Hiromant ago

Jesus fuck. I was looking at this place as a possible replacement for r/MGTOW but turns out it's v/tradcuck instead.

BlowjaySimpson ago

Yes goy, don't take the chance on marriage and children. You are a strong independent Man who don't need no woman!

AE86-Sempai ago

Imagine my shock after reading this

Spoiler:didn't have fucking nigger

BlowjaySimpson ago

My advice to all the single guys here:

Find a centrist/apolitical/debtless/virgin woman from a good/Christian non-broken family and try to make a fashy/trad wife with subversive redpills and selective exposure. They will still be batshit insane 65% of the time, but it is better than the alternatives.


To any of you with existing/new relationships and how to make a Fashy wife:

You still have to establish and later move the overton window of your relationship.

Gather intel. Friends, family, politics from socials, ask questions/opinions, use letter-pushing, racist, or dark humor to test the waters(If you see a lot of SJW/Noahide flags that have been incorporated into her identity already, get out if it is a new relationship. It isn't worth your time to combat the programming).Optics matter here. Power level suppression is a must. You have to defuse a pathological logic bomb from the conditioning. Crypto or devils advocate from a Libertarian/An-Cap angle as a fallback when needed to safely coax/combat/challenge initial programming. Everytime it is tactful, or after a disagreement, praise the fact that you can have differing opinions and discuss politics/culture/life. Feign seeing the other side and counter with Devil's Advocate questions. They likely haven't logically thought through these things themselves yet.

Some hardlines you should work to establish with your woman:

There are objective differences between women and men that are part of a natural order, and that is a fantastic thing.

Trannies dominating female sports is not equality. This will eventually derivate to Egalitarianism/Democracy is a false god.

Work to evicerate "BUTNOTALL" for the logical fallacy that it is. IE One anecdotal example doesn't discount objective trends in large datasets. I know that sounds retarded, but this is usually the foundational emotive response for women when politically challenged. To be redpilled, they need to realize and accept how shitty the average human is. (Mostly) Kill their pathological altruism, especially if they don't have kids yet. Don't worry, all the mothering instinct and good parts of it come back when they actually have children..

ant_earth ago

And if you’re going to be single then at least don’t be a coomer. If you do that then it defeats the purpose entirely, unless your only goal in life is to engage in sense pleasure in which case you should just kill yourself

zuck ago

You think that because they are quarantined they will come here? Not really likely. They'll stay there till banned. /r/theredpill didn't come


AAAAAND if you won't spend time getting jacked, making good money, or improving yourself, you might have to settle for a fat or ugly chick. Either way, just find a good one that will listen and have a family.

tokui ago

why tf are you posting in mgtow?

dont you have niglets to breed?

vonclausewitz ago

Describe to me a marriage-worthy woman, OP. Do it. I want to hear your criteria. Try to list at least a few things that she must have, and not just list things that she can't have.

To put this another way, instead of trying to feel superior by claiming we've "given up" - let's see if you're capable of providing useful advice to other men. There might be some young guy who happens on this thread and he's not sure what to do. Help him! Help him in a way that's actually useful.

"Don't do what jews want" isn't helpful. I'm not sure if you realize that. It sets you up to be manipulated through reverse psychology. "Yes goyim ... get married ... muhahaha ...do eett!!" You need to have values of your own that would still be valid in a world without jews. You need to be able to make a case for the things you believe without leaning on that crutch of "the other"

Are you intelligent enough to do that? Prove it.

BlowjaySimpson ago

My advice to all the single guys here:

Find a centrist/apolitical/debtless/virgin woman from a good/Christian non-broken family and try to make a fashy/trad wife with subversive redpills and selective exposure. They will still be batshit insane 65% of the time, but it is better than the alternatives.


To any of you with existing/new relationships and how to make a Fashy wife:

You still have to establish and later move the overton window of your relationship.

Gather intel. Friends, family, politics from socials, ask questions/opinions, use letter-pushing, racist, or dark humor to test the waters(If you see a lot of SJW/Noahide flags that have been incorporated into her identity already, get out if it is a new relationship. It isn't worth your time to combat the programming).Optics matter here. Power level suppression is a must. You have to defuse a pathological logic bomb from the conditioning. Crypto or devils advocate from a Libertarian/An-Cap angle as a fallback when needed to safely coax/combat/challenge initial programming. Everytime it is tactful, or after a disagreement, praise the fact that you can have differing opinions and discuss politics/culture/life. Feign seeing the other side and counter with Devil's Advocate questions. They likely haven't logically thought through these things themselves yet.

Some hardlines you should work to establish with your woman:

There are objective differences between women and men that are part of a natural order, and that is a fantastic thing.

Trannies dominating female sports is not equality. This will eventually derivate to Egalitarianism/Democracy is a false god.

Work to evicerate "BUTNOTALL" for the logical fallacy that it is. IE One anecdotal example doesn't discount objective trends in large datasets. I know that sounds retarded, but this is usually the foundational emotive response for women when politically challenged. To be redpilled, they need to realize and accept how shitty the average human is. (Mostly) Kill their pathological altruism, especially if they don't have kids yet. Don't worry, all the mothering instinct and good parts of it come back when they actually have children.

vonclausewitz ago

My advice to all the single guys here:

Thanks. That's exactly what I wanted you to do.

a centrist/apolitical

Agreed, and achievable.


Also achievable. Debt is a major red flag as it indicates bad decision making abilities.

from a good/Christian non-broken family

That's going to be difficult one to achieve, but okay.


Right, so here's the thing - here's why I think criticizing MGTOW is a waste of your time. The only way you have a decent shot at finding a virgin is in high school. If a young man comes here and says he's found a girl who meets all your criteria, then chances are he's in (or just graduated from) high school. If he asks for advice here, I am not going to try to talk him out of marriage.

Does that assuage your disagreement somewhat?

I say, "go ahead, young men, and marry good girls" - MGTOW's not for those men. It's for the men who can't find such a woman. Because the truth is, there are many many more marriage-quality men than there are marriage-quality women. MGTOW is not hurting good women. If it affects women at all, it only affects the ones who aren't good - who ride the cock carousel into their 30s and then look for a beta-bucks. That is who I'm telling men not to marry.

BlowjaySimpson ago

My wife wasn't a virgin(neither was I, not by a long shot), had a tattoo, a small amount of debt, and had left christianity when we started dating(I wasn't where I am now either).

i'm not telling you she has to check all of the boxes, it's just the ideal.

nullifyNWO ago

Feminism is genocide and has been designed as such some 120 years ago. - Why do you think birth rates are going down in countries harassed by feminism? DO YOU BELIEVE IN COINCIDENCES?

ilovejuices3 ago

Soros programming via Rockefellers.


Blork_Blorkinson ago

Fucking lots of women is fun.

Making one woman into a good wife and mother is a worthwhile life goal.

Queef_Anon ago

Aye, my good man. Had lots of fun during my time as a professional musician years ago. Found a good woman to settle down with. She has a ten year old son but he's very well-mannered and behaved compared to your run-of-the-mill crotch fruit. I'm also amazed because his aunt is a libtard polygamist bisexual fartbox.

I established a few rules with her:

  1. Don't ever tell me how to spend my money.

  2. Don't ever use sex as a weapon.

  3. Your emotional manipulation bullshit won't work on me.

  4. My house, my rules.

  5. Don't ever violate my privacy.

  6. I will not be having any offspring with you.

  7. I will whip your child's ass if he needs it.

If you can't deal with these or violate them, your ass is out the door.

So far, we've made it work well for a couple of years. It's about trust and mutual respect but firm rules need to be put in place from the beginning.

Acerphoon ago

Yup. MGTOW, etc. is exactly what the kikes want. Don't give them that.

kidcip16 ago

If it what they want they why are the quarantining it. They want weak ass cucks marrying the roasties.

Acerphoon ago

Everyone who supports white genocide is cringe.

johnmclean ago

Mgtow is multi racial.

All races are having problems with their women.

Even Jews.

Communism started a Chernobyl chain reaction and everyone is affected by the fallout.

PacifistRacist ago

female jews are overrepresented in the media. male jews are sexcrazed morons because they were circumcised. now those jewish women project their rightful hate of jewish men onto all men through their media, which makes more women hate men, which makes men hate women, just because the jewish media loves to spread hate and misinformation.

divide and conquer…

unite and survive

you dont need to have disneyperfect romantics. just partner up and be a team. thats what works in reality, moments of bliss will exist anyways.

Belrick ago

Be a man not a male preying mantis. FFS you have a brain use it.

Modern relationships are extremely risky for men. Learn from millions of men who had their lives destroyed by women

BlowjaySimpson ago

Yes goy, don't take the chance on marriage and children. You are a strong independent Man who don't need no woman!

kidcip16 ago

Actually, yes. Read the fucking bible you stupid ass simp. "Better for a man to be alone than with a cunt" = Common theme.

BlowjaySimpson ago

Just die out white man. It's what Christcuckery Ⓚ tells you to do.

Belrick ago

Until you've had your children stolen from you and forced to pay for a cheating ex wife lifestyle then you're just another fucking moron talking shit from ignorance.

Get it through your head. Whoever whatever stole relationships with women from you.

Whatever you think you're committing to in a relationship is pure imagination on your part.

She can leave you legally for any reason and legally take everything from you thereby financially encouraging her to do so and falsely accuse you of DV to help her win her case

Fancy451 ago

Give your balls a tug. Niggerfaggots.

BlowjaySimpson ago

Just coom, goy.

Firevine ago

Seriously, I get the MGTOW thing. I can look at the women in my past and wholly fucking understand it. I can look at the troubles my wife and I have faced, and wholly understand it.

But her and I got past that shit. Things are good. There are good women out there. They are rare. They are hard to find. They are more valuable than anything you can ever imagine. Don't let the kikes steal them from you.

ruleofmen ago

You can’t expect white men to sacrifice themselves in the hope that will save the white race. White women must willingly give up at least some of their privileges first, then we can talk.

i_hate_sodomites ago

Women are like children; men have mastery. To treat women like equals is nothing more than an incel move. It doesn't matter what the fuck the law says, or what kike propaganda permeates society - you grab her by the fucking pussy! If you don't understand something this goddamned basic, perhaps your line should die out; we have too many betas in modern society anyway....

PacifistRacist ago

your view on women depends solely on how they are portrayed by the jewish media. there might be a loud minority of assholes, but most single mothers are not single mothers because they choose that way, but because they got pregnant on accident from a male that doesnt want kids. but if you want kids and a relationship and are able to put in some effort and talk things through then by god its still absolutely possible to be good partners with almost all women.

again: you think badly of women because THE JEWS tell you they are evil...

BlowjaySimpson ago

Fuck that.

Women will respond to men.

always have, always will.

Western cucks simping to them have created the mess.

Privileges are never "given up". They are taken.

johnmclean ago

The problem is the government can get involved.

And mgtow is good at warning blue pilled guys on what type of women they should avoid.

ruleofmen ago

Imagine the government mandating married men to have all of the responsibility and none of the authority and daring to call that farce a family. Patriarchy is not optional, it’s necessary. No patriarchy = no white babies.

pshawman ago

Imagine viewing starting a family as a sacrifice

He never said that. He means should he allow himself to be divorce raped and sent bankrupt multiple times and hope he gets custody on the nth time so as to raise a son worthy of their name.

PacifistRacist ago

your view on women depends solely on how they are portrayed by the jewish media. there might be a loud minority of assholes, but most single mothers are not single mothers because they choose that way, but because they got pregnant on accident from a male that doesnt want kids. but if you want kids and a relationship and are able to put in some effort and talk things through then by god its still absolutely possible to be good partners with almost all women.

again: you think badly of women because THE JEWS tell you they are evil...

MinorLeakage ago

It's extremely important that young men learn to rely on themselves and be self-sufficient. Having said that, family is everything and the only thing that matters.

Improve yourself and be a good man, and do not settle for a lesser woman. But do remember that many are merely misled and can be "saved" for lack of a better word. Most women will actually respond favorably to a strong man, but not if you make them feel like a child. Most of the old axioms are pretty true.

You have a responsibility to have children and raise them. It is not only selfish, but pathetic and cowardly to not continue your line.

That's all I got for now.

noob_tube ago

Most women will actually respond favorably to a strong man, but not if you make them feel like a child

Being a strong man makes a woman feel like a child. Treat her like a child, that's where her brain is in the male development spectrum.

markrod420 ago

Yeah the theme of this sub is just as cancerous and in alignment with the destruction of western civilization as feminism.

kidcip16 ago

Keep simping it up, nigger. You can't turn a whore into a housewife.

markrod420 ago

Good thing i didnt find a whore.

markrod420 ago

Theres new niggerfaggots again?

NotHereForPizza ago

How about I take a crack:

There are several types of "Jewish" groups. There are also certain levels to population management.

For instance, no one ever talks about the Mob (associated families), the Jesuits, the Jesters, the Mormons, the Shriners, 522, Freemasons, Police fraternities, US feds, any other countries intelligence agencies, especially MOS, JIDF, Unit 8200, Military intelligence and so much more.

For some reason, though, only sophomoric grasps like the ever-vague "Jews" are ever thrown around in these circles. You'll notice that the morans that always go on and on about these effortless ambiguations conveniently forget to mention any of the above mentioned. Maybe it's a good time to ask yourself why they selected those specific people and why they are so damn vague about who specifically they're talking about.

Anyway, those of you who are new, "Jews" are simply people that came from Judea. What you're really wanting to look in to (assuming you're actually interested in learning new things) are Canaanites.

Rodjers04 ago

Judeans or Judahites, not Jews, came from Judah. To defeat the Luciferians that call themselves Jews it must start with showing their "birthright" as a fraud.

NotHereForPizza ago

They don't believe in Lucifer, though. You've got the wrong group. That's an incorrect description.

The "Jews" you're taking aim at are called Canaanites and they worship El, Ashteroth and Moloch.

Jesus... I'm beginning to think you retards stop trying to learn when someone just tells you "it's the Jews"! You're like fucking NPCs. Why do you ever let ambiguous terms satisfy you?

BlowjaySimpson ago

Hot take.

I am very aware of every single one of those you mentioned. Yet far and above all those in proportionality is the hidden hand of Judaism.

Do you "Acktually" every time someone says "Muslims are terrorists" with #BUTNOTALL

NotHereForPizza ago

So, you think every "Jew" is the same? You don't think being able to delineate is an important part of the process of consciousness?

This makes you look lazy. Don't forget, we're dealing with new people here.

PacifistRacist ago

all the different versions of jews are used as different tools in the expansion of jewish supremacists. its like the distinction between fighting against marines, or the army or the airforce… might make a small difference, but you would still be fighting america, right?

NotHereForPizza ago

While I get that analogy, all groups exact control over the rest of us in many cases. That's just apart of the game we're all playing. The 4th Reich does the same. The 13 families do the same.

What normies need to know is that there are certain people out there that are trying to conjure Moloch by feasting upon other peoples' suffering. The names of the groups are important and being able to identify them helps them know how to better defend themselves. without being specific about these things, normies will just become another ideologue unable to tell the distinct differences between people that are looking to do harm them and people that are, like them, ignorant and apathetic.

When people like @BlowjaySimpson create threads like these, only to curb further distinctions, it makes it pretty clear what their agenda is - steal the frame, taint the rhetoric and further control people. This guy is vying for apathy and muddied comprehension all on purpose.

I gotta wonder if he wears a badge or a cute little skullcap.

PacifistRacist ago

well, i personally view it this way: why spend hours on distinguishing all the different ways the rich fuck us over, i would rather spend my time on improving my self and my community, while simultaneously draining the rich from their ressources b not acting like a faggot.

i mean, if you enjoy following every single trick of the jews, be free to do so, but please dont think that for whites to win this theres anything else necessary than to have a happy family.

if noone gambles, then those jews who are making money from gambling will vanish, and so on...

NotHereForPizza ago

Understanding the complex machinations of the people conducting these very methods is the solution to defending ourselves.

Writing them off like there's no reason to tell the difference is a mistake.

PacifistRacist ago

i bet there is a subverse full of people who think (like you) that the details of how exactly the jews fuck us over are important. i am not one of those people, yet i am glad they exist.

take care friend.

NotHereForPizza ago

Just keep paying your taxes and I'm sure one day you may benefit from it.

PacifistRacist ago

yeah of course i benefit from the taxes i pay, who doesnt? do you not live in a productive and healthy society?

NotHereForPizza ago

Manufactured delusion.

PacifistRacist ago

one thousand years ago, the rich could just kill you and nobody asked questions. nowadays, they at least have to make it look like an accident.

nowadays, even the lowest working man lives a better life than a king in medieval times. (if he is smart enough to do so...)

look buddy

i know your depression and frustration are stuck far too deeply into who you think you are than for you to able to just let your pessimism go. so i dont expect immediate change from you. but i planted the seed. so...

another example:

think of something that goes wrong about 50% of times. You now have two choices: you can either curse yourself for failing everytime you fail, or you can praise yourself for succeeding everytime you succeed.

you know what i am talking about?

if you manage to become a bright beacon of hope, then your criticism will be heard, instead of being just another symptom of your general bitterness.

Yes, we as humanity are held back by the cunning strategies of the bohemian grove, are presented with inferior leaders thanks to skull and bones, are spiritually misleaden by the Jesuits, are made to feel save by how simple a people the orthodox jews are, are held in fear by the war the islamic jews wage on us, are stolen from by the jews of goldmann-sachs and the fed, are dumbed down by the jews of Hollywood and degenerated by the jews of porn. yet:

humanity still grows in quality.

if you think humanity today is stupid, you simply lack greatly in knowledge about past times.

we are moving forward, albeit veeery slowly, but hey... 150.000 years ago, the first white society emerged. imagine what we will be able to live like in another 150.000 years even with this slowed down development.

I pay my taxes, and i drive on the roads they build, i converse with the white children i feed with them, and i accept that it will take some time until no more of my taxes go to niggers.

and in what way do you think would this process speed up if i were a bitter womanhating weakling like you???

NotHereForPizza ago

That's funny because I'm much more hopeful than you seem to imagine. I don't hate women, I pay what I need to and I also use roads and other services.

Again, there's no reason to insist it's unimportant to learn about the ways we're being sabatoged.

What's even funnier is that what you're pointing out is the very antithesis to my usual shtick. I'm not even sure what's upset you like this.

PacifistRacist ago

yah, dont take things too personal like, i am responding to like a dozend people simultaneously so sometimes details get blurred of which detail goes where, so , uknow… mostly writing for the lurkers, actually. so again…

take care friend. and let your hobby of collecting knowledge be a source of joy for you, not a burden, okay?

NotHereForPizza ago

Yeah, sometimes breaks are needed. Maybe that's just a pervasive issue for me.

PacifistRacist ago

i check three fundamentally different sources (mainstream/rightwing/alternative) of news everyday. unless i have a day off of work. then its holiday and i dont bother myself with all the miniscule details of how clownish this world is right at the moment. Helps a lot to let go once in a while.

yet i know the feeling of "what if i lose the war because i slacked off at this one moment"

doesnt matter to me as much, as i know that the trueth i am fighting for is WAAAAAYYY bigger than my personal existence. like... the god of the bible is a childish glimpse of how huuuge the white soul is…

nah, sorry,, tooo drunk now.

greetings, im out.

NotHereForPizza ago

The "God" of the Bible is Saturn, Yahweh, YHWH, Anu, El, Chronos, etc.

PacifistRacist ago

the god of those names is a creation deliberately forged to enslave humanity.

the white soul encompasses eternity, as it is the very spirit that existed before matter existed, before the big bang....

all those niggers are just artificial intelligences that randomly evolved in the simulation we created for us. they are NPCs, existing only to be killed off (not individually, more like, as a whole)

the Jew on the other hand is the representation of the corrupted negative that acts like cancer.

NotHereForPizza ago

You're much more keen than I acknowledged before.

However, you'll find that the Demigurge controls this realm, not so much us. We don't have complete control over this realm; rather, we have ultimate control in what some call 4D.

Hebrews came from Mars upon activating their Merkabah a long time ago.

YHWH/YHVH didn't create this place, sure, but is in control of it through its liason Pindar.

However, like our sharded connection, there are other beings here that also have near limitless control, like Enkil and Enlil. So, there are varying degrees of "control" on this plane. With that being said, Saturn was blinded and the "moon" brought here specifically to control our so(u)l.

Saturn/Yahweh/Jehovah (yes, you were correct this isn't its real name... Frankly, we aren't allowed to know or say real names here) didn't "evolve", it is merely a Law of this place. Some call it Karma or Duality, but ultimately it represents the counter balance.

I'm awfully curious about the extent of your knowledge though, because while you don't get everything correct, it seems, you're much further along than most I've encountered here and I think that deserves me being much more straightforward than I typically am.

Thanks for this exchange. It's always exciting to see someone that demonstrate that they deserve respect like you.

PacifistRacist ago

it has been a great pleasure for me to read your comment. thank you for the compliments, and for being so open about those controversial topics you obviously care so much about. fear not, i will not ridicule any of it. Like an atheist friend of mine once said: "I may not believe in God, but somehow i think its comforting that theres monks in a monastery that pray for all our wellbeing"...

i once had a neighbor who was also very specific about the names and powers of certain principles, and would i have talked to him more, i could answerr you more precisely, yet, as you may have guessed when i called your entities "principles" i have a rather different view.

So in order to give you a complete understanding of how my worldview was shaped, may i be so straightforward to ask which (if any) psychedelic drugs you have used in your present life?

NotHereForPizza ago

Firstly, psychedelics are tools that open portals. They aren't necessary to find Gnsois.

Secondly, I suspect you're already privy to which ones... lol

Finally, I find both perspectives aren't just accurate, but necessary to wield in order to garner a true appreciation for the wholesome perspective one should have before they delve much deeper. I'll remind you again that there are no tools one needs to uncoil the serpent, only certainty and proper intent. 2

PacifistRacist ago

marijuana: like a cab taking you for a joyride

Psyllocybin: like watching a movie about your life

DMT: Like having a talk with all your former reincarnations

LSD: like logging off from your game and viewing a "how to and tips and tricks"

Salvia divinorum: Realizing that the game you are playing is just a game you are playing within the game you are playing while playing a game, and reality is something VEEERY different....

now see… reality is such a miniscule part of reality, its really undeserving to be called reality. so in your reality, your deities might have power, but in my reality, I AM the spirit that created all those critters…

thats what the white race is.

and all the difficulties are just toys to play with, invented and intended by us.

NotHereForPizza ago

In this place, though, these "entities" have near limitless control. It isn't until we achieve some certain prerequisites that we can even begin to "compete".

Of course, if we're talking Astral or whatever you want to call it, that is undoubtedly "our" domain.

Also, I think you're misunderstanding about the "white race". Caucasians were crafted and brought here by "other-worldly" beings. These physical beings were first used as worker drones but eventually the entity of Light (some call if Lucifer, but that really tends to test normies' perceptions) cast itself in to these bodies and now we're more like HUE-man instead of whatever we were before. There are a few different entities occupying each of these bodies we're using, most notably the Demigurge, what you would call ego, but primarily what you would call "Creator", which we all are. In fact, there's only really one being here, while the rest are all simple illusions, as you've alluded to.

Indeed, you're the creator of this realm. You decided to come here with amnesia and make the proper choices. However, Saturn was still bound, still casts its tainted control through Ishtar (the moon) and we still have to overcome Ego before we can add 46 and 2.

You're leaps and bounds further than most, though. Don't think I don't appreciate being able to help you further. Just don't think you aren't also simultaneously helping me. :)

PacifistRacist ago

where on these planes are the lands we visit in our dreams?

do you practice lucid dreaming?

NotHereForPizza ago

It's called the world between worlds.... and for good reason.

I don't actively dream, no. Not yet.

I have some things I need to do before I begin my "travels".

PacifistRacist ago

be careful. once you go in, its difficult to come back. I had three years in which i couldnt do anything but have controlled dreams. it was a blessing when my prophetic dreams came back. now i return to different storylines randomly. i firmly believe that those other lives are just as real as this one. we logged on to a game that we ourselves programmed, we built the computer this game runs on. you are everything.

Do you know the story: "The Egg" ?

NotHereForPizza ago

I think I know what you mean but you've made me curious.


Facinating conversation, both of you. I hope it's not over.

NotHereForPizza ago

Heh sorry it's now private and no longer public.

I haven't heard a response since I showed him. Which, as you know well enough, probably means he's gorging himself right now.

I'm delighted.

BlowjaySimpson ago

What, you think all Annunaki Archons are the same? You need to delineate.

NotHereForPizza ago

They have different names, brainlet. That's on purpose.

BlowjaySimpson ago

You want to curb further distinctions?

Your agenda must be to taint the rhetoric and further control people.

NotHereForPizza ago

Clearly you're just upset that I revealed you. :)

BlowjaySimpson ago

lol, revealed me as what?

I know what you are and who you represent.

NotHereForPizza ago

That's funny because you clearly don't.

I merely represent the antidote.

BlowjaySimpson ago

Such brain.

Very esoteric.

Gas yourself.

You are worthless.

NotHereForPizza ago

You're painfully obvious.

BlowjaySimpson ago

You are delusional.

Obviously you are alone.

NotHereForPizza ago

consensus cracking

BlowjaySimpson ago

What grade are you?

BlowjaySimpson ago

God, you are such a tiresome pedantic little fuck, aren't you.

NotHereForPizza ago

What the hell are you arguing with?... You just proved my point.

Even then, I'm not derailing discussion here. I'm insisting we take this conversation further. I'm not using pilpul, I'm explaining there's more to this than "it's the Jews"! That's too ambiguous and you not seeing that makes you look lazy.

If you want to be effective, you need to explain there are different types of "Jews", that most of them don't care about world domination and that the Canaanites have very specific reasons for casting the Loosh farms. Stop writing me off by calling me a kike. You're literally pointing the finger at me while insisting I'm doing the very thing you're doing.

You're derailing conversation. You made a thread about how newfags need to learn about what "Jews" do, but you don't explain it at all. You just want them to be brainless tools so you can use them nefariously. It's clear.

My pedantry might annoy you, but it's very purposeful. Maybe you're the kike...

lurkerforgotpassword ago

Yea, I think you do smoke crack

NotHereForPizza ago

What the fuck are you talking about?...

I'm taking a 40,000ft view and you just explain it away as me "doing crack"? What a fucking buffoon.

Crikes ago

Divide and conquer.

spaceman84 ago

Marxism came after Women's Suffrage though

Shishamo ago

Jews pushed for them voting. They knew what would happen, it was clever and evil.

ggolemg ago

If and only if you're white, get married to a white woman and have as many white children as you can.

Belrick ago

So that in a few fucking years she can fuck Tyrone and leave taking your house your kids and 18 years of income?

Invest in yourself not women.

RodentLord ago

Take your FUD and go.

i_hate_sodomites ago

If your genetic line ends you're nothing more than a failure, no matter what else you accomplish in life. That's pretty much the sole fucking reason you're on the planet, asshole; try to remember that.

Belrick ago

Dear retard: you don't need to buy the dairy cow in order to drink a glass of milk

PacifistRacist ago

so better to not live at all then to risk failure?

you know, some people die aged 20 and dont know it till they are lying in their grave age 70..

see, that right there what you said, that is a fucking jewish blackpill. a childs set of mind. "I dont dare living my life because i might fail!" So what??

just because the jewish media and Hollywood and marketing-scams give you the impression that all women are cheating niggerlovers???

they are not!

reinvent who you are by changing the narrative you follow.

So piss off Niggerfaggot, unless you learn something on here.

Belrick ago

You're just a low iq r selective moron. You look at millions of men suffering under family courts and fail to identify their plight as your own future.

Your red pill is coming for you in the future you fucking retard

PacifistRacist ago

i wish i were fucking, instead of only being a retard… lol, stupid niggerfaggot, crank up your volume if you want to be heard you soulless horsefucker.

look buddy… make white children, and the world will benefit, no matter if you can fulfil your dream of being their hero. no matter what the courts say. you are their dad, and when they are old enough they will see through the bullshit. and thats only the worst case scenario. there Arent effin "millions of men suffering" its the Goddamned jewish media that tells you to believe that!

you are being lied to from every direction! you dont have to suffer just because your wife divorces you. go through it, love your kids, live a decent life. Who cares about your romantic egoistic point of view??? life is good. Even when paying half of what you earn. Dont you still are allowed to live? to eat and rest in the sunlight??

"Oh no, i dont have enough money to be happy, because the jewish media told me i need to buy this bullshit and that crap to be happy, blabla"

Feeding white Kids is the most satisfying thing a white man can do anyways, and if you go into a relationship with such a strong mind, then the relationship will work…

but of course, if you think that your time spent gaming is more important than your relationship to your wife and kids, then please, remove yourself from the situation and just pay money, instead of being an active part of their upbringing, cause, such a narrowminded defeatist faggot like you has no place around the future Generation.

Greetings from Germany and Heil Hitler, you nonfucking Weakling.

Belrick ago

If you commit to a white woman today then you are no smarter than a preying mantis. She will eat you alive.

Adapt and over come . The world you seek to join is in reality gone. Stolen from you.

PacifistRacist ago

so you are too afraid?

stupid weakling.

the praying manits male KNOWS HE WILL DIE and yet he is brave enough to keep his species alive..

and you just SUSPECT YOUR FEELINGS MIGHT GET HURT and are too afraid to keep your species alive????

what a brainwashed faggot.

Get the twitter and Facebook and CNN and NBC and Kardashian and whatever bullshit you consume out of your head.

seriously: reality is not what you perceive you are con fronted with 10.000 stories in which things went wrong, and you think that must be a majority, but you hear nothing about the 400.000.000 who live happy lives.

Why is that so?

Because the jew chooses what you are allowed to watch and consume, and THE JEW wants your soul, your lineage, your genes, to end. THE JEW wants you to die without kids.

Dont follow the jew. His cookies are unlevened.

Belrick ago

Hey. May you find your Amber Heard.

But a Pro tip. Create a society where it is safe and rewarding for men to enter into relationships FIRST

Belrick ago

Im happy for you to off yourself after learning that the 3 kids you raised for 10 years were Chad and whenever stopped fucking them in your bed.

I know you. You think that you're a matter. One more time unto the breach am I right?

PacifistRacist ago

wow dude, i must have hit you deeply when you get so defensive =)

just wait, niggerfaggot, you will learn.



That only happens to men that don't know how to treat women. There hot bitches that are cleaning the ass of their husband that has been fuck up from war or whatever. They won't fuck around on them.

Belrick ago

Yeah good luck with that cunt.

Funny robin Williams. Alpha hot Brad Pitt and chanum rating. Uber nice guy Brendon Fraser along with tens of millions of other men... They just couldn't treat her right...

Haha you fucking arrogant moron


You are a fucking kike. I want you and your family to burn Jew. BURN

Belrick ago

I fucked your mother half Jew boy. Call me dad. I remember your mum. Those cut Muslim flaps won't leave my memory



You fucked a flower? You stupid flower fucking idiot.

Mum... get your big dirty teeth out of here. Foreign shit

Belrick ago

English son. The winners language. Now getting back to earning your foreign aid and welfare stamps for low iq migrants that are busy fucking your women while you work


That's not English. "Mom" is the word you're looking for. Mom. What are you doing to save your people? Setting around? Posting on the internet? Calm down, Hitler......

Belrick ago

No my half cast son, in winners language. Queens English. It's spelt mum.

Get your facts right muzzie


Fuck you, brown tooth faggot. I speak Jefferson Davis English.

Belrick ago

Provincial inbred

waringi ago

If you are investing in yourself the right way you never have to invest in women. They will come to you and you deal with them as easily as all the aspects of your life you have mastered.

If you are struggling with women, you havent mastered, you have let them master you.

Belrick ago

This. Pay for surrogate mothers. Pump and ghost white trash.

Core family units are dead until society collapses

BumbleTummy ago

The Frankfurt School is a big fucking red pill

RunOverByASchoolBus ago


Giving up on family has always been the ultimate end goal of Jewish feminism. Don't give them what they want.

SearchVoatBot ago

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SoOutraged ago

I think you fail to realize everyone does not feel as defeated as you do. Some of us love life and have a good life.

BlowjaySimpson ago

I love life, I have a good life.

That doesn't mean I can't see the growing societal cancer and unhappiness in others.

NotHereForPizza ago

There are elements that are beneficial, especially the whole no-fap scene.

Ultimately, though, it was clearly a malevolent movement.

Goys-R-Us ago

Ignore him, he's retarded.

SoOutraged ago

I didn't make any comment about any of those things.

BlowjaySimpson ago

The jew claims denial as he gaslights you.

SoOutraged ago

I'm black.

SearchVoatBot ago

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turtlesareNotevil ago

True story. Women are not the problem. The Jews did it all. Every single thing that is wrong with this world was engineered by the jews to destroy us.

valleysunshine ago

I'm a Jew. How do you think that makes me feel?

Grask1901 ago

No one gives a fuck kike.

PacifistRacist ago

i hope it makes you stop wanting to be jewish. i hope it makes you stop endorsing the genital mutilation of little children. i hope it makes you actively work against the jewish inbreeding and nepotism. I hope it makes you go back to Israel. maybe when all jews and Niggers are gone, maybe then can i find a decent house to buy to raise a WHITE family in, fucking kike.

turtlesareNotevil ago

I don't really care. I want you and the rest of the jews to go back to that country we helped you steal. I want you to stay there. Your people are horrible. I you out of my politics, banking and entertainment especially.

All your people do is lie, cheat and steal. You parasites have had enough. Go away.

nobslob ago

Jewish culture needs to fix their honesty problems, it's steeped in lies even to each other. Not all jews are behind the jewish supremacy movements. Voat is not going to make that distinction though, oh well.

Few places to even talk about it on the internet, if you want a jewish safe space they abound.

burnthegoyimhaters ago

Some of my favorite videos are old Jewish ladies calling out the other jews for their wickedness. Doesn't mean she isn't going to be in line with the rest.

Rizzo9000 ago

Like maybe its time to head for Tel Aviv?

Ezekiel_Balderdash ago

Outraged. Outrage is the only emotion that jews can feel.

Splooge ago

Implying that they're not sociopaths that only mimic human behavior and emotion


ilovejuices3 ago

Do you rape and eat children?

ChaoticAwakening ago

The line between saying they hold the power over ALL the abusr and sayi g they are superior is a blurry one, walk it with care.

Elufson ago

Are parasites superior to their hosts if they manage to kill it?

turtlesareNotevil ago

They are definitely superior at being deceptive sneaky little evil bastards.

ChaoticAwakening ago

The 48 laws of power has big insights into their little game. They can't win if you don't play it.