senpaithatignoresyou ago

The longer this unrest goes on, the more damage done to the EU.

The EU needs britianstan, Germanastan, and Francostan in order to survive. If any one of those countries has a hiccup now, it will be devastating for the EU.

This is where the FUN* hits: The economies of Germanastan and Britianstan are heavily dependent on Francostan, thanks to the EU trade sphere. So all economic hiccups are magnified.

Nanoonanoo ago

Vive la révolution, macron démission, break out the guillotine for faggot granny grabbing macaroon cunt

Nanoonanoo ago

Time to cram one of those grenades up macaroons ass n pull the pin - remotely

ChosenUndead ago

I hope they drag him into the streets and murder him on camera

Browngaijin ago

I'm surprised they d it didn't stop at Notre Dame to take back the square. Or did they?

TylerDurrrden777 ago

My greatest wish is that the French go full revolution and spark the destruction of our Jew overlords worldwide. Not gonna happen, but a man can dream.

poolofenergy ago

Storming the Bastille sounds like a really good idea

boggle247 ago

104, 000 are a maybe.

Deplorablepoetry ago

‘The worst hit areas were the wealthy west and central Paris, where stores were smashed and looted, dozens of cars were burnt, and police forces were overwhelmed by Yellow Vest protesters. ’


fuckmyreddit ago

There is no Bastille.

knightwarrior41 ago

holy shit your correct.i didnt know that it demolished long time ago

AdamLanza ago

He's probably on edge because he hasn't been pegged by the local nigfugee in a few hours.

JopharVorin ago

I will laugh my ass off if they go full white power and there's jews and muzzie scum piled up on every street corner.

qanon1776 ago

Isnt there an island off India Macron could be dropped off on?

HenryCabotLodge ago

Vive 1789 !

slickleg64 ago

Will they steal the gunpowder , cannons and muskets so that they have the power to take down the nobility ?

drstrangegov ago

do the protestors know why they are protesting?

Just_Saying ago

In his quest to be self appointed emperor, is Macron discovering Napoleon's flaws in dealing with the public and that the French do not tolerate emperors?

Anam ago

Protestors trashed the Arc de Triomphe, paying special attention to the statue of Napoleon.

Bill_Murrays_Sandals ago

Go go go!

bloodguard ago

A few carpenters should seriously think about banging together wheeled Guillotines to roll around in front of government offices.

Imagine being the sub assistant adjutant minister for fish scales walking out of your building for your 3 hour lunch break and seeing something like that.

petevoat ago

Yeah sure, it's about tax cuts

Reverse-Flash ago

That's one huge swarm of Yellow Jackets.

McFluffy ago

Conservative leader Marine Le Pen who attended the meeting warned that Macron could become the first French president to order troops to open fire on his own people in 50 years

in 50 years

50 years

just wtf? they have fired on their own people 50 years ago? who ever says that the 2nd amendment isnt for fighting tyrannical governments is just a fool.

lexsird ago

Cough, Waco Texas.

McFluffy ago

oh there are many cases that we know about and how many we dont know about.

as Jesus said NEVER give up your weapons!

outrider787 ago

Yes! Ambulance drivers and high school students also are demonstrating--This needs to snowball even more, force Macron to resign and install Marine Le Pen as the new leader of France

Cleanhobo ago

Bring in the MARINEs.

Cleanhobo ago

I hope and pray sooo much that they chop his head off and then chop off the heads of those millions of pet niggers he had.

BordelonLoop ago

Now is the time to evict the heathen muzzies, too! haven't they made the connection of all the migration and who is paying for it? among other atrocities like brussels, the unelected criminal gang lead by a drunkard.

selpai ago

Break out those guillotines.

mralexson ago

Hang him from notre dame

PistonVinegar ago

"We learn from history that we do not learn from history." --Hegel

DrPenguin ago

America take note. We're much stronger than the French and we're nearly as mad.

CuckleberryFinn ago

Prob is the USA is more sprawling. It's a lot more difficult here to protest in large numbers so we do what we can via the net and local elections. Driving a thousand miles to protest in DC isn't realistic. Geography is a thing.

tassels ago

Just put on a pussyhat and you can get plane tickets with taxpayer funds

Cleanhobo ago


DeadBeatNigger ago

Problem is that we have guns, and so this makes us too comfortable.

Fagtardicus ago

no, trump is what makes us too comfortable. normies go to swipe a card and stay up all night yelling at the tv when the cucked news channel covering the event makes their deranged little remarks and cheer when their side makes a gain then back to yelling at the tv when some NPC comes on to talk shit and back and forth and so on til their dude wins then tomorrow they go right back to their big bang theory confident in their dude solving the problem.

kalgon ago

Problem is that we have guns, and so this makes us too comfortable.

More like, all or nothing at all

It's like comparing a fist fight to a katana fight

The fact that the us population is armed renders the gvt response potentially more extreme, since it's likely to respond proportionately

The french gov knows most people come bare handed, so there's much less legitimacy to open fire on them, if they came fully equipped with firearms... it would be much more legitimate, to respond with firearms

But well, once it's on, once the rubicon is crossed, firearms or no firearms it's going to shoot

undertheshills ago

So... so... so many guns.

My_Name_is_Not_Sure ago

Not really looking forward to my European vacation in January. Lol!

BeefBourgignon ago

You could witness history first hand.

Mind_Games ago

This is likely the last time they'll be able to have the numbers to do this. It won't be long before Macron gets his imported african warriors to battle the citizens for him. He'll arm them too.

DeadBeatNigger ago

What African warriors?! They're nowhere to be found! Those sub Saharan monkeys only show their faces when the whites are too brow beaten to fight. The first sign of white fury and they're hiding in a closet somewhere. I haven't seen a single nigger in these riots yet. It's as if Paris never had a single Mudslime nigger! I LOVE IT!!!

midnightblue1335 ago

I made a sub yesterday about the bizarre absence of brown people during the rioting.

It's very odd to me that they aren't using the chaos as an opportunity to get some raping, killing, and stealing done. The chaos is great cover. And their attacks could even be blamed on the protestors (you know that's how the media would spin it). But in all the footage I've watched, I only saw maybe 5 brown people. One was lighting a car on fire, the others just sort of milling about.

Fagtardicus ago


DeadBeatNigger ago

Because these riots are about BROWN PEOPLE! Gas taxes are just a bullshit coverup by the media. The niggers have been burning France to the ground every few years, and now the natives are fed up, so they're not going to make their coming lead enema any worse.

Mind_Games ago

My comment was tongue in cheek. Macron and the globalists fully expect these niggers to fight for them. They're fucking clueless. The only time these niggers will fight is when the aren't GIVEN kool aid, fried chicken, crack, and shit booze. When denied then they steal, when arrested for stealing then they "fight" by letting the jews whine on their behalf. Niggers only get physical when they hold a far superior advantage (height,weight) or when they're in packs.

Pwning4Ever ago

Macron us dillusional if he thinks African migrants have any loyalty to France.

Mind_Games ago

I agree. Which is why I put that tongue in cheek line in there.


They will have loyalty to those who give them their social victim-role and promise them Utopia. Learn from South Africa.

Cleanhobo ago

Pretty much if they dont do it right now they will all be slaughtered by the groids there is my guess because those groids will get armed and set free here really quick.

theoldones ago

drug gangs with ak47s. "impromptu state-funded private security forces". im calling it now

BumFightChamp ago

Like 17 Feb in Benghazi

Mind_Games ago

I called it when they started moving these niggers into Germany.

draaaak ago

Were there Footlockers back then?

Tubesbestnoob ago

Niggers couldn't afford cars back then

JRich ago

They can't afford them now.

Cleanhobo ago

I want my Obamacar!

JRich ago

To the nigger every car could be an Obamacar.

Maroonsaint ago

Almost nobody actually owns their car. I don’t consider it owned till it’s payed off. I’m not gonna be some debt slave bragging about the bills I have

BordelonLoop ago

i "own" mine. that is until i neglect to pay the taxes on it or keep the insurance going, or register it. what a great way for the all-seeing eye to keep tabs.

Maroonsaint ago

I wish I was in the Illuminati. Would be pretty cool.

BordelonLoop ago

don't leave me hanging. what kind of cool shit would you get up to?

Maroonsaint ago

It’s bullshit how it’s so easy to find murder online but try to look up real rape. That shit is difficult. Iv found like a handful. It makes no sense. Would you rather be raped or murdered and the murders are as brutal as you can imagine. Rather be raped. Yea. Ok so where the fuck are those videos. It’s like legalizing heroin and outlawing aspirin. My fav one was this girl getting beat down. It was brutal and it was hot as fuck

Maroonsaint ago

And of course all the drugs. I’d like to slap around teenage boys throw them in dresses then skull fuck them till they pass out rinse repeat for a while then maybe just choke them to death while my cum drips from their mouths onto their dresses.

BordelonLoop ago

i shouldn't, but, i will. and then? tell me more. how does that make you feel?

Maroonsaint ago

It’s like the more pain you cause the more pleasure you receive

BordelonLoop ago

what did the sadist do to the masochist?

Maroonsaint ago

Is that a joke

BordelonLoop ago

a riddle.

Maroonsaint ago

It feels good to hurt things. You get zoned in like an animal and you get this emotion you didn’t know you had. I don’t know how to explain what that feels like. It’s like a primal feeling or something. I love that feeling. One day I was playin with a cat and it clicked. I started choking that cat and I loved how it made me feel

Maroonsaint ago

the same shit everyone’s into. Fuck everything rape everything else, kill people, buy anything I would ritually sacrifice a lot of cats. I would try to ethnically cleansed the planet as well

TwistedSista ago

Yah, 'gas-price' riot, that's what I see too, haha.

fuckmyreddit ago

It is NOT a gas price riot. They want Macron gone. They want the refugees to stop coming. They want an honest government. They want to stop inflation.

TestForScience ago

That pic looks like almost all of the American riots, they just don’t have TV’s and boxes of Jordan’s in their arms.


Say your government subsidizes diesel cars for over 40 years. Never changes anything, Hybrids don't take off because no subsidies, better fuel economy doesn't matter because no subsidies and no punishments for 'polluters'. The State gives you a large discount on your purchase price if you buy a new Diesel car, majority of which are bought through debt constructions loans that they can't default on at all. Suddenly this subsidy is removed and those who drive Diesel are 'punished' by having to pay more road insurance. But the fuel cost of diesel is nearly tripled overnight due to artificial State mandated excise taxes. Most French live paycheck to paycheck, they simply can not afford this whatsoever.

As a result, people can not longer travel to their work, due to either being forced to remove their car, and second hand car prices which are majority Diesel are becoming useless and others are going to the moon, or because the fuel is simply just to expensive. Thus businesses who do not want to lose their employees decide to increase the 'travel compensation' payout from around 0,09~ eurocents to 0,30+ eurocent per kilometer, some even go as far as to give this payment in advance.

Neither really help, because of the ECB inflation in the Eurozone the cost of living rising every year is causing lots of headache in Western Europe for the ordinary citizenry. Heating one's home, which are all predominately on gas has risen by several factors because of primarily US led sanctions on Russia; and indirectly Gazprom which supplied most of Europe's gas. 1 in 5 in my country can no longer afford to heat their homes and leave it off. In England, the most people have died from the cold since the 1930s depression event. Much of Eastern and Southern Europe don't have the high consuming costs we have, but they have other economic problems and are plagued with low job availability which essentially places them in the same boat.

slumbermachine ago

You wrote so much!

Rotteuxx ago

Back then TVs weighed a ton and Jordans weren't a thing yet.

But judging by all the trash on the ground there was definitely some chimping out

TestForScience ago

I was meaning the modern day riots. Even though I didn’t say it, it’s what I was thinking of lol

BernieT ago

Where did they store the guillotine do it yourself kits? Excellent family weekend project.

Cleanhobo ago

I am an accomplished builder. I can make one easily... I want to put a big white rabbit on it and call it Thumper. I also want a Rupe-goldberg machine that the head will roll down in a complicated fashion then ring a bell and raise a french flag.

CuckleberryFinn ago

The white flag?

BurqaFart ago

France could earn the world's respect if they find Macron and beat him to death.

notallvegans ago

not that it would change anything. Macron is the visible manifestation of a hidden power structure that's had a hold on France for nearly 300 years.

Fagtardicus ago

killing one kosher goy might not do anything, but it might also remind people what its like to have balls then 300 years of frograge will come flooding through the weakened talmudic damn and all the other white countries will finally have an example to follow.

Pwning4Ever ago

Bury him in Africa

ChiCom ago

Pamela Anderson chimes in...

Maroonsaint ago


HenryCabotLodge ago

No. Even if they take over their government, it will be only sort of like Appalachian State beat Michigan once. They are still the fucking Faggots of Europe.

Cleanhobo ago

Haul his ass over to the Museum and dust off ole' Thumper ha ha. But yeah, if the French did this they would be my new heroes and I would NEVER fuck with them again... for a while...

gazillions ago

They should storm the media outlets and the colleges. They're the real enablers of the oligarchic rip off.

I_Always_Lie ago

Destroy the signal. Give everyone sunglasses so they can see what's really going on!! Long live Rowdy Roddy!

Maroonsaint ago

See me doing a news cast saying their typical propaganda then they storm in correct the record on tv and shoot them in the face

gazillions ago


Oh joyous day.

MensAgitatMolem ago

They did pull out a Guillotine from storage, so it is possible.

VoatsNewfag ago

If you mean this one that was a photoshop.

Cleanhobo ago

I wanted that to be real sooooo bad

Drakgan ago

Damn and I was hoping it was real.

VoatsNewfag ago

Let's hope for life to imitate art.

ninjajunkie ago

Whisper "Après vous, le déluge." in his ear as you do what needs done.

Anam ago

Say "Après toi" as if you were addressing an imbecile child. The French cops insult criminals that way all the time.

BordelonLoop ago

go ahead, educate me. something you, the deluge/the pit/the end?

ninjajunkie ago

After you, the flood.

The original is "After me, the flood" which is attributed to Louis right before they shortened his ass.

BeefBourgignon ago

What is meant by "the flood"?

notallvegans ago

note that the first meaning was co-opted by the second thanks to Jacobin propaganda. this is not something Louis XVI would have said with careless cynicism.

BordelonLoop ago

bon merde, mon ami. can't believe i missed that big one.

70times7 ago

And he will be choppered away to safety, learning nothing from what he has done.

Phantom42 ago

Destroy the heli.

sulkembo1 ago

Probably cant even afford to refuel the thing.


Silly Goys, the State buys and pays for oil at gross market price, the net price which has the added the fuel tax, the excise tax, and the sales tax are for the lowly goys to pay to fuel the State coffers so they can pay their off the interest on the State debt because of their decades if not hundreds of years of overspending.

The lowly State serfs like policemen and bureaucrats who fuel tank the State cars get their little fuel-tanking passes to make it appear the Government pays the same rate as the civilian serfs, through administration these overhead costs are all removed and those fuel stations are taxed through the excise tax just for the privilege of being allowed to fuel those State cars.

redcandles ago

Schizoposting outside of mde is rare

sulkembo1 ago

Fuck off you autistic kike brain retard.


No, hooknose cavedweller.

sulkembo1 ago

You write like a jew that would paint swastikas on its own house.


Learn to read sarcasm you autist assburger

dirt_reynolds ago

You were able to decipher that shit?

sulkembo1 ago


AmericanJew2 ago

Viva la leaders flying in private jets to support climate change!