warrior_of_light ago

I get hole in the wall food places, but to intentionally put a food place in a low traffic area seems very unusual, at the least. Hard to make money without visibility....

derram ago

https://archive.is/Fn5oT :

Blackstone Welcomes $200,000 Bets in Cosmopolitan Casino Reboot - Bloomberg

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totesgoats908234 ago

Good connection with Blackstone. I didn't catch that before

I posted a thread about cosmos' "Secret Pizza" a few weeks ago but it didn't get attention. It is the perfect front for peddling kids because its smack dab in the middle of a hotel. Plus a hotel is a place you commonly see kids.

Pay through cash/bitcoin/favor, get code word, go in there, give your code word or whatever and then get a room key with your pizza.

ThorTheWonderful ago

Another interesting pint in criminal science is while you always see kids at hotels/motels/inn etc AND a lot of missing kids are spotted at hotels/motels/inns etc, they are among the least likely locations for kids to actually go missing from.

LA_Trump ago

You can also disguise the transactions as gambling losses.