stowaway ago

Well done, OP.

flyingcuttlefish ago

we need a hash tag pizzagatebodycount

MAGABoomer ago

See this link to Carlos Slim...and WTF holy fuck?

MAGABoomer ago

Are you ready for another NYT rabbit hole? Carlos Slim owns the NTY. This video shows a woman outside his hotel distraught/screaming THEY ATE HUMANS. There are links at the post that take you to translated blogs. They hauled her off to an insane asylum and she has literally never been seen again. This is the thread:

voatcaesarpizza ago

Of course they'd want to push the "fake news" narrative. They want to be the only news people trust.

semiotician ago

Not sure if anyone else has posted this, but I found another article about Thompson's lying about the Savile evidence. I archived it. Here:

Here is the link to the transcript mentioned in the article:

Thought this might help. -S

LargePepperoni ago

I have just got a theory. The reason why military spending is so large is because trillions go towards black ops projects. Only people with clearances can see where the money is being spent. These projects may include intelligence agencies who place their agents in important positions throughout business and government.

They would have the resources to straight up buy dozens or fortune 500 companies including banks, media, oils companies, etc...

quantokitty ago

See. All the pieces fit when you know the game.

Great catch.

ghtdak ago

Absolutely brilliant

ArcherMcTaco ago

holy shit, great dig

ThrowMeAVoat ago

Mark Thompson is on the donor list the Clinton Foundation along with Carlos Slim and James A. Kohlberg. But oddly enough, when the NY Times were confronted with these revelations, they only DENY that Mark Thompson ever made a donation.

Slim does not appear to be the only person tied to the Times that has given money to the Clintons. Also on the Clinton Foundation list of donors are James A. Kohlberg and Mark Thompson. Kohlberg contributed between $50,001 and $100,000, and Thompson contributed between $10,001 and $25,000.

James A. Kohlberg is the name of a member of the New York Times’ board of directors, and Mark Thompson is the name of the president and CEO of the New York Times Company.

Times spokesperson Eileen Murphy said that she could not comment on the Kohlberg donation, but that Thompson has never made a donation to the Clinton Foundation.


“A little-known private foundation controlled by Bill and Hillary Clinton donated $100,000 to the New York Times’ charitable fund in 2008, the same year the newspaper’s editorial page endorsed Clinton in the Democratic presidential primary, according to tax documents reviewed” by the Free Beacon, Goodman reports.

Mrs. Clinton received the Times’ endorsement in January 2008, over then-candidate Barack Obama. The Times has refused to tell Goodman when in 2008 the donation was made.

[Carlos]Slim has been a long-time contributor to Clinton Foundation causes. On June 21, 2007, President Bill Clinton, Slim, and Canadian mining magnate Frank Giustra worked together on the Clinton Giustra Sustainable Growth Initiative (CGSGI). Both Giustra and Slim committed $100 million apiece.

Mark Thompson, Carlos Slim, Frank Giustra and the CGSGI need to be looked into!

MAGABoomer ago

See my thread...clear link to Carlos Slim and some serious WTF.

Lockeye ago

Where can I find a link to a Voat/Reddit thread that debunked the NYT article 'debunk' of #PizzaGate point-by-point? I'm searching for that to post on social media.

Lockeye ago

The banned sub part is throwing me off like it is everyone else searching. Thanks for the ifinds!

justiceforever ago

Here's the archive of r/pizzagate, not sure if you'll be able to find it on the sidebar?

UncookedSpirit ago

There was one on Reddit, but basically it doesn't refute anything, no one ever said Clinton had ever gone to Comet Ping Pong, it just quotes Alefantis's denial and portrays as victims people who are getting hounded by the worst people looking into this. It doesn't even bring up the awful things said about children on Instagram, it calls the decor "modernist" without mentioning beheaded people or the bathroom that has a naked man ejaculating while wearing a satanic upside-down cross necklace (see: Chelsea Clinton and Marina Abromavic) while playing ping pong with an alien saying "Shut up n' fuck" and how that graffiti was liked by the official cometpingpong Instagram as if it was fine for their "family" establishment, it doesn't have him comment on the YouTube video where the creepy voice modulated woman is asked if the manager is a pedophile and she says "we all have our preferences" in an even creepier voice... and so on.

UncookedSpirit ago Some more relevant information. The rank and file all heard these rumors for years and know the higher-ups did, too. People who tried to investigate had their stories spiked. A Lord threatened a journalist for investigating. If anything, I wonder if Mark Thompson got his NY Times job FOR doing what he did re: Savile rather than in spite of it.

carlinco ago

Makes me wonder what kind of people decide who becomes CEO - certainly not anyone with any brains...

demoTheGorgon ago


UncookedSpirit ago

Even the New York Times was suspicious until they hired this guy???

"Mr. Thompson has said he knew nothing of the Savile investigation before it was canceled by the editor of the BBC’s “Newsnight” program. As for what he knew afterward, his statements have evolved: He first said he was unaware of the investigation, but then acknowledged he was subsequently told of its cancellation by a reporter at a cocktail party. He said while he “may have formed an impression” about possible areas of a Savile investigation, including his charity work, he was unaware of child-sexual-abuse accusations.

Interviews with former BBC executives and officials here in London show that in the months after the investigation was canceled, Mr. Thompson and his top executives repeatedly missed opportunities to pursue a fuller picture of the “Newsnight” reporting, the fate of the program and, perhaps, of Mr. Savile.

In the two months after the inquiry’s cancellation, seven reports appeared in the British press about the scuttled investigation and the accusations against the longhaired, cigar-chomping Mr. Savile, who died last year at age 84. The headline in The Daily Mail Online read: “BBC axes exposé into Jimmy Savile teen sex allegations.”

According to former executives, at least some of those articles were part of a packet of press clippings sent each morning to the network’s top executives. Mr. Thompson’s daily 9:15 a.m. conference call with his top executives often included discussions from the clippings file.

Whether through a series of near misses or a more deliberate avoidance, the executives failed to confront questions about Mr. Savile and the possibility that, in decades past, the BBC was somehow complicit in his behavior."

Gorillion ago

John Lydon/Johnny Rotten of The Sex Pistols in 1978:

Everyone knew.

derram ago :

dmduncan on Twitter: "Noam Chomsky KT McFarland #PizzaGate"

This has been an automated message.

heygeorge ago

Please provide untwitterized link? Folks here don't always want to click on that garbage.

UncookedSpirit ago