rippingtheveil ago

hotdogs are not male prostitutes, they are code for kids, right

archons ago

heart you faggot enjoy the eternal flames of hell ;)

520patriot ago

I agree. It definitely pushed this to a new audience. and only more and more people learn about this on a daily basis

AreWeSure ago

the one on McCain mentions the domino theory of vietnam.

This one seems to be a bad link. No mention of dominos This one too. But it's very revealing to me that Podesta buys pinenuts in bulk. Typical Ligurian.

pizzagateisinsane4 ago

search for pasta or cheese, not all those examples I posted are about dominoes

AreWeSure ago

It's easy the entire giant edifice of pizzagate is dependent on the code words being 100% real. If they aren't every other assumption crashes to the ground.

AreWeSure ago

It's gotta be code for something? No. No it doesn't. It just simply does not. It's pure speculation that it's code. That speculation may have more or less believability for you, but it's still speculation. It tends to have more believability for folks who already believe things like Hillary Clinton murders her enemies.

It isn't normal communication. True. But so what? You don't know these people, why should you get their references? What should every aspect of their conversations make sense to you? You're not the audience of their emails. Even given that, it's clear to me the that the domino's email refers to a series of Christmas gifts. Podesta used to give pasta year after year and then he switched to cheese.

For example, as a test, look up what part of Italy the Podesta family is from. You can double check this, but the answer is Liguria, the capital of which is Genoa. Now google "Liguria pasta" and see how they eat pasta in that region. You will soon see that a phrase that was given over and over and over again as an example that could only be code is quite real and quite popular in Liguria.

Here's another test. Go through John Podesta's emails and read them sequentially. Not the ones people have flagged. Forget voat exists and read them with an open mind like you said. Do they really seem weird? Does he seems like he runs a child trafficking front? Conspiracy theories are built on anomalies not the totality of evidence. It's the weird things that you can explain that become the basis of speculation upon speculation.

ThePuppetShow ago

<yawn> You're obviously a shill, I've personally shown you the truth and you ignore it. You're here with a narrative shaping agenda, you juat aren't very good at it.

pizzagateisinsane4 ago

"You're obviously a shill" You're obviously stupid and live in a fantasy world where everything is a conspiracy theory.

Quote: "I've seen this code in a number of places, some postings say it's an FBI code."

"I have heard the claim over and over that the words in the Podesta emails are "known pedophile code words"

"The code words in the infographic and the summary in the sidebar state the code as if it were fact."

You fact denying gullible prick! That known pedophile codewords was one of the basis of which pizzagate was built upon, the majority of people I argued about pizzagate(like in the youtube comment examples I previously posted) believed and repeated that lie.

ThePuppetShow ago

And? There's misinformed people here too. Face it, you have nothing but bullshit and insults. Piss off pedo.

pizzagateisinsane4 ago

I have the provable fact that Pizzagate is entirely built on lies, speculation and confirmation bias while there being zero evidence of a crime.

Do you admit that the claim "Alefantis called a baby a hotard" was another popular argument on which pizzagate was based upon? Are you aware that that's a lie?

ThePuppetShow ago

No. It seemed he was talking to the other poster. More misinformation. He did call someone else a #chickenlover and has refered to himself as a chicken hawk. But you don't give a shit about facts. Bye now, misinformation pusher.

pizzagateisinsane4 ago

Yes, he was talking to another poster, that's the point! That argument was another ridiculous lie!(we'll get to the chickenlover argument too) that apparently you're denying too.

At this point you're just denying reality.

ThePuppetShow ago

You're taking all the bullshit points and presenting them as fact. You're a joke, I told you that was misinformation. LOL cuck

pizzagateisinsane4 ago

I've tortured myself enough in talking to a fact disregarding individual. Please note that pizzagate is a obviously fake and ridiculously stupid conspiracy theory. And as time passes by, as weeks, months, years have passed and pizzagate still won't be taken seriously, please remember me saying that you're a ridiculously gullible person that bought into a obviously fake and ridiculously stupid conspiracy theory.

ThePuppetShow ago

Bye bye cuck, you're terrible at this.

pizzagateisinsane4 ago

What? I'm stating things that people pushing pizzagate used as evidence and you are essentially denying reality.

ThePuppetShow ago

You're stating old shit that was investigated and dismissed already. That's part of an investigation, cuck, you hit dead leads. New people find dead leads currently and it all get rehashed on a regular basis. People flat out make shit up daily to discredit us here. You can find all kinds of misinformation. That doesn't make it fact, sorry.

Like I said, you have nothing but bullshit and insults.

pizzagateisinsane4 ago

"You're stating old shit that was investigated and dismissed already." That old shit is what pizzagate was based upon. Just because some people on voat caught up on things like "hey, actually there isn't any evidence that there's known pedophile code words in Podesta's e-mails, or "hey, Alefantis doesn't really call a baby a hotard" doesn't change that those were the arguments that pizzagate was founded upon.

"people find dead leads currently" There is zero evidence linking the outlandish pizzagate narrative to reality.

"People flat out make shit up daily to discredit us here." The only people making shit up are people pushing the pizzagate madness, like in the many examples I posted.

"Like I said, you have nothing but bullshit and insults." I have facts, reason and reality on my side, while you have the disregarding of facts and reason and are buying into a ridiculous fictitious conspiracy theory.

"Bye bye cuck, you're terrible at this."

You can spew as much insults as you want, pizzagate will still remain a obviously fake and ridiculously stupid conspiracy theory. And there's nothing you can do to change that


ThePuppetShow ago

No, that old shit was part of the investigation, lots of the old stuff panned out, some of it didn't. You're cherrypicking the bullshit and trying to make a case with it. It isn't working.

I'm calling you a cuck because you've called me all kinds of crap and you're obviously a cuck shilling for pedos. Your lies don't make it fake.

pizzagateisinsane4 ago

Wrong, those falsehoods are what pizzagate was based upon and are still believed and used as arguments. That's how the pedophile code words suspicion caught on, by users on 4chan replacing words and people pushing pizzagate lying about them being known pedophile code words. On those types of falsehoods pizzagate was built upon. And on speculation and confirmation bias.

I'm not gonna continue this embarrassment of a conversation. Like I said, as time passes remember me saying that you're ridiculously gullible and bought into a obviously fake and ridiculously stupid conspiracy theory. Joke's on you buddy.

ThePuppetShow ago

Keep making shit up.

ThePuppetShow ago

You have no facts, you have misinformation being pushed to discredit this investigation. Why are you on this site if you aren't a shill? Why do you care so much what anyone thinks if it's such obvious bullshit? You care because you're part of the damage control crew. You're too late. The truth is out pedo.

ThePuppetShow ago

I've already told you why you're wrong, misinformation, and you keep spewing the same bullshit. Nice try with the projecting.

sound_of_silence ago

specifically, he's operation mockingbird..

520patriot ago

no. everything he says comes true.

sound_of_silence ago

that's rich. "good luck"

sound_of_silence ago

totally agree with this.. he's a useful tool for now.. as long as he keeps telling the truth... just hope he doesn't screw it up by inserting false narratives and diverting... you know, his usual stuff.

sound_of_silence ago

i used to like AJ back when he was only The Jones Report journalist guy... then heard him years later on infowars.. listened routinely for about a month.. then totally tuned out because of his method of... 1-part truth + 8-parts half-truth + 1-part lie (cause all that still just = a lie).

folks should look into Operation Mockingbird... "Mockingbird recruited leading American journalists into a propaganda network and oversaw the operations of front groups" ...and then consider what exactly AJ does so well.

Throwthisaway33 ago

Can you explain what they mean when they say 'the realtor found a handkerchief. I think it has a map that seems pizza related. Is it yours?'

ThePuppetShow ago

Why are you here if you arent a shill? Why do you care what people you think are crazy believe? So transparent.

ThePuppetShow ago

Yep, keep attacking. That's all you have, lies and insults. has been discussed here as being a shill site. So, you may have wrote that. Or, yourw just a useful idiot.

ThePuppetShow ago

Misinformation spread by people like you. Don't worry, tons of us know the real story. You'll see.

ThePuppetShow ago

Your planted misinfornatiin isn't convincing anyone.

ThePuppetShow ago

Its not true. It's misinformation you either found or were part of planning.

ThePuppetShow ago

Again, bad sources. You shills planted all kinds of bullshit to dilute the topic and now you're trying to use them.

ThePuppetShow ago

And I supplied you with all the evidence you skated around with more bullshit from bad sources.

Zongongo ago

Alex is the real deal. He backed off Pizzagate because he didn't want to get sued. He has done so much to bring down the NWO, how anyone could disparage him, who is not a shill or lackey is beyond belief. Who's done as much or more? Ignoramuses.

520patriot ago

Exactly. Alex is the real deal. All these people saying he is mossad are probably CTR

sound_of_silence ago

apologies, but didn't AJ take credit for Bill Cooper's prediction about 911?

Zongongo ago

Like Alex frequently points out when responding to the assertion that Trump gets his talking points from him, when different people see what's going on, they will come to the same conclusions. Likewise predictions. All credit to William Milton Cooper though. A great American hero. Hopefully someday he will be avenged and those who ordered and perpetrated his murder will pay in full !

sound_of_silence ago

yeah.. Bill was johnny appleseeding red pills when AJ was still knee high to a grasshopper.. i imagine he's in Heaven now, counting the minutes 'til he can smile down on PG pulling a dragnet of convictions... rip BC.

ThePuppetShow ago

Another James Alefantis alt account. There's misinformation all over the web about pizzagate from you pedos trying to cover your tracks and dilute the topic. Nice try.

ThePuppetShow ago

Wrong again. You're deliberately lying to shape a narrative.

ThePuppetShow ago

Well, you are spewing bullshit. See my comment to you below.

ThePuppetShow ago

You have one fact and then you're making up a bunch of lies around it. Yes, the code words were guessing because it was obvious they were using code. Some turned out to be good, some not so good. Nobody ever claimed law enforcement released those, that wasn't a shill working with your team. The FBI released the symbols, not the words.

archons ago

No one here is this gullible for your weak shit. Go back to shilling Reddit or Facebook you incompetent fool.

ThePuppetShow ago

Liar. Your story is twisted.

ThePuppetShow ago

The handkerchief code was only considered, Kim Knoble's art is where the real meaning came from.

Nobody claimed the words were from "law authorities", that was the symbols the FBI released.

Chickenlover - An adult male homosexual sexually attracted to underage males. Used somewhat derogatorily.

This page carbon dates to 12/27/2004

The word meanings came from investigations like this. Some were admittedly complete guesses. Nobody ever claimed those were 100% correct like you're insinuating.

Seems to me that you're the one built on lies.

archons ago

We all know you're a shill, you know it, I know it. But you gotta put on a show for anyone on the fence who might be lookin. I get it. You just suck at it. Lol.

bopper ago

You sound rather monotone and dispassionate, are they not paying you enough? I could do a better job.

Jem777 ago

Why are you so upset? Where do you think the FBI got the information about the code words from?

bopper ago


bopper ago

Answer my question ding dong.

Jem777 ago

Nice try! For Johnny come lately. Now you want to blame 4Chan when there is so much evidence the serious investigators already archived. Please

Antonius ago

Tell him to start worshiping St. Fu

bopper ago

Uh, literally?

users replaced words in Podesta's e-mails

Nana66 ago

Joe seemed to be looking at Alex like, would you get back on script damnit. And when he didn't, he would butt in and change the subject. Which seems to work well with Alex.

bopper ago

?? Please break down the code in the emails for us, would appreciate it.

bdiminishedminor7 ago

Alex Jones seems to have a misrepresented understanding of virtually everything. This phenomenon is so persistent that I've stopped blaming it on chance.

sound_of_silence ago

we're all praying his involvement in PG doesn't screw it up... he jumps bandwagons when it's convenient for ratings.. he used to be cool (like 20 yrs ago)... then he was apparently purchased for the price of fame..

i'll take him for a useful tool if that's the role he's going to play now in PG but otherwise... just pray he doesn't screw it up.

Fateswebb ago

Nah, he is Mossad.. close though.. very close.

FuckReddit69 ago

They are the same.

Fateswebb ago

For the most part, yeah they work together and blame each other's to confuse people sometimes.

looking4truth ago

Some people call him a shill but he used to talk about pizzagate before it was trendy and even when everyone used to call him crazy

dickface8 ago

But back then he knew it would never take off into anything mainstream and would essentially be restricted to the conspiracy world. Now he acts like he doesn't know much about PG and is going as soft as he can get away with on it.

sound_of_silence ago

that's apparently his job as a mockingbird.. it's precisely what the gov. invented mockingbirds to do... the "one part truth" is that PG is real... as for anything else he's saying, exercise extreme caution.

dickface8 ago

I fear the extent they're gonna go to to try keep this under wraps. False flags to distract, total media manipulation, run to their bunkers and drop a nuke... who knows.

sound_of_silence ago

that's been the discussion here at home today... there are 2 options... either blow it wide open in earnest... or... talk it up to break it down... let's pray for option 1.

dickface8 ago

They will exercise every possible action and then some before going with option 1..

sound_of_silence ago

i would usually agree with that.. altho, PG is exceptional... it's the only conspiracy ever, where everyone from little old ladies to 4chan peeps - and everyone in between - have laid aside differences, joined hands and gotten on board with, together.

i believe we can see a miracle and see it be blown open... despite everything working to keep that from happening... that's what they fear in this you know, our ability to will this (some of us pray, some don't, but we're all willfully one voice)... they can't fight that.. so.. praying for that miracle.

redditsuckz ago

About 2 years ago Alex Jones exposes Donald Trump as being a puppet for the elite;

Now Alex Jones backs Donald trump 100%

fuspezza ago

It's really hard or impossible in my case to find videos of Alex jones saying he was salivating over a cruz/Palin ticket

bopper ago

Really confused me. Basically he's saying that Comet Pizza was a diversion by intel to keep eyes off the Wiener laptop situation. But he goes back and forth and his chronology is messed up.

Seems like maybe now he does know something (he might) and he's backpedaling as to why he quit covering pizzagate (so he won't look so bad to his viewers when things break, and things do seem to be heating up). Anyone?

rippingtheveil ago

its weird, he made allot of pizzagate vids, one really good one, then 12/6 lawyer, that was at cpp, came in his show and all vids gone, but now it's coming out, kinda frustrating, but hey ill take AJ over msm all day long bro

520patriot ago

Yeah i think he just doesn't know the details of pizza gate. He was aware of this activity and when pizzagate broke, he was like "yes I've been saying this for years"

NakatomiBaby ago

I agree. When PG broke he wouldn't say anything about it and then his reporter, Josh, came out with a really condescending segment about why they weren't talkimg about it. That was pretty much the end for me and IW.

bopper ago

That's when I quit watching. I think that was the downer piece w/ the young guy moderating (Josh?) and the girls chiming in and Joe Biggs seemed depressed?

logjam ago

Either he is being a shill - or he doesn't know everything. Thats the beauty of this. We all get to watch everyone come to the understandings that we have come to over the last several months.

Remember how fucking outraged we all were? The shock and disgust we felt then - the world is going to feel that, hopefully.

We're observers now. I am waiting for a bit, but it's getting to the point where I can actually call this on Facebook, knowing that shit is going to fall into place. Fingers crossed.

rippingtheveil ago

i feel same way, my thanksgiving Christmas where ruined, all i could do was try to put ask this together, i was mad and sad for kids And our country, I'm glad this is coming out, hard too look at this, man these kids need justice

520patriot ago

Yes I agree. He is busy with other things besides pizza gate. He knows about the elite child sacrifice on a global scale which predates pizza gate. He knows of just abuse and sacrifice. He didnt follow the whole events of pizza because he already this stuff was going on so he didnt pay attention to details. I wish someone would clue him in though. Because people might spread disinformation. Glad they read some of the emails on the podcast though

Vladimir_Komarov ago

Classic shill disinfo tactic. Confuse the issue while alienating the fringe. Look into who supports AJ and you learn all you need to know.

Iamabioticgod ago

who supports alex jones?

kekistocrat ago

Direct ties to Stratfor -- he's not legit, and not just a useful dupe. He knows exactly what he's doing. Gatekeeper.

FuckReddit69 ago


sound_of_silence ago


EDIT: just a note to differentiate "israel" in this = Rothschild-controlled fasle-jews