SearchVoatBot ago

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DestroyerOfSaturn ago

You know this Id reminded me of a website called kongregate. It was for games; at least it was the last time one used it. Have no idea if it is still around, but it was a sort of side bar/window chatroom on a website. Not sure if it was site dependent chatroom, but would be better as just an overall chat interdependent of the site visited to operate. That way no matter the site one visited, the ability to communicate with voaters wasn't infringed upon.

Something like that would be excellent.

MrThursday ago

I wish there was an IRC server set up for voat.

MrPim ago

There used to be. It was kind of a shitfest. Never really understood the attraction myself. I can already communicate w everybody right here already.

rektumsempra ago isn't the problem, but a Voat-hosted comment section wouldn't hurt (that is until the JIDF griefs it)

8H9E20R12O5S19 ago

I hope Voat stands strong against the globalist. This information war is just beginning on the digital front and already has grown to be a force worldwide. Remember to awake people offline as much as possible too. Internet is a wild card at the moment. AI will control it eventually but who or what will control the AI

99887766 ago

I am king

NiggadermCQ ago

Like Google Side Wiki? (Google killed it a few years ago)

Vedklampen ago

When the newspapers in Sweden took away their comments section, we had something simular but don't remember was it what called.

moviefreak ago

I was living there back then, moving from one nordic country to another in a short while, and noticed it happened in all of them at the same time. Sweden, Norway, Finland, Faroya and Denmark. I guess the jews have a "scandinavian HQ" and implement their propaganda/censorship shit coordinated.


I like some of your ideas, but if the all seeing eye of sauron falls upon Voat it would become a front line and possible casualty in this war.


8H9E20R12O5S19 ago

I've been saying this. War is here and Voat is like it or not becoming a bigger problem for those that want to censor free speech and control all information in the world.

Diggernicks ago

We don't need more people.

This place has too many faggot reddit Christ cuck commies already.

notallvegans ago

Christ cuck commies

you spelled edgy atheists wrong

fuckmyreddit ago

Why would we want more people. I hope Putt was forced into this and it's not his idea. Where do we go when Voat is overrun again?

Goys-R-Us ago

It's not more people. It's the existing people of voat spreading their reach across the Internet.

Whiteflourguy ago

We could always use more members we just don't need no snowflake niggerfaggots who would whine and cry about us saying Nigger and kike and faggot

PuttItOut ago

We have some things in the works to address some of this.

Hopefully we will be moving faster soon.

Boycott_Israel ago

'cept Honey Pot corral.

SearchVoatBot ago

This comment was linked from this v/AskVoat comment by @prairie.

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12angrymen ago

nice. I've often wished I could respond directly to a given piece of media while on voat

GasChamber ago

Same here, I regularly want to tell authors of articles just how fucking stupid they are but there is no comment section at all. Even when there is, it's either (((discus))) (((twitter))) or (((facebook)))