remedy4reality ago



PerusingTheOoze ago

For anyone looking at pizza places that are linked to possible child abuse /SRA

Becki Percy's mother Ann posted a link to job positions at a pizza parlor The Pizza Hot in Hull United Kingdom

I didn't notice anything overt symbolically, scattered immature behavior in their photos, maybe someone else notices something.

maybe its benign? I don't want to vilify all pizza restaurants

I wonder if those in the deep web are changing their symbols, the symbols we are identifying are from 10 years ago.

520patriot ago here is their calendar with events at elementary schools

SayWhatNOWAY ago

I do not want to spend money at any business that sports pedo logos. I think any business with pedo logos should be called out. They may not be involved in anything sinister, but seriously they should be made aware of the situation. Then I strongly suggest they remove the disgusting logo. Keep your kids safe.

Aprilrain ago

I have family in Delaware and have eaten at Grotto several times but never liked their pizza. Always thought the Swirl design of the chease on the pizza was weird but never imagined there was a meaning behind it. Definitely not going there again.



remedy4reality ago

LETS GO MODS... DELETE THIS SHIT !! Where are you @wecanhelp ??

Guy's been here for two hours, has @pizzagateLOL as his SN. Post some crap about pizza parties at a joint completely unrealated to Comet.. god damn.. wtf ?

pizzagateLOL ago

PizzagateLol as an extension of Twitter account.

This pizza chain is of interest as per the post I linked. Your argument is that if anything happened it could only have been in the past.

remedy4reality ago

You're a disinformation artist... Go fuck yourself, you fake fuck.. Two hours on this site and this is what you post? Get fucked.

gr8H8er ago

How can you tag Millinial Falcon to this post?

remedy4reality ago

Oh.. another newbie narc piece of trash... You shills really have it going on, don't you ?

gr8H8er ago

So I'm a "narc piece of trash"? What if my motivation was to get MF to take a look? If they do eat these kids, where are all of the bones and teeth? This pizza joint(s) can't be that slick all by themselves and if the elite are involved, they have access to most every resource to keep themselves and their minions hidden..
Why so upset if you are on the up and up? If you are legit, seems you'd want the PG mods to know about your information and to offer a little back up. Hmm?

remedy4reality ago

This is the post that has been now twice deleted from PG for Rule 1. It's now in politics/ and has gone near the top. The mods and their sheep followers are turning PG into a stupid witch hunt that ropes in any Pizza Joint and Donut Shop in the country, who has suspect signage or verbiage. ITS RETARDED. Meanwhile, a post that connects HILLARY, who has been PROVEN to be connected to PG, to the Trump plotter is 'not relevant'??

gr8H8er ago

That shit is indeed interesting. What is rule 1? I'm away from Wi-Fi ATM but will check out the links (screen shot 2 b sure). Hoped VOAT was fearless, may just have to walk away.

remedy4reality ago

Rule 1 : must be PG related Not only is this post related to PG because of Clinton, it's tied to 9/11 AND a Trump assassination threat!! VOAT mods are doing the exact thing Twitter and YouTube are doing with PG > controlling the narrative. The mods are working hard to make this look like a bunch of idiots lashing out at pizza joints across the country and freaking out every time they see a mother fucking spiral. My post was deleted right before your post went up. I apologize for targeting you with my frustrations towards the mods. This incident is like letting a record fish off the line so you can fill your bucket with minnows.

gr8H8er ago

Thanks for the explanation (me bing newnall) and I do appreciate the apology - accepted! Keep digging!

gr8H8er ago

@MillinialFalcon And yes, I'm new.

pizzagateLOL ago

I would have posted from my other account but I couldn't remember the login. Read the other post linked, and other posts. No need for attacks. Isn't there a rule here for civility

Nana66 ago

Shills come here to act like violent ass hole Trump supporters are expected to act in order to scare people away and give the sub a bad name....there are a LOT of new accounts today. We also apparently need a HUGE staff of babysitters/Mods here that go above and beyond the policing of any other sub...

remedy4reality ago

what is so fucking LOL about Pizzagate, you passive aggressive shitbag ?

pizzagateLOL ago

Did I or did I not present you with something you didn't know before? thank me later

remedy4reality ago

it's nothing.. you know what you're doing... gfy

thepathupwards ago

You read my other posts about Rehoboth and Delaware yet?

AreWeSure ago

You do know there are private businesses on military bases right? There's a Tim Horton's and Subway at Dover.

Grotto Pizza on base seems to be closed.

AreWeSure ago

If Dover Air Force Base is of pizzagate interest (and how can it not be anyway, regardless of this weekly pizza party)

How are you defining "of pizzagate interest?" This seems like people eating pizza?

remedy4reality ago

You're right, this sub is falling apart.. I almost never agree with you.

GeorgeHodelDidit ago

Satanist do weird stuff just to do evil crap. I know its a weird idea but they do it for fun.

Like making all black males in hollywood wear a dress and act gay at least once early in their career just to show their power. Its like Obama giving a speech and rubbing his face with his middle finger as he mentions a person he doesnt like. They just like showing off power and doing it in plain sight.

wokethefkup ago

I believe Dave Chappelle is the one who mentioned about black men in the industry having to sell out. Katt Williams called out Kevin Hart for selling out and sucking dick to get to where he's at shortly after that they went after Katt saying he beat a child up and he's crazy but those like us know exactly what is going on.

DevilintheDetails ago

Huh. ...?

GeorgeHodelDidit ago I know it sounds crazy....but they do this crap.

DevilintheDetails ago

Wow, hadn't heard about this yet. I have seen some discussion about men in skirts lately with posts of the images at the end of that vid. This is all so much more difficult to interpret when you are an atheist

kafkaT ago

Who do you think organizes stupid shit like "I'm not famous any more"? Watch Dave Chapelle's interviews and see how he flinches at every mention of Hollywood. My guess is the top dogs know they have every tinsel town celeb under their thumb and will go to extreme lengths to prove it.

derram ago :

Grotto Pizza on Twitter: "Check out our new VIP program at Grotto PIzza Dover Air Force Base." :

Number of dead U.S. soldiers' remains dumped in landfill sites is revealed by Army as 274 | Daily Mail Online

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