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Nosfewratsjews ago

Of course they can. was the last technical piece before closing the borders to make everything said after the NSL gag order recorded without you having the ability to remove it.

How many pieces of the puzzle do you have to slowly combine before what you realize is going on here? Most who get it leave, or at the very least change strategies for posting. Interestingly, that makes the ones that get it yet continue to react in certain ways stand out like an airhorn to the rest of us.

sirRantsalot ago

Care to enlighten us halfwits?

Nosfewratsjews ago

First of all, we're not calling you stupid. We don't think people are stupid, we just have hordes of evidence that people are lazy.

I mean, where exactly would you even want us to start? The problem with a lot of dialogue today is everyone lives within their experience-bubble of cognitive dissonance and combines it with things they read online, which of course gets weaponized through Tavistock Institute methodologies by everything from intelligence agencies to the mafias of the world. In other words, most arguments seem to begin with a disagreement, instead of the common ground. We believe that makes them fail too much, but we digress.

sirRantsalot ago

so.....what is the TRUTH of the world today? who is causing all of this destabilization? Satanists? aliens? the elite? transdimensional hermaphrodites?