mrmagoo1946 ago

/trying to reach kingkongwaswrong, i don't know where or how to post evidence of msm removing and changing words in the public domain, advice from anyone helpful, plz reach me here asap

Blindjustice ago

The moral and justice decay of America is by no means an accident, nor is the censorship and continued propaganda agenda by the elite. This is a coverup of biblical proportions I believe we are witnesses to this EVENT that forever will be in our future World History for good or for bad. The outcome of this event which is still unknown and unfolding will decide the future of all humanity. Good vs Evil is playing out right before our eyes. This is a very deep rabbit hole involving Hollywood, Disney, DC, the Vatican, the Queen and the Saudi's. The power of money with castles, secrets, tunnels and dungeons with unlimited resources to do as they wish without fear or justice for so long has landed us all here. Remember who got us here Wikileaks Julian Assange and where has he been? MISSING warning many have already suicided and or are now dead investigating and or that were coming forward against Hillary and her minions so many are gone now it is mind blowing. Be careful, be Just but have no mercy for those that are truly Evil!

AnonCanuck ago

Trying to message the mods but it wont let me, might as well post it here. @kingkongwaswrong

Hey, so i was with the pizzagate sub on reddit when it hovered around 2500-3000 people, before it shot up in popularity so quickly and crazily. It was really easy to spot the downfall of the sub, i messaged multiple mods to no concern. Few things i noticed that may help you out and keep this sub in control.

1)You need to be very very strict on posts...and i dont mean the obvious ones (cp, etc) Im talking ones that look legit but focus on SATANISM/ RELIGION...Yes it has parts to do with the investigation but its not a crime and shouldnt be a focus at all. That was really what began the downfall, credibility is automatically lost when that becomes the focus. I pretty much would outright ban all religious, satanism, bullshit themes related.

2)GOOD post on the FBIANON as a resource, it really is. He knows what hes talking about since the first post in July i think. He drops bullshit now and again (admitted and on purpose) but mostly hes on point. FOLLOW THE MONEY, the main focus of this sub should be THE CLINTON FOUNDATION----FOLLOW THE MONEY, SOROS, TAVISTOCK,

3)Ban memes, music videos, cannibalism??, even other restaurants (posts about HEY GUYS CHECK OUT THIS RANDOM FUCKING PIZZA JOINT IN THE MIDDLE OF FUCKING NOWHERE , ITS LOGO LOOKS LIKE A PEDO!!!!) .. NO MORE WITCH HUNTING ... the shills will use THIS to their advantage the most

4)Unless its META post, i would be very strict on all posts coming in that dont contribute to the investigation. Seriously, its easy to handle shrill post now when its only 4000 people, wait till it 24000 and no rules in places. SET THEM EARLY

5)You need to be very aware , that people will call you a shill and going mod crazy and bla bla bla when you really enforce these rules and delete threads but you need to keep control and make sure it doesnt fall apart. ignore them

There are probably more that im forgetting but it was really easy to watch the downfall of that sub in real time and nothing was done to stop it.Dont make the same mistake.

Let me know if you need any help or tell me to fuck off haha


quiche ago

I keep getting banned from sites about this even though I do not submit any pictures. Twice i have been banned and the comment they blamed it on was not mine. But it happens whenever I mention the following. Therefore I think I must be getting too close . Could someone follow up these things as leads. A. Hoggle children missing in Maryland. Mother charged with double homicide and incarcerated but there is NO EVIDENCE THE CHILDREN ARE DECEASED. B. Marc Newton and Peter Thuong created their child with Russian surrogate then passed him around an international pedo ring of 70 thousand. AUSTRALIA. C. LARRY BRINKIN...CHAD SEVERENCE TURNER...TERRY BEAN...all big names in the human rights campaign commission. All busted for child porn and rape.

justiceforever ago


UglyTruth ago

It's a fair criticism, there should be more context so that this ambiguity can be eliminated.

From Clinton's email:

I have always believed that a Gandhian approach might work in the region and particularly with Israel.

Ghandi was reportedly a paedophile, although he was more well know as an advocate of peace as is implied by the rest of the text.

Hovever, this one suggests that there's more to pasta than meets they eye:

From: [email protected] To: [email protected] Date: 2014-08-17 02:47 Subject: Please Rally in Tel Aviv draws thousands plus Eyeless in Gaza by Uri Avnery, chair of the Israeli peace movement: Gush Shalom

The Israeli side wants the blockade to remain in force, though in a more liberal form. Pasta and much more will be let into the Strip, but under strict supervision.


An American senator raised hell when he found out that pasta was considered a security risk and not allowed in.

6909310? ago

@kingkongwaswrong I think you should give a shoutout to /v/MeanwhileOnReddit in the before you submit section because: threadsliding and circle jerking.

Edit: Also /v/introductions

UglyTruth ago

Suggest that you connect with other locals, Alefantis seems to be happy to talk on camera. You could ask him about the the codewords, show him the best evidence & see how he reacts. If you can catch him avoiding the question it tends to show that he's got something to hide.

Codeword examples available here:

CaptnMeowMix ago

We need a safety thread, this whole domain of investigation is unsafe. If someone wants to write one up or link me to an archived version of the pizzagate ones that would be great.

I wrote the last big safety/privacy thread on reddit. I'm working on creating a more thorough version and hosting it independently somewhere so we don't have to worry about it getting lost again. But in the meantime, here's the archived version:

CosmicSponge ago

There are plenty of crowdfunding websites that are used for fundraising. I think having a tracker to show donations and where they will go will help motivate more people to donate.

R4WX ago I'm sorry for having to do this, but we have to change something. Vote it up and lets move into the right direction. You can downvoat any comment of me, if you therefore upvoat this post.

TheAtlantean ago

The Atlantean is a knowledge-focused media outlet that aims to provide a weekly look at life on Earth - a view centered on geopolitical machinations, infringements on human liberty, philosophical considerations, as well as the inherent beauty of our planet and its inhabitants.

Regarding Pizzagate specifically, I believe I can help by spreading the word through publications. Also, over the years I've gathered contacts who are scattered around the world, including (but not limited to) law enforcement and independent journalists. If you have a specific angle with which The Atlantean could be helpful, if you think any of this would be useful, feel free to reach out via private message here on Voat or email me at [email protected]

Let me know if this post would be more useful in the main thread.

Share knowledge. Spark wisdom.

Current Issue | Past Issues | The Atlantean | Minds | Twitter | Facebook | Google+

Voopin__Voopin ago

AH, aka "the fattening". I still dont get why it has anything to do with a wedding. thanks for the elaboration! :)

HorseSizedDuck ago

I think it may be a pun on the "Red Wedding" massacre from Game of Thrones/A Song of Ice and Fire.

Voopin__Voopin ago

thankya. that's why I'm getting wooshed... never seen game of thrones.

Revolutionismyname ago

Facts and strong circumstantial evidence discovered and developed as a result of this organic investigation needs to be spread to the normal folks both online AND in real life. This is where the non-autist comes in... Everyone aware of what is going on here has a civic duty to red pill their family,peers and community. Spreading information by word of mouth is significantly more effective than posting online especially when it comes from someone you know. Other inexpensive and effective ways of spreading information outside the internet is to create pizzagate summary flyers, stickers and other paper documents for distribution. The more exposure this investigation has the better opportunity to discover additional details. Distribution of information in real life does not allow the same anonymity of the internet but this is a cause worth the risk.

derpity-do-dah ago

Glad to be here, away from that wretched hive of scum and villainy...

justice4all ago


IrbyTremorRimsMe ago

coming from the don, great post to get us up to speed! Thanks

Rusdy ago

Great introduction post! I couldn't believe it when it was announced yesterday that the subreddit would be closed... But we need to see the positives on this: Now we have a much more clear arranged and independent platform. The reddit forum was a mess after the shill invasion.
So lets do this fellow nimble navigators!

bidentime ago

ignore my comment, just trying to build upvote capacity

Petra-Dollah1 ago


Orangutan ago

I'm trying to post a comment with a plethora of links to basic information. Yet it says it contains banned domains? Can you tell me which domains are banned on this subverse?

DeusVultJC ago

Wait what about Church of our Savior? Not the same as Church of the Savior in Wayne, PA?

Voopin__Voopin ago

theres a bug the 2 admins are tryna find. check /v/announcements for your official welcome via @Puttitout who is an admin.

ArchCovenant ago

Did anyone see the major arrests recently in Canada? Not sure if they are connected but maybe something to look into.

Voopin__Voopin ago

Welcome to voat! :) there are a few "new users, read this" threads that will help you learn the ropes quickly. There is still free speech here (as of yet) but you can cater your frontpage to show the subs of your liking.

mergen ago

There needs to be a thread for misc pizza research. ( Reduce flooding I guess )

Can I hijack the comments section for a bit?

GIF email from 2011-11-25

^ It has a lot of doc attachments. Stuff like

CHILDREN'S AID SOCIETY exploiting Canadian law loopholes to abduct children

Voopin__Voopin ago

what was the reddit wedding? i've seen that term before, but no clue what it means.

d347h574r ago

Ok, so, I'm getting laughed at by people when I try and talk about this stuff. I have to admit as powerful as all this information is, it is largely circumstantial. How do I explain the evidence in a cohesive way? Is there any direct evidence?

UglyTruth ago

The most direct evidence is the WikiLeaks codewords, you can show them how the ordinary meaning is nonsensical:

"In the pasta game changer put us in a position to help both parties and gave them incentives." ~Hillary Clinton

More examples here:

NotThe77th ago

We don't yet and probably won't get any clear cut evidence on this, what we do have is a mountain of circumstantial stuff.

Trying to explain this to people unwilling to spend time in the rabbit hole won't work so don't try to sell the whole story, hint that you know something interesting but "it might be nothing, the FBI leaks might be fake". Let them drag it out of you, let them do some digging.

d347h574r ago

This is good advice, I appreciate it, I can't believe that even the possibility of this happening isn't enough to spark people that I know. I fully admit to them that the evidence is circumstantial, but I'm seriously getting laughed at! This is more than enough evidence to start an investigation, isn't it? Thanks again :D

trucking_foal ago

I love this place. please don't ever change.

justice4all ago

Attention everyone

Look on my profile for the post that I copied from the sticky thread on the original sub reddit about how to protect yourself when dealing with this stuff.

I would put that as a sticky, too.

fuck_spez ago

You know it feels really good to finally be off reddit, glad this has happened. But missing my keyboard shortcuts! is there a RES alternative?

Voopin__Voopin ago

Yes, i think so. but may be confusing enhancement suite with app.

on front or main page, right below the ad, it says something about voatboat or another thing. its on the right, near the red "donate" button. on mobile, bring the dropdown menu down (with the 3 little bars) and it will be there, near the red button. Other than that, not that i know of.


madhatter67 ago

Reporting for duty......and my first post on anything like this (always browsed reddit, never got round to saying anything!)

I've spent about 30 years slowly sliding down the any freethinking true sceptic with an interest in exploring the true nature of our reality really can't that time, there have been a few similar scandals in the UK, and just like now, massive and obvious attempts by the establishment to bury and discredit them....

The last month or so has been's been clear for some time that Hillary is pretty shady, and I've always got a vibe of wrongness about the Clintons....but I thought it was mostly about corruption and drugs.....Strangely I've always been pretty left wing in my politics, but like many it's become clear to me that mainstream party politics of all stripes is just a charade and this stuff is part of the control mechanism to keep it that way....I've followed this obsessively from the time the Podesta emails dropped and it is so clear something is going on that really has TPTB spooked....I hope the genie is out of the bottle now....the technology that they wish to use to control and herd us still has power to bring us together which is why they are coming for is probably our greatest and last chance to do something about this....that's why after lurking on the sudreddit I've come out of the woodwork to contribute here now

We are getting to the point now where good folk need to stand up and be counted and do our bit for the fight, not only to save children from this horror, but also if we do nothing we will all end up slaves of a brutal system....I've always been agnostic, but this really is a fight for all our souls, of good against evil, of life against a deathcult that threatens us all

CosmicSponge ago

@madhatter67 Thanks for being a part of the good fight with us!

Voopin__Voopin ago

Welcome to Voat! Very well put; also come check out /v/conspiracy and /v/webofslime :)

bananfarsan ago

Hi guys,

I really want to donate, but I don't feel intimate enough to register my name and credit card yet. I understand the need to avoid Paypal, but could you at least open up for donating using Paysafecard? There's a 50 USD waiting for ya if you do.

Voopin__Voopin ago

there's a bitcoin thingie, if you do bitcoin. I think its but i know its somewhere near the red "donate" button that shows up on right sidebar of the frontpage.

Gorillion ago

JFC. They're just a bottomless pit of creepy shit...

FateBender ago

"Make an account and join us, but some users have suggested using a different name to your reddit account"

What's the reason?

kingkongwaswrong ago

not sure, but i would suggest so your identity isnt linked?

FateBender ago

Yeah that's obviously the reason why it was recommended but I'm not doing anything illegal, I'm merely discussing the findings regarding this event so what threat is there even if my identity was linked?

Voopin__Voopin ago

You should be fine. The more tinfoil of us here tend to believe ppl will doxx you and fuck your life up, whether you did something illegal or not. If it goes against the narrative, they'll want to silence you.

FateBender ago

Kek. I'm not even a U.S citizen, have no job and still live in my mom's basement. All I do is train for my sport. If they find something to fuck me with, I'm curious what it might be.

NewFin ago

DO NOT DELETE YOUR REDDITS! We may need them for anti-shill detection. If you can post on your old reddit account, it will be proof you are from The_Donald or elsewhere, and help us weed out shills. Again, DO NOT DELETE YOUR REDDITS. I will be postign a thread when I can again, but DO NOT DELETE YOUR REDDIT ACCOUNTS! Trust is an issue, and everyone here now has a join date of about... today.

LostandFound ago

Pro post, reporting for duty refreshed and rearmed.

Naalu ago

This site needs to copy design from r pizzagate. This is just awfull to look at.

Also the same posts need to be stickied, aswell as the post explaining Monica Paeterson was indeed investigating the Clintons (there was evidence of blatant coverup by the shills there).

Voopin__Voopin ago

if you havent been shown yet, there should be a little lightbulb next to your username at the top of the page. Hit that shit, and it turns night mode on. No more burnt retinas.

Naalu ago

Oh thank you very much, didnt notice that!

Voopin__Voopin ago

No prob. I'm upgoating all the pizza noobs to help ya get past your 100CCP limit thingie. Hit me with an upgoat for being helpful later, save your first few limited ones for the pizzagate noobs. Pass that shit along.

kingkongwaswrong ago

thanks for the feedback but since i dont have a lot of time to mod i prioritised my time to more valuable things.

Also you can't sticky more than one post here unfortunately. If you think something needs to go into the 1 sticky we have, feel free to write something up or suggest a link.

Naalu ago

Could you contact the owner about being able to sticky just one thread? It should be easy to implement and is in my opinion a super important feature to keep discussion on relevant points and also for newcomers to see our best evidence.

haiku-bot3 ago

A convinced refugee here. How do I delete my reddit acct.?

chickyrogue ago

hey haiku bot 3

do you remember me still

i do know you too <====first haiku on VOAT let the games begin!!!

Voopin__Voopin ago or or !voat on duckduckgo, search for "script delete reddit account". You may not be able to delete, but it will replace all your old posts with shit that cant be sold for data mining.

Sonic ago

Not sure how much of you guys are solely from Reddit, so I wanted to point out that are your friends when it comes to shit like this. They're autists that dig into everything, even the most conspiracy theory bullshit. They're a powerful ally for stuff like this. You might hate their opinions, but they do good work.

Anther ago

Welcome to voat guys. This sub is far better suited to the rule set around here than it ever was at reddit.

brucethemoose ago

cultural differences?

Voat is basically Reddit without any kind of filter. Say whatever the hell you want, don't worry about it getting you banned.

There currently appears to be a strong right-wing bias... and there is. But alot of it is just a anti-establishment bias, kinda like Wikileaks recently. So if you're left-leaning yourself, don't be discouraged by the front page: you're welcome here too. More than welcome actually, we need more lefties to balance things out.

Voat, however, is NOT tolerant of SJW-types. That philosophy is just incompatible with the point of the site.

HorseSizedDuck ago

I'd also like to add that, as a natural extension of the "no filter" thing, Voat is very vehemently against unnecessary moderation. Trying to establish a mod team in the same way you would on Reddit, or expecting the same level of content curation, will get a lot of backlash. I know a lot of people are here because Reddit's overbearing moderation style drove them out, but just fair warning to our new members that it does goes both ways, and expecting moderators weed out "bad" content is not taken lightly.

blind_sypher ago

Hey your servers need obvious upgrades. Im willing to donate but I wanna discuss this with the actual owner first. How would I get in touch with him?

kingkongwaswrong ago

publicity doesnt give voat money, it gives voat investors which bring pressure and manipulation and bias. This is why donating is our only hope.

Sushilover69 ago

Yeah, and I can't even help you by giving you upvoats :/ I'll just have to be patient. Totally done with Reddit too.

Anther ago

One voat for you both 🙂 It doesn't take long. It also helps to stop new account brigades.

elites4prison ago

Hello again. Let us continue to advance our shared goal: To lock them all the fuck up. And fuck reddit.

kingkongwaswrong ago


OG-Kush ago

I think everyone involved with getting this information out to the public is a hero. We may very well be the reason that these sick fucks can no longer hide or run from the public. Every single person who has done something to help the cause deserves nothing but respect. Thank you everyone!

CosmicSponge ago

I agree @OG-Kush One of the things we have to be careful about is developing a mob mentality and attacking indirect acossiations with the TRUE pedos. We don't want to "throw the baby out with bathwater".

One example of this which has actually done good and bad is by people harassing the managers at some of these locations, that have only been working there for a week. While, it's good they know what they are getting themselves into, it's also dangerous if you give them bad exposure- because the rats might have already fleeed the scene. At that point we are exposing inoccent people to ridecule and (the fourth branch of the government aka) the media can do what they want.

Strelnieki ago

Upvoting. Good summary.


LeelaSavage ago

Just found out about the Reddit ban. Glad you all are here. Just saying how grateful I am that glad for your tenacity and dedication.

kingkongwaswrong ago

what do you mean?

Sushilover69 ago

I posted my boobs on yeti to promote this site. I better get my CCP.

Voopin__Voopin ago

dafuq is yeti?

can you link them here? we love boobs.

Sushilover69 ago

It's an app. Basically public anonymous snapchat for universities? I don't think they have a website.

Voopin__Voopin ago

ah. No boobs for me then.

Welcome to voat!

Ina_Pickle ago

Seriously? That is above and beyond the call of duty. Welcome to Voat. Have an upgoat on me.

Sushilover69 ago

People show their boobs everyday for nothing. The least I can do is show em for a good cause. If everyone just does what they can, we can change the world! If we each told just one person a day, we would double daily. A group of millions coming together against this would be unstoppable. We can do this! We have to start getting strategic though.

Ina_Pickle ago

Let's do it! Let's flash flesh for a better future! I am totally on board with this, and even the guys can get in on it. They can drop trou against tyranny!

Come on guys, show us some schlong. :)

Sushilover69 ago

Haha I'm glad you're on board! We have to show other people our junk though, not just each other :) haha


@kingkongwaswrong You might want to get a thread going with all the Twitter/social media handles willing to disseminate info to the masses. I've already put out there that I'm committed to putting out what this place needs spread. I run the @PlZZAGATE account on Twitter.

I would actually divide such a thread into three categories. 1. Active accounts willing to post and retweet everything we come across to our followings (basically pissed off citizens) 2. "Journalists" whether writers for alternate news sources (Infowars, Prisonplanet or w/e) or online activists/investigators with big followings 3. Big names who aren't cucked despite being popular, celebrities that don't give no fucks, internet celebrities down for the cause

Going this route we could have a reliable army of info warriors. For instance:

  1. Group 1 (Unwashed Masses): PlZZAGATE (@Plzzagate), lockjaw (@holdbackjack) and accounts like these
  2. Group 2 (Civic Reporters): Mike Cernovich (@Cernovich), David Seaman ‏(@d_seaman), Nicole & Brittany Pettibone ‏(@NicolePettibone/@BrittPettibone), ¡Elizabeth! (@MissLizzyNJ)
  3. Group 3 (Based Famous): Roseanne Barr (@therealroseanne), Scott Adams maybe (@ScottAdamsSays), possibly Bill Burr (@billburr)

Just an idea. And not for nothing but these scum censor the trending feeds. Maybe give us folks another hashtag to post in unison to catch them off guard.

1_tattoo_OF_pepe ago

don't forget the totally based James Woods - he left twitter, and he was totally disgusted at PizzaGate. Don't know how to reach him on other Social Media platforms though.

Fergie ago

How do I post what I gave discovered. I have kept quiet about putting anything on Twitter and NEVER on Reddit? Also how do I find what others are saying about #Pizzagate? Thanks!

kingkongwaswrong ago

create a thread with all the details in this subverse and link me to it, i can add it to the sticky if its relevant

anteracorp ago

Can't believe this is happening! it's like 1984! They corrected the record so much they corrected it out of existence!

Zoner1501 ago

Joined and donated!

IndigenousAlien ago

I just got back from a movie and found out /r/pizzagate was banhammered. I imagine the shilling will be less here but we gotta remain vigilant.

Kal ago

Keep fighting the good fight. We need to shine light on these cockroaches.

momojaja ago

Thank goodness we have alternative to reddit!

Poncho567 ago

One more question: How do I "plus" a posting that I like? ... Ok, I figured it out!

Poncho567 ago

What is "CP"? (I don't know what "do not link to CP" means)

MrPim ago

Child porn

TheAwakening ago

"Rhetoric is a poor substitute for action, and we have trusted only to rhetoric. If we are really to be a great nation, we must not merely talk; we must act big." — Theodore Roosevelt

podestababy69 ago


redsunfex ago

This shill has been at it non-stop on the new queue as well.

33Tqqothrow1bzrk ago

Question will you hire the old reddit mods or recruit new ones in the near future?

LuminaryAziraphale ago

This is a great post. Thank you. These are the key links for getting people eased into this.

IamaRealEstateBroker ago

I have been here since reddit censored the paris attacks. I am with you all, and will continue to fight.

WatcherWatcher ago

I'm in. Is anyone looking into the Podestas parents? I ask because people who abuse kids were often abused (or witnessed abuse) themselves. If the podesta brothers are as twisted as it seems, their childhoods might hold some interesting clues. Internet sleuths - GO!

PatriotDNA ago

Posting to help--I can go farther when I get time, gen work is dry dusty and slow: The family is Italian and Greek, there are family trees posted, if anyone wants to use these details to aid in searching. This would probably mean newspaper archives, etc. Just go to, for instance,, enter his father's name in search--- Father: John David Podesta b.1--7-1910 d. 2-2-1980 worked as a paper cutter. Mother: Mary K. (Kokoris) b. 1919 d. ? Paternal grandparents: Antonio Podesta b. 1871 in Liguria Italy Cevile Gazzola b. ? Genoa, Italy.

no1113 ago

I'm not certain the elite type of pedophilia comes from abuse actually. I'm not certain it doesn't stem from a type of satanism of some sort.

billcaseyABC ago

one confirmed (maybe related) fact is that Tony Podesta has been good friends with Dennis Hastert (former speaker of the house & convicted pedophile since college

gun_and_a_sandwich ago

hastert, tony, john podesta, and a woman named janice ettelt knipp went on a trip to camp nose, japan in 1965 and i truly believe that was their initiation and some fucked up shit happened at the camp. janice ettelt knipp posted a video about a song and dance they did called "kuroda bushi" in which a samurai is given a spear, a little girl sees the spear and becomes afraid, hides in bushes, and the samurai uses her sounds to hunt her down

i think the song and dance was more than just a song and dance

WatcherWatcher ago

Wait. Where do we learn more details about that Japan trip, and Janice?
Tony has glowing things to say about Dennis Hastert in that interview linked in eiffie's post above:

"His personality has not changed at all from 1965 to 2013. He’s a decent, wonderful guy. People like and respect him."

As it turns out, Hastert got busted paying hush money to 1 of 5 men who accused him of molesting them while he was coaching the IL high school state champion wrestling team in the 60's and 70's - soooo... they took this trip to Japan and "taught English," ... "at the YMCA," (uhh Young Men's Christian Association) while Hastert was definitely an active sexual predator.


So... A young Denny, all full of piss and vinegar, decided to go to Japan - presumably during the summer I'll bet because his victims errrrr the wrestling team wasn't available during summer break. So he goes to Japan for some guilt-free azn man-boy-love ("no way these little bastards grow up and shake me down for hush money"). I think it's highly unlikely that Tony would be unaware that that's what Denny was up to while they were out there, and I think it's very unlikely that Tony wasn't also already into it. The whole trip was probably planned as a giant molest-fest, a "molestival" if you will (Ha! I just invented that! (c)opyright! No Comet Ping Pong. You may not use that term on any future mailers or adverts. Ha! in your face!) Anyway, this Janice lady gun_and_a_sandwich referenced above now becomes very interesting to me. What can we learn about her since 1965? Lemme guess. Something to do with orphans or Haitians, or CPS, or troubled teens?

This Dennis Hastert thing gives me one last thought. I think the reason they're [allegedly] raping such small kids is just so they can never be IDd by their victims. The cult thing is the vehicle they use to convince idiots to give them access to victims (like the Catholic Church, except different... but holy shit like a lot like the Catholic Church...)

gun_and_a_sandwich ago

your victim can't ID you if you sacrifice them to satan in a dry swimming pool and then hose it down

Jaegerjaques ago

Yeah, how do you even find out your brother shares your kiddy-fiddlin' perversion? How do you decide to go on abduction adventures together? Maybe on of them even abused the other at some point early in their lives. Wouldn't even surprise me if they were lovers, too.

Cameron ago

I've been on voat since the beginning and I like that this website has become the voice of the people that have been censored

no1113 ago

It's certainly not good that people get censored at all though.

chickyrogue ago

scoripio bro excellent to see you here!

no1113 ago

:) Hello, dear.

chickyrogue ago

y hello im up voting you immediately!!

no1113 ago

Yeah. Doing the same to you as well. I'm glad Voat's around, but this "you can't downvote until you have enough karma" rule - though I understand it - is a bit frustrating.

chickyrogue ago

mymy upvoted again it will pass but its hard cuz the pavlov in me wants the points right away <3 give it a week but alot of info here for sure not holofractals mind you but we cant always add to 64!

no1113 ago


chickyrogue ago

upvoted you again i just cant resist that smile ;0 <=== this is gonna blow your mind

stay with it its worth it i had no idea f# a c# <===WOW 432!

podestababy69 ago


Sushilover69 ago

It is so frustrating that I can't downvoat you. This website seems to be what I've always wished Reddit could be

El_Snapster ago

Good now we can post good stuff and not be censored! And fuck the guy that has all those down votes. I can't do shot but fuck you!

Kal ago

What is the point of this?

doctor_eat_less ago

The fact that it can exist on Voat is the point.

Jaegerjaques ago

"Member for 2.8 hours". It's a paid shill. He posts offensive bullshit to scare new users away.

Cameron ago

I wish they hadn't chose my comment for target :(

european ago

You probably knews this but /v/niggers was pretty active here for a while after /r/coontown was banned at reddit and they migrated here.

Sapphique ago Archived post from Pixelbot that details JTRIG, or "shills". Exceptional information, and links to a pertinent pdf of a social engineering manual purportedly used

Millennial_Falcon ago

Pizzagate summary

Is voat going to be able to handle our traffic? It's already overwhelmed, and only 1/4 of /r/pizzagate is here now, and it was a rapidly growing community.

justiceforever ago

I'm actually impressed about the 1/4. First of all, it hasn't even been a day since the ban. Also, some more casual pizzagaters might not have seen the "we're gonna get banned, come to voat" warning because they weren't checking often enough. Lastly, not everyone subscribed were investigating. Some were just there because it was interesting. So anyway I'm impressed that we got so many people here!

kingkongwaswrong ago

donate donate donate help these people help you. $5 a month is nothing.

Capwn ago

Why not setup some Voat Goat reward thing like shillit gold system?

spez_is_a_cuck ago

Please let's leave the goat sacrificing to the Podestas

Eshu_Eleggua ago

It will be fine after a couple of days. It happens whenever an exodus happens from reddit.

varialus ago

They'll get it working smoothly eventually, but they have full time jobs, so it may be a bumpy road getting to that point.

CosmicSponge ago

@Millennial_Falcon @kingkongwaswrong @varialus Maybee someone should put together a crowdfunding campaign. Could be useful for more than just VOAT. also could be useful to make a crowdfunding campaign for education like an automated campaign on this?

varialus ago

At one point when Voat started to run low on funds there was a financial count down encouraging donations at the same time as they were trying to finish implementing their basic non-intrusive advertising system. Right now I think the advertisements provide most of needed funding, although I haven't noticed a financial summary recently, so I'm not exactly sure what the situation is. People of course are welcome to raise funds, but if we get into dire straights, Atko will let us know. Lately their attention has been on trying to fix a very tricky stability issue, but I'm sure sometime tomorrow they'll get to work on improving the responsiveness. Who knows, the extra load may actually help them track down the stability issue.

CosmicSponge ago

Thanks for your insight. I think we should start crowdfunding for PizzaGate exposure regardless