AmishMechWarrior ago

They'll say anything to save their own hides

zoltan907 ago

CNN actually broadcast two separate pedophile allegations against Assange on the same day. First, Phil Mudd said on "New Day": "I think there’s an effort to protect WikiLeaks from a pedophile who lives in the Ecuadorean Embassy in London." Hours later, former House Intelligence Committee Chairman Mike Rogers appeared on "The Lead with Jake Tapper," and said: "I think if he [Trump] knew all of the details — this person is wanted for rape of a minor. He is hiding in the basement of an embassy because he is a fugitive from justice, number one. Number two, he has released information harmful to the United States that I do believe jeopardize soldiers in the field."

Notice the shift going on there. The original allegation made by was that Assange was grooming a minor over the internet. Phil Mudd went a step further and called Assange a pedophile. Then Mike Rogers took a big leap and accused Assange of actually raping a child. CNN didn't retract Rogers' comments.

I couldn't archive the link using I keep getting a message saying the site is "out of capacity." Is anyone else having that problem?

Here's a Wayback link for the time being:

AugustaJulia ago

According to Alex Jones, it was Hillary, Obama, and their team who came up with the name ISIS. They themselves came up with this name. I find it very interesting considering the Ancient Egyptian links with Isis and Osiris. Was that a wink-wink to the initiated?

ZalesMcMuffin ago

Sounds like you've got your mind made up. Mine is too. I guess we should both go on to other things now.

catslovejustice ago

This is the kind of stuff that makes me think Assange IS alive.

ZalesMcMuffin ago

Shill-me (my snark-name for him) is definitely a complete fraud. He is lying in that interview, as logical analysis establishes pretty readily (I've provided some of that elsewhere, I think on this site). So why does Jones grovel and kiss his ring? It's absurd.

wokethefkup ago

Ah true

Atatarkus ago

This kind of stuff is pure gold they are resorting to the cheapest and dirtiest of tactics its a sure sign they're getting desparate. Cant wait to see the coverage of the court case.

BarryOSeven ago

WikiLeaks fuck off. After months of no public appearance of Assange while thousands of people requested it it should be considered compromised.

Don't know what they are trying, maybe to fix WikiLeaks credibility but without Assange WikiLeaks is under a third party control.

Do not fall for this disinfo.

juhos ago

Assange has made multiple interviews and they have even published new leaks during those two months. So sorry, but you are the disinfo here.

BarryOSeven ago

Interviews and CGI video. No proof of life. We requested him to wave outside the window. People have been at the embassy in real life... nothing. Couldn't even write a message with his PGP-key.

Not a single mention of it on Twitter. Just these lausy interviews of which one has definatly been faked (CGI) and the other one has proven to be at least a greenscreen but perhaps everything was also fake.

The interviews could have been anything. Even some sort of construction of old audio.

I have no clue who controls WikiLeaks but it's not Assange.

If you believe WikiLeaks has not been compromised you are a fucking moron. Otherwise you are just a worthless shill who can rot in hell.


when has wikileaks really dropped something that was ground breaking.Even pizzagate is vague from the get go. Assange was acquired as a asset long ago when he was arrested here in Australia for hacking...

SpearOfDestiny ago

The cheek, these people have no shame. Do they not realize how ridiculous they sound.. classic tell tale sign someones feathers have been ruffled.

archie01 ago

Well said!

CadiBug ago

So Assange threatens to sue for defamation, unless CNN retracts their pedophile claim, because he’s not pedophile and is willing to defend himself in court. CNN deletes their videoclip and apologizes. PizzaGate alleges a pedophile ring operates within a powerful, politically connected group of people, and literally the elites of the world come together to call it “fake news”, they rip away journalists rights to report on it, censor anyone investigating it, and claim it’s a vast conspiracy. But no one is willing to sue for defamation and defend their names and reputations in court? Hmmmm

ZalesMcMuffin ago

I don't trust either of those guys. (The third guy, maybe.)

gentlemanadventurer ago

when you expose the globalist Jew you are labeled one of three things before they run out of options and murder you, 1.) A racist 2.) Financial criminal 3.) Pedophile. In high profile cases like Trump you are labeled all three. This formula is a constant.

Pwner1775 ago

shit just got real

srayzie ago

Exactly! He's acting like someone who is innocent! He's not hiding

srayzie ago

So since Assange is setting the record straight by saying Russia is not where he got his information, it's time to destroy his credibility. I can't stand these people. I hope it pisses Assange off enough to throw all their Satanic pedophile proof for everyone to see. He'll be like "What you got to say now you sick fucks?!"

ProudTruther ago

Get em Julian!

srayzie ago

I can't believe what I'm reading. CNN put out fake news? No way!

StrangeHologram ago

look it's fake:

MillenChillen ago

I'm amazed the dude is still alive and they're already just throwing shots at him.

goodguy1367 ago


AreWeSure ago

There's a user on twitter who is very knowledgeable on computer security who responded a Trump tweet and walked through the evidence the government has released. Start at this tweet and see the thread. [Pwn All The Things Retweeted Donald J. Trump Could have hacked? Sure. Did hack? No. Let me go through why not.Pwn All The Things added,

Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump Julian Assange said "a 14 year old could have hacked Podesta" - why was DNC so careless? Also said Russians did not give him the info!](


sunshine702 ago

As a woman Assange's rape charges make me MAD. It's SO obvious that they are trumped up and venue shopped out of Sweeden, while REAL rapes are covered up and victim blamed (Cosby). So basically political truth teller = rapist while real rapist =you slut are you sure you want to press charges. And now this stupid pedophile charge has me seeing red. I vow to double down my efforts here. Can't wait for new 2017 Wikileaks and I will give some more money to Wiki and "WhereisEricBraverman" on Youtube and David Seaman on vidme. Great job CIA - fire LIT!

SlackeryTurnBull ago

Aren't some people of Pizzagate vulnerable to the same legal action? Be careful what you cheer for.

AreWeSure ago

Yes, I believe they would be. Look up libel per se.

karma101 ago

I can't wait to see what new smut Assange has on these pressitute punks at CNN and the MSM. Go Julian we are all with you brother.

karma101 ago

LOL CNN is a total fucking joke. Nobody believes anything those pedo sympathizers say anymore. You watch they'll run a retraction in a few days on there wed sight in really small print, hoping no fucker sees it.

MolochHunter ago

If we recall, there was a brief allegation before the election - but the MSM didnt want to touch it becaus ethe org that made the allegation had listed as its operating address the same warehouse as Clinton companies

thats how she rolls

olive611 ago

Funny that people are calling pedoesta and Alefantis pedophiles but they aren't threatening legal action. Assange isn't, that's why he's responding this way. The real pedos know if they threaten legal action shit is gonna come out to light.

postfascion ago

My thoughts exactly +1

Chimerarose ago

I hope Assange's lawyer sues the crap out of them. Is everyone a Pedo or in collusion with them? Why do I feel like I'm in bizarro world. this is insane.

ZalesMcMuffin ago

I don't trust Alex Jones at all. Most of what he reports is real, but he's got his bias too. GG has a great track record AFAIK. DR pretty much is an aggregator for other sites. Breitbart very popular; I never have paid it much attention tho so won't comment.

This lack of informational quality control is a massive need. I wrote about it here:

PassingShip ago

You never did tell me what the deal was with the punctuation smash.

lawexaminer ago

CNN has just attempted to correct their "mistake":

ZalesMcMuffin ago

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAA... man, 2017 is just starting and it's already GREAT!!

FuckReddit69 ago

Does this save them from a lawsuit?

DavidBernheart ago

They must believe that Wikileaks is about to publish evidence of pedophilia among the ruling elite.

Phobos_Mothership ago David Seaman just posted this video

JoJoVoat ago

Can you tell me a 2 or 3 news sources I can mostly trust? Is "Before it was news" trustworthy?
And maybe a few to definitely NOT READ Thank you :-)

Freemasonsrus ago

Drudge--even though he just links to articles, it's important to visit bc he shows the "big picture" each day. Daily caller Breitbart

If you have OAN on your cable, it's definitely worth watching. It's not flashy, just news.

JoJoVoat ago

And this? What does this mean?
armyseer > JoJoVoat | Sent: 1.4 hours ago on 1/5/2017 3:34:01 AM Wheres your proof Im a shill?

Nah, you never stood a chance against the Palantir system. I just wish I had access to it during the day.

JoJoVoat ago

Can you help me? I got this and dont know what to think of it.. I was banned from pizzagateshills and dont now why

armyseer > JoJoVoat | Sent: 1.4 hours ago on 1/5/2017 3:32:22 AM Wheres your proof Im a shill?

Bonus round:

"Millenium Falcon" Has Deleted 200 #PizzaGate threads in the past 24 hours. (So I guess it was not just me. The CF lives on Voat.) submitted by LaDonnaRae to pizzagate

JoJoVoat -1 points (+0|-1) 23 hours ago

Why and how are other Mods allowing this to happen? Was he a mod? Or was he able to hack the system?

Sure is telling on how big this thing is.

Freemasonsrus ago

I have no idea. Obviously some people here are trying to fuck w people. Motives? Not clear. I haven't visited the shill site so I'm not up on what's been going on there.

JoJoVoat ago

okay well i appreciate the reply.. and I think i accidentally went to th shill sight .. oh well. I should have added Im blonde lol Thanks! and good night.

Freemasonsrus ago

Haha! No problem. I just had a post deleted by the overlords lol

postfascion ago

Also, this is a help:

postfascion ago

Before its news is controlled opposition in my opinion, but then so are most sources relating specifically to pizza gate. Observe them all by all means, it's a good way to learn, but remember, if they're emotional its probably a bad sign, if they're "far out" (masons did it, religious) it's a bad sign. Although there may be truth in all the crazy stuff, the "real world" intelligent analysis is how we get them, and helps when informing mainstream people. is great in general. Especially new world next week.

gosso920 ago


anon401 ago

It seems CNN has moved from the Clinton News Network to the CIA News Network.

goatboy ago

I used to think CNN was evil. Then I realized it just hires a lot of incompetent people who are too stupid to know they work for evil.

JoJoVoat ago


redditsuckz ago


links between Wikileaks and the international Rothschild network:

–a sister-in-law and second cousin of the Rothschilds posted bail for Julian Assange (Puppetworld Post exclusive)

–The Economist (a Rothschild magazine) gave Assange its New Media Award in 2008

–Wikileaks used the law firm Fox Rothschild to overturn a judge’s ruling to order a web host to shut down the Wikileaks site

– The Guardian and The New York Times, two of Assange’s media partners, are linked to the Rothschilds (PwP exclusive)

–The owner of the mansion where Assange was eventually put under house arrest has links to Rothschilds

–Assange’s lawyer is also Rothschilds’ lawyer

–US Senator Joe Lieberman who was ultimately responsible for making Assange the largest media personality of the decade, is a member of the Council On Foreign Relations (a Rothschild organization)

[The Rothschilds are an international family of bankers at the centre of a web of wealthy families who control most the countries through a worldwide network of: privately-owned central banks (masquerading as federal banks), major news chains, trusts, councils, etcetera. An unnamed source has put their monetary worth near $100 trillion—dwarfing the net worth of the likes of Warren Buffet, Bill Gates, Ted Turner, etc.]

The Econimist(Rothschild Magazine)

ZalesMcMuffin ago

That's worth keeping in mind. I like Assange, but yeah, stay wary. These people didn't get to be trillionaires just by making smart stock choices.

terrordactyl ago

The OWO have no idea how to respond anymore, their playbook is obsolete and they never bothered to update it. All they have done is double down on their cointelpro tactics; further exposing the artifices of our society, the cages they have imprisoned us in. Every move they make will wake up more of us. They have no choice but to surrender now or be destroyed. Check and mate.

JoJoVoat ago

Very nicely worded. We are taking down the NWO Fuck globalization and open borders.


Then if the NWO is being taken down then why isn't the UN mentioned.....UNESCO....This is the authority that will control world gov't....They are dictating the treaties signed by the US that allows no discrimination based on race ,religion or sexual ORIENTATION.... The USA is broke and has to bend over to receive the handout.....UN ,,,Int money bank.....the mods have everyone fighting phantoms and shadows in the virtual space of the internet.

afterbernerthrowaway ago

Wait, what's the problem with requiring that employers not discriminate based on race, religion, or orientation?


...NOT employees...countries....there is nothing wrong with race religion ....but sexual orientation is why every mother and father is up in arms when they are teaching 10 year old transgender normality in schools...WE HAVE TEACHERS RESIGNING because they wont teach sex to children this young.Gender is fluid they say.We know too well about population control and that it is a carefully thought out state agenda.

JoJoVoat ago

oh yeah... UN is at the top of the pyramid, I guess I just thought it was known, my bad...

Well, the UN, the Bilderberg (sp) Group that meets every year and the 13 most powerful families in the world.
All overlap and all at the top of the pyramid.

Here's what Im trying to figure out.. is the shadow government Soros or Saudi Arabia? Way to many muslims on Capital Hill. 1 is too many.

It's going to be an interesting year(s)


There are multiple entities wrestling for control....1.old money....who have held on to property,heirlooms,art and such while the socialist experiment played out....2.zionist-..jesuit-p2 lodge vatican.....3saudi...bush clinton.crime cabal....4 old asian families..dragon societies....I think the newer money will throw elements of old money under the bus...meaning left over of monarchies...The vatican jesuit p2 lodge are the oldest gang ....they created cia,mafia,club of rome,...knight malta....The plan is to drown all countries in migrants so there is no national ethnic identity....have all at each others vs white...female vs male straight vs gay democrat vs republican...socialist vs capitalist... long ago in the 70s scientist had free energy but feared man will squabble like deranged the club of rome I read in the 70s wanted to create a common global threat...hence global create world governance....or a false alien invasion....this I read in the 70s from a book by stan deyo called cosmic conspiracy..... Now the problem with the good intentioned scientist is that the CIA split into combat lines in the early 70s and the works of these scientist were confiscated by the mil ind gov't is good and must be achieved ...but we don't have a say in the model or who are the controllers....the zionist worked on this by creating league of nations in 1919...they were blocked by the romanov family in the early 1800s at the vienna conference by the romanov family....hence bolshevik or jewish revolution....all socialist movement are theirs from trade unions to average man borrowing from banks....because they know they can appropriate the property off those that dont have legal defence....

JoJoVoat ago

Hey, I appreciate your reply with all this info.... It makes more sense to me now... I couldn't figure out how each "hierarchy" of people/governments/families were ranked and which are in charge at the top of the pyramid.. Some article and videos lead one to believe there is a connection worldwide each level in power only know who their next highest superior is on that pyramid and that very few know who is at the very top. Maybe thats Illuminati only .... somewhat confusing.
Now I did think your 1, 2 and 3 overlapped or are connected,.
Also, (including what you said) I also assumed countries were being flooded w immigrants to create chaos and initially draw countries into WW3 so that globabization of power can be formed and gain strength during and after. The people at the highest powers own the banks on all sides of financing wars, right?

Again, thank you for the information... I have more research to do...


YEAH ...these gangs work togetherbut strive for control individually.Think this way....The USA and the soviets were the first to endorse the new state of Israel.Suggesting jewish controllers in both camps(zionist to be precise).......On banks if you go way back to ancient Carthage and its war with the newly developed Rome.....Hannibal from Carthage was at the gates of Rome and just needed approval to destroy her in her infancy but the senators and controllers there did not give him the authority.....Eventually Fabius from who the fabian society drw there name had time and used hannibals guerilla tactics to defeat hannibals army....He fled back to Carthage formed an inexperience army and got destroyed by the roman army.He fled and they pursued him to turkey where they say he was killed and his body parts caste to the four winds....THE POINT is the money controllers did not want him to defeat the romans because they had financial investment there and the army would have pillaged what was theres.Then they let Carthage fall and probaly moved themselves to Rome. the flooding of immigrants is to cause wage lowering and to make sure no country has a national or ethnic mindset that could cause it to contend the new world government.

terrordactyl ago

Minor correction - its the Old World Order. The 'new world order' was simply a continuation of what they have always done.

yabbadoody ago

more of the same from CNN - they were "all things Hillary" during the election cycle, and the Clintons are famous for accusing others of crimes they themselves have committed. It's a deflection tactic.

JoJoVoat ago

I think he does..,, theres got to be more than one pissed off insider willing to offer up emails...

freeagent37 ago

This is it guys! The veil is braking down! We are seeing the greatest desperation and hand of the true enemies in our own government.


wait a minute!! - this is news to me (dont care to pay attention to personal lives of idiots like CC) but I would think that would be VERY unethical to be working in media, while related to a government official

new rules are needed

ZalesMcMuffin ago

that would be VERY unethical typical to be working in media, while related to a government official


postfascion ago

The system is incestuous. Just like many of the families running it.

Sandy008 ago

Time Warner, parent company of CNN was one of Hillary Clinton's major donors, along with Comcast, parent company of MSNBC. The entire system could hardly be more corrupt.

AreWeSure ago

So it seems like calling someone a pedophile is defamation. Good to know.

DefenderOfTruth ago

It's not that they just called him a pedophile, but also claimed he tried to molest a girl. That's the defaming part.

"One part of toddandclare’s two-pronged campaign put a megaphone to unproven charges that Assange made contact with a young Canadian girl in the Bahamas through the internet with the intention of molesting her. The second part sought to entangle him in a plan to receive $1 million from the Russian government."

Read more here:

AreWeSure ago

Actually I'm pretty sure calling someone a pedophile is libel per se.
libel per se

Are you making a distinction between being a pedophile (not a crime) and acting on those urges (criminal) ?
Because in the case of libel per se I don't think that would matter, not all things considered libel per se are crimes. I'm not a lawyer though.

I don't even understand this part

Assange made contact with a young Canadian girl in the Bahamas through the internet with the intention of molesting her.

How could he have done that if she's in the Bahamas and he's in England? Is this just euphemistic language for getting her to send pictures or video? This part is wierd.

DefenderOfTruth ago

Yes, thoughts vs actions. But, with what all is going on with pedophilia and the many sins commonly associated with it, I agree that even calling someone that would tarnish their reputation.

And on your point about the Bahamas idea. It is weird.

SayWhatNOWAY ago

Can President Trump pardon Assange? I mean since Assange is a foreigner. Assange is a hero!

Freemasonsrus ago

He hasn't committed any crimes. In most of the cases he has released documents, that were obtained by insiders who had legal authority to them. (Maybe not to publish them, but they weren't "hacked" per se). All Wikileaks has done is publish those documents. They would have to arrest and charge people within other news orgs who have, and will continue to, do the same thing bc it's news worthy. they can charge someone like Snowden bc he signed what amounts to an NDA and broke it with the govt. So a pardon for Snowden and Manning would make more sense.

JoJoVoat ago

im pretty sure he can...

AreWeSure ago

Yes. Foreigners or non citizens can be charged with crimes in America. Presidents can pardon criminals.

SayWhatNOWAY ago

I really hope so!

lawexaminer ago

See also the psychology term "projection":

Birdzeyeview ago

I keep thinking about this when I read all the projecting done by Pizzagaters daily. HMMMMMM

VioletHeart ago

371 new Hillary Clinton emails released as a result of litigation (link:…

draegspir ago

Holy cow is anyone digging into this stuff??

olive611 ago

I'm gonna start going through them, there has to be something in them that's damaging. Maybe that's why this whole CNN thing happened, to put the focus on that and not on the emails.

JoJoVoat ago

looks like Killary cant take a shit wihtout Huma reminding her.... how pathetic. Thank God she didnt win.

SayWhatNOWAY ago

Yes, indeed Thank God!

JoJoVoat ago

when was this release?

VioletHeart ago

About 5 minso ago..check wikileaks twitter

JoJoVoat ago

awsome thank you,,,

JoJoVoat ago

Im so glad theres a word for it... just looked this up. never heard the word before... interesting My daughter graduates with her master in psychology early next year with an emphasis on working with children... I asked her if she ever had a class on satanism or satanic ritual abuse and not surprisingly she had not.

IWishIWasFoxMulder ago

She of all people should really read up on it.

Sentastixc ago

I'd go as far to say any credited psychology education nowadays serves the purpose of "rationalizing" realities like these away from the domain of perceived possibility :(

Scablifter ago

This is why I got fed up with group psychotherapy, the clients there learnt a few words like "projection" and "transference" and used it willy nilly to shut up others. Its a pity the term "Gaslighting" wasn't around then eh?

JoJoVoat ago

you know she would have already graduated but she opted out of her internship last summer because her female boss was so corrupt and not helping the kids.. came to work when she wanted to and fucked up half the time.... I asked her to bring it to the attention a superior and she checked into and the process she had to go through was so much bs, she opted not to... found a much better internship which she is finishing up now... she works with extreme OCD patients.

hedy ago

Unfortunately, the business of psychiatry primarily serves the industry of big pharma. ESPECIALLY for children - predominantly the $35 billion vaccine industry and the $??Billion psychotropics market. Many studies have been done on the dangers of these drugs and the lack of rigorous testing done on these drugs, including vaccines (not to mention the CDC whistleblower who documented how the CDC falsified the primary study it uses to debunk the link between vaccines and autism). They're not going to teach this stuff in academia...

postfascion ago

Just like everywhere, there are good people within trying to change it. But yeah, unfortunately you're accurate n your description. I wonder if they're primarily Freudian?

webrustler ago

This is the normal reaction of someone accused of pedo shit.

FriesischShipping ago

Dont they know HRC lost the election using the same tactics?

goatsandbros ago

You fucked up, CNN.

JoJoVoat ago

CNN is toast!

ravensedgesom ago

Between refuting Russian involvement in hacking and this tweet about defamation seems like wikileaks is in uncompromised order

quantokitty ago

This is getting interesting. Guess they're used to picking on people who can't defend themselves and getting away with it. And this is just the old HRC tactic of accusing someone of what HRC & Co. are guilty of. It's getting old. Lock these people up!

NorwegianBlackMetal ago

LOL Here is my analogy of CNN.

Some guy(Assange) walks into a room and sees some jewish guy(CNN) raping a young boy. He yells at the jew "CHILD MOLESTER!"

Jew turns and says "i know you are what but am I"

Sentastixc ago

Nice. Like it is their natural tendency to lie and bring it to this extreme, so it is our natural responsibility to reverse the cycle and move back to truth again.

JoJoVoat ago

you're damned right. lets clean up all the corrupt bs and pedo's and let the prison inmates deal wiht them.

SayWhatNOWAY ago

Never ever again should LibTards be in any authoritarian position! Never again in our government!

RecycledUser ago

Hannity needs to cover this tonight!

Bill_Murrays_Sandals ago

How unbelievably stupid has CNN become? Sue the shit out of them please for the love of god. Wipe those smug smiles off their fat fucking faces.

AreWeSure ago

CNN is not liable for defamation that is said by a guest. Did CNN repeat it?

zoltan907 ago

I'm not a lawyer, but I've seen sources that say that broadcasters may be responsible for a guest's defamatory statements.

Matthew Bunker and Clay Calvert, "'Defamation Live': The Confusing Legal Landscape of Republication in Live Broadcasting and a Call for a 'Breaking News Doctrine,'" from the "Columbia Journal of Law and Arts," page 498 (page 2 of the PDF)

“… [D]efamation law generally holds liable everyone who republishes a defamatory statement… So, if a statement goes out live over a broadcaster’s signal, regardless of who said it, the broadcaster is considered a republisher—and thereby culpable—in most jurisdictions.

“There are, of course, various ameliorating doctrines that may soften the blow of this ‘harsh’ republication rule. These doctrines include a fair report privilege for reporting official statements by government officials and a neutral reportage privilege that exists in a few jurisdictions. Nonetheless, in many scenarios broadcasters face significant risks when third parties make defamatory statements in live broadcasts, particularly when the broadcaster has some advance knowledge of what is about to be said.”

"As we have just seen, the plaintiff himself, in certain situations and in certain jurisdictions, can be the publisher of the defamatory statements that have harmed him. There are three other kinds of defendants who can be held liable for defamation:

"(1) Original publishers (2) Re-publishers, and (3) Disseminators.

"An original publisher is anyone who has played a part in the original publication of the defamatory statement. Authors, their book publishers, newspaper reporters and editors, are all considered original publishers and could be held liable for defamatory statements.

"A re-publisher is someone who repeats someone else’s defamatory statement. For example:

"Opie, a radio disk jockey, reads passages from a newly published book while doing his morning radio show. The book in general, and the passages read by Opie in particular, defame Anthony. In this situation, the book’s author, and possibly his editor and publisher, are all original publishers. The disc jockey however is considered a re-publisher because he has repeated someone else’s defamatory statements."

postfascion ago

Guest or employee, sources please.

AreWeSure ago

He's a CNN analyst, but I think he's not an employee. I think he's a contractor.

If you look at his bio on CNN, you see this Mudd is the Director of Enterprise Risk at SouthernSun Asset Management in Memphis, Tennessee

This seems to be his main job.

postfascion ago

Ah, OK. At best it will be cause for litigation, at worst more attention to the issue, and not in ways "they" will care for seeing as CNN has a rapidly diminishing reputation (not that it was great before) and no, I do not watch fox.

JoJoVoat ago

please please please I wished he would. lying mother fucking evil bastards.

RecycledUser ago


just_clueless ago

They're in so deep they can't walk it back now, so on with the massive campaign of lies and disinformation from the cesspool of MSM.

SayWhatNOWAY ago

Time now for the release of the Weiner emails!

FriesischShipping ago

A slow death Is never pleasant to watch. The end stages always has them gasping for air as the life escapes. It's truly awful.

EndThePizza ago

I disagree. The tears of the dying media are delicious.


It seems the dying media is is being coralled.

srayzie ago

LOL I'm with you.

FriesischShipping ago

Probably cheese flavored

Alpo ago

It is not just CNN calling Assange a pedophile; it appears to be a covert CIA plot using a proprietary organization to smear Assange:

Assange's actions are consistent with those of a non-pedophile who is falsely accused. Wikileaks has the power to retaliate.

crystalclearme ago

Perhaps this is part of what Trump is going to discuss in his news conference about hacking and belief in Assange over all the agencies

vastrightwing ago

The accusation needs not be true. It's the meme that matters. It deflects attention away from the truth. Or away from what the Oligarchs want to obscure.

andrevandelft ago

The mentioned Reddit discussion is:

That refers to this Reddit thread:


  • The company that accused Assange of pedophilia is
  • had an address in San Francisco
  • Who really resides there is a company known as Premise Data Corporation (PDC)
  • In the PDC board of directors is Larry Summers
  • Summers is part of the Center for American Progress, which founded by John Podesta and supported by Soros
  • Founder of PDC is David Soloff
  • Happy picture of Soloff with Hillary:

andrevandelft ago

Voater SavingGrace2 copied a tweet by Wikileaks, 7h ago. This gives much more understanding than my earlier post here: Intelligence graph for Clinton-linked plot to frame Assange as a Russian spy + paedophile. Discussion:

Tbear05 ago

Is there away to get this over to Assange?

crystalclearme ago

Bless you for this and making each of our tasks easier

Sharipie ago

SFO is also the address of Nancy Pelosi. doesn't prove anything, but is it a stretch to wonder if she is behind this? Not really.

EndThePizza ago previously occupied the San Francisco address, which is now occupied by Premise Data.

Still suggests that there could be a connection, but it's not definitive.

JoJoVoat ago

yes but how coincidental huh? This is going to be a worldwide takedown..

kneo24 ago

I hope your post gets more upgoats. It breaks it down nice and easy.

The_Periodic_Fable ago

I think the CIA and CNN are having their "pay no attention to the man behind the curtain!" moment in history

JoJoVoat ago

lol true that

wokethefkup ago

Can't we do one of those online petition things even if just to spread awareness on fb. It will get those clueless to pizzagate a bait and lure to at least slowly but surely figure out "what the actual fuck is going on". What should we do? I want to go about it the right away if anyone has an idea let me know. Peace love and let's expose those cunts. Tired of these wankers pulling the veil over citizens eyes. Though I feel fb is compromised due to its artificial intelligence engine they use. So as you can imagine keywords and such; are well, you get where I'm going with this. I smoked a joint I'm not as clear as usual but ya come on let's do this shit. * ties rambo bandana around my head. *

Cbradio ago

Public Trust Violation, class action. A town up north is doing that as exposed to leaks of a nuclear plant. That is an empowering fed case to win.

AreWeSure ago

Did CNN say it? Because if it was just Mudd, he has zero chance having a defamation suit go against CNN. It's bizarre.

terrordactyl ago

He's a paid CNN employee. Also might want to brush up on your legal knowledge.

AreWeSure ago

Educate me on the gaps in my knowledge.

Employers are not responsible for defamation. If I defame you, I'm responsible not my employer. Unless Assange is claiming that CNN directed him to say that as part of his job. I don't know this, but I would guess that analysts are contractors and not employees. I see a lot of clips of Phil Mudd on other networks, and some seem to overlap with his time on CNN.

VioletHeart ago

They have...371 new Hillary Clinton emails released as a result of litigation (link:…

ArthurEdens ago

Wow this is getting really pathetic, "nuh uh! YOU'RE the pedophile!"

Sentastixc ago

Indeed! This is what you do when you get accused of something like this! Silence is for the guilty!

justforthissubverse ago

Exactly true. My brother is familiar with interrogation. He once told me that for an innocent person, the usual reaction to being accused of a horrible crime, is anger. This came up because I was being accused of something I didn't do and I was incredibly angry and lashed out at my accuser, and their response to me was that "if I was innocent I wouldn't be so angry at them for accusing me" - which makes no sense of course. Normal people get angry when accused of bad shit they are innocent of doing.

the_one_tony_stark ago

That's one of the reasons I was almost certain alefantis was guilty of something shady. He didn't get angry when accused of being a pwdophile, but instead fought hard to sell a story of being a friendly guy.

Cbradio ago

Exactly, and goes on even here. Aside, is Alan Dershowitz, now an attorney for Assange? Its added on Dershowitz wikipedia?/Is that a joke that someone added?

And it is serious violations as this corp is lying to the UN, about a lot. Wikileaks did a great investigation on them and series of events. Same as Trump race accusation. The court filing, simply was judge requesting entity status of all parties; person, corp, nonprofit, how long, any past settlement history. No crime mentioned in the court filings, and no case goes through that quick, adding unec delays to legit cases that have waited a long time. Illegal..

Gaslight, isolate, outcaste, destroy. Same old tactics. Ones witness, ethics as choice is the option.

justforthissubverse ago

Seems true. This disturbs me. However, one does not hire an attorney based on the character of that attorney, but rather based on his connections and ability to get the job done. In which case Dershowitz is supremely qualified.
Still bothers me though...

Cbradio ago

Ethics wise, no and strategy wise, no. Dersh already was a conflict interest attorney forvepstein and others including royals AND got ALL of them Ofg on being later accused and charged and suchnon a court document being hidden from.the public and dersh WOULD be doing more of that elite LEGAL loophole of assange no, dersh is not a lawyer to ever choose and dersh should legally not even be able to be a lawyer on this case..its severe conflict interest.

And as dersh is now trying to get the victims attorney to lose their hatdworked attorney license As dersh also caused many professors to.lose their jobs and tenure AS dershwon had his first severe side beaten HIDDEN as NEVER should have been allowed to have or keep a law license as that severe wife beating would not allow ones by law to have or keep a license.

Yet, idk if he is the attorney for assange or if someone put it on wikipedia as a joke..

justforthissubverse ago

I believe it was a Wikileaks tweet not wikipedia that released this info.

I can't disagree with any of your comments. Dersh should be in prison.

Cbradio ago

Oh, is there a Wiki tweets? I did not see. I found it on wikipedia as researching Dersh...but, don't know if its a joke put on wikipedia.

Sharipie ago

Assigned reaction is the exact opposite of John Pedostas.

DefenderOfTruth ago

Very good point

rippingtheveil ago

it's all going to come down to the proof, release it wiki

Sentastixc ago

This is what they do. They invert reality every chance they get.

Great quote from Michael Ellner:

“Just look at us. Everything is backwards, everything is upside down. Doctors destroy health, lawyers destroy justice, psychiatrists destroy minds, scientists destroy truth, major media destroys information, religions destroy spirituality and governments destroy freedom.”

freeagent37 ago

Right on the money!

PoeticallyIncorrect ago

I've upvoted this three separate times today and it keeps deleting my upvote. Does anyone know why?

LawofTruth ago

quote is verbatim how the world is run

jewsbadnews ago

This is jew tactics, only they and their puppets stoop so low.


add to that "orphanges traffic children for satan"

smokratez ago

As above so below. To create order out of chaos.

JoJoVoat ago

exactly mirror tactics. I hope trump destroys these ass holes when he gets in office.

Fatsack ago

You going to be disappointed by Trump. Relying on others to do what needs to be done is how we got into this mess. It's up to us. No god will save us. No wizards going to cast a fucking spell.

JoJoVoat ago

what do you suggest we do? Head to washington and protest? All stand on corners with signs that say pizzagate is real (in our cities)? Whatever we have to do, Im in. Ill fly or drive to washngton from Fl and pick up some ppl along the way!

Fatsack ago

How about a million man march onto the white house.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

i am giving @fuzzywords a couple hours to admit it. either way, the truth comes out tonight. i have a1 proof fuzzywords is a shill for sjw culture against voat

prepare your popcorn jojovoat. speech shall be free once again on voat.

fuzzywords and the sjw cabal defamed me all over voat for the past few days. what do i do? i sought the truth. AND I FOUND IT. fuzzywords will be unveiled tonight as the biggest sjw shill on voat.

pizza_merc ago

What? Why are you commenting in here?

SaneGoatiSwear ago

you have a right to know the user that coded voat more than any non-dev this past year is an open sjw attempting to push silence and reddit bullshit on voat.

here comes the TRUUUUUUUUTH

pizza_merc ago

... What type of sjw'ing has been witnessed?


"mirror tactics" are what evil is all about - magic, illusion, deciet

2impendingdoom ago

Please pick me for that jury!!!!

8_billion_eaters ago

Another example of the lying fucks calling the people that are trying to expose them the very thing that they are.

CNN is run by pedophiles. How do they respond? By calling anyone that says that pedophiles.

ABC,CBS,NBC,FOX,CNN,MSNBC....The NY Times....The Washington Post... All of them have been presenting FAKE NEWS for years....for decades...

What do they do when they are caught....proven to be liars? They call everyone else "fake news"...

You motherfuckers are finished.

charmeuse ago

Don't forget Richard Quest, 2008, busted in Central Park at 3:40 am with meth, a sex toy, and his balls tied to a rope around his neck, went right back to work at CNN, after drug counseling... I can't imagine any other employer being that forgiving.

8_billion_eaters ago

Marv Albert, the sportscaster.... caught in leather panties with .... I forget... his fist up a dwarfs ass or something. Back to work in a week or two.

banusaur ago

You motherfuckers are finished

You babyfuckers are finished. FTFY

ZalesMcMuffin ago

LOL... never seen FTFY on in the month I've been here, and I just used it ITT a minute before seeing your usage of it. Serendipity-doo-da!

banusaur ago

Let the revival begin! In with the Goat and out with the Snoo!

JoJoVoat ago



I don't know about more and it only matters that the gate keepers be corrupted....

IWishIWasFoxMulder ago

Exactly. We just didn't know how many of us there truly were until now. The Internet is a beautiful thing.

justforthissubverse ago

Problem is the evil ones are in control right now. We need that to change.

postfascion ago

The only constant is change. They would like it not to be so, and some in their pathological "wisdom" believe it not to be, but the universe has news for them.

SayWhatNOWAY ago


JoJoVoat ago

lol Im goign to upvoat your upvoat!

JoJoVoat ago


SayWhatNOWAY ago

Hell Yes they are!

RecycledUser ago

I hope so too. They picked the wrong one to mess with! I try to use #boycottcnn #boycottmsnbc, hopefully this little stunt will bring them down.

lawexaminer ago

This is relevant because Wikileaks exposed pizzagate. Now, the accused are accusing Wikileaks' founder of the same behavior. It is relevant to the investigation because it provides new leads.