sore_ass_losers ago

Once when I was researching MPD (multiple personality disorder) I found the following quote in a mainstream academic source.

(quote) MPD is hardly a new diagnosis. What is new (1996) is the unprecedented rate at which this disorder is now being diagnosed. Studied by nineteenth century psychiatrists, MPD faded into professional obscurity from the 1920s until the early 1980s. This was the period when the theories of Sigmund Freud had a monopolistic hold on clinical thought. Freud believed that incest memories were Oedipal fantasies that the patient confused for reality. The Oedipal fantasy theory diverted clinical attention from trauma-induced dissociative disorders until the early 1980s when this theory crumbled under the weight of empirical evidence that child molestation and incest is more prevalent than previously believed. The collapse of the fantasy theory reawakened interest in MPD and since then the number of diagnoses has risen rapidly. (end quote) (Ample footnotes in original)

sore_ass_losers ago

I originally posted the above on "Madeleine McCann , Clarence Mitchell, Matthew Freud, Sir Clement Freud"

That thread also had the following comment with some very interesting leads on SF (by a @fifibrindacier):

(quote)Just read "The Assault on truth : Freud's suppression of seduction theory". This is a massive investigation that Jeffrey Masson did, while he was working at Freud archives in London. The oedipus complex theory is totally made to serve pedophiles. Alice Miller, great defendor of children, talked also about that.(end quote)

sore_ass_losers ago

Here's Alice Miller (cited above) on the cycle of child abuse (note that she doesn't single out sexual abuse as most particularly reprehensible):

"Humiliations, spankings and beatings, slaps in the face, betrayal, sexual exploitation, derision, neglect, etc. are all forms of mistreatment, because they injure the integrity and dignity of a child, even if their consequences are not visible right away. However, as adults, most abused children will suffer, and let others suffer, from these injuries...Beaten children very early on assimilate the violence they endured, which they may glorify and apply later as parents, in believing that they deserved the punishment and were beaten out of love. They don’t know that the only reason for the punishments they have ( or in retrospect, had) to endure is the fact that their parents themselves endured and learned violence without being able to question it. Later, the adults, once abused children, beat their own children and often feel grateful to their parents who mistreated them when they were small and defenseless."

More relevant, here she is on the 'False Memory Syndrome' and Freud:

"[Q] For a number of years now there has been talk of a newly discovered disorder, the so-called “false memory syndrome.” Do you think it conceivable that someone could wrongly imagine they had been treated cruelly in childhood? [A] No. Our organism tends to shy away from pain, not to invent it. If we do invent a story it will ALWAYS be less harmful than the real, repressed one, was. The False Memory Foundation is an interest group established by rich parents in the 1980s, suing those therapists whose treatment had enabled their adult children to recall the sexual abuse once inflicted on them by the parents. Unfortunately, many therapists were intimidated by this foundation, and this may be one of the reasons why childhood reality plays no part in most of the therapies on offer today.

[Q] In the meantime we know that this co-called syndrome has never been scientifically acknowledged. So why is it still taken so seriously? [A] Precisely because it serves to DENY the truth. That is why it has been welcomed with open arms. The activities of this foundation have now been hailed both in France and Germany. It reminds me of the time when Sigmund Freud willfully ignored his discovery of sexual abuse and offered his disciples the Oedipus complex so that he would not have to fear his own father, “who may have been a pervert himself” (cited after Freud in my book Thou Shalt Not Be Aware)."

smokemirrors ago

Did you end up looking into Chipping Norton set, dear? All intertwined. Freuds, Murdochs (Matthew Freud was married to Elizabth Murdoch; Matthew's ex wife married to Princess Diana's brother....) Royals, Phone Hacking, suicide-d journalists, missing children (Milly Dowler), pedo ring cover never ends does it?

We need to keep talking and talking until people start cracking and believing and protesting. Otherwise we're just blowing hot air on this site.

sore_ass_losers ago

Here's a quote from Jeffrey Masson's (cited above) website . (I also found an article by Masson in The Atlantic .)

(quote)In 1895, Sigmund Freud formulated what was perhaps his most profound theory: that emotional disturbances in adults stem from actual early traumatic experiences, the knowledge of which has been repressed. But Freud eventually renounced this theory in favor of a new view, that his women patients had "fantasized" their early memories of rape and seduction - a view on which the whole budding science of psychoanalysis would be based.

Masson makes available previously unpublished letters from Freud's closest friend, Wilhelm Fliess, which reveal that Freud had grave doubts about abandoning the "seduction theory." Masson discovered that not only had Freud read the contemporary literature documenting the high incidence of sexual abuse of children, he had in all likelihood witnessed autopsies of children who had been raped and murdered. That Freud abandoned his seduction theory, Masson argues, was a failure of courage rather than a clinical or theoretical insight.

As a result, most psychiatrists and psychoanalysts have in effect been reluctant to trust the memories of their patients, women in particular, about the traumas they experienced in childhood. Like Freud, they see such traumas as fantasy rather than reality. This cover-up of the truth, Masson asserts, has poisoned the entire profession.(end quote)

sore_ass_losers ago

Just read Masson's lengthy but interesting Atlantic article, cited above.

Towards the end of his abandoning "seduction theory" [child abuse as a cause of neurosis] Freud wrote: "Imagine, I obtained a scene [recovered memory from a client] about the circumcision of a girl. The cutting off of a piece of the labia minora (which is still shorter today), sucking up the blood, following which the child was given a piece of the skin to eat. ... I dream, therefore, of a primeval devil religion whose rites are carried on secretly, and I understand the harsh therapy of the witches' judges ."

Masson adds: "Freud was implying here that the Sabbats (part of a ritualized religion in which sexual perversions were acted out) were real events. He seems to have been saying: The torture and the murder of the witches are understandable, for the judges were attempting to curtail a heinous cult."

As part of the reason for abandoning "seduction theory" Freud wrote: "Then the surprise that, in all cases, the father, not excluding my own, had to be accused of being perverse—the realization of the unexpected frequency of hysteria, with precisely the same conditions prevailing in each, whereas surely such widespread perversions against children are not very probable." (Here is the proof that Freud had memories of sexual abuse by his own father.)

So he eventually started to disbelief all of the recovered memories of abuse, also the establishment was very much against this theory. Also Masson discusses how Freud was complicit in a botched, unnecessary nose operation on a client (probably the one mentioned above) and his change in theory better covered up his lack of success.

Interesting read. I've read accounts how Freud was just a satanic, evil person who conspired against humanity, this paints a more complicated picture.

Flat_Truth ago

They all part of that network....way further up than Alaphantic and his little band of misfit "witches". Yeah, check out the works of Alfred Kinsey.....his studies were acclaimed as the pinnacle of scientific research into sexuality.....and of course put into curriculum in universities, from there the basis for lawmaking at Harvard Law or elsewhere, his work referenced in these battles to reduce penalties for sex crimes. The main thing is if you look at his data collected about children responding to sexual stimulation. There are lots of documentaries about him, even a woman went on the Donahue show a long time ago to say Kinsey was a fraud and a pedo...she held her own, but it was TV and they beat her down like she was a kook. The question still did he get that data on the kids...unless you buy his answer all the charted data was compiled by an anonymous someone who just dropped it off at his office. Somewhere too, there's a documentary that shows a woman who was used in that data collection and said her father was paid by Kinsey to run the tests on well as allow her to be used by moguls if I remember correctly.

carmencita ago

Yes big burly men cannot fight off those little tiny beings. This is their mantra. They will never convince me and I am telling all of my friends and family of their sick brain washing message.

Flat_Truth ago

Freud, Kinsey, Van Braun...etc. Yikes!!! All satanic pedos themselves. Kinsey's "research" is considered the most prestigious on human sexuality...just as Freud's is on psychology...both still the basis in universities today. Kinsey's conclusions were way off, I think the work was done in the early 50's, but his research showed that like 38% of men were homosexual, and 75% of married persons were promiscuous...using deceptive means, kind of like planned parenthood concludes only 3% of what they do is abortion.... to put out fraudulent results; results that influence belief ...although it pretty much came to pass nowadays, with the assistance of the media programming...another facet of that cult. Dig deeper into those studies of his...and he concluded sex is good for children. They haven't rolled that out in general education yet, that research is only shown to people seeking the highest level degrees, but his findings are the basis of decisions on law making with regards to "harm" done to children. You have to wonder though, how did he acquire the data on children's reactions to sexual stimulation? Children from like 11 months to 12 years old...complete data on how long stimulation was applied before orgasm etc. With the means of identifying orgasm to include crying, squirming, screaming, losing conciousness....seriously, go look, its sick. While he was still alive, people demanded how he got that data.....he said an anonymous pedofile dropped it off to him. The Kinsey Institute is still around today, receives massive grant money from our tax system....and is another branch way closer to the tree than the pizzagate leaf.

Flat_Truth ago

There just might be some significance to Epstein's interest in the "sciences"....remember Kidman's dad was a top psychologist in Australia? Their network definitely ties into the sciences....with big time unthinkable agendas there which have been pursued for centuries...with more and more corruption as time has elapsed...such as vaccines are good for you and there is no cure for cancer...those are just a couple signs of their works at those higher levels...but yeah, its all tied. As long as we're tugging the tiniest of strings on the evil that exists in the world, might as well unravel it all if the intent is truly to end it.

derram ago :

Sir Clement Freud exposed as a paedophile as police urged to probe Madeleine McCann links :

Clement Freud Abuse Doesn't Surprise Me. It Ran In The Family | Heat Street

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carmencita ago

Well, it is funny you bring this up for I commented just this week in a post about Maddy McCann that Clement Freud was a pedophile probably because his grandfather has been written about as a pedophile as well. I was immediately attacked rebuking my comment. Sigmund's denial of his patient's pasts and his projection of his sexual desires for children onto his patients is classic. Pedophiles are convinced they are not the problem, the children are after them. This absolves them of their disgusting guilt.

Amoffthepizza ago

When I studied psychology some of his theories and case studies didn't make any sense to me i.e dreaming of white horses = desire for parent. He really did seem to push the thought that children sexually desired their parents and that it was natural. God knows how many children were left to be abused when stories of molestation were passed of as just fantasies that were articulated, and that these fantasies were a normal phase in child development.