MaFishTacosDaBombBro ago

Perhaps it's not all their fault. When living in the hood is all you've got, what else are you supposed to do?

It's purely circumstantial that's making them make the wrong choices again and again. Maybe it's not race.

eatmorealmonds ago

It's too bad because in America after WWII they had their best opportunity to progress into the middle class and were doing relatively well back in the day. Then the govt. quickly put a stop to that and now we are reaping the outcome of the policies of welfare, dependence and the break up of the family. Depending on whom you talk to, it is a huge success or a huge failure. About 10-20 percent have a decent family life now.

lorlipone ago

Foreign interference.

Doglegwarrior ago

My liberal younger friend said there is nothing different about black people except the melanin in their skin.. So I said the fact blacks are over represented in multiple negative categories, crime, single moms, poor, joblessness is all cultural and white man evil repression, but the fact they are the majority of professional sports athletes the job majority of male Americans would describe as a dream job has nothing to do with genetics it's just black men out work white males to get those highly coveted jobs? U can watch their tiny brains explode when you ask them these two questions.

Trash_Panda ago

Sure a lot of places will probably remain that way and maybe they'll die out or continue living that way, who knows who cares. I don't see anything wrong with it. In some ways I'm kinda envious, I'm all for a return to simple living. I digress.

When you look at actual HDI of various African countries there is measurable improvement. Let the shit hole countries implode and let the industrious ones prosper. No more welfare, let Darwinism run its course. Pretending like there's no way for blacks to make any improvement in any way shape or form seems to me to be the rediculous claim.

BurqaFart ago

Notice the smart one's are half white.

ruck_feddit ago

It's not just the left, but the Christian right going over and "helping" out with wells and farms etc. Leaving them alone lets 7 starving kids end up as 2 starving adults instead of 7.

HarveyHarveyJones ago

That is not true. It's just less likely.

GoldShekelSteinBerg ago

We have fed them, they started breeding more, now we have a plague like overpopulation.

Broc_Lia ago


ardvarcus ago

This is the massive black elephant in the room, that the left won't even talk about. IQ level differences between the races are genetic. No amount of social fiddling by liberals is ever going to change them. Negroes, as a race, are not capable of living full, productive lives in Western society, which was created by white Christians. They don't have the genetic makeup to do so. Even when so interbred with whites that they are more than half-white, they still lag far behind whites in intellectual ability.

edistojim ago

Interbreeding lowers our society's IQ as a whole. The mulatto IQ will always be lower. Always.

GreenSmoke ago

The entirety of Africa. End of discussion. Even without the democrats sending them gibs for decades, niggers were the exact same as they are now, and as they had been for thousands of years before other races showed up on boats and shit and were like "hey wtf, why dont you have clothes or houses, why dont you remove the poop from an animal before eating it?" And so on and so on and so on. Left to themselves for centuries nigs just nog, and after decades of welfare and social intervention all across the globe, nigs still nog. Its not cultural, it is genetic. One or two outliers in their population doesnt change that. A general improvement once placed inside a white people system and given endless aid with anything they need doesnt AT ALL show its a cultural problem, it supports it being genetic. They require unequal EVERYTHING in order to still not match up to minority population responsible for nearly all of humanitys progress on this planet (white people)


The ones in America have on average ~20% European DNA thanks to miscegenation, probably accounts for their bonus 10 or so points in IQ compared to their motherland counterparts. If they could compete with the world, they'd have done so already. Thousands of years, the proof is in the pudding for the whole world to see.

GreenSmoke ago

Id wager that whitey gibbing dem food and sheeeeeeit would account for an IQ increase, and being surrounded by superior culture is bound to rub off (even though their inferior genetics stop them from ever actually joining that culture). In africa they usually arnt smart enough to keep eachother well fed, or have any semblance of civilized culture, so i dont doubt they have a little wiggle room to gain or lose a couple dozen IQ in their well fed cultured, or malnourished primitive, childhoods.

basedmangod2015 ago

u guys need to get laid. Seriously.

thepathelesswoods ago

No, it's whitey's fault!

Shekelstein6M ago

Once upon a time niggers had a 100% employment rate. Then Abe Lincoln showed up.

edistojim ago

Outdated farm equipment nowadays, if I'd have thought it would turn out this way I'd have picked my own fucking cotton.

edistojim ago

Name me one situation thats been improved by adding niggers.

Saufsoldat ago

And have any of these things improved for white people? Unemployment certainly hasn't so hurr durr, let's claim whites are incapable of improvement.

SChalice ago

As if anyone here actually wants them to improve.

ardvarcus ago

As if anyone here actually wants them to improve.

It's not a question of want. The only way blacks could "improve" is if their feet are held to the fire, and they are forced, by threat of punishment, to hold jobs and to work, or starve to death. That was the condition before the 1960s -- blacks were forced to "improve" or at least simulate what we would call improvement. Real change is not possible because the way blacks behave when free to do so is a reflection of their genetic makeup.

ZX4jBXu ago

Pretty sure the nigger unemployment rate has been dropping steadily for almost 20 years in America has it not?

dayofthehope ago

This is all the white people's fault. All the things white people do: give niggers welfare, give them affirmative action, free healthcare, and such, all those don't count. White people never deserve to be credited for anything that they do. Niggers are being held down by 'racism' which today means a strange magical power that can keep the niggers down at long range.

Trash_Panda ago

If you look at African Americans prior to the inception of the liberal welfare state they were doing just fine. Yes, if you choose a 50 year window you can fulfill your agenda which is exactly what liberals do too.

By perpetuating this you're helping churn liberal propaganda since it takes the focus off leftist failures

syntaxaxe ago

It's not true that they are incapable of improvement. Prior to the end of segregation and the expansion of the welfare state, they were making a massive upswing in a wide number of criteria for social well-being.

Mixing the races fucked them, just as it fucked us. And even zoos know that when you feed a captive population, they'll become dependancy communities that will not fend for themselves.

Blacks could improve from where they are now. But they are not capable enough to fight against Leftist manipulation and interference.

MillstoneNecklace ago

And don't forget the shattering of the black family by Hollywood propaganda and sexual "liberation" while drugs were being pumped in by the CIA.

ardvarcus ago

Blacks can simulate the behavior of white people when forced by circumstances into doing so. This was the case in the 19th century and early 20th century, when there was no welfare state, and blacks had to hold down a job and get married just to survive. The welfare state removed this necessity to imitate the behavior of whites. It allowed blacks to fall back to their natural inclination as a race.

VoatIsForTimmy ago

Nicely worded.

voltronsdicks ago

OP's post is fucking retarded and demonstrates the classic difference between education (which he's lacking) and indoctrination (where you're told what to think instead of how to think.)

This is solely a CULTURAL problem. It has never been a genetic problem. Genetics are just being paraded around to justify violence. Anybody with a brain can grasp this. This is exactly what made the Nazis so dangerous. Hitler made them believe that Jews were inherently evil when it was really just their evil jew leaders who created an evil jew culture that still survives today.

I'm sure if you took OP to equally stupid white trash trailer parks or wetback hell holes like Mexico, he'd quickly realize that culture is the ONLY culprit, not genetics.

Change the culture and you change the people.

dellcos ago

Blacks in this country were doing pretty well until a operation was run on them to destroy them. Racists love to point and laugh, all the while whites are having the same operation run on them and it's destroying us too.

Break up family. Inject drugs. Turn women into skanks. Devalue education. Propagandize through music and movies. Etc.

Crikes ago

The OP's claims are completely false. Blacks improved in an unprecedented way in the century before the welfare state. Black families were stronger than white families before welfare.

Welfare is dysgenics, & sabotaged them, and everyone else, the way it was meant to.

People looking at how those at the bottom have faired through this dysgenics need to look in the mirror. There is no part of society that is doing well. We are diseased with government.

This is more divide and conquer BS meant to distract people froming seeing/striking the root.

ardvarcus ago

Welfare is dysgenics, & sabotaged them, and everyone else, the way it was meant to.

True, welfare fucked blacks; but the condition of black communities we see today is the result of genetic inclinations in the negro race. Nobody forced them to live in filth, commit crimes, and breed like rats in a sewer -- they did this to themselves, and no other race of mankind would have done the same under their circumstances. Welfare merely allowed American blacks to express their inherent nature.

Crikes ago

Obvious shill is obvious.

I hope it's only shills like you entertaining this baseless horseshit, and not any real people. Know that you're a house slave, & an enemy to humanity.

GreenSmoke ago

Obvious faggot is obvious.

I hope its only ignorant faggots like you entertaining this ignorant baseless horseshit, and not any smart people. Know that you're useful idiot, & an enemy to the future of humanity, and the white race.

ape147 ago

If they are capable of improvement how is it that pretty much every place in the world they govern or are a majority of the populace is a cesspool of disease, famine, violence, and illiteracy?

Trash_Panda ago

Because leftists have taken it upon themselves to go over there and artificially inflate their dumbfuck ratios to astronomical proportions.

Doglegwarrior ago

There is literal a video of a black lady saying who gonna feed all these kids... bitch don't have that many and if you do make sure you are adult enough to take care of them.

edistojim ago

Get a load of this bullshit.

EvilSeagull ago

WTF. "Somebody needs to be held accountable and they need to pay". This is so disgusting I don't even know what to day.

SpecialtyPizza ago

Thats a valid point, but how about the ones who live in remote areas in villages, the same exact way they have for generations.

ruck_feddit ago

They have lots of kids who don't survive to adulthood thus keeping the population in check. Without outside intervention, they remain in one place and relatively peaceful (minus the ridiculous superstitions and potentially cannibalism).

SpecialtyPizza ago

His point was that they progress though. Not that they subsist.

ruck_feddit ago

I'm on mobile and pretty sure I scrolled up to the wrong guy. Rereading, I think he's combining two arguments. In a segregated USA with fathers in the homes, nigs started civilizing themselves. Arguably an improvement from spear chucking. However, the feral ones in Africa you mention are merely subsisting. I hope that's clear.


But they wear clothes now

ardvarcus ago

Sort of.

Eualos ago

I don't know if they're incapable but they've been programmed to be lazy because the liberal government will provide for them

ardvarcus ago

I don't know if they're incapable but they've been programmed to be lazy because the liberal government will provide for them

The welfare of the government has allowed blacks to adopt their natural inclination to be lazy -- it didn't somehow force them to be lazy. It freed them to be lazy.

RedNeckPizzaMan ago

Blacks are the way they are now,because white people felt guilty about slavery and gave them social programs to help them.

Risingimperium ago

Nope. If whites or Asians were given the same advantages of blacks and Mexicans they would flourish even more than they currently do.

Eualos ago

I'm not discounting the genetic differences between subspecies. I'm just saying constantly encouraging them to be dependent doesn't make it better

Le_Squish ago

Welfare and liberalism, seems to me, to be destroying white communities just as effectively as it did black communities.

Risingimperium ago

Yeah but at least the white people are just sitting around high off their asses on OxyContin and not shooting eahother constantly over who gets to sell crack cocaine on their particular street.

Le_Squish ago

Violence comes after mass addiction.

After you create a drug addicted community, you have several options on how to control things.

The next step is to cut supply and raise prices. The desperation will breed violence when a large portion of addicted will be unable to get a fix. Dealers will also start using violence to maintain monopolies in now lucrative markets. Drug violence is particularly effective at ripping apart families and neighborhoods because addicts usually prefer to victimize friends and neighbors (soft targets). Once the community is devouring itself, residents generally are begging for government intervention.

White communities are mostly still in the flooding stage. The long game is to create a situation where whites are begging for gun control to stop drug addicted crazies and violent dealers.

GoatEmperorTrump ago

Nigs gonna nig.

There is much truth in that simple statement.

knightwarrior41 ago

but but there's black science guy

PrettyBigDouche ago

You mean the dingleberry gatekeeper that isn't even that smart. What kind of name is DeGrasse anyway? Dingus.

obvious_throwaway1 ago

Why bother when welfare is easier?

voltronsdicks ago

Why bother when welfare is easier?

Your question hits the nail on the head; welfare is easier. But that's exactly why they prefer it. It's the straightest distance between two poorly governed points.

But welfare isn't genetic. It's a CULTURAL idea perpetrated by fucktard leaders who believe that the best way to solve a problem is to perpetuate it by making the government babysit everyone, which really translates into every single taxpayer footing the bills for people who have been taught that laziness is rewarded with free money.

OP's post is fucking retarded and demonstrates the classic difference between education (which he's lacking) and indoctrination (where you're told what to think instead of how to think.)

This is solely a CULTURAL problem. It has never been a genetic problem. Genetics are just being paraded around to justify violence. Anybody with a brain can grasp this. This is exactly what made the Nazis so dangerous. Hitler made them believe that Jews were inherently evil when it was really just their evil jew leaders who created an evil jew culture that still survives today.

I'm sure if you took OP to equally stupid white trash trailer parks or wetback hell holes like Mexico, he'd quickly realize that culture is the ONLY culprit, not genetics.

Change the culture and you change the people.

DeadFox ago

So whys Africa so fucked then? Realise that culture is purely caused by genetics

voltronsdicks ago

So whys Africa so fucked then?

for the exact same reason you're so stupid: bad parenting.

Realise that culture is purely caused by genetics

realize that all genes are related and that's why you're dumb just like niggers. and also teachable just like niggers.

DeadFox ago

And why are Africans bad parents?

edistojim ago

When you rape children because you think it will cure AIDS you will probably be a bad parent.

voltronsdicks ago

Pretty sure I posted the answer already. See above.

DeadFox ago

"Africans create bad culture by being bad parents, which is due to their culture." Nice circular reasoning.

voltronsdicks ago

i am too stupid to correctly summarize a point, so i'll just humiliate myself instead by exponentially increasing the idiocy levels to drown out all possibility of ever educating myself.


ardvarcus ago

You are parroting the liberal line, and you are completely wrong in your thinking. The condition of black communities is entirely due to racial genetics. Their communities reflect who they are. The artificial constraint on blacks that existed before the coming of the welfare state is what distorted their natural social expression, and forced blacks to imitate the behavior of whites.

voltronsdicks ago

You are parroting the liberal line, and you are completely wrong in your thinking.

So the "liberal line" is that nigger culture is bad?

You're either a fucking retard or a fucking liar.

The condition of black communities is entirely due to racial genetics.

Now you're parroting the stupid line from stupid people. #Irony

Their communities reflect who they are.

Which also means that you're a retard because you belong to a retard community that actually believes this nonsensical bullshit.

The artificial constraint on blacks that existed before the coming of the welfare state is what distorted their natural social expression, and forced blacks to imitate the behavior of whites.

Are you referring to the artificial constraint of slavery or your own stupidity in this post?

edistojim ago

I'll condense it for him: Niggers are stupid, they have the lowest IQ in the world, even lower than middle eastern shitskins. Stupid people do stupid things. There is your answer. Subsaharan IQs hover in the sub 70 range. Why would you think they live in mud huts and have no idea what a wheel is?

voltronsdicks ago

Why would you think they live in mud huts and have no idea what a wheel is?

for the exact same reason you're so stupid: bad parenting.

edistojim ago

Why do you think I'm stupid and have bad parents? Something I said to cause you a little butthurt?

voltronsdicks ago

Yes. I did get butthurt because you were too stupid to read the exact same answer I gave to the other moron.

As you can see, patience isn't my strong suit.

edistojim ago

Too stupid? I served it up differently, that makes it stupid? A slightly different delivery of nearly the same thought does not make it stupid, as far as your patience………grow the fuck up.

voltronsdicks ago

Stupid means you are uneducated. Next time I'll just type a :-) after it so your vagina won't sting as badly.

edistojim ago

As I said, grow the fuck up, then fuck off back to plebbit or mommy's basement or wherever you came from. Ugliness doesn't become you, must be poor parenting. Now run along.

voltronsdicks ago

Where would I be running to? Aren't you my bitch in reality because aren't you the little bitch who came to me, seeking out my opinion? I definitely wouldn't seek out a retard like you. So this is a one-sided stalker relationship and you forgot that you're writing this from my bushes with your ski mask and laptop.