blueeagle ago

Guys just found a connection between Donna, Epstein and a lot of other remarkable "celebrities" in this curious organization founded by Michael Capponi where you can see the list of "FOUNDING SUPPORTERS AND BENEFACTORS" which includes the following characters: Donna Karan, Urban Zen (her new brand), Dr. JEFFREY EPSTEIN, Clinton Global Initiative, CNN, Former First Lady Michelle Obama, Edward Manning (Could be Chelsea Manning? who helped wikileaks?), G LOVE, Philippe Dodard (close to friend Donna who paints pizzagate alike paintings), Paris Hilton, Wyclef Jean, among others...

Truthseeker3000 ago

Very interesting. There's no way DK doesn't know what's going on especially when she's vacationing with the clintons and around them in that environment. I always thought she was Jewish and she'd talked about it years ago in fashion articles. I guess maybe Kabbalah since they practice the occult. I also personally thought she was a lesbian for some reason and it sounds like she's into little Haitian girls. What a sick pig. Again, WTF is a "Haitian Pizza" besides an under 12 yr old girl. These sick fucks think they can front their Save The Children propaganda and hide behind it meanwhile all the Goyum think they're heros for their humanitarian efforts.

The kardashians are a whole other batch of wicked evil. Kris Jenner being their handler. Every single one of those kids is messed up psychologically. Kanye West was reprogrammed at the psych hospital because he came out with the truth in his last rant. I've never liked him whatsoever but after his last rant I was fascinated by what would happen once the handlers got ahold of him-yup, in the psych ward for reprogramming. This just confirms Hollywierd and its celebs and musicians are all programmed robots.

blueeagle ago

She is Jewish for sure.. and she likes younger girls evidently Donna Karan touching and kissing Lindsay Lohan

Donna kissing Lindsay

Truthseeker3000 ago

Wow. Did u notice the whole article talks about Kabbalah. They're all Luciferian blood drinking vampires. Sometimes I feel for Lohan she must have been just passed out to everyone in the circle. Pretty sad.

Don-Keyhote ago

Is that ghislaine in your pic 3? Epsteins madam

Excellent research.

blueeagle ago

I really don't think so, thanks for the words.

strix-varia ago

First off, burn any DKNY crap. If you are involved with the clintons, you are involved in bullshit of the smelliest kind. I've been wondering about the fake fashion industry from the beginning of the pizzagate inquiry. Many designers would HAVE to be involved. Take for instance, Georgio Armani, who designed madonna's illuminati cape that almost choked her to death at some awards show. If it has "art" and "celebrities" involved, it's probably a guaranteed part of this deranged nonsense.

GeorgeT ago

It's a gigantic web. The question is: 'Who is NOT involved.'

shrimp_keeper ago

i find the blog for sow a seed foundation bizzare. there are 2 embedded ads, both for military drones....

2impendingdoom ago

The CF helped build a sewing factory in Haiti. It involved Koreans, and the Gap, DKNY has associations with the Gap (I know someone who did freelance work for DKNY). the apparel industry will often use "piece work" in manufacturing terms, or "pieces" from a collection, but the birthday email language is different and I agree that it is weird.

Eastwood350 ago

Lots of connections but I don't know how to make heads or tails out of any of it.
There's the art world where Karan promoted the Haitian artisans works and then there's also George Webb's video series where he has reported on President of Rwanda Kagame, Martelle who was in power in Haiti and also Paul Farmer in his videos. All three of these individuals are also mentioned as being connected to Karan & her Foundation.

PizzaGateDiscovery ago

Good find. Well worth researching!

blueeagle ago

Do it! I am almost convinced there's a connection with child trafficking here.

ConcernedParent2 ago

Good work OP. I definitely think this is worth digging deeper. Anyone directly tied to the Clintons is suspect as it is, but when you bring child charities and pedo logos into it, they certainly look even more suspicious.

blueeagle ago

Thanks, I think this is bigger than we think I'm pretty sure this has to do with the way they got all those innocent children away.

derram ago :

Donna Karan cheated on her husband for YEARS with the married love of her life | Daily Mail Online :

Hillary Clinton cold shoulder dress from 1993 - Business Insider :

Chelsea Clinton wanted to send Donna Karan's alternative doctors to aid in Haiti | Daily Mail Online

This has been an automated message.

PizzaGateDiscovery ago

Huma Abedin comes off as the most compassionate in this article. She explains that they need medical supplies, surgeons & trauma doctors first. Interesting find. Chelsea & Jane sound like they are being manipulated by Donna Karan who has her own motives for sending down alternative doctors to Haiti.