SpikyAube ago

Playing dominoes doesn't make sense as code for toppling countries in the context of that email though really.

NoBS ago

You sir are guilty of exposing Legacy Media's complicit protection of Clinton Global cartel. Hat tip and a humble thank you!

SavingGrace ago

Excellent research and post...Tom Heinemann made a documentary on micro loans for debt enslavement. The Clintons and Giustra have enlisted Digicel (Denis O'Brien - Billionaire junk bond man/ donor to the CF etc) in 3rd world countries - Haiti, PNG, Africa etc to enlist their labour slaves...especially women. “The Micro Debt” - trailer. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3i3BhPKkVHo

observer13 ago

Interesting, because people have been warned in regards to researching Muhammad Yunus....

“The Micro Debt” also takes a closer look at the 2006 Nobel Peace Prize laureates, Grameen Bank and Mr. Muhammad Yunus. The film reveals a number of secret documents proving how Mr. Yunus back in the mid-90’s transferred 100 mio. USD – where most was donated as grants from Norway, Sweden, Germany, USA and Canada – to a new company in the Grameen-family

The poor always pay back The film crew travelled several times to Bangladesh, and visited some of the most hailed villages in the history of the Nobel laureate Grameen Bank. In Jobra we met the daughter of the famous loan taker, Sufiya Begun and in “Hillary Village”, where the former first lady in the USA, Hillary Clinton in 1995 came and cheered both Mohammad Yunus and Grameen Bank, the crew meets poor people who has gained nothing else but more debt due to microcredit. Almost each and every loan taker interviewed told the same story. All had multiple loans in various Micro credit banks and organisations and all interviewed had a hard time trying to pay back their loans. Some had sold their house, others had their tin-sheets pulled of their houses to cover the weekly payments.

Freemasonsrus ago

" Interesting that the first country noted on Flowminder's home page is Bangladesh. Do a google search on "Bangladesh huiman trafficking." One of the WORST places on the globe. http://www.flowminder.org/"

Yes...which leads all the way back to Muhammud Yunus, king of the human enslavement tool known as "microcredit". Did you know the clintons were interested in utilizing microcredit all the way back during their AR days? Now how would a podunk governor from AR come to know the king of microcredit and future Nobel peace prize winner?? Do you know who lobbied really hard for him to receive the Nobel? Ah, yes.. The clintons.

wizlord ago

Excellent post. I've been saying for years that organisations like UNICEF and the like, those orgs that "help" those in needs are as shady as can be. They should ALL be investigated. Can we get a list per country plz?

isthisreality ago

Hell yes. Upvoat from hell. Great work! I feel like I remember reading something somewhere about "Partners For Sustainable Development" ... can someone check to see if there are any ties to the Haitian earthquake efforts or Bernard Kouchner/France/Zoe's Ark? I know I have seen this organization mentioned somewhere else in my digging, I just can't remember where.

AreWeSure ago

Kudos on "possible disappearnce." So few leave room for doubt or use proper caveats.

However, your setup is a bit off.

My research today started with looking into the possible disappearance of Eric Braverman, the former CEO of the Clinton Foundation who resigned after telling an MSNBC reporter to "follow the money". Braverman Resigned in January 2015.
In March 2015 an article appeared where the source told the author to "follow the money." So this happened after Braverman resigned. We don't know that Braverman is that source, but he is a strong suspect of being that source due to the timing and he was John Podesta's first hunch. The quote was not made to an MSNBC reporter. (And Joe Scarborough is not a reporter, he's a pundit.) The source said this to a National Journal reporter/columnist, Ron Fournier. Joe Scarborough tweeted in reference to this article.

The other point from that article that people overlook is the source said he had not evidence of wrongdoing.

DarkMath ago

Ignore AreWeSure, he's a possible shill. I've caught him numerous times saying "there's nothing to see here folks, move along". AreWeSure doesn't realize the Witness Protection Program was specifically set up for RICO cases which no doubt The Clinton Foundation will be when Trump takes office and drops the hammer on Killary. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_Federal_Witness_Protection_Program#History

2impendingdoom ago

It is the other son, Hunter. Beau Biden was the Delaware AG who prosecuted the pedo crime ring, which, I am guessing was either to eliminate the competition or, he was cancered for being honorable.

Don-Keyhote ago

BethesdaDC ago

George Webb vids and your post all make sence. Very probable. Nice work

zzvoat ago

Came in to suggest George Webb myself. He's brilliant at at he does. For anyone interested here's his channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/georgwebb Get ready to be amazed.

You know, I've been thinking about him for the last couple of days and may leave him a comment. I'm not sure that he would do it or that he would have the time or interest, and I certainly don't want to do anything that might put him in danger (although only he can judge that for himself), but I think he would be able to make strong connections between pizza gate/ human trafficking/ ritual sexual abuse/Murder and the Clinton foundation.

I feel like you probably have been following the hints and clues that FBIanon left for us. S/he emphasized the connection to the Clinton Foundation. There are many spectacular investigators here that are making some connections in that regard but he is able to go so deep and so wide that I think only someone with his skills is really going to be able to do that.

srayzie ago

That is a great idea. Try sending him a message!

Dressage2 ago

One other thing to add here is the hot bed of human trafficking involved over there . When I was researching Cheryl Mills' prior job with New York University there were complaints of human slavery building NYU's Abu Dhabi campus. As well as NYU's Shanghai campus. NYT did a story about the complaints. Somehow I could see CCC involved in all of this.


Solver2 ago

CCC 's corporate logo is a pyramid inside another pyramid.

Dressage2 ago

They are a cozy group aren't they? I keep seeing the same players in forming these organizations. What was the thread that spoke about having IT people set up a huge IT database? I remember HRC wanted to be kept in the loop on the issue. I think this thread was involved in the shipping aspect. (I save threads on here, but I don't know how to find them later! Talk about being IT challenged!)

Littleredcorvette ago

Click on your username (it may also appear as a head/shoulder icon). Click the saved button.

LostandFound ago

Awesome post so much to dig on I knew he was involved but man theres linkages and conflicts all over the place here. Pro research but you archive game is weak, heres some help ;)

http://archive.is/D5c9T https://archive.is/cp7Cw https://archive.is/hsNUe https://archive.is/vj77B https://archive.is/jx7VC https://archive.is/xpr8Z https://archive.is/zuMan http://archive.is/Axra4 http://archive.is/cZqM6 http://archive.is/UEJsB

dph1978 ago

Definitely weak archive game, thanks!

2impendingdoom ago

This is really great stuff. Please put it on the wiki.

derram ago

https://archive.is/D5c9T :

Eric Braverman silenty removed from “The Tembo Group” : The_Donald

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