know you post is well-meaning and I agree with a lot of it. I have no doubt that the media does behave in ways that can be generalized. We had 8 years of a liberal establishment and they gave into the worst of human greed and lust for power, so yes leftists have a lot to hide and cover up right now. But beware your smugness - 8 years of conservative power may very well yield a similar result. Power corrupts. It is as a population that we have strength, and by constantly generalizing and denigrating vast swaths of that population and believing that only your little slice of people are the real, good people, you back yourself into your own bubble of perception deception.

That said, basically I agree with a lot of what your are saying specific to a backlash about pizzagate arrests at this time- I just don't agree with the demonization and condescension towards large portions of your fellow countrymen. The biggest problem is that the media is by and large still trusted.

I also personally seriously doubt that HRC, Podestas, McCain, Feinstein, Pelosi or many of the high and mighty are going to be arrested. I'll believe it when I see it. These people have way too many layers between them and criminal networks that they enable. It would take actual photos of bloodletting sacrifice and sex with their faces visible to get them arrested. (However, I am optimistic that over time, organ and maybe drug trafficking and racketeering charges may apply and go through the courts on some of them. It would take tenacity though.)

unfuckitup ago

Thanks for that post, I cringe when I see people refer to Hillary supporters as the 'left'. They are to the right standards of western society. Only their superficial identity politics are liberal.

VieBleu ago

so true. It is like the label "liberal" was taken over by very cunning wolves in liberal garb - Hillary's mao suit lol

Blacksmith21 ago

That's all nice hyperbole, but please tell me what I said was wrong? I'm not talking the moderate-left. I'm talking about the spectral left-third of the US that is hard left, aka lefty. Just as there are hard-Rs. All I am doing is pointing out observations - The bulk of everyone implicated thus far, by PG research, indicates that this is a predominately left issue. Sure there will be some Repubs caught up in this. But I bet the split is 90/10 when all is said and done.

With all due respect, there is nothing that says you can't be conservative and still be passionate about environmental, human, women's rights. You may want to reconsider about identifying as a "liberal". It may have some very nasty connotations in the coming years.

VieBleu ago

I don't identify as a liberal. Don't start talking about witchunts on liberals now. Are you really going to go "politically correct" as a conservative and say the word liberal is a dirty word? You will become the very thing you think you fight. And believe it or not I'm on your side, our side. I just want our side to be stronger than partisan generalizations. It's a kind of discrimination based on shortcut thinking, which is ultimately a weakness. Overall though I upvoted your post because it is a good topic. It is also admittedly a difficult topic - how do we continue to live and relate to other americans and family and collegues who live in a completely naive and removed universe? Not by automatically assuming they are all emotional. They are misled, but not broken, I hope..

Edited to Add: Pizzagate is ultimately about compassion - caring enough about those children and even the ones that came before them that may be perps now to actually do something. That compassion can't be frozen and dropped by the wayside when it comes to soft vicitims which are the entire public culture - created by the media and the worst black ops players. And no, we will find out that ultimately there are baddies from either side of the isle and it will be even, not mostly liberal. At that level they switch sides anyway, look at Arianna Huffington, at David Brock. No one side holds the power of good.

Blacksmith21 ago

OK, fair enough. I know it becomes ingrained confirmation bias at some point. What amazes me is that you can put all of the facts and research in front of any open-minded, logical person and they would likely come to the same conclusions as most of us have. But if you put this in front of an "unbeliever" for lack of a better word, you will get ridiculed, laughed at, spit at, possibly shot at.

And we are all on the same side, or we wouldn't be here. This forum has been beyond amazingly non-partisan, shill divisionary tactics notwithstanding.

2impendingdoom ago

I know them too. They are refusing to look at the evidence, they won't read the emails. Very stubborn. They are angry that they lost the election, the senate and the SCOTUS without realizing that it was all stolen from them by a traitor, and that their party is rotten to the core (pelosi for sure). Ironically these are people who have complained about cia foreign policy for decades and they are all of a sudden now blind to that propaganda, they don't want to believe that they were hoodwinked and deceived. I think that they can be brought around, with the right evidence, to lay their anger in the right place. I hope that trump is wise enough to support some of their issues. (healthcare and pay equality especially).

MrrHandsome ago

Yeah I have experienced a lot of those guys on Twitter, I just can't get my head around that type of stubborn mentality. It's almost as if they thought Hillary was a Mother Teresa type figure when I'm pretty sure she has been caught in some dodgy shit many times. I even sent some guy the DHS human trafficking video, when I showed him the voice-over saying look for the signs and then pizza sign then gate he still had the fucking cheek to tell me "Sorry if you believe this stuff I cannot help you".

I know own this is going to sound really bad but other than saving children and seeing sick peado fucking go to prison one of the huge satisfying things to see when this reaches its conclusion is all the stubborn, Liberal ass holes grovel in the dirt at how wrong they realised they were. I can't bloody waot

Blacksmith21 ago

After listening to their insanity at work since 08 Nov 16, my spouse declared last night that - "I think I have almost become a conservative".

2impendingdoom ago

certainly watching the gowdy and chaffetz videos I can say the same. I never thought that would happen. and Trumps' campaign platform was not extraordinarily right. The al smith dinner made my jaw drop. Aside from Trumps' statements, how can any Dems support HRC watching her there with Kissinger? T's appointees are troubling but perhaps they are simply the few who are not compromised and rich enough to retire after their terms. All I can say is that I hope good things happen going forward, the world needs a break from the blackness deceit and war.

anon_sense ago

My latest thought is what the world will actually look like WHEN (I'm being an optimist) all this stuff comes out well and truly. Yes the MSM may try a massive disinformation game at first, but surely with so many high profile arrests people will begin to question why it isn't being covered on the "news"? And then what? What will CNN reporters actually SAY about, e.g. Hillary being indicted? How will they spin it? And what about the reporters/anchors who have been brainwashed into thinking she should basically be president? I think there will be a degree of cognitive dissonance from these types of people. Endlessly fascinating to think about...

2impendingdoom ago

The heads of the media corps will either have to let them report truthfully or it will discredit the MSM altogether. They already created a cracked credibility foundation by asserting "fake news" People will look for cspan (like during the banking bailouts) and the court hearings will have to be televised.

fred34285 ago

Gotta think, if I was running some huge blackmail ring that targeted members of Congress and such and compromised them via evidence of their crimes with kids and other icky stuff - I'd probably have a few of them in my pocket as well. Either they're dirty to begin with (it's Hollyweird after or it'd be manufactured. And Etc...

lude ago

That trump is literally hitler rounding opponents up and unlawfully imprisoning them. It's going to be a shit fest.

pizzaequalspedo ago

BINGO.... This is exactly what they will say.

Most don't understand how true partisans think (MSM included). People on the left think that ALL evil is committed by Republicans, and vice versa.

Hopefully there are at least a couple of Republicans that go down too. If this ends up only being D's taking the fall, they will call it a political witch hunt by "Trump the Nazi" with collaboration from Russia.

PepeDidNothingWrong ago

This is absolutely essential to the legitimacy of the pizzagate round up. Unfortunately, many Republicans have already come out vocally against Trump (likely because they know what is at stake). If John McCain gets tagged, it will be spun as Trump silencing his political enemies on both sides of the aisle.

DarkMath ago

"trump is literally hitler".......da what? Trump is hitler for arresting human traffickers? Care to elaborate?

lude ago

What I'm saying is they will push a narrative of trump rounding up political opponents on false charges of child abduction etc.

Does no one remember :

"Russia Plants Child Porn on Foes’ Computers, Critics Claim"

Trump and Russia taking over! Will be the headlines I can see it now.

unrealisthenewreal ago

Exactly. When I saw that article I immediately thought, this is how they are going to spin it.

SoonerJJ ago

I think the evidence will be much stronger than cp on a computer. It will be hard to debunk any evidence when the identity of the perpetrator is clear.

anon_sense ago

Oh leave it to the MSM to spin this somehow...they will. At least initially. But as I said below, for the first time in history I don't think they'll be able to keep up this narrative. Also, any journalist with half a compassionate cell in their body will surely start to stand up for this story? Mass walkouts at CNN/NBC? Not from the high ups, but some journos? Either way, it is definitely going to be a shitfest. Grab the popcorn...

fred34285 ago

I think that's why the dominoes will start falling with Weiner.

It's hard for anyone to really defend him except the most partisan of fools, and he provides the perfect first course.

Mrs_Ogynist01 ago

I agree. It has to come out in baby steps. Or a drip - like wikileaks did for us.

fred34285 ago

Be suspicious of any big news. I wouldn't put it past them to dump everything and anything that has been kept hidden...proof of extraterrestrial life, all the weird stuff in Antarctica lately, evidence of UFOs, you name it.

It will be the biggest disinformation campaign in history, and it will largely be falling upon a populace nearing the final stages of subversion...intentionally dumbed down, overmedicated, and angry.

Ivegotredditcancer ago


crystalclearme ago

Sadly I do agree. I have some worry and fear for what you say- I also know 100% it is not going to work. It will not work. There are too many of us who are committed and dedicated to stopping this from continuing.

anon_sense ago

Agree - my bet is they try and dump the Antarctica thing all at once - INCLUDING the bit about ETs/giants frozen in ice etc. etc. But even IF they do this, does this really mean people will forget that so many people high up in governments/agencies etc. are involved in abusing and killing children, not to mention being satanists?? Don't know about you but if I was presented with Antarctica news plus massive pedophile arrests I would still care that these people are arrested, jailed and the key thrown away (at the very least).

SoonerJJ ago

Most of all, you don't want to upset the ETs. I don't think they would be happy. But at least we know they would be on our side.

dogeminho ago

Antarctica is just a distraction.

pizzaequalspedo ago

With the timing of all of this,.... yes I would have to agree

fred34285 ago

Oh definitely, in this environment.

ProudTruther ago

To be honest it's all connected, the elite lie to us, kill us and farm us and oh by the way we have a bunch of balling underground bases and a secret space navy that I believe uses some of the cia stolen kids. this guy went from being a pizzagate sex slave in Seattle, when his meds made him sick he got sold to the military and ended up in the secret space program. Since he didn't have an education they made him be a slave there for the rest of his time.

This shit is all connected and it's all going down.

fred34285 ago

I grew up just outside the beltway and it was a few weeks from back

I honestly know it's best to not know what to believe anymore. I don't think it's possible to be shocked at this point. I think that's why a lot of this started percolating publicly last year when it did (after FBIanon's first appearance). It's almost like the people who had decided "enough is enough" needed to inoculate some folks because some crazy shit far beyond comprehension was coming down.

Sadly, I look back on some folks years ago whom I dismissed as bat-shit crazy poor lost souls - and THIS is what they were talking about...sigh. So it's pretty poignant and hits very close to the heart.

fred34285 ago

The American populace has an attention span measured in nanoseconds...sigh. By design I suspect along with many others.

People don't want to think about this stuff. I've been exposed to it since the 4th of July or so last year and life just hasn't been the same. Give them the option of thinking about this or ET...I sadly suspect that many will choose to have another handful of Reeses Pieces.

EDIT: I'd be upvoting the shit out of your reply and other stuff but I just took the plunge after lurking for a

VieBleu ago

I don't totally agree with the tone of the OP (my comment is above) but upvoating you to get you commenting anyway - welcome glad to see you take the plunge.

Blacksmith21 ago

It's because America is on TV/videogames/SSRI/Beyonce/BPAs and Lord knows what else. All of these have an effect on the mind. Population compliance. Groupthink.

anon_sense ago

Maybe this is our chance as humanity to show our true colors. I know what you're thinking - but I do STILL believe that deep down, NONE of us would put up with this total assault on our children. The one thing that pizzagate has going for it in terms of gathering support once it's out, is that pretty much everyone (besides sick pedos obv) feels protective over children.

YingYangMom ago

THIS. The strongest weapon we have against MSM disinfo, twists and turns. We need more stories, memes, we need to push that narrative now more than ever.

fred34285 ago

I am hopeful too...but always a cynic...sigh

Our Government (one of the least trusted institutions in the world) will be prosecuting large elements of itself. This information will be conveyed to the masses primarily by the other least trusted institution in the world, the American media. It's a recipe for a lot of chaos...and thanks to eight years of the Gun Salesman of the Millenium in the White House, this could go sideways at any point in time.