Howzat ago

Utrecht shooting UPDATE:

  • 3 dead, 9 injured. A 19 y-o girl is among the dead.
  • Turkey-born suspect arrested.
  • Suspect reportedly left a note in his car saying attack is for revenge for NZ attack.
  • He posted on Twitter about NZ attack; his account has been suspended since. -Eyewitness says the Utrecht shooter shouted "Allah-u-Akbar" before carrying out the attack.

the_sharpest_knife ago

/yawn. Why would anyone care about someone on the other side of the world that they don't know getting shot?

recon_johnny ago


boekanier ago

Latest news (on TV): it's not a terrorist attack, it's an act (blood feud) in the relational sphere...

boekanier ago

3 dead, 9 injured. Hey Dutch, wake up!

polygeek ago

Doesn't strike me as very effective. Is this why they gravitate toward bombs..?

DeadFox ago

It begins.

Secularfraud ago

Diversity showing its strength once more. Danke, Merkel.

JewGoat ago

Thoughts and prayers now what about the pesky white nazi in New Zealand

speedisavirus ago

I was hoping this was NZ 2

Eurocuckistan ago

This is rather funny;

Last night, I told a close buddy who somewhat shares our beliefs that the Christchurch shooting was the beginning of the race war.

He lives very close to Utrecht as well. I'm sure he'll go full 1488 as of today. He wasn't really political and although he saw what was coming, he didn't want to accept it. Now he has to.

Rabid-Patriot ago

Funny how FOX news website still hasnt mentioned anything about it. If it was Muslims who did this, will fox attack the left for supporting Muslim terrorists?

dunklederf ago

a number of 'updates' from dutch media sources:

UPDATE: Volgens politie is de dader ontkomen. UPDATE: Hulpdiensten schalen op naar GRIP 2. UPDATE: Politie bevestigt dat er in de tram is geschoten. UPDATE: Volgens AD-verslaggever Yelle Tieleman wordt er iemand in de tram gereanimeerd. UPDATE: Video van uitgerukte hulpdiensten bij DUIC. UPDATE: Zowel AD als RTV Utrecht melden dat het volgens ooggetuigen om meerdere daders zou gaan. Een getuige zegt tegen RTV Utrecht dat hij vier mannen op een vrouw zag schieten. UPDATE: Rutte cancelled coalition talks due to happenings in Utrecht, extra police deployed at parliament. UPDATE: police is considering 'terrorist motives' UPDATE: Police say that there's also been shootings in other places, and that the shooter has escaped in a car. UPDATE: NCTV reports crisis-talks (in government) UPDATE: A witness sais the man stood up in a tram with 'a big pistol' and started shooting around, "i was in the back of the tram, he was shooting around himself, but seemed to be aiming for people sitting on the benches. UPDATE: at least one dead UPDATE: increased status of alert at schiphol airport UPDATE: police advises locking doors UPDATE: NCTV threat-level raised to 5 (of 5) UPDATE: In Rotterdam there's "extra overwatch in schools and mosques" UPDATE: NOS reports, in Utrecht, all mosques have been evacuated. UPDATE: Politie sais it looks like a single perpetrator only UPDATE: Reports about other shootings are incorrect, sais police

SukkhaMadiqqa ago


TheKingAndTheLandR1 ago

Two days before council elections, be interesting to see how the Christian Democratic party do.

Jaegerjaques ago

all mosques have been evacuated

Implying they are not the perpetrators

courtjester1111 ago


courtjester1111 ago

Waiting on calls for more Gun Control measures. Yes Sheeple the Gubbermint knows what's best for you.

ideteststicks ago

BBC news is stating that schools have been closed trains and trams shut down and mosques have shut their doors, shouldn't mosques be the cops first port of call?

Eurocuckistan ago

They're afraid of retaliation,

They know what's coming.

gazillions ago

The left scores points for themselves no matter what. Whites dead they win. Muslim shooter; Imaginary psychological trauma victim, that 's why he kills. An opportunity to wave their narcissism around and bank all the gratitude points they think the browns are in debt to them for.

White shooter, evil white. Muslim dead is another opportunity to wave their narcissism around and bank all the gratitude points they think the browns are in debt to them for.

Shekelsteinblatt ago

Demoralized populace fed Jewry propaganda so that Whites die in a multitude of ways. This is revenge for destroying their 2nd temple. They want you dead and to be in charge of the lesser monkeys.

courtjester1111 ago

Just in time for the Midday News in Eurofagland.

rob_white ago

The left will blame this on the NZ shooting too, with Islamic terror attacks the left and media say it is revenge for how the west treat them and understandable.

4n0n3m0u5e ago

We can't have any copycat shooters trying to emulate this vile person! Ban the manifesto now!

Civil_Warrior ago

It's ok the video of nz is FAKE PROVEN

Gopherurself ago

Fucking die today faggot.

Civil_Warrior ago

You like blanks cgi and wax dummies and the taste of Jew cock

DeadFox ago

Wax dummies can run around? Weird

Civil_Warrior ago

Idiot you are lazy you haven't watched it you just comment blindly dumb nigger.

DeadFox ago

I've watched it over 30 times. Have you?

Civil_Warrior ago

STFU nigger and LOOK

DeadFox ago

Yeah this is some dumb bullshit. You glow in the dark.

ruck_feddit ago

No one, literally no one, believes you. Wax my ass, mohammed. They're dead now.

Civil_Warrior ago

If by no one you mean that you are a stupid Jew nigger, yes you are correct.

ruck_feddit ago

Oh wise member of 2 months, please 503 me a link. Get the ass wax, Mo.

commonsenseisded ago

Why use blanks if they're wax?

475677 ago

That looks bite sized. I want to eat it and shit it out. If I did would that make me gay though? Allah looks like a cock and balls so no homo I guess.

Splooge ago

Oy vey muh book of peace!

courtjester1111 ago


Oglop ago

It's all madness, I posted a response to this madness in 'AskVoat' it was a Turk btw.

CaliforniaOrange ago

The world has gone mad, we’ve been living in a period of exception, but now we are on our path to returning to the rule.

Just as I’ve been saying for years. The tension has been building and it will be released, one way or another.

Splooge ago

It's those crazy violent Buddhists I tell ya!

Octoclops ago

He could be a militant atheist! We don't know yet!

InternationalGoy ago

White or brown? The suspense!

You know you're all thinking it.

baneofretail ago


Shekelsteinblatt ago

It's a turkroach according to police.

What is a turkroach doing in The Netherlands?

InternationalGoy ago

Tons of them got in for "temporary work" in Germany in the early stages of White genocide. They refused to leave and have been living on welfare ever since.

Potsieramirez ago

Brown. Born in Turkey

Tablemonster ago

Five bucks people call him a white supremacist

AmericanJew2 ago

Dutch authorities have named a 37-year-old Turkey-born man as linked to the tram shooting.

InternationalGoy ago

Arab! Jackpot!

courtjester1111 ago


7e62ce85 ago

Only one dead may mean Muslim. We just saw how efficient whites are.

InternationalGoy ago


But it could be that they only intended to kill one, or maybe it was in the spur of the moment.

7e62ce85 ago

spur of the moment.

Exactly, does that sound white to you?

InternationalGoy ago

haha, noted.

Lurker22 ago

This thread is too much. Dam.

7e62ce85 ago

It got even better as it turned out we were right lol.

Lurker22 ago

Check out this recent articule. Gonna be a killer of vibes but w Like I asked a poster of this earlier, how can we prevent something like this from happening of the camera was the hopeful answer to things like this being prosecuted? httpss://

7e62ce85 ago

Maybe lay off the weed and retype that.

Lurker22 ago

wow, I really did fuck up. thanks for the pointer... Wish it was years ahead. Luckily the brain regrows neurons.

Was just wondering what would be your fix to this? Socially constructed norms would affect our norms, most of our thinking, and desires, but by allowing others to come in freely with their ideas and desires, it's really darkened the outlook.

7e62ce85 ago

Was just wondering what would be your fix to this?

Fix to what? Cops shooting people?

Our manifesto calls for privatized cops in competition with each other and full responsibility for cops by making them equal to regular citizens in the law.

Lurker22 ago

Interesting. thanks! Mainly to keep people from abusing their power.

InternationalGoy ago

I wonder if I should email it to CNN. They'd fucking love it.

Are you ready for that kind of fame?

Lurker22 ago

What, this article?

InternationalGoy ago

No lol. This conversation. Don't worry. I'm not going to.

I wouldn't want to place the focus on you without your consent.

Lurker22 ago

Hehe, =)

gerberlyfe ago

Either way whites win. Muslim = violent invader attacking, white = taking back homeland.

InternationalGoy ago

Assuming Whites start fighting back.

It doesn't do any good to have great optics if no one takes a stand.

antistatist ago

Keep up with the news, bud. Whites started fighting back on Friday.

InternationalGoy ago


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