Turn 10 bans the Confederate flag in Forza.. Hmm can't seem to downvote all the faggots crying "racism" (eurogamer.net)
submitted 4.7 years ago by blueblur
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RedMower 4.7 years ago
A black man I know has a Confederate flag on his dodge truck.
He said he doesn't care what anyone else thinks he likes it.
GrayGadfly 4.7 years ago
Thats cause its use has never meant hating niggers, thats a myth created by northern kikes. Its meant southern pride, and kikes are attacking anything to do with white heritage.
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RedMower ago
A black man I know has a Confederate flag on his dodge truck.
He said he doesn't care what anyone else thinks he likes it.
GrayGadfly ago
Thats cause its use has never meant hating niggers, thats a myth created by northern kikes. Its meant southern pride, and kikes are attacking anything to do with white heritage.