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satisfyinghump ago

I wonder how many people will see these photos of the prep work, such as the manifesto he wrote, the music and equipment he used, the modifications(marker writing) to the firearms, etc. And it will go over the heads, unable to disconcern this incident and the other previous ones which had drugged up depressed and possibly MKUktraed kids, with support from the fbi/CIA, thinking incorrectly they are the same. When they couldn't be any more different.

Sheeitpost ago

He even played the anime initial d sounding race car music... race cars do what? They accelerate. 4th dimensional machiavellianism.

DrSteveBrule9000 ago

Which song? Link?

Sheeitpost ago

The song at the end when he's speeding off. You'll have to resesrch if, it's an upbeat racing song from Initial D I think.

King_Freya ago

Is there a full video somewhere? I can only find snippets.

tokui ago

Here's the thread (manifesto pdf is best)

The full first mosque, no edit

The 8ch verse thread

I think someone listed the playlist in the comments, I forget where I put it.

King_Freya ago

Thank you.