Rence_Williams ago

It's time to get the military in and start clamping down HARD on these BLM people!!

sir_andy_of_bad ago

Military are going to be our enemies before they're our friends. Worst of all is the fucking FBI. Read Hunter.

Dead-Hand ago

Steel yourself!

CheeBooga ago

Did her family burn their section 8 dwellings to the ground?

thestreetnaught ago

I'd be on a warpath if someone took my family members life over their Dindu points.

Xax ago

Reminds me of the OJ acquittal. He nearly beheads his wife and these animals and cheering, slapping high fives and dancing.

Time to create boundaries.

sir_andy_of_bad ago

They're animals. Trained animals at best, still animals.

Locked_Account ago



Anarchy99 ago

funny , link won't open on my googleandroid phone. Google also blocks bitchute, gab. Google is worse than facebook.

econoboxrocks ago

One random guy screaming and handing out pamphlets means exactly jack shit.

ALIENS2222 ago

This is how you get nazis... Which is their plan! Then we all fight each other instead of the real enemy.

Ralemlol ago

Nazis hate jews which is the real enemy.

BrokenVoat ago

Empathy is supposed to be good for species survival. The tweets strongly suggest that africans have very little empathy and are actually a different species.

NoMoreScreenNames ago

They've been doing vile shit like this for years. Anyone else here old enough to remember Charles Stuart, the Boston man who shot his pregnant wife and blamed a black car jacker-? After Stuart's brother fingered him, a fucking mob of knee grows went to the home of the grieving mother and father, who had just lost their daughter and grandchild, and milled around threatening them. The grieving parents had to take a huge chunk of their own money and set up a "scholarship program" for median 85 IQ bipeds to placate them and prevent violence. Things so utterly lacking in empathy and without the ability to feel love (just lust) , so they cannot extrapolate from how they'd feel if they lost one of their whelps, and therefore NOT HARASS A GRIEVING OLDER COUPLE.

Anarchy99 ago

The line has been crossed. You have a right to pick these fuckers off in the street. They're not going to win. White people have been overly patient.

StAnthonythegreat ago

BLM terrorist organization kills young mother. You fucking faggots are in here fighting over ellipses. This is why were losing you stupid fucking pieces of human garbage. Get your heads out of your asses!

lacrimamosa ago

I wish that some member of her family would go to the spot where she was killed, hold up a big photo of her, and use a bullhorn to yell, "her life mattered; all lives matter" until that family member is also attacked - but this time make sure it's on video.

I realize I'm asking someone to take one for the team. If my granddaughter was murdered like that, I would gladly take a beating from thugs to raise awareness of it.

Got to make sure it's on video though.

econoboxrocks ago

But since she and Ramirez were walking around at 3:00 AM, probably looking for drugs, and there was a gunfight, somehow it was BLM. God, people just can't think anymore.

Locked_Account ago

It was after the fireworks on the 4th, you old projectionist faggot.


After the fireworks? How late this the fireworks show last? I know it can be slow for crowds to disperse but if you are there at 3AM it's not for fireworks.

Locked_Account ago

You were born old, son.

PontarBewsar ago

Check out that comment section.

ciaozuzu ago

I hate to be that person but doesn't this seem a little fishy on the part of the boyfriend? Reports have said he had a gun as well? Also that he ran when guns were pulled? Also why were they out so late in that area just strolling along and she decided to antagonize feral animals?

I hope I am wrong but Rameriz seems fishy to me.

Soyboy69 ago

Reports have said he had a gun as well?

Nothing wrong with that.

ciaozuzu ago

No, not at all, but why did he run instead of either defending or retaliating?

Locked_Account ago

It was after the fireworks on the 4th.

ciaozuzu ago

Okay that makes a bit more sense thank you.

econoboxrocks ago

Walking around at 3:00 AM. Story reported by far-reichwing rag. Yeah, nothing fishy here. Derp.

Rahav ago

The fact that they're able to taunt her family on Facebook says a lot about what Facebook supports. It also show how evil BLM is and that in their minds they want anyone who's not them and supportive of their message dead! Do they have nothing better to do than harass a grieving family?! It's clear now this group support murder. Why would anyone support them now?

beefartist ago

Says more about the priorities of her family. IRL if you go somewhere and are berated you stop going there...when you are hooked on social media and can't give up all the "thumbs ups" you have to take the thumbs downs and abuse too

Rahav ago

I would stay private in that case. Still doesn't make it ok to harass a grieving family.

beefartist ago

Sure but if you expect niggers to behave properly you are barking up the wrong banana tree

Rahav ago

I expect nothing from no one. I've become a pessimist of sorts. I didn't used to be. I was very naive before.

beefartist ago

It is kind of a necessary step on the awakening path but don't get stuck there...the next step is to find a place to put your faith and BUILD

Rahav ago

Agree. It's hard to find that mental space lately though. But I'm working on it and am aware I need to stay focused in a good way.

beefartist ago

It takes time and most of voat isnt remotely interested even if they are aware

Rahav ago

Thanks for your words of encouragement.

screamingrubberband ago

Do they have nothing better to do than harass a grieving family?

Well, how many of them actuality work for a living?

Rahav ago

Good point. They literally haven't nothing better to do than collect their government checks and harass others.

Jujubean ago

Many of them will be homeless and starving in a couple of months when the government gibs give out.

Rahav ago

Once the government gibs run out, the looting will begin once more, sadly.

AmericanJew2 ago

Nigs gonna nig.

ImpoverishedRefugee ago

Keep in mind that to this very day there are still white refugees fleeing South Africa who euphemize their reasons and claim it’s “crime” or “poverty.” Some of them even continue to vote left. It’s a unique trait of white people that we can get shot in the face and sympathize with the shooter while blaming the bullet.

Draco888 ago

100%. I know someone who left SA after he, his brother, and mother were held at gunpoint in their own home while the apes robbed their place. He was very lucky that was all they did. It was their servant who brought in the fellow armed bantus. Last I knew of him he was a bleeding heart.

Rahav ago

It's very sad what's happening in South Africa. I wish more whites of the brainwashed type would awaken from their stupor soon. Otherwise, their fate there could and will be ours here. But not if I have anything to do with it. I'm always sending out information to those I know that aren't convinced of this White Genocide!

econoboxrocks ago

Are you referring to the white farmers being mass murdered myth? It's 2020. Catch up.

Ralemlol ago

Niggers are not human.

Rahav ago

No, I'm not. She was murdered after saying " All Lives Matter."

CelticMutt ago

Moron. Do you not understand that murder is what BLM supporters want? They hate White people and want them tortured, humiliated, broken, and dead. BLM, Antifa, and these other 'grassroots' organizations have the same goal and draw support from the same anti-White wellspring. Never forget this.

beefartist ago

They don't even know what they want...these niggers don't look further ahead than the end of their are giving them way too much credit

Anarchy99 ago

Then they're going to come for the Jews who started all this shit you dumb fuck

yt4cz9 ago

That's nice and all but do you know where they are getting funding? Do you know we can end them if we just start using different money?

BLM is mostly funded by the central bank along with antifa. The central bank is the only entity that could supply the billions upon billions required to do what they are doing. They create money from thin air and give it to these animals at our expense.

Elite Jews. The central bank funds them. We can destroy them if we stop using their money and start using community money and cryptocurrency.

If you're white and own a business that doesn't accept cryptocurrency in the coming years, you're a fucking traitor to your race.



Hand_of_Node ago

I have zero interest in owning a 'money' that depends on having an electronic device to access, and can be easily stolen in many way.

yt4cz9 ago

That's because you're a dumb ass that believes his own bullshit. You can't steal bitcoin unless YOU fuck up.

Anyone against crypto is either a useful idiot, a shabbos goy or a kike.

Hand_of_Node ago

Good luck with your dependence on electronics.

yt4cz9 ago

He says on a website using a computer.

Hand_of_Node ago

I have the paper.

yt4cz9 ago

They are getting rid of that by the way. They actually are forced to since we'll soon have negative interest rates and people will hoard cash to avoid it. either pick kike money where they can create infinite amounts and fund anti-white terrorism or you pick the people's money--cryptocurrency that has fixed supplies but is extremely divisible.

DesolationRoad ago

I've been woke on Crypto since 2017. I think we need to find a way to introduce crypto to Voat in a very careful way because a lot of these guys think it's the NWO currency foretold upon in the Bible n shit when in reality, to the best of my understanding...the original vision and goal of it is an alternative to the federal reserve and a protest against USD inflation benefiting the banking cartel at the expense of inflation which of course impacts the poorest Americans the most by diminishing their spending power.

Hand_of_Node ago

Accepting your premise, how would I even get it, and what would I do with it assuming I was able to 'get' some? There is no place I've spent money in the past year that accepts bitcoin instead of money.

At least on those occasions where using a plastic card to make purchases is kind of necessary, I know that I have recourse to get all my 'electronic money' back if the transaction is not to my liking. But is there even a bitcoin card? I'm certainly not going to use an application on my phone to expose my assets to criminals. I don't even put financial account access information on my computer.

yt4cz9 ago

All money is traded. If you want to go the Phillipines you have to trade USD for their pesos. Crypto is no different. I get mine from but there are plenty of others.

The trick is to start small. Start with 5 or 20 bucks to get an understand--just some small amount where if you screw up, it's no bigger than eating a lunch at a fast food joint.

The main thing with crypto is you generate your own account numbers "addresses" and you send to someone elses address. Once you have a wallet (just download the app) you will have an address that looks like this: 1CVxJKCubCkyyqTpXD6eEgzLmdtXQesnem. To you it means nothing but someone could send you bitcoins to that address and you would get them. You could then send someone bitcoins to a similar looking address but it would be someone elses.

That's pretty much it.

Hand_of_Node ago

I'm not unfamiliar with the superficial details of bitcoin, and cryptos in general. Have had a bitcorn chart tab open pretty continuously since it was $32. I remember the 'exchange' opened by Pirate, who completely unexpectedly (lol) made off with the funds of the foolish. So many of those exchanges... Used to read r/bitcoin for years, but quickly came to realize everyone involved in running it in any way has some kind of scam going. Also, the "other" bitcoin...

My main objection to using any of the cryptocurrencies is that they require "apps" installed on electronic devices, which I avoid as much as possible. My secondary disinclination is that I'm not a speculator, and cryptos are not a store of value. If there were a third, it might have to do with not generating IRS reports and data, and was just reading about coinbase doing something like selling user data to the FBI, or some other agency?

As imperfect as the USD is, I really prefer physical money that isn't inherently trackable. We meet, I hand you physical money, and we're the only ones who know our business. This is the way it should be. Money orders for distance exchanges.

If I hadn't giving up on my package delivery and decided on an alcohol and some gaming, I'd go on to rant about technology, and electronics in particular, being the downfall of our species. The slippery slope. The pandoras box. We stepped on it, or opened it, and are now moving inexorably towards the end of our species. But I won't.

Anyway, thanks for the helpful reply.

yt4cz9 ago

I use a separate cheap laptop with just a default install of ubuntu on it for larger amounts--that an electrum.

I also use both Bitcoin Cash and Bitcoin.

Crypto isn't perfect but USD is going to be the end of whites.

I do agree with you that it probably won't matter for much longer. Personally I think we have until 2030 max before super ai and there's a really good chance it will happen even sooner--2025. Deep mind, which is under jewish control, is making great strides. We need to do something about that quickly.

Hand_of_Node ago

Personally I think we have until 2030 max before super ai

Ah, I had forgotten about the upcoming end of crypto itself. Maybe they can come up with a new kind of "super-crypto" that quantum computing can't defeat? Regardless, all the money in crypto right now will either flee or "find new homes".

All in all, we're headed for a super-crash from so many different directions that it might well be the end of our current civilization. Which is really interesting, because there's evidence that we're also right at the end of the 12,000 year Catastrophe Cycle, to include the polar flip and possible upcoming micronova due to that gravity wave. Is it all a coincidence?

Earth Catastrophe Cycle | 2020 & Beyond -

Definitely not mainstream science you'll ever see on the news. Check it out, and watch if you find it interesting. This is the big chunk, but they also do a short daily update on space weather, and bleeding edge science news.

yt4cz9 ago

I'm not talking about quantum computers defeating crypto. There is another 10 years at least for that and you can move on to another algorithm.

I mean superAI is coming which could mean we all live in paradise or if the jews reach it first and want to destroy us all they can easily. I'm talking about the technological singularity. I believe it is much closer than most realize. I think sometime between 2025 and 2030.

yt4cz9 ago

That's because you're a dumb ass that believes his own bullshit. You can't steal bitcoin unless YOU fuck up.

constitutionranger ago

Even better if you dont covert to fiat. Close the loop, buy with Bitcoin, sell for Bitcoin. No more kike dollars needed. The kike fears this greatly.

Draco888 ago

And if you want to not hold on to excess cryptocurrency buy precious metals and real estate.

yt4cz9 ago


Anarchy99 ago

You talk like a fucking Jew. No Jew is going to go after black lives matter.

yt4cz9 ago

So you want whites to keep using (((USD))) huh mossad kike?

Anarchy99 ago

you are incoherent

yt4cz9 ago

You are retarded.

Rahav ago

I get it! I'm white and have been paying very close attention.. not a moron...moron. LOL. I'm just hoping those who've been brainwashed can see what you see and I've seen for a long while.

beefartist ago

If you call yourself white you are a little bit of a moron. Re connect with your heritage instead of buying into skin colour bullshit created by jews

Rahav ago

My family walked the Trail of Tears from Tennessee. We are aligned with many tribes in the U.S. And I'm German and Scottish too!

Rahav ago

Agree. Im a European and a rare minority mix d into one; I'm a mutt that looks "white!"

mudslime ago

you cant fix brainwashed peoples. only death can.

smokratez ago

False, jew faggot. I used to be a leftie.

Rahav ago

I'm glad you're not one now.

smokratez ago

You and me both, brah

belrial ago

Not true. For a long time I bought the bullshit. I damn sure don't now.

AmericanJew2 ago

^ Should be top post

Rahav ago

The useful idiots, which they are, are always the first to die. Too bad they weren't taught real history because maybe they'd realize history will repeat..

Rahav ago

Yes! I understand that murder is what they want! But anyone who wasn't paying attention, should be able to see it now since it's very clear ... Ok your words, " moron." I never supported their Marxist message and I could clearly see early on they're a death cult of sorts ...

CelticMutt ago

Your ellipses disgust me, boomer.

Rahav ago

You attitude disgust me........more ellipses because they disgust you!! What the hell is your problem?

Jujubean ago

An elipses is comprised of three periods. Multiple elipses would therefore be divisible by three, unless they were the end of a statement which is followed by a period. Your use of eight periods is nonsensical.

Rahav ago

One more thing, I'm up voating your response here. I appreciate being corrected. Thanks

Rahav ago

I fixed it above for ya' 9 ellipses... . And I'll end it with a period. Is that correct?

Jujubean ago

Ending a sentence with an ellipses be like this ....

Rahav ago

Thank you....

Jujubean ago

No, there is a space before the ellipses. It should be (Thank you ....)

Rahav ago

Ok. Thank you .... Got it. Thanks again. :)

Rahav ago

Ok grammar police. I was using them not in the grammatical sense , but in replace of what I would say if free to say it. But thanks for the lesson.

CelticMutt ago

My problem is that Western civilization is being dismantled before our very eyes and White people are being driven to extinction to the cheers of our enemies.

Rahav ago

Agree. This is a very big problem! I'm doing my best by sending out information to those still blinded by the deceptive media and Marxist messages that leave those who listen and follow them practically brain dead!

CelticMutt ago

I think it's the other way around. They follow the Talmudic programming because they are braindead. Those under the spell of the media must break free of it themselves and then they will find their way to the truth.

Rahav ago

That makes sense. But then, they aren't only braindead but without soul as well. The Babalonian Talmud is Evil!

MFin_Looter_Kangs ago

A number of those Facebook posts say she used a racial slur. Is this “All Lives Matter” or are they claiming she said “Niggers”?

The whole idea of racial slur means you die stinks.

turtlesareNotevil ago

All lives matter is a racist statement according to these stupid niggers. I wonder what they think about Only White Lives Matter.

constitutionranger ago

Niggers think it is ok to kill over words. The kike media also thinks it is ok. No decent person should live around niggers and kikes.

CheeBooga ago

Her words are protected free speech so these niggers are in violation of the constitution.

Ralemlol ago

When will you boomers realize the constitution doesn’t matter?

CheeBooga ago


The point is, it makes them enemy combatants.

Locked_Account ago

We are at war.

Literally-Oppressed ago

Oh she said a mean word? Nevermind. The bish deserve day shiet

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Rahav ago

Words are not worthy of death. How do they know she used a racial slur? We're they there? If so, they should be investigated. Did they catch the " killers " yet?

alt_account_7 ago

also whats stopping the local nigger mob from claiming a racial slur whenever they run out of excuses?

Draco888 ago

Hell they can claim "looked white supremacist". Anything goes with mob rules.

Landrictree ago

Is this the breaking point? When do we march? Somebody give me some goddamn info!

magic3383 ago

The only marching we'll be doing is to their death camps.

dontdoxxmefaggots ago

quit relying on other people to tell you what to do, faggot

A_Punkass_Bitch ago

we'll march any day now

ssaa6oo ago

There is no breaking point. They will continue to kill whites off and no one is gonna do shit.

constitutionranger ago

This is truth. Whites are demoralized. The kikes won. Its time to stop pretending that this isn’t a successful genocide.

ssaa6oo ago

This is a black pill. We can still win this, but we have to act now because within 5-10 years it will be too late.

IsaacJan ago

Better kill yourself now then.

ssaa6oo ago

I'm not American, I don't have niggers in my country.

IsaacJan ago

Doesn’t change what I said.

ssaa6oo ago

Why would I kill myself, niggers aren't raping and killing my people while I watch helplessly from a corner.

IsaacJan ago

You will.

ssaa6oo ago

Not planning on it.

sir_andy_of_bad ago

Doesn't matter, some heeb already has plans for it. Unless you're a dirty spic.

ssaa6oo ago

Doesn't matter, some heeb already has plans for it

No doubt. I'm from Eastern Europe though, so we are only 90% jewed.

Xenxaytax ago

To think there aren't white people biding their time, preparing to retaliate is idiotic. We aren't niggers, we actually have impulse control.

ssaa6oo ago

I hope you are right, but all I see is years and years of rape and murder with no retaliation whatsoever.

Xenxaytax ago

No retaliation yet, but each of these crimes gets etched into the minds of those aware of them. I don't know about you, but I know plenty of people just waiting for this stuff to reach their door and they are ready for it. Our enemies have been playing their hand more and more over the years and we've all been learning how they function. Start with a strong defence. Attack when you are guaranteed maximum damage to your foes.

They are also foolishly trying to remove the police, who are the only thing keeping them alive as far as I'm concerned.

Fuck__You ago

The Purge Is Brewing.

Qsnoop ago

This will only last so long. The People are getting genuinely frustrated and will retaliate against the movement. These Niggers are only making people hate them.

blain_Damaged ago

The middle is against this now.

Their time is running out.