hopeforall ago

Wait.... Paul Combetta is is a furry? WTF?

PleadingtheYiff ago

Haha, yea he was into some freaky shit. Dumbass used the same two usernames for all his online presence so we found all of it.

hopeforall ago

I think your a troll. Yiff is some furry shit.

PleadingtheYiff ago

It's a rip on Paul Combetta, who was a furry enthusiast.

hopeforall ago

I found out what to do. I found that on my laptop the key for enter setup is F2 and the recovery button menu does have an option for boot menu. BIOS is configured by default for legacy boot order, I assume that means from CD/DVD first like most legacy BIOSes and the recovery button boot menu option has an option to boot from any device including USB sticks connected.

hopeforall ago

Doesn't say anything about boot discs. On the desktop it just tells you to press F11 to get to the system recovery menu, you know this http://support.hp.com/doc-images/51/c04625024.jpg

The laptop has a button to push which brings up something similar to a BIOS menu which has options to either get to that same recovery menu in the image, boot from a device, or enter setup, I assume enter setup is the UEFI equivalent of the BIOS setupsetup menu option but I don't know how to get to the BIOS or boot menu on my desktop which is my most powerful computer.

elgindelta ago

Send them to me.

RecycledUser ago

I know that the friend's info was posted on here by another user. I still want to remind everyone, especially newbies, be EXTRA cautious when others insist on contacting someone off of here, just be cautious.

hopeforall ago

But I dont know how to enter the boot device select menu, or enter BIOS Setup. On older BIOS machines it was DEL, F2 or F11. I have a desktop with EFI and F11 brings up a window for system recovery but I think it relies on Windows being booted. I don't know how to get into the EFI equivalents of the boot menu or BIOS setup menus. My laptop has a button next to the power button called recovery button which has options for boot device select or BIOS setup.

Ihatepizza2 ago

https://www.reddit.com/r/pagan/comments/5i4sr5/found_this_cool_looking_print_wonder_if_anyone/ relevant to those that got the info. this image is contained in data - re "creepiest video"

isthisreality ago

ive had identical internet issues since looking into all of this they have seemed to somewhat resolve over the past week though. Its just weird bc i NEVER had ANY internet connection issues prior to digging deep in this shit

veritas_vincit ago


OP has shared his info-dump with me. It's not a smoking gun, but there appears to be some quite interesting and potentially ghastly stuff here that will be well worth further investigation. Will share with the community after further review.

justiceforever ago

This is the easiest idea imo.

G_Gordon_Linguini ago

if your just collecting and organizing public info and not in contact with original, first hand, unpublished sources then you should just get it out there.

8toborrm ago

Research for yourself and then message David Seaman.

Research for yourself then send to people on here.

Lunari ago

Hey, I'd be extremely cautious of discussing anything over PM's from anybody that messages you - regardless of how trustworthy they may come off to be.

@veritas_vincit gave some very good advice, some of which is exactly what I would have suggested to do.

The most important thing to stress is: If whatever it is you're friend has found, if it's truly something you believe to be of importance - then you need to make sure to back up and save everything on (more than one) physical hard drive before posting anything / telling anyone anything.

If you need help figuring out how to do any of this, feel free to reply to my comment and I'll gladly try to help.

Just please be careful with whom you speak to. Just be smart and be safe.

dafacts ago

You're putting yourself at absolute maximum risk by saying you're withholding something huge and not making it public. They take you out now, that big news disappears. Share it publicly in as many places as possible ASAP so that harming you wouldn't achieve anything.

anolegion ago

Just bring it on. I've been investigating this from the very beginning, quite deeply at times, without any OpSec to speak of.

True I'm not in the US. But I broke some new leads, had my ports attacked, internet cut off at times, possible rootkits installed, and did not feel safe to publish or break more leads at some points.

In the end I figured, the only security we have is in numbers. When /r/pizzagate broke 1000 subscribers I felt much safer. We're at that number many times that now. They can't even kill the Pareto limit (20%) of us. I will keep going. They - well at least the US deep state and its foreign slaves - probably know all there is to know about me already.

anonRec178 ago

I've had a few of these things happen shortly after the wikileaks DDOS when trying to spread insurance files. You know something is up when they're willing to show their hand so blatantly.

FuckReddit69 ago

I didnt know CPUs have unique identifiers. I Know the NIC has a MAC address that can be spoofed, but never stopped to think the CPU can be traced to you. Good to keep this in mind.

Question, is there other hardware that has a unique identifier? Can the CPU be spoofed as well?

8toborrm ago

I can't answer your question specifically but as you research that, check out how almost all CPUs for years have had backdoors built right in. http://www.dslreports.com/r0/download/2275250.thumb600~ede97a5c14f1d934e3cbd40a72e9617b/Intel-ME-High-Level-Overview.jpg/thumb.jpg

AFriend ago

I rooting for this to blow up.

Let me know if you need assistance. I am up at early hours and sitting at a computer for work: 3:30 am Central Time - 1:00 pm Central

OrwellKnew ago

David Seaman is currently the leading Pizzagate investigative journalist

I would advise contacting him


Rigg5 ago

And has oddly not journalized or researched anything about it beyond the first few days. He just mouths off the same info over and over again.

Ihatepizza2 ago

Please pm me.

Ihatepizza2 ago

Guys 1) hate to ask but i could do with some votes to enable me to pm others 2) it's become apparent that there is no accepted method for him - I think this board needs a sticky with best advice for amateurs who want to share. His case proves they are out there!!! 3) this board definitely needs a list of 'probable' good contacts (at least 10 I would think) for amateurs to contact

veritas_vincit ago

You know, the advice we've given here is about as safe as it gets. The level of paranoia he is experiencing borders on unreasonable.

Those in Pizzagate certainly have a vested interest in silencing whistleblowers, but not necessarily in revenge against whistleblowing that has already taken place. Enough key figures in #Pizzagate are still living to demonstrate that assassination is not currently a method that is being flagrantly deployed. They are apparently too invested in cleaning up the mess after the fact.

I have one final suggestion for you: perhaps your friend would trust you to distribute the data for him. If you are not as paranoid as he is, perhaps this will work for everyone.

Ihatepizza2 ago

its not paranoia for himself - its paranoia that the info will get scrubbed if not in the right hands first off

Ihatepizza2 ago

Mods of asking for votes is problematic please let me know. It won't happen again, regardless.

Ihatepizza2 ago

Thank you. He is very wary of using any Google services

JeremiahSinclair ago

Keep us posted!

anonRec178 ago

Edit: Never mind forget everything I said. If there's nothing illegal just start pm'ing people on here that seem trustworthy. Just brainstorming you could create a discord channel and pm that to us so we can coordinate in real time. Something that might help, you can drag a bookmark for http://archive.is/ onto your toolbar and simply click the button to archive whatever site your tab is on.

Ihatepizza2 ago

Archive.is toolbar button was an excellent tip- thanks!

Ihatepizza2 ago

Thank you. That is very helpful. He has used archive.is but couldn't search for and find his archives after. 1 Does he need to record the archive addresses? 2 Is the community sure that archive.is won't get taken down?

Headstart ago

He just needs to copy and paste the address of the archive onto notepad and save it to his desktop...

anonRec178 ago

I have heard of archives being removed. However with archive.is you can download each page as a zip in case it disappears. For example: https://archive.is/Vkqjc at the top you will see "download zip." Once you have everything you could place it all into a file, encrypt it, scatter it to a bunch of people, then release the key like Wikileaks. Personally I copy the address of every archived page as well. It helps to do that and give a brief description of each link for sorting purposes when dealing with large amounts of info.

As a personal note if you can obtain a directory that makes archiving large sites a whole lot easier as well.

4thDaGrymReaper ago

Maybe message the mods about gathering trusted people to archive the content you have. I wouldn't trust just any regular person on these forums, you may come across a shill that is just going to notify people.

Ihatepizza2 ago

Thank you

shortymcbossypants ago

Maybe Trey Gowdy? Or could you possibly get a cheap laptop off of ebay that is barely running, load up a VPN to the thing, then take it somewhere public, that isn't traceable?

Ihatepizza2 ago

Thank you. Good advice

Scirel ago

Your "friend" wouldn't happen to be John Brennan, would he?

What do you think we are, a bunch of idiots? So you want us to, what, grab your CP and get our IP and then have cause to start sending Men in Black to our doorsteps?

Get out of here, G-man Troll!

RecycledUser ago

I'm sorry, I agree with you. There's been many of this type OP on here, even a thread just about that. I think people have given enough direction and ideas about 4chan, etc. Isn't all of that enough for him to post the info he has?

Ihatepizza2 ago

Can you point me to those threads please?

RecycledUser ago

Well they were most of the comments to your OP. I see you figured out how to upload them now, per the other user's post.

Ihatepizza2 ago

I appreciate your skepticism, that is the point of this post after all.

Ihatepizza2 ago

There won't be CP or data provided. Links to YouTube and www everyday sites

hopeforall ago

How can you prove that? It could be a zip. We won't know until we download it.

DeckoGecko ago

do you have BitMessage? that'd be a start... get that I'll give you my BM id. I have a number of qualified autists I employ who could probably help but no one's gonna talk on any unencrypted channels for sure.

actually if you get BM there's a pizzagate group convo you could join. I'm not quite techie enough to be direct help myself [just a boss type not an autist but the boys are getting me into these things]

Ihatepizza2 ago

Can you point to a link where I can read about how to talk to this group

DeckoGecko ago

if you get BM working send me a message on BM-2cTaRF4nbj4ByCTH13SUMouK8nHXBLaLmS I'll help as best I can mate

Ihatepizza2 ago

That shouldn't be a problem. Gonna need some time. Is that address permenant?

DeckoGecko ago

yeah, like I said i'm probably only a half step ahead of you in using BM but happy to help. Take your time and get yourself set up. Follow as many of the other suggestions on this thread you think might help [good opsec is alway's a good idea]. Once you're sorted try hitting me up on that address and post a reply to this msg at the same time so I can make sure i'm logged in etc. We can link up there and then I can get you in the hands of some proper autists that are trustworthy. :) [there's one kid in particular that comes to mind who I've hired to do IT security on a few projects,,,,really good guy!! once we're chatting in BM I'll get you to him and he'll look after you]

DeckoGecko ago

try subscribing to this group, it's a wikileaks group that was working on the insurance keys but there are still loads of people talking pizzagate on it. I'll do my best to help if you've got questions but to be fair I've still fumbling around myself. BM-2cX1HxGF3WyMR3JvuNPHMBsFPEYkUNoEzv

but I think you're best taking your request to the boys in there [and if you need help figuring out how/what to do you'd get plenty of help on 8chan] Like I said I don't think you'll get any serious help on any unencrypted forum,, at least help that's not a three letter agency or honeypot type deal.

Ihatepizza2 ago

Thank you indeed. Exactly the reasons he erred on the side of caution. Feeling much better about his decision now

Ihatepizza2 ago

He wants to share to a group to be sure that some of the right people get access

DeckoGecko ago

https://bitmessage.org/wiki/Main_Page plus 8chan for help using it. I posted the 'group' that i've got on mine and i'm looking at the messages popping up, plenty of good people talking pizzagate. At least you can chat to some serious autitsts here

veritas_vincit ago

Here's the simple truth:

If Pizzagate is real, not releasing information could endanger many people. If Pizzagate is not real, releasing it will not put your friend in any harm.

Now, here's the least risky way I can think of doing this. This is way more effort than I would take, but if your friend is paranoid...well, this is about as good as it can get.

  1. Backup your hard drive without incriminating information.
  2. Put the incriminating information on an external hard drive/USB stick
  3. Boot up laptop in an alternative operating system (Linux Mint, Ubuntu, etc.)
  4. Connect to public WiFi somewhere
  5. Use a VPN or a proxy while on the public network
  6. Upload to three or four separate channels (Mega, Cloud services, Pastebin, etc.)
  7. Distribute this information to individuals on Voat, and let them carry the torch.
  8. Physically destroy USB drive with incriminating information. First, burn the plastic casing, emerse the remaining drive in corrosive acid, and crush it before disposal.
  9. Uninstall the new OS, wipe computer clean, restore to factory settings, and use hard drive backup to regain your original files/etc.

0xFFF ago

hey m8 this is much more complicated i think, don't just download tails and feels save. It depends on so much more factors.

it's all about the meta data.

So for a non tech savvy user the only way to keep the metadata in check is doing it analogue.

This means: 1. In most instances, do not use VPN, proxies or TOR. These things leave strong signatures and can hurt you bad if wrongly used. leave it to the pros.

  1. get a throwaway notebook in cash with no cameras around, with no mobile phone, RFID or bluetooth stuff on you in a** populated** area. Can also be second hand. goal is to get a NIC with MAC address that is not connectable to you or anyone you know.

  2. Use that notebook only for short times on public WLAN. You could also purchase throwaway SIM cards and mobile internet stick. with that notebook you can use any OS, even windows 10. cause remember we keep metadata in check the analog way.

  3. In windows i would of course physically disable the notebook camera if present. mic too.

  4. Now depending on target, goal, budget, possibilities and paranoia level use that notebook only on one remote location, at random times, as short as possible. Remove batteries of all devices when moving. Rule 2 stuff applies.

  5. leak stuff

  6. throw away devices

  7. Eg, if you had come here with tor browser and live in a low populated area... with ISP data retention they traced that tor traffic right back to your account. so might as well just PM some users you think you can trust.

disclaimer: i am sure i left some important stuff out that will still get you caught

PS: if you did your research without opsec, your leaking opsec might be totally worthless.

8toborrm ago

Cover speakers too, speakers can record sound. OP this guy is right on the money though.

IMO if you do your due diligence and make it difficult to find out who you are you will be fine. Once this investigative community has the info tens of thousands of people will have it in hours. They won't have time to care about the source, and it wouldn't matter once it's out there.

hopeforall ago

Not strictly true. Highly improbable. Microphones yes and any passive analog transducer device can work as a microphone, passive analog speakers can work as a dynamic microphone yes but it would require them to be connected to a microphone preamp outputting to an ADC which outputs a digital signal to the computer. And the mic preamp would have to stand both mic and line level signals because it would have to an be able to stand the line level signal from the loop back of your computer's sound card output connected in parallel with the speakers and the preamp. In theory this could be done with headphones working as microphones because these are essentially passive speakers but we do not really have the technology to make are preamp let alone an ADC without a preamp which can handle both microphone and line level signal sources connected in parallel on the same line. I beliece it would be very hard to bias a preamp like that, resulting in terrible distorted sound. And nobody would be able to hear what you're saying when you play music from your compute for two reasons, one the speakers are the microphone so sound comes out of the same acoustic decide trying to record overpowering the audio of somebody talking, and two, even you could discern a conversation over the sound from the speaker the audio output to the speaker would be connected in parallel with the preamp, the input, you would have the analog line level output signal of your audio going over into your preamp, that would for sure overpower any audio signal coming it the preamp from the speaker working as a microphone. Already highly improbable a passive speaker could work as a microphone, especially at the same time it is being used as a speaker to play music. So while not necessarily impossible that this this could work, it is highly improbable. Even more improbable with active or amplified speakers because the high power audio amplifier circuitry would have to be connected in parallel with the line out and the preamp for it to work and that would fry the preamp and the output circuitry in a sound card, it would probably, fry the whole audio card actually. Microphones are what you want to be worried about.

8toborrm ago

Wow... Thanks


hopeforall ago

No problem. Hope you understand?

8toborrm ago

I understand the gist of it, although I'd say you certainly know more about it than I do.

Schade ago


Ihatepizza2 ago

I've told him to use Tails as I saw on the wikileaks website. Can he trust that now?

hopeforall ago

How do you boot tails on an EFI machine?

Ihatepizza2 ago

Can anyone else vouch for Tails?

Headstart ago

Yes. Don't overthink it..

Tails and a public wifi connection should be more than enough.

0xFFF ago

you can trust it to do what it claims it does. but imo it's not the way see my comment below!

Schade ago

Yeah, Tails live machine probably best.

isthisreality ago

also archive ALL the pages/sites that have relevant info - go to archive.is and input url, so that the pages/info doesnt get scrubbed before we can refer back to it

Ihatepizza2 ago

He is one guy. It's a lot of stuff. Some definitely relevant and some surely not. He wants it out of his head - doesn't want to spend the time to go through it all.

isthisreality ago

I'd be more than happy to help in any way i can. I suggest backing everything up onto a flash drive- take your pc to a public place- somewhere with open wifi - surround yourself with many others on laptops- a coffee shop maybe? set up a fake/throwaway email address- and email it to me. Make sure you have a VPN. doublecheck your ip address first by going to "whatismyipaddress.com" - make sure it's showing ur location in somewhere other than where u are. PM me and ill send u my email address.

Ihatepizza2 ago

Thank you! I don't think I have enough points for pms

isthisreality ago

I'd be more than happy to help in any way i can. I suggest backing everything up onto a flash drive- take your pc to somewhere with open wifi - surround yourself with many others on laptops- a coffee shop maybe? set up a fake/throwaway email address- and email it to me. Make sure you have a VPN. doublecheck your ip address by going to "whatismyipaddress.com" - make sure it's showing ur location in somwhere other than where u are. PM me and ill send u my email address.

HarveyKlinger ago

What geographical area does your friend live? For example, if he were with 100 miles of Chicago, I'd be willing to let him drop it someplace and I'd pick it up later. Nobody needs to meet, nobody needs to be seen. Once it is gathered I'd OCR it all in, zip it up, and make it available to download to any/all with the publicly available link.

Just a thought.

Ihatepizza2 ago

He's needs it out of his head. He is unwilling to spend lots of hours working on it

HarveyKlinger ago

That's why I made my suggestion. He gets to take everything he has, put it in a bag or envelope, drop it off, and walk away. It doesn't get easier than that.

RecycledUser ago

I agree. If he can't do it that way, you probably want to ask yourself why not?

RainingPiss ago

Heh maybe Europol? But I wouldn't hold your breath. RCMP won't touch this either the crooked cucks. As a Canadian I'm supposed to believe that they fight for children.

dutch-justice ago

This made me realize there is no organization at the moment we can trust. It has been only 2 months when everyone would have just blindly referred you to WL.

Godwillwin ago

You know, it's sad. I'm sitting here thinking "what official can we trust?" And There's none that come to mind. I'm sure some are trustworthy but we don't know who they are.

I don't know. Hopefully someone on here reaches out to you privately and offers some help. I'm not good with computers

Ihatepizza2 ago

Does anyone know of a verified Anon contact (as much of an oxymoron as that is)?

Arrvee ago

The prominent members of Anonymous are organized crime and/or foreign intelligence assets and are more likely to sell you out than help. The idealistic hackers are gone.

jonnythaiwongy9 ago

Just put it on here anonymously, don't trust anonymous for a second.

0xFFF ago

can you give more details about the problems your friend faces without giving him away?

Ihatepizza2 ago

All mentioned in original post: 1 does not want to collate info on his own machine 2 does not know who to give it to if he did 3 afraid that giving the leads might mean the 'wrong people' get there first as he is not techy enough to log / collate / archive before doing so 4 too big for one person to deal with

abortionburger ago

Might I recommend @pleadingtheyiff he broke the entire pizzagate story.

Ihatepizza2 ago

Thank you!!!

0xFFF ago

hmm, easiest solution i can think of is researching a few active users and decide yourself who to trust. then pm

Ihatepizza2 ago

Would you have a suggested start list?

Ihatepizza2 ago

How long would it take a group of a few people to cover a few hundred YouTube videos and several IG acs?

0xFFF ago

maybe best approach: pre-release to selected few and with short delay release to public and have thousands swarm over the content. And do we really need to have 100% of data to build a case? @isthisreality would be the kind of user i would trust

crystalclearme ago

I think this sounds like the best and safest for all option. There is huge investment of all of us but there always remains chance of honeypot.

isthisreality ago

I'd be more than happy to help in any way i can. I suggest backing everything up onto a flash drive- take your pc to somewhere with open wifi - surround yourself with many others on laptops- a coffee shop maybe? set up a fake/throwaway email address- and email it to me. Make sure you have a VPN. doublecheck your ip address by going to "whatismyipaddress.com" - make sure it's showing ur location in somwhere other than where u are. PM me and ill send u my email address.

Ihatepizza2 ago

There are probably many others out there like him. If we can show a safe path they might be encouraged to share. If anyone has an idea please discuss on the best possible route for people like him.

Ihatepizza2 ago

I should restate- these are leads he talks about. Pizza absolutely all over everything, but no hard facts or gotchas. It will take a lot of work to analyse and he is unable to do that.

SpikyAube ago

If there's no hard evidence and it's just lots of info from ordinary websites and youtube, and it just needs others to sift through it to make sense of it, then he should be ok just posting it all on here. It sounds like he's found the same type of info others have been finding, publicly available on the internet info? Not like he has a videotape of Hillary Clinton casting spells or eating a baby sandwich or anything, right?

All he needs to do is make sure he archives every link at archive.is before posting, so that it can't be quickly erased from history as soon as it's posted.

Ihatepizza2 ago

He is SURE that there is good info here. Afraid that the best of it might disappear if made oublic

SpikyAube ago

It's less likely to disappear if it's made public and everyone can download/screenshot/save it.

forgotmyuser ago


The Intercept is garbage. Did you see their article on PizzaGate? Absolute trash.