mathemagician33 ago

there's this article as well:

Divisions emerged within the group of 10 Americans jailed in Haiti on child abduction charges, with eight of them signing a note over the weekend saying that they had been misled by Laura Silsby, the leader of the group. “Laura wants to control,” said the scribbled note handed to a producer for NBC News. “We believe lying. We’re afraid.”

that says a lot imo.

Pisstubes0351 ago

Legal adviser to U.S. Haiti missionaries arrested

Adviser to Detained Americans in Haiti Is Investigated

Owning Laura Silsby’s Shame: How the Haitian Child Trafficking Scheme Embodies the Western Disregard for the Integrity of Poor Families

Clinton brokers deal over Haiti orphan abductions

From the law professor's article:

"On January 29, 2010, less than three weeks after the earthquake, Haitian authorities arrested ten U.S. Baptist missionaries for attempting to take 33 children by bus across the border into the Dominican Republic without proper documentation.45 A week later, the missionaries were charged with child kidnapping and criminal association.46 While the missionaries claimed good intentions and ignorance of Haitian laws, Haitian prosecutors argued that there had been intentional wrongdoing.47 In the course of a month, President Clinton brokered the release of all the missionaries, ex- cept for the group leader, Laura Silsby.48 . . .

Suspicions about Silsby’s intent to smuggle or traffic the children to the Dominican Republic further increased, when on March 19, 2010, Silsby’s legal advisor—Jorge Torres-Puello, an American-Dominican living in the Dominican Republic as a fugitive—was arrested and accused of human traf- ficking.70 U.S. authorities revealed that Torres-Puello was “linked to a net- work that trafficked in Haitian and Central American children and [was] wanted in the United States, El Salvador and Costa Rica.”71 His wife was already imprisoned in El Salvador and “faced charges of presumed sexual exploitation of minors and women.”72"

**Note: **Read about this Puello character in the other news articles.

21yearsofdigging ago

Of course!! My God this is a world wide HUGE money maker for these scum!! Please someone look deeply into Frank Giustra or John Hardy. They hide in the shadows. My ex wife was a D.I.D. programmed monarch or whatever the newest name is for a ritual abuse victim. My son, at 4, was threatened to be hurt. They were stolen(my children) and I was severely harassed for years. Found out she had a phony orphanage in Cambodia named Books With NO Borders. It is since taken down off the internet. Child trafficking will use adults that as children were subjected to ritual abuse trauma torture to run it. Looking at them and talking to them, you, the average person, would never guess. They don't die their hair black or wear I LOVE SATAN t shirts. They look like 'nice ' people until you can see. That's all I can say, because once you see them, it is horrific!! Child trafficking makes as much or more money than drug smuggling or illegal arms dealing

MAGABoomer ago

I think she registered her kidnapping "business" New Life, because there are several well-known New Life orphanages in Haiti...she may have thought using the same or similar name...would help her slide by the government.

1.New Life Children's Home is located in Port-au-Prince, Haiti. It has been an orphanage/ rescue center since 1977. 2. Miriam Frederick from New Life Children's Home in Haiti built in 1982.

ababcb ago

The lawyer that was hired to defend Laura Silsby was investigated for human trafficking in the Dominican Republic, and tried to bribe Haitian authorities.

Mmag1234 ago

Apologies if this has already been contributed:

Ms. Silsby said that a Haitian pastor in Port-au-Prince, Jean Sanbil, of the Sharing Jesus Ministries, had brought her group the children, whose ages range from 2 months to 12 years.

What the fuck, just what the fucking fuck are these people, MONSTERS?

Truthseeker77 ago

Earlier articles started that she had multiple civil suits for failure to pay employees, according to the Idaho repository. I've done lots of research on that site for many years now. Idaho keeps very detailed records on their Court cases throughout civil, criminal and even the family court system. Just checked it yesterday, she has nothing but a lack of car insurance citation. Her shit was cleaned. EDIT..I was informed that Idaho repository was moving some counties over to and that her court info is there. Haven't checked it out for myself though.

ababcb ago

Can you find some of those articles?

Truthseeker77 ago

Here's one. And if you go on the Idaho repository it's an easy search. Just enter her name. Her record should have been a long one.

OhRutherfordBehave ago

Why was she and Charisa Coulter charged with criminal conspiracy, on top of kidnapping?

crystalclearme ago

I think so take with grain of salt as I don't want to add to misinformation or gossip, I think both of them had tried this same stunt before without papers and so clearly they knew what they were doing was wrong and illegal

fuck_pedo_enablers ago

Has anyone looked into the two churches Silsby was associated with? They are the Central Valley Baptist Church in Meridian, Idaho, and the Eastside Baptist Church in Twin Falls, Idaho.

Mmag1234 ago

Central Valley was collecting (what it claimed would be) “tax deductable” donations on behalf of their team: Sislby and other “Central Valley Baptist Church team” members. Once the request for donations went out, CVBC saw its members respond: Before the Jan. 12 earthquake, two church members had started a charity in hopes of building an orphanage in the Dominican Republic for Haitian children. But once the magnitude of the devastation became apparent, Laura Silsby, 40, and Charisa Coulter, 24, accelerated their plan. They asked the church’s missions program to help them get to the impoverished island nation as soon as possible and, according to family and friends, secured a motel in the Dominican Republic that could function as an orphanage. The congregation responded, Henry said. Stacks of donated goods began piling up in the church lobby. The quote above from the L.A. Times makes it appear Silsby was the one requesting the donations, but as we see from the cached document, no less than CVBC’s Pastor, Clint Henry himself was asking his membership directly.

pizzagape ago

When this Haiti thing hit, there was news about Israeli doctors harvesting organs. The news quickly disappeared from forums in less than a week.

YouaremeandIamyou ago

And Jorge had four bodyguards with him, at all times.

krisspykriss ago

Can't let a low hanging resource go to waste. A matched kidney, heart, or other organ from a child could fetch millions from an elite in need. You don't even need to have a black market hospital in Thailand. You just get them bumped up the list a little. Then you start filling the waiting list with matches for the elite person. It might take a few kids before the donation reaches to elite, but eventually , they get their organ. On child abduction side, you need a data bases on a large population of children's genetic data. Through blood tests and biopsies you can obtain the data in the field. I am not an expert of transplant matching, but I would assume with the advances in genomic sequencing, one could gather the data in the field through simple blood and swatch samples. Then once a match is found, your do some voodoo on their identity, organ donor status and other legal paperwork. This part is most easily done using foreign children. There is quite a bit of natural obfuscation between records in one nation vs in another.

YouaremeandIamyou ago

When Laura could not find children on her first attempt, one of the other ministers noticed she cried. This other minister was puzzled, why Laura was crying, at finding out these children were already being cared for. Maybe now she knows the real reason.

YouaremeandIamyou ago

It appears Laura was banking on some big money to come in, and take care of her bills. This article says she was promising her employees payments soon, and had financiers

KingKongisCTR ago

Sports car and nice house, hmmmm. Doesn't sound like someone who spends their time looking for orphans.

WhoReallyCares ago

Oh, she's looking for orphans all right!

dindonufin ago

Silsby is a hot lead! Cross referencing this thread:

YouaremeandIamyou ago


YouaremeandIamyou ago

quotes from witnesses can really resonate sometimes. that one does. Silsby's lawyer also claims to be a saint, yet does not act like one. He says of his own case, he does not know how he was ever charged, he was just helping someone, and he decided to give some women some money, just to be nice, and then they went and charged him. He avoids saying for what. He has a real aversion to talking much about his case, and will instead go on long, obvious tangents.

YouaremeandIamyou ago

Jorge claims he has never heard of the 10 Americans before they were arrested, and just spontaneously decided to represent them for free!

jml1201 ago

That is absolutely ridiculous. There are at least 20 red flags with this story.

YouaremeandIamyou ago

This from the CNN article : "His mother, Soledad Puello, told CNN Sunday that she first heard of the Salvadoran accusations when her son called to tell her of his wife's arrest. She said her son told her he had known about the sex ring, but wasn't involved in it." How do you know about a sex ring, and not be part of it? An embedded confession, within a partial confession.

Melitica ago

Frankly, it amazes me that some people think that telling a lame ass story is better than not saying anything.

YouaremeandIamyou ago

well it is good news for those of us trying to unravel their lies. Some people have not matured enough, to see the truth always comes out. they think they can get away with lying, and get carried way with embellishment etc. It is amazing how many tells we all really have. Lying goes against nature, and covers up things that do as well. as such it can't help but place stress on the person trying to appear calm. This often manifests in the words they choose, and body language, as these involve split second decisions. The Mcanns are a supreme example of it. The more they talk, the more it becomes clear, they are trying to deflect attention, away from the truth. They said at first they would love to take a lie detector test, then when one was offered they declined. Same logic applies here. If Alefantis wants to clear himself so much, why does he not offer to do this? I expect it will come up soon,. and needs to be put clearly, when it is.

YouaremeandIamyou ago

More on the lawyer. His wife charged also with trafficking children! Good information in this article, on CNN of all places!

pizzagateinvestigate ago

In order to archive got to:

".is" refers to an Iceland domain. You may be redirected to ".fo" which is a Faroe Islands domain.

Then you can just search the URL to see if it's already been archived. If not put it into the top entry box and click "save the page." That's it!

Your link has already been archived:

Initiate ago

How do you know that is not taken down or manipulated?

pizzagateinvestigate ago

I don't for sure.

I believe there are multiple copies on different servers under domains that are resistant to nation-state interference on legal grounds. So that should mitigate take downs. You can also download a zip file from any archive link in order to save a copy of that page.

As for manipulation there are multiple archiving sites so if there was ever a case of something being changed it could potentially be exposed. I haven't seen any allegations of this happening.

YouaremeandIamyou ago

cheers. btw. just found this statement from a commenter on a blog. should it be archived?

"All I know is that a woman told me, she had gone to the Clintons house in Arkansas for some of their sex parties where they swapped wives and hubby's, and most were bi-sexual...and she stopped going, when the last time there were under aged children there too.

She showed me pictures of her with them, outside of their home together at that time period and there was no motivation for her to lie about this.

It just all came up in a conversation we were having about them at the time.

However to her, it seemed like these kids were there on their own free will....coerced perhaps, but not held captive or anything like that."

[Edited 11/5/2016 4:53:06 AM ]

pizzagateinvestigate ago

Well feel free to archive whatever you'd like, it's a free service anyone can use.

A random comment with an extraordinary claim and no evidence probably isn't worth much though.

mathemagician33 ago

some quick searching led me to the original here:

and here's an archived copy:

obviously this is a random post on a message board, which makes it difficult to even investigate the source.

DarkMath ago

Why didn't post a link? Anyone who says what you just said and doesn't post a link sounds sketchy.

YouaremeandIamyou ago

I have posted several links in the comments below.

Nana66 ago

This should be archived. IDK how that is done, personally.

dootdootbeepbop ago

Depending on which browser you use, consider adding a shortcut. Google Chrome has an extension also has a "Bookmarklet" at the very top of it's homepage.

BOOKMARKLET:Drag this to the toolbar and you will be able to save pages in one click!

RightThisWay ago

you go to and follow the prompts

pizzagateinvestigate ago

Hi Nana66, see my other comment to YouaremeandIamyou for instructions on how to archive.

YouaremeandIamyou ago

cheers. I will look into where the archive is. IDK either

dindonufin ago


Have you seen the thread linking Silsby to which is hosted on the same server as a bunch of childrens charity domains?

YouaremeandIamyou ago

hadn't seen that, thanks.

YouaremeandIamyou ago -thorough article about the lawyer, who has a few aliases, and a history of trafficking minors for exploitation. Make sure you see the links at the end of the article, which have replies from someone claiming, quite convincingly, to be Jorge. Mentions he was working undercover for US, and a number of other things. Then it goes on an on about religious stuff. Normally a topic I find interesting, but this guy has a really inane way of talking about it. I poured through it anyway for clues, but could not find any. It did, though, add a few points to his character profile, as a distrurbed, myopic, and self obsessed person.

jml1201 ago

Also, he wasn't even a lawyer.

YouaremeandIamyou ago

yes, that came up a lot in the articles I read. Huge point.

jml1201 ago

You may find this interesting....Some potential new leads on this Laura Silsby case....

YouaremeandIamyou ago
