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obvious_throwaway1 ago

Why bother when welfare is easier?

voltronsdicks ago

Why bother when welfare is easier?

Your question hits the nail on the head; welfare is easier. But that's exactly why they prefer it. It's the straightest distance between two poorly governed points.

But welfare isn't genetic. It's a CULTURAL idea perpetrated by fucktard leaders who believe that the best way to solve a problem is to perpetuate it by making the government babysit everyone, which really translates into every single taxpayer footing the bills for people who have been taught that laziness is rewarded with free money.

OP's post is fucking retarded and demonstrates the classic difference between education (which he's lacking) and indoctrination (where you're told what to think instead of how to think.)

This is solely a CULTURAL problem. It has never been a genetic problem. Genetics are just being paraded around to justify violence. Anybody with a brain can grasp this. This is exactly what made the Nazis so dangerous. Hitler made them believe that Jews were inherently evil when it was really just their evil jew leaders who created an evil jew culture that still survives today.

I'm sure if you took OP to equally stupid white trash trailer parks or wetback hell holes like Mexico, he'd quickly realize that culture is the ONLY culprit, not genetics.

Change the culture and you change the people.

DeadFox ago

So whys Africa so fucked then? Realise that culture is purely caused by genetics

voltronsdicks ago

So whys Africa so fucked then?

for the exact same reason you're so stupid: bad parenting.

Realise that culture is purely caused by genetics

realize that all genes are related and that's why you're dumb just like niggers. and also teachable just like niggers.

DeadFox ago

And why are Africans bad parents?

edistojim ago

When you rape children because you think it will cure AIDS you will probably be a bad parent.

voltronsdicks ago

Pretty sure I posted the answer already. See above.

DeadFox ago

"Africans create bad culture by being bad parents, which is due to their culture." Nice circular reasoning.

voltronsdicks ago

i am too stupid to correctly summarize a point, so i'll just humiliate myself instead by exponentially increasing the idiocy levels to drown out all possibility of ever educating myself.