WickedVocalist ago

He is a black Muslim.

White Muslims are even worse and you are that, OP.

teamviewer ago

Buy an AR15 after every mass shooting.


Swap around. Buy an AR after one shooting, buy a truck load of ammo after the next shooting.

Keep it balanced.

glassuser ago

And you best be shooting some of each truck load to keep your skills up.


That's the truth!

HenryCabotLodge ago

Face it. They only thing the MSM wants is some White Aryan with a Gozillion guns - preferrably illegal machine guns -- with a white Manifesto - Taking out a Muslim Mosque while engaged in Prayer (sound familiar). They have ZERO ZERO BELOW ZERO interest in this Virginia Beach Shooting. And, their lack of interest just proves how Fucking Corrupt the MSM Media really is. F them all. May the all go out of business.

halinflorida ago

Gun free zone. Arrest that man.

Goys-R-Us ago

Ho. Ax.

Einsatzgruppen1939 ago

These will continue to happen because nobody will admit we all hate each other, that this political correctness, melting pot, corporate bullshit doesn't work. We are all angry. We all hate each other and for good reason. Instead let's blame the gun or mental health because realizing our human nature is to hate and be separate is too tough a pill for mainstream faggots to swallow.

BloatedVoatGoat ago

Nope still call for more gun restrictions that would have saved the day.... Bad actors are going to kill regardless.

SearchVoatBot ago

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LibertarianForChrist ago

New number. 1370

HenryCabotLodge ago

8 white 4 black (could be different upon deeper review). This story is going underground FAST. MSM wants nothing to do with #og shooting white folks - no AR15 involved.

WhiteChickens ago

Half of those whites are jews or mystery meats.

DeeplyDisturbed ago

Disgruntled worker

No, fuckwits - he was a Terrorist!

The suspect is deceased

NO. The perpetrator is deceased!

duncandog ago

Two questions:Was he on psychotropic drugs? Did he have a "therapist"?

Steinmacher ago

Was he involved with military intel?

WickedVocalist ago

Yep. Part timer, probably for his citizenship from an African Muslim shithole.

Bfwilley ago

WeareGOD11 ago

It's a memory callback.

Even Trumps name has such a quality. As if he is a personified "trump card"

What's in a name?

Killeratlarge ago

They probably fucked him over because theyre usually niggers, and the shooter chimped out on them.

HoneyTrap1488 ago

Extended clips

What, like hair clips? Britain already banned those.

NPCGator ago

extended clips


WeareGOD11 ago

Wayne paddock

Dewayne Craddock

HenryCabotLodge ago

Damn!!! and it was Illuminati 13

HappyMealBullshit ago

Still haven't seen one fucking news article that mentions the shooter is black. Only way you would know is because his name is "DeWayne" which is obviously 100% nigger. Funny how that works. The suspect's race is super relevant if a white guy shoots someone, but completely irrelevant if a nigger shoots someone.

HenryCabotLodge ago

Heavy dot com and some other outlets confirm --------------- Black. NYTImes, WashPo CNN Shitbags and all others tip toe around it - never mention S. But he was Black. Majority victims White. This story going in the round file as fast as possible.

SonOfRobin ago

Dewayne was a popular southern name. I've known a lot white Dewayne. Now Duanne is different.

ThisIsMyRealName ago

Weird, no picture of the shooter.

SparklingWiggle ago

It is out there. It's a nigger.

Civil_Warrior ago


We need to ban all AR15s because of the imminent white supremacist retaliation nationwide for this valiant yet disturbed individual, a brave african soldier, tortured by white inequities who finally bullied back. Now black and jewish mothers along with leaders of the gracious muslim community demand swift action to make them safe from white supremacist bullying.

Lynch_Tree ago

This one will be swiftly memory holed

zxcvzxcv ago

I can't believe all of those white people were just jumping in front of that poor black man's bullets! Whites are so rassiss!!!!

Truthsayer9000 ago

Into the memory hole it goes, just like LV shooter.

KosherHiveKicker ago

Notice that the fucking Kike Media isn't producing segments revealing this Nigger's online footprint and his possible motivations.

This is in stark contrast to all the "Lone Wolf" White Nationalists that the fucking Jews can't retrain themselves from spewing 24/7.

wig ago

You are Right! They shoah the negro shooter as much as possible, even claiming it is moral to not ever even mention his negor sounding name!

HE WENT WHITE SHOOTING of blondes mainly

THREE out of over 20 shot were black! Three out of 12 dead , the rest VERY white ?

The ONLY three blackish or mostly black are :

Joshua O. Hardy, Virginia Beach
Public utilities account clerk, 12 years

Ryan Keith Cox, Virginia Beach
Public utilities engineering technician, four years

Laquita C. Brown, Chesapeake
Public works right-of-way agent, four years.


Michelle "Missy" Langer, 60, Virginia Beach - BLONDE !
public utilities administrative assistant, 12 years
BLONDE proof -> https://i.imgtc.ws/tZwTxaZ.jpg

Katherine A. Nixon, Virginia Beach - BLONDE !
Public utilities, 10 years
BLONDE proof -> https://i.imgtc.ws/wgLVeIs.jpg

Tara Welch Gallagher - BLONDE !
Virginia Beach, public works, six years

Mary Louise Gayle, Virginia Beach - BLONDE !
Public works, 24 years
BLONDE proof -> https://i.imgtc.ws/PPuHplx.jpg

Alexander Mikhail Gusev [from Belarus], Virginia Beach - LIGHT BROWN HAIR !
, public works, nine years

Richard H. Nettleton, Norfolk, Lieutenant in 130th engineer brigade in Germany - former BLONDE !
Public utilities, 28 years

Christopher Kelly Rapp, Powhatan - greying LIGHT BROWN HAIR !
Public works engineer, 11 months https://i.imgtc.ws/1wg2fVI.jpg

Robert "Bobby" Williams, Chesapeake - WHITE hair, pale skin Public utilities special projects coordinator, 41 years https://i.imgtc.ws/EGSXj2M.jpg

Herbert "Bert" Snelling, Virginia Beach - medium brown hair PALE skin Contractor https://i.imgtc.ws/UyXwG7z.jpg

check yourself the face facts of the DEAD here:


I have no photos of the many wounded but I bet they too are all non-black and probably blonde as above.

WickedVocalist ago

Proof that Muslims and Jews want white genocide.

Wanna take side bets that any replacements will be Jewish, Muslim, or black haired and eyed?

313337 ago

Take it easy kek lord. 3 out of 12 dead are black. That's 25% -- Keep spinning tho, you are entertaining.

wig ago

Ahem.... 17 were reported shot , 12 died so far. I bet that all of the five injured in hospital are all white.

SparklingWiggle ago

That's also the demographics of the area.

Shotinthedark ago

Niggers killing people isn't news.

Steinmacher ago

Niggers killing niggers isn't news...

Shotinthedark ago

How many niggers did he kill?

acheron2012 ago

You will never seen that headline printed across a sheet of newspaper.

Just saying.

cbramwel ago

Is the deep state scraping the bottom of the barrel? Seems unlikely this FF will generate a lot of deflection or anti-gun legislation.

369693936 ago

More likely just throwing out the triggers for trauma based mind control subjects hoping as many as possible will respond, but the mass hypnosis is breaking and the respondents aren't congruent with the "muh gun control" narrative.

progressbin ago

When we come back: two people personally impacted by Mueller's partisan witch hunt, as we continue, and what will unfold in the days and weeks ahead.

Looks like it did it's job.

HenryCabotLodge ago

This FF will disappear from Social Radar in 1 week.

NoRoyalty ago


derram ago

https://archive.ph/4IIvG :

2019-06-01 | Disgruntled worker used handgun in Virginia Beach massacre: cops

This has been an automated message.

Jewed ago

"Extended clips"

Reality doesn't matter, they can just write that it was a white nationalist that used a Phalanx CIWS, report your neighbor if he shows signs of being a white nationalist, eg. speaking critically about other races, breathing while white.

lurklurk ago

Maybe they mean that it's extended when it isn't 1911 with 7+1? Ammunition in two rows must mean that it's an extended assault magazine, especially if it's black.

American anti-gun narrative is fucking absurd. Everyone knows that land of freedom knows their guns and now some fishmouths keep pretending that guns are something new and dangerous that must be kept away from people so they don't hurt themselves.

ForTheUltimate ago

extended bullet

uvulectomy ago

Phalanx is the naval version. The ground-based version is the C-RAM. </pointless_pedantry>

Garglemysac ago

At first I was thinking this nigger used a garand or something.

TheKalergiFan ago

If it's a 1911 they were extended to 10 rounds.

Kalergi ago

They make 1911 double stack; holds 15 pews

TheKalergiFan ago

You can't double stack in a single stack pistol

HeavyBrain ago

For them it still would be an 1911 assult rifel with a 30 caliber clip.

LordOfTheRope ago

We gotta do something about those salt rifles.

sosat_menya_reddit ago

This one will be memory holed instantly. A nigger lashing out violently with a pistol is pretty much mainstream Chicago anyway. If he had used one of those “scary guns” he would have been an alt right nigger and they would demand an “assault weapons ban” immediately.

He killed 13 people because he was angry and it is second page news. A halfbreed kid kills about the same and we are still hearing about it.

HeavyBrain ago

They still will try and if not connect it to him (wouldnt put it past them) still warm up the assult extendet clip ban.

sosat_menya_reddit ago

I actually expected "heels up" to take the lead on this one. They are probably digging to find out if he ever ate at chik-fil-a

spacesult ago

That mean testosterone

speedisavirus ago

Probably. Haven't heard much about the fag tranny duo lately either.

sosat_menya_reddit ago

Nope. Straight white people using AR-15s are the only mass shooters of record even if they are made up (sandy hoax).

If you want to be in the news and a topic of conversation you either need to use an "assault weapon" or be white and kill people that are not white. if you are outside this demographic you are just another killer not worthy of headlines.

Monkstar1 ago

What about the NZ shooter? He fit your description, yet not as much coverage as I would've thought.

sosat_menya_reddit ago

Probably because they used a third rate production studio to make the CGI video.

Cheap bastards should have used Pixar if they wanted it to appear real.

HenryCabotLodge ago

  1. Interesting Luciferian Number

WeareGOD11 ago

Say your prayers.

Goys-R-Us ago

I noticed that too. It's the usual suspects putting on a hoax.

lettersofmarque ago

So which oppressive, unconstitutional laws would've prevented this one, leftists?

Shotinthedark ago

Whichever one says niggers aren't to be killed at birth.

BlowjaySimpson ago


LightestHour ago

Wait, that isn't controversial...

acheron2012 ago

The unconstitutional law that would have prevented this one (and 85% of all violence in America) is violating the 13th Amendment.

Or was your question just rhetorical?