HighRankingDemon ago


Sceloporusoccidental ago


HighRankingDemon ago

Hey how are you?

Sceloporusoccidental ago

Not bad, and yourself?

DreidelDance ago

Cantilever ago


LunaticLadder ago

Cantilever ago


LunaticLadder ago

I won the game. Of course, I way playing all sides but that's besides the point. Pizzagate Ending https://voat.co/v/pizzagateending

Cantilever ago

Wtf are you talking about?

LunaticLadder ago

I'm The Architect.

Cantilever ago

The architect of what?

LunaticLadder ago


Cantilever ago

Username checks out.

Cantilever ago


LunaticLadder ago

Learn to take a joke. I kid you.

Cantilever ago

No worries! I wasn't expecting divine revelation to come in the form of a Voat post (or anything on the internet, really). That would be unbelievable.

LunaticLadder ago

How right you are!

LunaticLadder ago


Jem777 ago

Got your been studying this research for years. Still more questiions

Gothamgirl ago


HighRankingDemon ago

Sharing ideas with profound people.

HarlandKornfeld14 ago

In The Red Book, Carl Jung wrote about his experiences when he 'switched off consciousness' and invoked fantasy in a waking state. The image of the frog was a powerful and meaningful archetype that Jung documented numerous times in his writings. In one instance, he wrote "You shall experience even more of it. You are in the second age. The first age has been overcome. This is the age of the rulership of the son, whom you call the Frog God. A third age will follow; the age of apportionment and harmonious power."The first age represents the old order being demolished which is followed by a second age where 'the Frog God' presides of a transition that ushers in a third and final golden age of harmony.


HighRankingDemon ago

I like profound people. You are one of those.

DreidelDance ago


You mentioned the Christ Card! https://vid.me/gefbm

kestrel9 ago

I did...in relation to Towers Investors

maybe there will come a Kek mastercard...

kestrel9 ago

That card has been declined...as non-existent

but here's the House of Cards https://vid.me/4eoe

kestrel9 ago

Many thought it was lost forever


DreidelDance ago

So, about that card. https://voat.co/v/pizzagateending

kestrel9 ago

https://i.imgflip.com/1tqvhc.jpg You must have good Kredit

Apollyon ago

I'm always in the black (Adrian)

Apollyon ago

The Best.

HighRankingDemon ago

This subverse is devoted to all things Kek. Praise, Promote, and Learn about Kek here.

Praise Kek, the bringer-in of light