the_one_tony_stark ago

I think someone should buy the icecream and check it for human flesh to be quite honest.

wokethefkup ago

After watching the video you can find in the comments the page of the ice cream place commenting on this video, I followed the link and clicked on their videos, all of their videos are eerie and the ones with children seem to be in other countries the only video I watched was with a little black kid I only watched a minute but I caught him standing on a table and a lady raising a triangle around him or near him I couldn't tell but it could be nothing could be that commercial has me on edge :/ that tongue clearly looked like a dick at the end of the video come on

lpcollector ago

Dumb asses have hyperthyroid, look at his eyes, that's the source of their "energy".

bopper ago

Hope you didn't eat there. Oops you done it!

bopper ago

There's a thread here that talks about the founder of Baby's Ice Cream.

rhy ago

And why is their GHQ constantly closing early? What goes on after hours there I wonder? Fucking freaks.

red_pill_stefbot ago

interesting comments on the youtube video, archived here just in case:

Harman Motor Works writes: "It's not so bad. I feel like ice cream now though. Great." to which the owner of the youtube channel, Kokiri Boyz, replies : "Think of them whilst you're enjoying an ice cream. :)"

The Skylanders Avengers writes: "does he eat little babys" to which the owner of the youtube channel, Kokiri Boyz, replies: "I'm afraid so. :("

reasonedandinformed ago

I found a password-protected part of the site for this place and its pizzabrain partner:

dogwalker ago

Ice cream = I scream?

EQJ ago

They have another sick video called eye scream

victuruslibertas ago

Sorry if this has been posted already. This is the archived Pizza Brain Tumblr

AllianceFan ago

I've found some disturbing stuff connecting Little Baby's Ice Cream to what seems like a father posting his children (Mike Chau a.k.a foodbabyny) with related themes. The kids are often asleep, possibly drugged? The comments on his instagram are highly suggestive. I have a thread here:

EQJ ago

Another article linking pizzaface/baby ice cream to Haitian hope, Philidelphia branch

Element2301 ago

Just look at their entire instagram account! Someone seems to have archived this already but this instagram is literally flooded with pizza in a pornographic context:

AllianceFan ago

On their official instagram. "Little babies eating Little Baby's"

also #eatlittlebabys

Seriously wtf?!

Edit: Also "californianquality@wintertraumer my littlebabys first time facial expectation..."

EQJ ago

The HAITI connection. "reason speaks" appears to be the owner of pizzabrains that jumps into this blog. Circle of Hope in Philadelphia which is affiliated with pizza brains, is mentioned in this Haiti article with details!

Don-Keyhote ago

These guys are such pretentious fags. His ama is unreadable

EQJ ago

reason speaks" appears to be the owner of pizzabrains that jumps into this blog. Not sure if this link has been posted yet but Circle of Hope in Philadelphia which is affiliated with pizza brains, is mentioned in this Haiti article!

victuruslibertas ago

This is an interesting shot.. It says Pizza Culture - Remember when Alefantis was threatening PizzaGateGear he kept saying "This is "Your Culture" --- Pizza Ped is THEIR "Culture",-75.1282364,3a,30.5y,98.28h,82.51t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1sekuYs_DtwhkAAAQqoRDwTQ!2e0!3e2!7i13312!8i6656

EQJ ago

following the link before I come across this...... WTF "Get Pizza in your Inbox Want pizza in your inbox? Sign up to get email updates from Pizza Walk With me (as well as some bonus stuff)."

EQJ ago

What in the FUCK did I just watch! Going to go bleachbit my eyes now! Omfg

NikitaVerite ago

You guys, does this ever end? The perversion and insanity - every day I learn how much more there is. And right out in the open! I honestly thought that the "banned commercial" must be totally fake, but there's a goddamned link to it from the Little Babies Icecream website! They are actually proud of that disgusting piece of trash. Great job finding this.

concernedaboutitall ago

Ok. I regret looking at this... NSFW anime?

CynicalLurker ago

Has anyone tried playing the Little Baby videos backwards and playing with the pitch/speed? The music seems to be playing backwards and weirdly low pitched in some of them. Their commercials remind me of the videos of Poppy on YouTube who always hides secret messages in her videos.

SlutsAgainstSlavery ago

Ohhhh, that video? I thought it was rather funny, I had no idea the clip it was from was a commercial. Just strange enough to be amusing.


Co founder Pete Angevine played drums in a band called "satanized"......

bopper ago

Yeah I'm talking about it in another thread, thanks.


Check out this video that was tagged in the babys IG page. Hope the link works. This is pretty creepy fosho.


1 weapons this weekend just in case. OMG.

Wolftrail7272 ago

Fuck yeah, same here. Staying in good shape, too.



diamonddust ago

And waddya know - Circle of Hope have links to Haiti.

diamonddust ago

You're on the right track looking at these groups (and foundations and NGOs of all stripes) that you will find linked to all this madness. This is bigger than paedophilia - paedophilia is just a side effect. That particular thing "Circle of Hope" looks like it may be part of the wider and very creepy Emerging Church movement, which is itself just a small part of a bigger picture.

thewildhunt ago

The face in this video looks like it could be that species of ape that would eat its young, also seen in one of the disturbing. There are links to ice cream and the ape in this thread:,

pizzaequalspedo ago

What in the actual F*ck is that?!

Are we living in the Matrix? How can someone spend the time and money producing that and thinking it would actually work as positive advertising?

Forgetmenot ago

It's excellent advertising to attract the customer they specifically cater to. And it is not the everyday American consumer. This is targetted for violent vicious pedofiles who eat babies and want to feel youthful.

Balour ago

Their ATM:

Why is there a shower next to the ice cream ordering?

Kinda looks like shit for a "world headquarter"

Triangle on glass:

Link to inside:,-75.1282364,3a,75y,138.6h,81.54t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sekuYs_DtwhkAAAQqoRDwTQ!2e0!7i13312!8i6656

think_whatif ago

Remind me to never eat Little Baby's Ice Cream:

Would you really want to eat this ice cream after watching this?

Just nasty.

ProudTruther ago

I went through their yelp reviews and there a re parrallels to comet ping pong and these other crappy front businesses. A lot of the time they seem to have crappy selections with overpriced products and chintzy portion sizes. The kind of stuff you do if you don't want the general population in your store trying to buy a bunch of ice cream. and cash only, i thought these elitist fucks were trying to get rid of cash so we'll be there dependent slaves with no autonomy to have under the table transactions.

User2060 ago

real cash will not disappear, especially since a lot of apartment renters, at least here, prefer to be paid cash. I got a bank account and a credit union account, taking out money at the credit union from an actual teller doesn't cost a cent there, at the bank, yeah, 8 dollar fees for getting a hundred bill..that's what they're doing mostly, same as the rape that is nondescript ATM's and their fees and double fees from the bank or even my credit union account.

Werwer12 ago

You can navigate inside of their business. The Pizza and Ice Cream shot are also connected.,-75.1281863,3a,90y,132.35h,78.11t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1sWMt-v5Z5ErMAAAQqpAn9WQ!2e0!3e2!7i13312!8i6656

GhostOfSwartz ago

Why does an ice cream shop have all this pizza art?

fartyshorts ago

I posted all of this weeks ago and no one gave a damn, so I'm glad it didn't just go away. :)

fartyshorts ago

Here's one of those posts:

Mentions this place in the blog:

"the world’s first pizza museum – with an artisan pizzeria attached."

"It’s also right next door to Little Baby’s Ice Cream World Headquarters." They like to make some... Interesting videos. - I have no words.

fartyshorts ago

Which was in response to:

So I searched "Big Bite Pizza" and the first thing on the list is one in Northern Virginia, just minute from DC.

Notice the address.... 666 S Pickett St

Which was a response to:

Now that we are pretty positive this is a worldwide ring, we should be looking into other pizza shops being busted for CP and trafficking on our spare time as to not to detract from the main investigation.

In my home town about 7 years ago a shop named BIG BITE PIZZA was busted for running an underaged sex and CP ring out of the back. I live in the eastern most point of canada and BIG BITE was across the street from our harbour.

Location of BB and OCEANEX:

Was BIG BITE the vessel traffickers would use to get victims from canada onto the boats and into europe and vice-versa?

User2060 ago

Damn, I didn't know Newfoundland had such things, you guys are such decent people (I'm from northeast QC so I've been to St-John's and what is the other town of significance there...Gander? Yeah?

Anyway, this kind of stuff cannot stay around for long in Canada, too many good people here especially QC, Maritimes+Newfoundland.

bopper ago

Figures. Too bad.

victuruslibertas ago

Kudos, sorry I didn't catch it then,,, This is a good catch

somegirlinnewzealand ago

oh my dear Lord Jesus, that made me want to cry. I thought id seen some shit already. WTF! Its a very majestic ape vibe, but even more creepy if that was even possible.


fucking hell

B3nd3r ago

Creator/Director of this filth Doug Garth Williams talks about some irrelevant aspects of it's production: Little Baby's Ice Cream OFFICIAL BEHIND THE SCENES and FAQ

(((Sick fuck)))

Forgetmenot ago

I am going to post this link : it was in Drudge Report yesterday and it refers to the use of parabiosis. Using young people's blood to fight aging. Sorry if it is not relevant but it seemed relevant based on what I heard in the video.

User2060 ago

I thought Mr.Burns (who's pretty much a caricature of David Rockfeller when created) was only a joke because of how evil the senile old man is...

GhostOfSwartz ago

I'm glad you posted that. Drudge has been posting cannibal and pedophilia related stuff alot lately. Makes me think he's trying to tell us something or he's on the pizzagate train with us. Just today was an article about a new cannibalism movie coming out. Very disturbing.

Forgetmenot ago

I also noticed a story about satanic rituals / one about a priest who died performing an exorcism posted today. I think they are setting a stage.

GhostOfSwartz ago

I noticed that as well. Several possession articles lately.

BlueTesla ago

Would explain why David Rockefeller is 101 and still going.

SayWhatNOWAY ago

Little Baby's Ice Cream Advert - Remix James Hogg 5,122 views SUBSCRIBE36 253 Published on Aug 8, 2012Little Baby's Ice Cream is now a brand for pedophiles and pedophiles only...

All rights go to Little Baby's;

Original Advert; Category Comedy License Standard YouTube License

Forgetmenot ago

That video :( no words.

kev17 ago

I think it's important to point out that in the commercial they say "We eat babies" which is the general premise... Baby eating and the sacrifice of children is pretty common in Satanic rituals and Podesta is a huge fan of art work depicting cannibalism.

SynapticRevolt ago

They also said something about being more energetic and springing from place to place or something to the effect. And that their skin is shiny. Pores or something. Anyway, eating, or drinking the blood of the young has long been rumored to energize the old! Cannibals, these fucks are talking about cannibalizm!!

michelonwheels ago

Ewww ever noticed how shiny Marina Abramovic's face is? Especially for her age.

nitro169 ago

Holy SHIT, WTF???

How's the baby doing? [–]pizzabrian Wally aka Wawa aka Wallstreet aka Wallrus aka Wallnut aka Wallmin aka Waldo is killin it right now. Super healthy. Loves boobs. Loves to shit. Only 6 weeks old and he's up to 16 lbs. Grown 2 inches since he was born. Goes out every night. Docs say he's over the 99.5 percentile of human babes. Pizza is a superfood I guess.

Forgetmenot ago

Where did you get this is this a quote?

cantsleepawink ago

I think you need to see this one as well. I'm going off to have a closer look at this company.

Little Baby's Ice Cream -- Eyes Scream

DawnofTruth ago

Holy shit!! What fucking planet am I on? When did it go from bad to disturbing???

redditsuckz ago

If this video "We Eat Babies" that the OP posted isnt enough to wake people up then nothing is...

We Eat Babies

They are cannibals...or something else...and they are throwing it in your face...its their "culture"...

newworldahead ago

What is said is not "We Eat Babies" but "I eat little babies". Doesn't make any difference, but just wanted to point that out.

There is really something behind this habit of them of always rubbing their evil deeds right in our face. It's like they were obliged to tell us about their plans to be "authorized" of implementing them.

ArthurEdens ago


nitro169 ago

Im telling you the pajama factory is where they warehouse them!

Atatarkus ago

Arrrrrrrrrrrrrggggggggggggghhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!! Im never eating ice cream again.

nitro169 ago

Fued with co-owner, lost his entire guiness world record pizza collection?

SayWhatNOWAY ago

Holy Shit All to Hell! WTF! Get these EVIL Satanic Pedo POSs OUT of our country! Today is Friday the 13th, plz stay safe!

redditsuckz ago

Someone took photos of inside of Ice Cream truck GB Glace - Pedo Heart Symbols

People aslo thought Comet Ping Pong is just a regular pizza place but what they were doing and serving was unthinkable...

The truck by itself might not mean anything but the double hearted symbol and code word "ice cream" does....

Ice Cream is another code word just like Pizza, Ping Pong and Coffee;



RE: Ice cream for FREE (time) today! - Podesta Emails

I consider ice cream, its purchase, and its consumption a rather serious business. We can’t just willy-nilly toss it out and about in casual references, especially linked with the word “free”.

Blood can be used as substitute for eggs in ice cream etc...

Coffeegate - Starbucks mentioned 109 times and Coffee mentioned over 650 times

Hopevoats ago

That heart is the Good Humor ice cream logo. A Unilever brand.

SayWhatNOWAY ago

Ice Cream trucks could be used for transporting drugged up kids.

User2060 ago

Or like the tweaker conspiracy guy in Breaking Bad in Jesse's house when he has his mental breakdown and turns his house into a meth-den, before saying his worst fear would be to be stuck on a chain-link fence and pushed by a herd of people running scared away from..whatever he's talking about and getting pushed through the chain-link fenced like "soft-meat" or "some kind of playdoh" right through the chain links... it starts like "nobody really knows how many of those things are out there and there's nothing you and me can do about it, comes over the ocean, load it up in a ice cream truck in San Francisco..."

writingandsmiting ago

From the about section on the pizzabrain website:

"But more importantly, it’s a community-driven business; a pizza shop with a conscience – meaning we strive to do things in a socially, ethically and environmentally responsible fashion. To find out exactly what we mean by this, feel free to contact us or stop in for a visit. Our shop is located at 2313-2311 Frankford Avenue, Pizzadelphia, ZA 19125. We generally enjoy conversing."

Could this perhaps be pedo code? Enter the shop and ask them about why they are 'a pizza shop with a conscience'. Would be great if someone in Philly could try this (with a hidden mic / camera).

somegirlinnewzealand ago

"to find out* exactly* what we mean by this"..."we generally enjoy conversing" - real weird.

User2060 ago

I've worked in a pizza shop owned by Kurds and there's no fucking time to talk on the phone, especially since apparently the Kurd make really amazing pizza. Now I have to eat my girlfriend's awesome pie while talking a lot more than before to not think of this...this whole thing almost ruined one of the best dish on earth.

But all kind of commerce are used as fronts. I know a girl, well, now a woman, who had a deli with high quality ham, turkey, beef etc. and they rented a space I always saw empty for as long as I lived in a strip mall. 3 months later it was closed, seems like it was a money laundry operation, wouldn't surprise me knowing her husband, who has a "second job" that's much more lucrative than his regular job in craft paper factory.

DarkMath ago

Holly Hell that was the most disturbing "commercial" I have ever seen in my entire life. When did it become ok to say "We eat babies." in a television commercial? Did I miss something? I didn't get the memo. And they used the Heavy Breathing voice, un-fing believable. What the f happened to my country?

Oh wait. I remember! Someone went and fundamentally changed America on me. Thanks Obama!

shooglenifty ago

Is Heavy Breathing or Amanda Kleinman associated with this business or director in any way? This is apropos of their work and obviously disturbing. Why would a business who hopes to survive associate themselves with a video of this nature? And if you were going to go for edgy for your business wouldn't you locate it near a college? Or is that in the gay district of Philly?

bopper ago

I'm telling you the co-founder of the ice cream place was former member of band Satanized. See the 'new' Voat column. His band is connected w/ pedo bands and they're pretty sick themselves. Now he's co-founded Baby's Ice Cream.

Haldelos ago

It's not in the "gayborhood" but it's close to very hipster 'ish' type areas with a lot of artists and the artwork and stuff doesn't totally surprise me. The commercial is weird AF though

TheSeer ago

I feel I should share something I found. I was looking into Satanic Inversion, how everything these sick f*cks do is the opposite of what a normal, moral, God-loving person would do (or say, or think, etc). Its one of their key lying methods, as well, to just say the complete opposite of what their real intent is. And their 'jokes' too, from the looks of it. So any way, I did a random Google for 'Opposite land' or opposite world, and one of the first images that comes up is.... An ice cream LICKING a person!

Which actually is a good look into these sociopaths type of thinking! Only they would IMMEDIATELY be able to make the connection between a person licking ice cream, and therefore, the inversion of ice cream is when you want to 'lick' A PERSON.

Also, the 'Little Babys Ice Cream' logo is pretty blatant symbolism for the female reproductive system.

TheSeer ago

Title Here Yes, this sure is 'funny' isn't it.

Scoundrel ago

Crazy how you can go right into Little Baby's Ice Cream on Google Map.

Flat_Truth ago

Yep and that lady Gaga interview where she talks about Marina Abromovic doing a "exihibit at a museum", where she lays naked on a table, with booze, drugs, condoms, a gun, ropes....other stuff around her and sign telling the (gaga stammers to think of a word) "museum goers" can do anything they want and aren't responsible. Then those interior photos of the pegasus place....that big table....drain in the floor. Gaga was talking about that woman being "limitless" and "truly free", well when you think if "no limits" is what they strive for.....well then, that would mean all limits.

Balour ago

Their ATM:

Why is there a shower next to the ice cream ordering?

Kinda looks like shit for a "world headquarter"

Triangle on glass:

Link to inside:,-75.1282364,3a,75y,138.6h,81.54t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sekuYs_DtwhkAAAQqoRDwTQ!2e0!7i13312!8i6656

somegirlinnewzealand ago

the fact that the roof has a viewing platform on the roof, next to a playground makes me think that the "museum" is viewing the children? Would these people be so bold as to pick out select targets from time to time? as well as trafficking and/or breeding.

Haldelos ago

which building are you talking about with the viewing platform?

User2060 ago

Pegasus "Museum". That area is so strange to my mostly clean Canadian eyes, I'm used to fucked up shit in the US, but just google streetview of that area at the northwest limit of DC and how there's actually a bunch of tunnels under washington, some abandoned, but some used actually by congress people and such to get around the city unseen by regular people....that's effin strange. That strange scientist who was digging constantly because "he had OCD" all over that area, it's like fuckin' catacombs under that forsaken city.

redditsuckz ago

Spotlight on the world's first pizza museum: Pizza Brain

He was aslo supposed to do a show with "Pizza Underground" and mentions "Pizza Culture"...


"we wanted to make (the party) about the strange and beautiful universe that is pizza culture"

"we had an army of weirdos ready to throw the pizza party of 2014"

kinda gives it away - real pizza is just not that interesting

redditsuckz ago


As in their culture of child rape and human sacrifice and cannibalism...

justwanttohelp ago



bopper ago

Baby's Ice Cream was co-founded by former rock band (Satanized) name of band drummer w/ links to pedo bands.

User2060 ago

You sure it's only rock? I have a caveat here, if it's a death metal band/pornogrind band, it's just some stupid sick humour for shock value on maybe this video (which I don't want to watch) is. inb4 shill screams, I was in a local small time thrash metal band we mostly covered Slayer and Destruction songs, and the early work of bands like this (which never mentions eating babies or such but had satanic lyrics just for the shock value, later on, especially german bands like Kreator, Destruction, Tankard etc., those guys are good people). The really insane people tend to be in nazi black metal and pornogrind bands, and even then in the's just some silly stoner humour). PizzaGate is fucking real though, 100%, too much proof and media censorship, which they wouldn't do if it didn't involve some of them, the worst people get promoted because they can be blackmailed. It's been this way since JFK was killed to induce mass trauma on that new thing that was the telescreen....

bopper ago

Thanks for the education, I come from the Ramones era :) Alice Cooper, KISS. I guess these poor guys who form bands nowadays got nothing left for shock value :) I can tell you Jerry Lee Lewis and Little Richard were doing some pretty insane things back in the day, people would be surprised. (They were before my time of course.) I played bass and rhythm and sang in a crummy band w/ crummy gigs for a while.

somegirlinnewzealand ago

100% fantasy? Icecream is a feeling? i dont want to be a total nutjob here, but is it possible that they could be using the byproducts of human flesh, the fats, in the icecream? hasn't this investigation also shown apparent links to a soap company too? I feel like a sick even writing this.

Wolftrail7272 ago

After viable organs are harvested, there is still a body. If you are willing to commodify the body to the extent that you would harvest organs, it only makes sense to get all the profit you can.

bopper ago

Sorry, I laughed out loud (not funny I know). Oh, hi NZealand girl, my son's over there, my daughter in law is from there.

BlueTesla ago

I can't see this Ice Cream place on streetview, are they inside the pizza building?

justwanttohelp ago

yeah their youtube channel is just as weird... idk if it;s coincidence but the baby here looks like he is wearing blood

SChalice ago

That baby has bags under its eyes as well.

littlemrsMAGA ago

Jeez. Why is everything these people make so freaking strange and unsettling? Is this what passes for art and edginess nowadays? Because I have to say, I am not getting the appeal. At all.

Nana66 ago

2014.....I TRULY EXPECTED THIS MINDF@K TO BE RECENT JUST TO MESS WITH US. I have to go to work with this stuck in my head all day.

derram ago :

Yerm. I am Brain Dwyer, recent father of one of the largest babies ever born in Philly. I also love pizza. AMA. : philadelphia

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