shawnfromnh69 ago

6/18 is a fucking tuesday not Saturday. Someone fucked up. 6/15 is saturday. I think though they meant today 6/8 instead. Dumbasses on Twitter need to proof read their shit before posting.

arc02001 ago

From what I have heard the ENTIRE event is turning out to be a massive flop and no-show. I wish that i'd never posted it. It's truly embarrassing how the alleged 'organizers' of the same have f-cked this up.

shawnfromnh69 ago

The best protest would be everyone plus the ones that can't make it closing their accounts on june 18 instead.

AriesianGemini ago

The fact that it's a ''protest'' and not a riot is the immediate proof that it won't work.

AdmiralEnchilada ago

If you dont think protesting works, bring your rifles. It'll work one way or another

Here is the price of freedom. Your every drop of courage, ounce of pain, pint of blood. Paid in advance

arc02001 ago

Not rifles. Concealed weapons! The element of surprise is CRITICAL! Let these bastards get in your face, let them think you are afraid, then when they are 1-foot away taks a half-step backwards, pull that PIECE and BLAST two or three BULLETS thru their heads !!! THAT is how you get-the-job-done people!

AdmiralEnchilada ago

As a lone wolf, agreed. As a 'protester' i disagree

When en masse what the goal is, is to get THEM to shoot back, or to stand down. Its to become martyrs for the cause.

If 30 dudes with ARs walk up to city hall, and 5 dudes have a battering ram, the goal is to get in, pull the senators out, and beat them bloody in the streets. NOT to kill them.

The killing times MUST be initiated by the enemy.

If they are initiated by the enemy, it creates better propaganda, and better unifies those that would have been impartial observers to the cause

Planetoftheclown ago

Protest a corporation? Are you mad?

The absolute best way to deal with a corporation is to ignore it, financially and socially, especially financially.

Duchozz ago

"Mass protests"

...28 liked on Twitter

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LazyJello9 ago

Oh boy oh boy, Protests! Wow! That's sure going to make a huge difference! That .02% market share they will lose will surely make it tough for them to turn a profit after Saturday! Wowee! You sure are taking a stand yep. This is what the Founding Fathers meant, go and protest a conglomerate.. wow oh wow. You Americans, wow, sure are super smart. Such high iq's. So high. Unbelievable. Wow. They won't know what to do with all these huge protests that will surely last more than a day and will definitely make a HUGE difference. Yep yep.

IndigoElectric ago

This Saturday would be the 8th would it not?

Jungun ago

Hopefully these protests will be more Battle of Seattle than Occupy Wall Street.

reject_kikery ago

Conservabros getting off their asses? Oy vey that is a triggering thought.

IquitzuOcha ago

I'm sure it will be thoroughly and accurately covered by MSM.

Zoldam ago

Protesting is what NPCs do. It doesn't actually effect anything but makes them feel good.

Sosacms ago

I don't want them to fix these platforms. I want them to die off like they deserve. The only regulation I want is to blacklist these companies from getting one cent of taxpayer funds.

CowWithBeef ago

What's the difference between protests and mass protests?

basedmangod2015 ago

lol "mass" protests

AleiMira ago

They are all in Tahoe on Saturdays

jimibulgin ago

It's a private company. Don't use their services.

SocksOnCats ago

Saturday? Who’s gonna see the protest? The janitors?

You want to make a scene, keep the employees from getting to the office - for several days. That will get attention.

On a Saturday it’s going to be a bunch of whiny people with signs walking through deserted business parks.

drhitler ago

Guess its better than nothing, and we can get optics of Antifa defending censorship and big business

ALIENS2222 ago

Pfffttt. It won't matter.

LakotaPride ago

This is not the attention they wanted. so make sure to give them plenty of attention and expose them through peaceful protests.

Scald85 ago

It's best to do fake protests in front of a compliant media, which is how 1960's anti-war and civil rights hustlers did things. Their marches were over 90% staged, controlled, managed psychological operations that put on a show without actually threatening anyone important (whites cucked and fled to the subdivisions anyway, go figure). But, they looked good on television and that's all it takes.

Literally attempting mass protests as a grassroots, organic people's movement is how you end up with Charlottesville. The media will show up for the wrong reasons at that point, to record the lowlight reel when something goes wrong due to a lack of planning. Fake protests and fake news objectively work better than the real thing, because the television watching demographic doesn't care too much about reality.

Delacourt ago

This is the only real reason to be opposed to a protest.

I agree 100% about Cville. There was zero planning, zero vetting. So people just showed up and did whatever they want, which included waving swastikas and fighting in the streets. There were no objectives, no rules, no standards for success of failure. No consideration of optics. So, of course it was a disaster.

Not only was it a complete waste in terms of the personal and financial costs, it actually accomplished the opposite of what it was intended to do. It was supposed to make the right look good and appealing. Instead, it made the right look like crazed murderous monsters.

Nebor ago

Lynch the media that shows up. They're part of the problem.

wrok-wrok ago

"Let them march all they want, as long as they continue to pay their taxes."

Baconmon ago

Protesting DOES help.. Shills in this thread are trying to black-pill you to prevent you from congragating together in public; They want you to remain in your house in your chair like you already do every day where you can't cause any problems..

arc02001 ago

Someday the jew shills will get what they DESERVE, that being a BULLET between the eyes....

starseedwakeup ago

This Saturday is the 8th. The 18th is the following Tuesday.

MrTitolo ago

Grow some balls. Stop whining. Stop using their shitty services and use this opportunity to break free from their manipulation and find positive alternatives.

ShakklezthaKlown ago

Not really the point. Even if we all leave, they still have a majority of the population to mold to their liking, which is the real problem.

MrTitolo ago

Yes, you're absolutely right. And, precisely because they have that majority, we have to find/create/support uncensored alternatives that let us spread a different, more truthful, narrative.

ShakklezthaKlown ago

they've been trained to like the censorship

Sites like voat are instantly demonized. The only real solution is to coopt or destroy these platforms, or wait for them to destroy themselves. (not likely)

sub0 ago

Isn't that sort of a lefty thing? If "they" want you quiet on their platforms then submerge and be strangely quiet. You can't count what you don't see. "It is quiet out there. Too quiet." Learn to code. Speak at the ballot box if you still give consent to be governed.

Diggernicks ago

I'm busy.

Fuck protesting.

Mobius_racetrack22 ago

Contact their advertisers. That usually gets attention.

CheeseboogerHimself ago

lol Maybe if they have another candlelight vigil it will make jews stop being jews hahahaha

Had ago

Fuck the comments in this thread complaining about how protesting is useless and won't change anything. It is still worth it if for no other reason than to meet other people in the community that want this shit to change. You can meet new people and increase your influence sphere.

If anything like this is nearby, you should ALWAYS go. We need to start pushing our agenda in public instead of just complaining online about how nothing changes. Get out and be the change you want to see. Be proud of what you are and love it when they call you a racist Nazi.

Planetoftheclown ago

There's no redress with a corporation. Protesting it is pointless. Go protest your congressman to change laws that will stop corporations from doing what it is you don't want them to do.

In the mean time, the best way to deal with a corporation is to ignore it. If you ignore it and enough people also ignores it, it goes away. But it doesn't give two shits if you protest it, in fact it will love it since it is publicity.

i_am_texas_charlie ago

This is the stupidest advice I have heard in recent history. What a fucking avoid-fag you are.

Planetoftheclown ago

You don't have a right to protest businesses. If you do it in such a way that it adversely affects its business it can hold the organizers of such efforts liable to damages. It's that simple, dick.

i_am_texas_charlie ago

The hell I don't. Faggot.

watts2db ago

you are getting plenty of upvoats

Had ago

12 hours ago all of the top comments were about how protesting is pointless, stay home, etc.

watts2db ago

don't mind the negativity we all nesd to start to group up in real life and this is a great way

calfahul ago

Agreed. The corporate left has been allowed to completely dominate public discourse. That's the only opinion you hear or are allowed to hear. More and more people need to step up, step out, and say "no, I disagree". You'll might be surprised to see how many of us there are, and public displays of dissent against the ruling power encourages others to step us as well.

ShakklezthaKlown ago

Self identifying as a nazi in public is an invitation for assault or worse.

So if you do it, be prepared for the random milkshake, bike lock, etc hitting you in the face

calfahul ago

This is true as well, though. You need to be smart and you need to watch your back, and the backs of your fellow dissenters.

LazyJello9 ago

Lol just go shoot some people. In 1 10 minute murder spree you will force jewtube to reverse these decisions. But yaaaaa won't dooo shit, because you're a cuck. Do do ddoooo da

i_am_texas_charlie ago

The 'retarded' is strong in this one.

ShakklezthaKlown ago

That would be the opposite of productive. Shooting civs isn't a good plan, fucking Cia sounding nigger

Prussian ago

NO! Put your energy into alternatives, not bitching about what the kikes are doing on their own platforms. Complete waste of energy.

ShakklezthaKlown ago

It isn't a waste, if you haven't noticed, most these platforms control the populace. They work against you.

Delacourt ago

Protests like these generate awareness of those alternative platforms. They make the Average Joe aware that all is not going well with YouTube.

The only reason I would be against them is if people are retarded and wave swastikas or look like shit or something.

LazyJello9 ago

Yeah! Like sucking black cock! It's as American as apple pie or the 4th of July.

gazillions ago

I'm for protests if we go in to the businesses. As an angry mob; because there's nothing fucking wrong with being an angry mob. Call it proactive.

lemon11 ago

What is your agenda? To complain in real life instead? Quit complaining as if those companies are your only choices, just like all those other losers do.

Had ago

My agenda is to complain about the fact that our government is complicit in these companies walking over our right to free speech. How? Allow me to explain:

If they can remove certain people from their platform, then they are curators. If they are curators, they should be held liable for any illegal content posted on their sites (child pornography or copyright infringement for example), but they are exempt from this....because they are not considered curators, they are a public space or platform. They are having their cake and eating it too. But, when they cross that line to being curators, they should be held to account for illegal things being posted...and they aren't. This is what we should be protesting.

Protesting loudly and perhaps violently (if necessary) are the only ways to get our government to actually take note. If we show up and antifa is there to fight against us, it will make the news. If it makes the news, it gets noticed by everyone. If this happens, it is more likely that action will be taken.

It's simple logic that you jews don't want goys to understand, but lucky for me I have studied logic and rhetoric.

lemon11 ago

Quit your lying. Facebook is not your government. Fuck off, you kike scum.

ShakklezthaKlown ago

Facebook is the government you silly fuck.

Ihateyuppies ago

I agree with your sentiment but it's still all theater. It's a way to misdirect the true issues at hand. I don't like that they are silencing anyone, but we have to stay vigilant on the (((cause))) of the problems we are currently facing as a society.

Anonymous171717 ago

Agree in total ^^^^^.

WordCorrector ago

I'm surprised at all the nay sayers in this thread. And I agree with you.

Simpleusername ago

When fagbashing returns, don't even bother to ask why...

BlkRifleCoffeeCancer ago

And now the big piles of poop every where make since. It's one of their defence mechanisms.

onezeno ago

I protest them all by using the services of their competitors.

cantaloupe6 ago

Antifa will likely be there to support corporate suppression of speech. Instead, get laws passed; protest are used to make a suffering spectacle in cooperation with the media.

LazyJello9 ago

Lol then just get violent you moron. Fuck I swear Americans need things drawn in crayon for them to understand .you want to actually make the world a better place? Get your gun and go kill some people. Obviously you need to kill someone with some say in the way things are going. Send a message to those people. Just Google CEO of Google or whatever then go from there. It really isn't that hard, I'm amazed you mutts cannot figure this out on your own. You independenced yourself from England so you could, what? Suck black cock? Elect a nigger president twice? Become minorities in your homeland? Lol fucking retards. AND you dumbasses have guns too! Seriously.. how dumb can you be?

ShakklezthaKlown ago

It's mostly due to the patriot act which effectively makes any sort of revolutionary solution easy to label as terroristic.

Nebor ago

This is written in a provocative way, but you're right.

cantaloupe6 ago

glows in the dark

9000timesempty ago

Get laws passed? By who? The seditious congress?


It's time for action.

Shadowman1 ago

People still think protest does anything,

Atomized_Individual ago

It's bringing attention to the migrant invasion in Europe. v/ActivistGroups

sometaters ago

Lol cool sleeper account. You wake up just to post this?

Shadowman1 ago

Why am I a sleeper account,

WordCorrector ago

This thread stinks bad.

Had ago

It is still worth doing if for nothing else than to meet other members of the community that feel the same as you do. Being online and angry is far less productive. Stop gaslighting.

WordCorrector ago

Protesting absolutely does something, though it may not produce instant measurable change. Even if it changes nothing, it raises awareness of issues and will always convert people to our side. True change begins in the hearts and minds of regular people. Not protesting means there's a guarantee nothing changes.

Improbablyanasshole ago

If it did anything we wouldn't be allowed to do it.

sbt2160p ago

The 18th doesn't even fall on a Saturday.

Neskuaxa ago

That's like a Tuesday.

DayOfThePillow ago

Could actually work if you got every right wing person down there, tens of thousands, take back the media

lemon11 ago

Take back the garbage-tier sites which Jews created and you feel obligated to? What is this shit? The kikery in this thread is against any efforts to show that those sites are shit by design and by practice. I don't want them. You shouldn't, either. They are not your media outlets and never were.

Quit validating Jewish tricks as if they were your nation's infrastructure.

DayOfThePillow ago

Wtf are you talking about? If you take it back you could decide to shut it down if you wanted, I mean take control, take charge, I think you misunderstood.

Trousersnake1488 ago

with guns, yes

oyy_veyy_goyy ago

Nasim Aghdam did nothing wrong. Wait, that's not true. She missed.

FreeinTX ago

Ya, protest. Im sure that will change minds.

Had ago

Better than sitting at home complaining to your computer monitor about how nothing changes.

FreeinTX ago

Not really.

ShakklezthaKlown ago

Don't go offline! Too risky. Just stay bitching on voat, it's safe here Don't you like safety?

Going into the real world... Not safe.


Oy vey the goyims changed my mind shalom

derram ago :


#VoxAdpocalypse #OpHornetsNest… /GJHEE5FEEu"

This has been an automated message.

LordSporkington ago

Don't bother, they don't care. It's just delicious salty tears to them.

You want action? Write to your local congressman and senator, pretend to be of their political affiliation, and fabricate a relevant complaint about Google providing weirdly unfavorable results for relevant politician and/or their local causes.

Punitive antitrust is what we want, not prancing around with signs.

AdmiralEnchilada ago

Dont bring signs. Bring rifles

LazyJello9 ago

Oh yep, that's the way! Write a letter, make sure it's strongly worded. Write a word in all caps so they know how serious you are. That's going to do it. I remember when America declared it's independence from king and country with a super duper strongly worded letter. They even signed it with their names! So brave. Such action. Wow. Political Revolutionary you are OP, wow. So much revolution and so many words in caps. Wow.

LordSporkington ago

I'm not a political revolutionary, that's commie talk. I'm a conservative.

FB and Google are already under antitrust investigation, all you're doing is helping more members of congress feel like they can be on the winning side.

Prussian ago

NO!!! Put your energy into ALTERNATIVES, not changing the (((established social media companies))) or bitching to compromised politicians.

LordSporkington ago

Into alternatives? You don't seem to understand how monopolies and antitrust works.

Landrictree ago

Write to your local congressman and senator,

Yeah, that's a fucking joke...

LordSporkington ago

Normally, yes... But Google and FB are already being investigated for antitrust... You're not trying to change minds, you're only trying to add drops to the winning side.

jimibulgin ago

Write to your local congressman and senator, pretend to be of their political affiliation

and the first thing they will do is confirm the voter registrations, which is publicly available information.

Ghetto_Shitlord ago

Only the government can violate the 1st amendment. Google has a right to police their platform as they see fit.

jimibulgin ago


LordSporkington ago

There are many reasons someone would be of a different political stance than their registration.

  1. Changed their mind
  2. To influence the opposition in the primaries
  3. Because the person outside the h supermarket taking registrations was cute...

Donations are a different matter, registration is irrelevant.

Few papers would publish baseless accusations about "financial ties" and you're forgetting, Google and Facebook are already on the block for antitrust action. More congressmen/senators will just want to be on the winning side if they feel it's inevitable.

IndigoElectric ago

No. No. No.

Giving the state the power to start moderating internet activity is a slippery slope.

LordSporkington ago

I never implied otherwise. I merely suggested putting further weight into ongoing antitrust efforts.

Baconmon ago

Yeah I'll write my congressman and trust the plan while I'm at it.. I can't wait for any minute now when all of the congressman rise up together to save our country because of all the people that wrote to them..

LordSporkington ago

Antitrust action is already underway, I'm just suggesting to help them understand why it's needed.

pushthis ago

Punitive antitrust would need to be a key talking point then.

LordSporkington ago

It's already in the works. I was merely suggesting voicing additional support.

Had ago

This is a terrible attitude that (((THEY))) push on us and it should be rejected. Get the fuck out there and make yourself heard if you are nearby. Stop being complacent and take part in something.

BentAxel ago

No. Its exactly what it is. Crying out to the Jews about Sheckles. This is IDENTICAL to what the jews are screaming about. Want to do something like an adult, a man? Make your own Facebook/Youtube. Quit giving them power.

ShakklezthaKlown ago

You will never defeat them by trying to hide from them. These platforms hold your entire world, no competitor will remove their crown. Wishful thinking.

BentAxel ago

WTF? User of 2 months? Come talk to me when your ccp is above 20000

Ghetto_Shitlord ago

Watching you eat your own is joy. No wonder this place doesn't really grow.

BentAxel ago

The only time it grows is when fags from Reddit try to turn it into reddit. When that stops, it will grow but crying about the status quo needs to end. Get off Facebook, YouTube and Twitter. All controlled. What king of special nigger do you have to be to ignore that fact?

Ghetto_Shitlord ago

Youtube pay me. Facebook has generated actual sales fo rmy co-op, and Twitter is the best way to stay on top of major bugs from software / hardware vendors.

Controlled by who? The mythical jew? If you're so superior as you believe, how are you not in on it making money?

BlackSheepBrouhaha ago

Make your own network!

Network effects don't care about your product.

BentAxel ago

Now we are on the right plan.

satisfyinghump ago

Good for you, defending your views. I and others feel the same way, what the fuck do these faggot complainers think can be accomplished by bitching to those who cant be touched by authority or normal consequences!!!

BentAxel ago

They sound like the Jews we're trying to defeat. Ohh my sheckles.

dudelol ago

You dont get it, unless its open source and decentralized its doomed to be subverted

BentAxel ago

I do get it, It is open sourced, It is decentralized. You're just bitching over the fact that you're not making any money anymore because they make the rules You need to get your content off their rules.

Who complains about losing money are you a whiny little Jew?

dudelol ago

Its not about the money my friend. Its about the control of the narratives. How can you be this dense?

olinneserpona ago

No, it's about showing all the white people sitting at home that there are numerous other whites fed up the anti white discrimination, It's about purging the feeling of being alone in all of this and being afraid to speak up.

Why not do both? Write and post the fucking letter and show up to fucking protest if only just to do some IRL networking.

BentAxel ago

You glow in the dark don't you

ShakklezthaKlown ago

Irl networking should be priority 1 for anyone serious about opposing them

RebelJohnny ago

Why not both?

Ghetto_Shitlord ago

Congress staff goes to site, sees you're a liar, and it's more ammo against racists. Thanks, I'll give this a shot!

LordSporkington ago

Goes to what site? Google? You are aware of the search bubble, right?

Also, Google and FB are already on the block for antitrust. You're just providing an additional nudge, this is not a contentious issue where they'll launch some big investigation into you.

Ghetto_Shitlord ago

Well if the complaint is against Google, why would you look elsewhere?

Also, Google has a right to do whatever they want with search results, alternatives exist. Its now Google's fault that people don't use the others? You sound like the EU, punishing success.

LordSporkington ago

You don't seem to understand how monopolies work and why they are bad for capitalism.

Ghetto_Shitlord ago

Alternatives exist, what monopoly?

LordSporkington ago

Like I said, you don't understand how monopolies work.

arc02001 ago