sunshine702 ago

Mormons are an interesting bunch. Until about the last decade they were pretty isolationist/conservative/ anti immigration. That is why they were in Mexico. They ran there when the Feds started arresting them for polygamy. Now they are aligned with the NSA spooks (Bluffdake UT) and are pro open boarders and pro migrant money. Kinda did it go yourself being there and supporting these animals.

golgotham ago

Only a deluded lefty shill could POSSIBLY be against wiping all drug cartels off the face of the planet.

But then the left has taken every shitstain’s side since they leapt onto their runaway woke train.

KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK LEFTIES!!! We true Americans are seriously loving this show...


Thinking about how the poor mormons must feel?

Stop right there. Fuck the mormons. They should all be gassed. Fuck every single one of them

videocodec ago

We are already at war. The feds are on the side of the cartels.

sunshine702 ago

We armed Sinoloa against rival Zetas. Yep our spooks are in the business of picking drug team.

What do you think Fast and Furious and Vegas was all about?! Cartels

WickedVocalist ago

Please ban them @puttitout

Reminder: we rarely got ddos or wolf attacks before they came in and began brigading, banning, and botting

SandHog ago

Nice catch.

tokui ago


Nobody allowed free speech, except op faggot.


Corporations aren't people.

cults aren't people.

people get free speech.

if it's sponsored it isn't free.

WickedVocalist ago

If someone is putting in labor punching a time clock is not sponsored.

But lets face it some of you fucks cannot discern the two.

tokui ago

When did you come up with these laws?

CheeseboogerHimself ago

A lot of Fentanol is coming over the Mexican border. Much other hard drugs, as well. The United States should consider the invasion an act of war and launch an attack on Mexico through all branches of military. Its time to conquer South America.

Maltherian1 ago

The amount of fentanyl coming into our country is enough to kill a large portion of the population. A declaration of war it is.

WickedVocalist ago

People are being put on respirators and life support in hordes but its not tobacco or weed killing them

Its opiates

CheeseboogerHimself ago

Its Fentanol and Heroin, all brought in by cartels for the US government. Its not pain pills from chronic pain patients. Most drugs come through Mexico. Cocaine, ecstasy(from israel), meth, Fentanol, heroin, crack, etc


Stop it at the border.

fuck off with your high-casualty land wars you (((banker)))

CheeseboogerHimself ago

We tried that for decades. It failed. This war is not for israel. Its to protect Americans.


Protect Americans at the Border.

Don't sacrifice Americans to expand the Border.

CheeseboogerHimself ago

For once, this is a war worth fighting. No more wars for israel, though.



CheeseboogerHimself ago

A war on Mexico is for self perseverance. Round up all beaners and send them to Syria so they can make israel Mexico

70times7 ago

Putt dont care dude. Bots, shills, feds, he dont care.

Tallest_Skil ago

Explain why Mexico shouldn’t be cleaned out and recolonized by whites.

WickedVocalist ago

Go to hell you puritanist satanist shill where you can have an orgy with Satan ans all your coked up methed out pals

Tallest_Skil ago

You replied to the wrong post.


talest_skil? The blackpilledfag. who always complains that all is lost, and the republic is fallen?

how about we worry about stabilizing our own country and establishing a border before going expansionist.

get your own affairs in order.

WickedVocalist ago

10/10 cocaine mixes with fentayl cut with bath salts and laughing gas

Tallest_Skil ago


Sup, yo.

The blackpilledfag

Keep using words only shills say exist, please.

who always complains that all is lost

Explain how it isn’t.

the republic is fallen

Explain how it hasn’t.

how about we worry about stabilizing our own country

Okay. Let’s. What’s anyone doing about that, by the way?

get your own affairs in order.

What, do you live down there? If you’re a peninsulare or criollo, you won’t be cleansed. But there aren’t really many peninsulares alive anymore.

CapinBoredface ago

I explained to you EXACTLY how it hasn’t fallen and your bitch ass just stopped replying completely. You’re a pussy that literally cannot handle being wrong.

Fucking retarded mongoloid. I hope your parents are dead so they don’t have to see the disgusting, useless, pathetic husk of a human being you turned out to be.


If our republic is fallen.....why expand it?


Tallest_Skil ago

If our republic is fallen

No, no. Prove your claim.

why expand it?

It’s more about cleaning up the world. Latin America is a fairly simple task compared to Africa and Asia. Asia’s going to be a nightmare. Provided any whites even live to see 2050.

CapinBoredface ago

You said civilization had collapsed and white people are extinct.

Who gets Mexico then?

The fucking Jews? Of course you want us to “clean up” Mexico, so your kike buddies can move in.

Fuck you.


Our Republic is fallen.

Explain how it hasn’t.

You already agreed it's fallen, Kike.

fix our country before sacrificing soldiers in a land war.

cleaning up the world

not my job you neocon

Tallest_Skil ago

You already agreed it's fallen

Could you become literate please? This is getting exhausting.

fix our country before sacrificing soldiers in a land war.

A land war... for our nation. Because there’s nothing getting fixed here without the same sort of thing we’ll have to do in Mexico.

not my job

And that’s why whites are continuing to be exterminated.

you neocon

Learn what words mean before you use them. You’re an embarrassment overall.

CapinBoredface ago

Define Extinct.

You can’t call people illiterate when you have a 2nd grade vocabulary.

WickedVocalist ago

Youre a spic cop doxxing people

How easy it would be to get you taken off the force

Tallest_Skil ago

Neat. Any evidence of that?

CapinBoredface ago

You sent me a screenshot of you filing an FBI report on me.

Kill yourself you stupid faggot.


No Wars for Bankers.

70times7 ago

He is right about america being lost. Whats gonna happen?

50 million south americans/pakis/afghans/syrians are all going to self deport?

Every liberal is going to hang themselves?

The few million muslims are all going to convert to christianity?

Jews will all go back to poland and instreal and let protestant america run the government?

Suddenly the negro family unit will be repaired and the tens of millions of brain dead thugs raised by single parents, who hate white people with a passion will suddenly raise 40 iq points and become rural farmers?

None of that will happen. America is finished. By design. Wishful thinking doesnt change it.

WolfShepherd ago

Good fucking comment

Tallest_Skil ago

So... just rhetoric now? Not even going to try to back up your old argument?


Then you ought to fire the first shot, talest_skil

but you never will. Instead you say

Whites will be let's send them to die in Mexico.

kill yourself.

madmardigan ago

Only if the money for it is interest free and not from the fed.

WickedVocalist ago

Oh dis you say you wanted a fridge and heat for your kids more than 3 days per week?

Yup you gotta beg the Fed for that bailout PS we wont bailout Airbnb street without war

Tallest_Skil ago

I was thinking there’d be a fair few thousand people who’d do it pro bono, you know...

madmardigan ago

I think it could work like the crusades. Trump gives any American who wants the opportunity to raid, pillage, and capture their own land in Mexico.

Tallest_Skil ago

I mean, we could do that now. No one, least of all the ZOG emperor, is going to make a formal declaration like that even in the far future.


Only a Jew would think that.

Tallest_Skil ago

only a jew would think that whites would do the right thing simply because it’s right

Uh... huh...


only a Jew would expect people to kill for him for free

Maltherian1 ago

So fighting for a noble ideal with no recompense is Jewish? That’s the opposite of what the Jews do. They bribe people or blackmail them.

Tallest_Skil ago

Can... you read?

CapinBoredface ago

Can you? Define Extinct.