VirtusVitium ago

Just kill Israel instead

Newmemba ago


Smust77 ago

Six gorilion dollars ....

speedisavirus ago

How is your fake news shilling going? Let them try.

outrider787 ago

80 mil? lmao, might as well be Austin Powers, we'll give you ONE BILLION DOLLARS

sunshine702 ago

Well if Isreal is harboring Gislane Maxwell then have at em Iran.

ggolemg ago

I'm torn, is one man's sacrifice to expel millions of demons from the world worth it?

TheTruthTheFacts ago

Israel/Jerusalem is the Holy Land and there is NO WAY God will ever let anything happen to Israel. The Jews never listened to God and always did the wrong thing against him, they even killed the person that came to save them-Jesus. Revenge is Gods on the Jews and we must obey God and not let harm happen to the Jews.

Smust77 ago

Do you eat your foreskins crispy or boiled you hooknose sideburn that smells like unwashed cunt

TheTruthTheFacts ago

Your ignorance is amazing. You must hate yourself ... God gave us the Bible and the Bible gave us the Constitution and Bill of Rights therefore America is a Jewish country. It is called "The Judicial System' for a reason.. Dont choke on foreskins.

Smust77 ago

You had me for a second. Happy trollin :)

Taydrum ago

I'll take things that will never happen in a million years for 400$ Alex

uvulectomy ago

Yet ANOTHER 1.2 year old account with little to no history, shilling this "blazing press" cancer site...

castertroi ago

Shills, I have an extra Voat account. Selling for $4,000.

uvulectomy ago

You should ask for $6 gorillion.

YourUncleStalin ago

Yeah, like they've got means to do that. Fucking pathetic. They could as well promise to destroy Mars.

kingdomhearts123 ago

you sound optimistic!

xExekut3x ago

This is just an attempt by (((them))) to get the US to destroy their enemies.

963189_137 ago

Of course, but you have to admit that most of the planet, with the exception of the kikes, has not enjoyed the benefits of the global enslavement scheme that the kikes had going. Pretty much the only people who are going to object are people with the jews cock in their mouths.

Asshat69 ago

Get this sensationalist bullshit out of here

cuzimloony ago

Please destroy Tel Aviv. Oh pleeeeeeeeease.

963189_137 ago

I want to see it too anon...then it is time to roll up our sleeves and give people the option to GET THE FUCK OUT OF OUR NATION OR DIE.

AlternateSelection ago

Would be crazy, no? ;)

NotaQjackass ago

Q says we must protect the Homos in Israel first.

963189_137 ago

Meh 'Q'ueer, why am I not surprised...I guess 'P' [LGBTQP] sounds 'less good' to the American Ear...

"Shhhhh listen to your pee Americans, trust the plan..."

jthun2 ago

That all sounds like a steaming pile of Jewish propaganda

However, they SHOULD murder the head of the Israeli military in revenge.

963189_137 ago

ooohhhhh aaahhhh that would be cool.

Talc ago

now Iran's going to drain the swamp that Trump ended up sinking waist deep in.

963189_137 ago

He is so deep in it that all I see is swamp when I look in his general direction.

Talc ago

that's all I ever see whenever I look at a political figure. Politics IS the swamp, the only way to drain it is to deny all hierarchy and swap it for some sort of organised chaos, or have a system where political figures are chosen against their will and forced to serve.

963189_137 ago

We have the ability through modern technology to trial all forms and test politics before we even institute them. We could have many systems running at the same time or complimentary to each other in could be AMAZING!! Like the difference between leeches and highly computerized laser surgery that is computer controlled. Night and day.


OY VEY!!!!!!! NOT ISRAEL!!!!!!!

963189_137 ago

IKR...this is quite the BRIBE!! To be free of the juden in one fell swoop...the muzzies can sponge up the rest of them. Can you imagine the debates that are happening in backrooms right now all over the planet? Orange niggers life for financial freedom of the globe. Who (what nation) is not going to take them up on that one?

prairie ago


I think this one writes itself.

celestial-skylord ago

Us attacks Iran, Iran wows to destroy Israel. Hmmm... there's something not quite right about this. I just can't seem to put my finger on it.

smokratez ago

lol again

Frankenblock ago

Lemme guess, unmarked American bills?

jewsbadnews ago

Iran is so fucking based. Truly our greatest ally!

steven_feelsperg ago

I like the /s but I like them killing each other even more

jewsbadnews ago

I'm not being sarcastic, im pro Iran.

watts2db ago

Ive become sympathetic to the palestinians as well

963189_137 ago

Fucking NO!! Semites can never be our ally. But they can acquit themselves in some fashion for their disgusting genetics.

jewsbadnews ago

Jew pretending to be a retarded wignat, fuck off.

963189_137 ago

They have no relationship to us genetically. Iran is basically full of niggerspawn. I done see you ‘promoting’ spicniggers and genetically they are basically the same thing. They even look like spicniggers. Anyway, they aren’t White/Europeans. That boat sailed when their ancestors started mass raping niggers during the (((Islamic slave trade))). Take you swollen balls and go ice them, sandnigger. I said you were partially redeeming yourselves (even though you have nigger mongrel DNA). Certainly you and the kikes are the same genetic people EXACTLY and you might want to do one honorable thing before death!

jewsbadnews ago

Iran means Aryan. The country is more white than America.

963189_137 ago

Hahaha...DNA disagrees fag.

jewsbadnews ago

So you are saying America is done?

963189_137 ago

I don't know anyone who fucks niggers. What does 'america' mean anymore? I am not labeled by a 'nation' that was invented by ZOG (you semites). I am a GENETIC PEOPLE that are not dependent on a 'geography'. My people came here to GET AWAY from your people because you are genetic trash.

jewsbadnews ago

ok jew

Leveraction ago

So, okenyan thanks for sending MY money to iran you fucking piece of shit!! There should be a 100 billion bounty for bathhouse barry, the lying, stinking pos.

Leveraction ago

Ha,ha,ha fucking muzzies couldn't find their asses with both hands. Trump, please send the biggest moa to this worthless piece of shit iran!

VoatContainmentGuard ago

Look at all the jewish lies being pushed holy shit they are out in full force and the qtard trumptards will lick it up like they lick up their daughters black boyfriends cum.

963189_137 ago

There isn't a soul on this planet who has not been enslaved by the kikes reign of terror (and trumps willingness to cede to their every demand) against all the people of this planet using 'fiat' currency who isn't going to cheer this decision. The only people who would ever in a million years, disagree with this are kikes.

Leveraction ago

Let me buy you a ONE way ticket to iran you trolling piece of shit. Crawl back under your cnn rock in the meantime.

TRUMP 2020, TRUMP 2020


Go back to israel kike.

VoatContainmentGuard ago

You can go to israel with your kind, Moshe.

Leveraction ago

Muzzie butt licker

VoatContainmentGuard ago

If you side with Muslims or jews then you are cancer

Leveraction ago

Wtf are u talking about???

fightknightHERO ago

Literal fake news

Iran has their own (((Deepstate))) which prevents them from doing what needs to be done

heygeorge ago

Fuck off, spammer.

Pooh_on_a_Jew ago

And just like that, the Libtards with Trump Derangement Syndrome are all for war

HeebSlayer ago

Amazing isn't it. Trump taking out one Iranian general was all it took to convince the them that WWIII is double plus good.

Thisismyvoatusername ago

In response Trump should tweet this at them.

metricisokay ago

The hell is this.

4n0n3m0u5e ago

People don't recognize the Brady Bunch anymore - sad times.

Gopherurself ago


SexMachine ago

5D chess if Tel Aviv gets blown away

963189_137 ago

That would be AWESOME!! I swear to God that I am going to go out and dance just like the israelis on that day.

kingdomhearts123 ago

you sound optimistic

963189_137 ago

Optimistic to the end of the global slavery that only benefited the kikes?

Who would not think this was beneficial?

kingdomhearts123 ago

being optimistic isn't beneficial you fucking potato.

963189_137 ago

Angry much you fucking leech POS? Everyone but the kikes is going to be happy over this...but why shouldn't the jews be killed? They have lived high on the hog (planet) and there is always a time to pay the piper. They have slaughtered and murdered BILLIONS for their 'globalist cabal'.

KosherHiveKicker ago

If only it would happen.

Turning Israel to green-glass and vaporizing the Zionist Jews in it would solve so many of the problems Western Nations are dealing with atm.

neuschwabia ago

You would have to hit JewYork first then Tel Aviv.

kingdomhearts123 ago

you faggots will still be doing "let someone else do it" when the muslim rape gangs knock down your grandchildren's doors

nobody is going to fix your zog problem for you

SexMachine ago

Ok, let me just convince my ZOG to bomb Tel Aviv. Or if I don't like it, I can do it myself, right?

kingdomhearts123 ago

you'll be fighting sooner or later.

So yes. the answer is to have the most technologically capable and equipped fighting force available do it. That just so happens to be the US military... the nation that was hit on 9/11.


smokratez ago

you people

You're not us then huh. lol

kingdomhearts123 ago



KosherHiveKicker ago


We have been telling people to attack the source of the problem of the Muslim invasion to begin with, and then mop up the shit-skinned trash afterward.

kingdomhearts123 ago

the source is israel.

when have niggers or hajis done anything well at all... "let someone else do it" doesn't work when someone else is inbred desert people.

why is this confusing?

KosherHiveKicker ago

It's is just "a tad more" widespread than just Jews in Israel.

kingdomhearts123 ago

So the job is even bigger...


So why would you expect them to do a good job at something that complicated?

KosherHiveKicker ago

You have to eliminate those pushing for the Nigger-Arabs to be allowed into your country first, and then begin deporting the filth they smuggled in "legally" after the Jews are no longer in positions of influence.

Turn off the tap before you begin to mop up the mess.

kingdomhearts123 ago

and there's transportation.

sounds good kike.

JohnGoodman ago

This ain’t real but I’ll take destroying Israel as payment, keep the 80 mil

Israel-Did-9-11 ago

Go to war with Iran, goy!

Almighty1776 ago

"I'll have a Coke"

963189_137 ago

Boy isn't this just the GREATEST thing about having the mongrel niggers already inside the gates of your nation? You just never know what they will do or when or to whom.

WilhelmVonDoobiest ago

This is why multicultural societies fail and Islamic people are just sleeper cells or a Trojan Horse in a country they aren't compatible with and don't belong inside. Only White, ethnic Europeans should be allowed in North America.

ardvarcus ago

People need to realize that white immigrants are a plus, and every other race is a minus. When America gets a white immigrant, it benefits; when it gets a black, yellow, brown immigrant, it suffers.

ChiCom ago

“Iran has 80 million inhabitants. Based on the Iranian population, we want to raise $80million (£61million) which is a reward for those who get close to the head of President Trump,” it was announced, according to en24."

Pretending like 80 million Iranians supported him is kike tier.

anticlutch ago

I'll gladly tack on $8 trillion in debt for destruction of Tel Aviv and the kike squatters there.

4n0n3m0u5e ago

That's the great thing about fiat currency, isn't it?

prairie ago

You're right, it's raised to $8 gorillion.

anticlutch ago

kekeke didn't even think of it that way.

XSS1337 ago

We deepfake Trumps death , get IRAN to do gods work, on the third day after the battle , Trump comes out of a cave ... ... ... no wait that might be from something else ...

963189_137 ago

His ego is too bloated...he would never be able to stay in a cave three days.

XSS1337 ago

Cave was a metaphor.

Wowbagger ago

We couldn't keep him off Twitter for 3 days :-D

ImReallyHighBut ago

Fuck off vote scammer

If you click this link you will get aids.

963189_137 ago

What kind of aids? Visual aids? Financial aids? Emotional aids?

HeebSlayer ago

Computer aids.

ImReallyHighBut ago

Kool aids.


Blazingpress is a faggot site

SearchVoatBot ago

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ChiCom ago

Seems to be a white guy with a big family that puts dancing jews up on his YouTube.

Ok Boomer.

963189_137 ago

It is interesting to see how much the kikes hate him, isn't it...they say the same exact things in every one of his links

MrPim ago

I wonder how you go about collecting?

flapjack_charlie ago

PR for their populace. The Guardian Council wont let them start shit, because they're the same kind of rich pricks that run every other country.

smokratez ago

They have to put up a brave face. If they could have glassed pisreal, they would have already.