selpai ago

This should be a moot point, because the rapist should be exiled/imprisoned/killed.

performance ago

How does a child rapist survive two years in prison?

Botanist ago

The white gills in their billions in the Uk (3.2 billion at conservative levels) have all been fucking niggers and pakis and each other for generations.

They betrayed the honour given to them for lust, greed and envy at every opportunity. They where tempted by the coloureds. And now that’s all they have. Coloured and their law.

They are not treated as “white” women anymore, just women. They legalised prostitution here several years ago even trying to cash in on the pedophillia craze.

I’m glad they chose coloureds and coloureds law over white man. They have to live and die by it now, ostracised by the white community that created them. They chose to spit in our eye for their coloureds. Now it’s happening to them, it’s actually quite amusing, what did they expect when they betrayed their race unlike any other before them, that the white guys would rally around and help them.

Nope, they are all fucking pakis in primary, then niggers in secondary and then they allways go full homo in uni. Nobody wants to marry one anymore. They’ve become pointless. A race of women that put other races views, laws, opionions and safety before their own races men.

White men have been made to be everybody’s equal so they could do this. We knew that was their intention, hence we didn’t fight it. Like this is the consequence, also hence why we don’t fight it.

Coal burners. The UK is the island of coal burners..

The pakis and niggers they’ve been fucking just want access to the kids so they can fuck them next. The white girls are only making a fuss about it as they want money for it, like when they where doing it, up front.

I’m a white guy, and I don’t like “white” women, because there’s no such thing, they’re allways used up paki or nigger fuckers anyway by my age, and all proud about it too.

I don’t want children though. These evil whores aren’t getting a kid to abuse out of me. They are all evil. Race traitors and flag burners the lot of them.

If you removed their benefits, they’d all be just unemployed whores... It’s that obvious

pocketForceNapkin ago

father of her child

So, he can't see his kid?

BurqaFart ago

Abort rape babies.

Neinlife ago

What kinda sick bitch keeps a rape baby

Rawrination ago

The kind that was "in love" with the rapist. And once the kid is born people tend to look down upon killing it.

Botanist ago

But not fucking it... Especially here in the UK...

Rawrination ago

Well ya man! Gotta get that thing pumping out more human sacrifice victims precious children as early as possible!

Botanist ago

Why’d you delete?

Rawrination ago

I didn't delete anything I used the Strikethrough tool for the ... joke I guess. Sick black joke of reality.

Botanist ago

My mistake, VOAT is being bad this evening. I edited my comment after I found you didn’t delete it like i thought you did.

Dude I’m a coal burner, I can’t help. I’ve already had to black wives / sex slaves. I’m now with a Persian woman that basically rapes me when she feels like it. And she’d share me with all her sisters if she could.

Ever feel like a white guy in a coloured whore house? The scary thing for me is she, like all the niggers I’ve allowed in my bed, think of me as their god secretly. They don’t even see me as a white guy, I’m just a being to them. What do you do when you’ve got physio niggers and pakis beating down on your cock calling you their god all the time? Agree with them? Or try to treat them as your equal like we’re told?

Give us a clue here. Phone a friend, ask the audience, 50/50, anything...

But you’re quiet correct, I won’t let them get a kid out of me. I’d rather make them cum like spring by fucking them in the ass that sticking it in the pussy. I tend to only give them pussy when they’ve been extra good.

Yes I’m openly racist and sexist, but then so are they so that doesn’t count. Got any advice for a gentleman trying to retain his composure?

My parents have even set me up in arranged marriages with coloureds before.

I’m thinking of getting the snip and not telling her. You know, what they don’t know doesn’t hurt them sort of thing. But seriously, I hate coal burners and here I am just figuring out I am one. What the fuck has my penis got me into this time..

Rawrination ago

A lot of us who where brainwashed by the kikes have been in the same boat.

Honestly find a good white woman if you can and have your happy plantation I guess. (What to do with the less human "women" throwing themselves at white men they see as godlike is a question as old as time. One that I'm not able to answer)

Why on God's green earth would white parents try and set up an arranged marriage with coloreds?

Botanist ago

My first arranged marriage was in Bangladesh, I was around 19. My parents knew I had a live in Black prostitute who loved me very much at home. My parents had already split me and my first black wife up as we got married young. I married her around 5. I gave her a diamond ring worth more than her house. Her mother did return it though. And we where eventually separated. My parents knew, by the time I was finished in Bangladesh, I’d make my way home via Yemen and Saudi Arabia like normal, back to my black whore. So by telling me I’d been invited to a birthday party before I go, they sprung a trap for me.

Thinking it was a birthday party, I purchased her a cassette tape of The Fuggees. I went where I was told to go. I instructed my body guards and chauffeur to remain at the enterance as I proceeded to go to the penthouse in a skyscraper in central Bangladesh. It wasn’t until I arrived at the top floor and the elevator doors opened, before I started to realise something was a miss. I quickly found that I was being walked down the isle in an arranged marriage my parents had agreeed to. She was a friend of the family. The princess of North Korea. Young sum Kim.

I refused to go through with it. And beat my mother to almost an inch of her life. I still keep in contact with her occasionally. My professor has just returned as part of the British delegation to South Korea bring good news that where she is now, the province has become much more well built. And that the quality of the new builds were involved in out their are still really high quality.

I’m also listed as a terrorist. I’m banned from America. I’ve killed more than you can count in one day alone. So my parents thought it was a good idea for me to marry into North Korea.

I do also get on with Kim Jong-il, as his recent work on rockets was actually a refreshing and welcomed change in the scientific community, if they tell you that or not.

But if I’d have married her, I’d have been The only white man in that country, even my professor isn’t allowed in the North. I would have been me as the master of another plantation. And I can honestly only feed so many mouths.

Rawrination ago

I don't know if you're an amazing bullshit artists or just really interesting, but I've been reading back through your comments and liking them more each one!

Botanist ago

Thank you. I have nothing to hide. I’m basically like the last of my kind. I’m 50 generations English, father to son, born on this very rock. My familiy go back before the written word here. I have my own crest of arms.

St Joan of Arc (St Catherine) was a relative, and so was St Nicholas, he was my great, great, great, great, great grandfather. Yes Santa is a family member.

I’m 14 times more radioactive than chennobly. My hair goes blond and curly in the sun like my eyes goes blue in it too. In the dark, my eyes revert to blood red and my hair goes straight and grey.

I’m on my third set of teeth. I’m quite different, I know.

I get called everything from Taliban to Elite....

I’m just dreading having to fuck another coloured woman. She’s already started calling me “my dear” and everything. Telling me she hasn’t had sex for four years almost. I know, I was there. But you’d think after four years of not having me, she’d have let me go. Nope. I don’t get that luxury. As soon as I’m single again, I have to serve. I don’t have a choice in it. They don’t like me being single. It’s unnatural to them. I have to be constantly laid otherwise I might turn bad again is what it’s like for me here.

I could fuck off back to Africa, or India or Saudi, and some prior would come out the wood work demanding it from me. Even if I hid in an uninhabited part of Europe again in some castle, some woman would find me and make demands from me. And it’s always a coloured! And if I ask for any help all I ever get is “your own your own on that one” Grrr

If I bail, and I don’t burn the coal, I will get set up with two of them next so I can’t move. I’ve had that before. Two women using me every day for months. Tag teaming me into submission. So I know they will tag team me if they have too. Seriously...

I’m expected to burn the coal. And if I don’t its racist. Then it’s back to fucking me into submission for my own good again.... It’s not romantic when it’s demanded and expected of you.

If I go there will be pussy, but if I don’t the pussy will come to me. What am I supposed to do?

The whole system is rigged so I can’t complain.

My dick and balls have been fucked so much I’ve seen them black and blue with bruises before. My whole dick from top to bottom, and both balls, black like a niggers! That black! Seriously! From all the bruising from all of them fucking me before. I’ve been made to go for days non stop, from one coloured to another... If I ever asked for help I just get laughed at for it. And then it goes all silent as they hope I won’t take it seriously and punish them for it. I was raped as a kid, but hey that’s no problem as your a white male. Get on with it is what they used to say. Now I’m coming up to forty, idk 😐 I want out permanently.

I’ve always bit my lip, and just “yes ms, no ms, three bags full ms” before. But I’m starting to build up the courage to leave again. No more Iranians, Indians, Bangladeshi, Arabian, African women for me. I’m going to go full retard. And abstain if I have too. But I’m feed up of being used by coloureds. I don’t care anymore.

It will be better for me in the long run is what I’m going to have to tell myself. I will just keep remininding myself how much I hate coal burners, and that way it will force me out of it.

I grew up around serial killers, terrorists, pedos, fags and whores, so I do my best not to judge them or hurt them. I do occasionally have one punished to make an example out of them, but that’s just me again. Being elite and maintaining order and the peace using violence.

I used to spend £50.000 on just a shirt. Armani of course, but have you ever tried counting fifty grand cash? So many fucking paper cuts....

I should really pay you the same honour and go and look at your profile and see if I like what your sayin too. Perhaps we’re not too dissimilar.

You a white male right?

I’m stuck that’s all. I know now, as soon as a coloured woman gets a word in to run. Whenever they say that “I just want to be friends” bullshit, you know they’ve already picked you out, and that it’s pretty much a fore gone conclusion. I’ve never actually had a coloured woman actually just be friends with me. Every one I’ve tolerated has demanded it’s way into my bed one way or another. It’s never “lets just be friends” though is it.

I have to white lie and fake orgasms regularly, I just want a break.

There has to be somebody out there that takes a look at me or something and also thinks that white guy shouldn’t have to be putting his dick in all these black and Asian/Mocha women. There has to be. Or maybe it’s just me rebelling idk 😐 Every time I look down it’s always a black or a coloured twerking on me now. It’s like I’m part of their sexual diversity quota if I like or not.

It’s weird. I think doggy style, and look down and it’s always a coloured. My white dick going in a coloured from behind. Every time.

I’m whiter than Snow White ffs, as they’re blacker than the ace of spades. I’m lucky if it’s even “Asian/Mocha” for a break. But it’s never white anymore. Not in reality, or even in my own fucking mind. Is that not weird?....

Is it also not weird that if I wanted a black chick, and Asian chick and a Latino chick I could have all three here by tomorrow fucking like it’s never going to end. But I have to force myself to think of “white women”? Wtf? No. That’s not right surely.

My mind is conditioned to Black pussy and Asian pussy as that’s all I’ve known. And yet here I was, going on about how much I hate coal burners, and yet I’m one. I should edit my comment above accordingly really. I don’t know what with, but really it should be something like, I’m an old slave driver that isn’t being allowed to retire as his slaves have grown attached and formed an addiction to his anatomy instead, so he can’t talk...

And yet I don’t feel hypocritical, I feel like a rebellious master, trying to throw of his creature (lack of a better word) comforts.

I just know I won’t be allowed to be single. I’ve never been allowed. I have to have sex is what they all say. Seriously I’ve needed up in a hareem of Women! Coloured women! They tell me what to do, they tell me what to say, they tell me how they’d like it and they will tell they’re mom’s and the police on me if I don’t do as they demand sexually from me

Do you know what they say to me? - I’m better than any of their own races men, and it’s always been that way.

Even when we released them all, so they weren’t slaves anymore they say we’re not getting them off our dicks that easy.

Seriously? I’m expected to keep this up for life? Feeding them all, educating them all, treating them as my equal, and yet at the same time being the master in a house I very much dominate, an i is run and fouled by coloured pussy banging me.

And yet if I said pay me! Pay me for it, they would! Wtf? There’s no way out of it for me. There never has been. Have you ever been offered £50.000 to fuck a coloured and give her a baby? I have. I just thought it was normal. You know, coloureds paying to have their masses baby’s.

I’m going to go threw with it. I will fuck this last coloured and that’s it. No more then. After that, I will just have to think of something to say to get me out of the hareem for a bit again. I really hope though this isn’t one of those deals where when you fuck the daughter you have to fuck the mother too. As I’ve had that before too. How can that be right? Oh because it’s expected of me as a white man in their culture. Grrrr

I will fuck it, just to save face. They know they’ve got me in a bind. But they can’t just expect me to be on their books for life anymore, because I’m feed up of them really. All that white dick in black ass cafe au lait, that they all crave is driving me to distraction. And I value my focus. Why do they put the white guy first over their own races every time? And once ones snared you, that’s it, you never get to leave it really.

I might be the master, but I never asked for so many to satisfy me so, and yet here I am thinking of secretly buying another house somewhere else and just moving and disappearing, even changing my name, just so I don’t have to carry on fucking coloureds like they demand of me.

You probably think I’m being funny with you don’t you? A white guy getting raped and beaten into sexual submission to niggers and paki bitchs all his life, since he could crawl. But that’s my life.

And even though I never married any of them, whenever they want me I’m expected to oblige otherwise not only am I racist but I’m also sexist. That’s a double whammy Which other race and sex gets hit with that one? None?

I’m going to do it anyway. I will just ignore that she thinks that I’m her god. I will do the do, and everything will be alright. She will be happy and they won’t want to go to war with me until she wants it again basically.

And who’d have thought in the end, the war in Iran, Iraq, and Afghanistan comes down to basically me, having to fuck their women to keep them satisfied, because if I don’t they start killing their own men on mass again and going crazy all the freakin time.

We once ruled the world! Now I’m being used by a different nations coloured women where every I go, it’s getting harder to say we still don’t.

Idk 😐 any ideas 💡

Rawrination ago

Good lord man that's just not right! Black and blue for fucks sake OUCH!

I've never been anywhere close to the level of bullshit you've got to deal with, but I have had a bruised dick from a very very enthusiastic girlfriend a few times.

I'm having a hard time figuring you out. You talk about being born poor but also about being some kind of nobility or something? Also the whole having killed 20,000 people in a day. That's a really full day unless you start breaking out the WMDs.

Yes I am also a white guy. My family is more from German/French as far as Europe goes, but we've been in the USA longer than it's been a nation.

Botanist ago

" They don’t like me being single. It’s unnatural to them. I have to be constantly laid otherwise I might turn bad again is what it’s like for me here."

  • They think I might go back to being bad. And thus I get pussy to make sure I'm being good. Every time I fuck a coloured, I'm becoming more and more unnatural. They have flooded my system with all the coloured female hormones, and now even in my mind I cannot imagine anything else. I'm full of nigger and Asian women's spunk basically. Thus conditioned.

I've been domesticated by coloured pussy. It would be bad for me to go off with a white woman in they're eyes now, as that would be a step backwards in their eyes. They'd tell me "she's white?" - and isn't domesticated, and that she's fake. I wouldn't hear the end of it until I was behind a coloured again satisfying her, whilst she cry's tears of joy calling me her god. It's normally said to me by them to never get involved with white women. They wont allow them in the group. If I say I want a new girlfriend they will set me up with one, yet again in their own races mind. Here you go, is what they'd say, if you want a fuck with somebody new, here's Aisha, she's really into blond blue eyed males, and she will "love" you for life. That sort of thing. And I know she'd think I was her Mohammed, or her god or something, so it wouldn't be short term again. It would be another life long lover. That's what they are like. They see white guys as their god. Shit you not. They don't want their own races men, they want a white god instead.

If I went off and courted independently a white woman, one of them would ring the police and make false charges and have me arrested to stop me. Hence, I'm stuck with coloured pussy. I've had that before. My hareem trying to control me that way before.

Once you become a coal burner, they see you as one of them, and they don't like it if you try to get with somebody of your own race, especially if they have invested so much time and money domesticating you to be their sexual partner.

As for my DNA. I have many genes nobody else I know has. Got magnetosphere? I'm RH Negative. I'm a different type of monkey to you. I'm the universal monkey if you will, nobody rejects my blood. I did look for an equal white woman all over earth, somebody like me. I just never found one. They don't have my breeding or my genes, let alone my capabilities. I go from one coloured to another knowing it isn't a two way street anymore. I will always be in demand, and will always have to supply.

It make me think of one of my Hebrew sayings - "being good to the bad, is being bad to the good"

And that's what I'm doing really when I burn the coal and reinforce their stereotypes that white man is their god to them. I'm encouraging their dogmas for their sexual satisfaction.

Anyway, chin up, positive mental attitude my good chap. I'm sure this will end when I'm dead so then hopefully I will get reset and I wont have to come back and coal burner again just to make the world go around once more. If I had a time machine and could go back in time I would go back and beat the shit out of me or something to get me not be a coal burner from such an early age. I want to be patriotic again, not multicultural..

I've become a service, and platform for them. That's why the stay so well attached to my private parts. I cant go anywhere anymore with out them knowing now.

I realised yesterday, Ive become what I hate. Im a coal burner

Its like a never ending game of supply and demand. I was stupid enough to supply theyre demands for so long, if I don't, and they cant find aother supply, I know I cant leave supplying the demand. I'm stuck.

ForTheUltimate ago

A better deal than most man take,

Ban_Circumcision ago

sad they let these mongrel rape babies live

chubsta ago

the two people we know about here aren't really the issue, the real issue that that this peice of shit is behind bars for up to 30 years and yet is still able to access and pay for a legal system costing at least tens of thousands - who is financing and encouraging all this, you can guarantee that it wasn't his idea...

newoldwave ago

Only in the UK.

Pwning4Ever ago

Arshid Hussain, who was jailed for 35 years in 2016 after being convicted of 23 child sex offences, was told by Rotherham Council that he could seek visits from the child, The Times claims.

Revolution time???? I mean I know the revolution should've happened 20 years ago but the levee eventually is going to break right?

teufeldritch ago

She should've aborted.

RedditSureDoesSuck ago

("Be the the the UK...) Yes!

BentAxel ago

What the fuck is this madness? The heartless is the fuckers behind all this. Imagine the pain that woman must be going through?

HeavyBrain ago

Wtf is this shit "we understand the FEELINGS" "we adress the FEELINGS" literally feelz over realz.

yewotm8 ago

The child should have been killed.

smokratez ago

Yup. All racemixers and their offspring should be exterminated.

Stormisbrewing ago

How much do Jews hate white people? This much.

poolofenergy ago

fucking kikes!

kalgon ago

Hitler, when?

Simonsaysgoat ago

Hitler 2020

fuckingmockies ago

Hitler was too nice. Whoever comes next better have hate in their heart.

BumFightChamp ago

Andrew Jackson

kalgon ago

I believe future generations of whites will put us to shame in term of hatred

The faggot queer above, fuckheads arabs in europe, shitster jews thinking this is fun to promote and enable all this, and all the shitskins taking advantage of the boomer system, they have no idea

Future generations of whites will resent them for what they have done, just like we do, but billions times more, they are the ones who are going to be left paying the bill, all this shit is going to get way too real to continue to pretend everything is going to get just fine, they'll hate, hatred will go through the roof

We are in the early phase of their agenda becoming reality, and look at the political polarization in the US already, for half the country it's already non negotiable, this prog enabled shit, all of it, has to go fucken entirely, straight down to the shitter

People can barely believe any of this is true, allowed, the transfag kids, the zog, thurd world immigration to infinity, creeping shariah, child trafficking on an industrial scale, wwII memorial removed because "muh separation of church and state", let alone the CNNs, and the "give us your guns and shutup or we nuke you", this is beyond sick and again it's only the beginning and again, way too much people aren't going to pull up with this shit any more for it to be downplayed

ForTheUltimate ago

This is just the tip of the surface. You're not that far from any of the humans you hate.

kalgon ago

I don't have a problem with getting dirty, fighting my enemies in the mud

I don't care how I'm going to look like to you or anyone else, me included

I'm past that sort of considerations

As I said earlier, some christians have to realize they aren't going to protect baby jesus by just being nice

ForTheUltimate ago

White societies let children abused just the same and even subsidize it through dysgenics.

Also, very well but I don't see why you mention it here.

kalgon ago

There's a lot you don't see you prude

gazillions ago

They're sick in the head.

They're a waste of life. They're a damnation. The Brits need to deal with their parasite elites, them and the Swedes have the absolute worst of the bad lot.

thatguyiam ago

"Often and understandably, cases before the Family Court are emotive and arouse strong feelings amongst those affected.

One one fucking hand the fucking progressives are yelling against emotions in the court systems, on the other hand heyre all fucking voting with their logic-ridden, toddler emotional tantrum fucking heads. Morons all of them.

Trousersnake1488 ago

So tolerant, so progressive.

Do these girls have fathers or brothers?

Deplorablepoetry ago

Sure they have brothers and fathers. Problem is there are no MEN.

Real men would not tolerate this assault on sensabilities let alone physical assault on a child.

A man would fuck that shitskin faggot up.

A MAN would clean house and country of the vermin infesting their homeland.

Sadly, there has not been a Man in England for a very long time.

The young woman has brothers and a father, faggots all of the them, the whole fucking island!

DesertFox33 ago

So you're not a man

yewotm8 ago

It is illegal for the fathers and brothers to do anything about it. Which in the girls' brains, means the shitskins are inordinately high status and powerful. So it's no wonder you see horny little 13 year olds flocking to them.

Glory_Beckons ago

Don't know about this one, but most of these girls were apparently "in the system" to begin with. So from foster homes and orphanages and the like. Vulnerable girls, easier to prey upon. Especially if the system is in on it, and full of niggers and sheboons that laugh at them when they report being raped.

Some were also from regular homes though, decided to be rebellious by hanging out with shitskins and doing drugs.

derram ago :

Rapist given chance to see his victim's child by local authority

"A campaigner and survivor of the Rotherham child exploitation scandal has called for a law change amid claims that the father of her child, who raped her as a teenager, was invited by a council to play a role in her son's life."

'Arshid Hussain, who was jailed for 35 years in 2016 after being convicted of 23 child sex offences, was told by Rotherham Council that he could seek visits from the child, The Times claims. '

'The newspaper said that Hussain, the boy's father, was listed as a "respondent" in a Family Court case involving the boy, and was therefore contacted by the local authority, who promised to keep him informed of all future proceedings. ', "During a hearing last year the boy's mother was told that the convicted sex offender would be allowed to attend court and make legal representations."

'The story had initially been anonymised, but Sammy Woodhouse, a victim of the Rotherham child sex exploitation scandal, revealed on Twitter on Tuesday afternoon that the child involved is her son. '

This has been an automated message.

think- ago

See also this v/pizzagate post about similar cases:

The ritual humiliation of Grooming Gang survivors - fathers of rape-babies given access

....featuring this video: