The_Crusader ago

But but she's a 1000 year old dragon girl trapped in a young girls body so it's not degenerate!!!

lorlipone ago

I love that this site, while allowing loli fags to exist, shuns the shit outta them. As it should be.

You wanna be pedo degenerates? Do it over there in your corner. . .

The fact that I can't remember seeing a single overwatch post here warms my heart too.

WhiteWolfSS ago

Pro tip for you faggots.

If you only look at "Hot" from your Voat front page, you never see any of the pedo Jew shit. It's literally the only reason I haven't just unsubbed from this shithole.

18040565? ago

You can also go into the settings and disable NSFW content.

theoldones ago

kills the chances for newly posted content, and this is a sign of something being broken

Itty-bitty_Tity-trap ago

The people you are talking to go out of their way to see the shit. They see it as a crusade. They haven't even blocked the subs specificly for the shit they're complaining about

theoldones ago

you're misunderstanding this on purpose.

its not the loli subs, those are separate, those can be ignored. good fences make good neighbors.

this problem is directly cluttering the subs new feed. it's impossible to avoid because blocking users doesn't hide their posts yet.

Itty-bitty_Tity-trap ago

His posts are more relevant than your spam.

theoldones ago

that's deflecting the charge at hand and you know it.

Itty-bitty_Tity-trap ago

Posts containing fanart of gaming characters > posts about aged

theoldones ago


(wet meaty slapping noise)


Wahaha ago

At least label your barometer correctly!

Soyboy69 ago

Lies, lolis can only make things better.

theoldones ago

gas the lolis.

Soyboy69 ago

What did the lolis ever do to you?

theoldones ago

they shat up the gaming subverse for one.

you might be shocked by the fact i'm about to tell you, but not everyone wants to see loli shit. post that goddamn shit to the correct sub

Itty-bitty_Tity-trap ago

Link to a loli posted in gaming

theoldones ago

skipping over other spammy results based on decisions of tit size:

everything i just linked is not a video game. it's anime titties. off-topic spam

Itty-bitty_Tity-trap ago

None of them are loli you dumbass

theoldones ago

it's anime tits regardless and when he posted underage characters he got roasted for it.

you're playing ignorant here.

Itty-bitty_Tity-trap ago

There is no loli in this sub. At least look at the pictures before you start crying

ImonVoatnow ago

What the fuck is all this kiddie porn and jew shit in here? I thought this was a gaming sub? This is all child pornography. What the fuck.

theoldones ago

it's a gaming sub with a spam problem that's been ongoing, untreated, for months

ImonVoatnow ago

Doesn't voat have protocols in place for this? Or is Voat the place that got bought by the IDF in secret? There's Gab, Voat, and a few others aside from the chans, and since they're dead in every meaningful sense, I'm out looking for alternatives.

And this is what I find. I know factually that Gab is controlled opposition. I was unsure about VOAT. Not unsure anymore.

theoldones ago

voat is so free speech that even when one clearly pedophilic serial hentai spammer ruins the gaming sub in spam, some people will still crawl out of the woodwork to say "but think of the website!" and oppose anybody wanting just a swift ban and clean-up

we're free speech, but Aged knows this and rides the line around that rule as tight as he can manage it

the spam rules were invoked for a ban on him already, but people came out and said "but the characters are videogames therefore its not spam". they said this, the ban was reversed, and the spam started right up again.

all the solutions to this that are reasonable are not yet put in place.

this is why you're seeing so much goddamn spam.

ImonVoatnow ago

So pretty much everything you're saying is 'yes, we are utterly unable to prevent our media platform from being overtaken by jewish child pornography spam, and we're totally ok with that'.

This 'aged' person is an agent, and likely a jewbot designed to degrade and denigrate online communities with jewish trash like this. You really, really should clean this bullshit up.

Wahaha ago

As long as the guy can post unabated Voat is still fine. Once this stops, you know Voat has been successfully infiltrated by ban happy idiots. If you're a ban happy idiot fuck off elsewhere.

ImonVoatnow ago

I'm not a banhappy anything. I am without patience for farcical bullshit and out of tolerance for jewish infiltration and those that enable it.

Wahaha ago

Doesn't matter what you call it. If the end result is someone being banned, you're a ban happy faggot and should piss off elsewhere. I hear reddit and facebook are really into banning, maybe go over there.

Maggotbait88 ago

You've been here less than 2 hours and you're already calling for bans of things you don't like. Fuck off elsewhere

Laurentius_the_pyro ago

lol he deleted his account.

Maggotbait88 ago

fuckin alts man. oldones and others really trying to bring their brand of censorship to voat.

theoldones ago

This 'aged' person is an agent, and likely a jewbot designed to degrade and denigrate online communities with jewish trash like this. You really, really should clean this bullshit up.

i've got a splinter sub made with rules adapted against the problem already

i've been warning people for months this would be a problem given that this is supposed to be the mainline gaming sub

ImonVoatnow ago

It doesn't matter. Only been here a few hours, learned everything about Voat that I need to. This place is completely, fundamentally compromised.

theoldones ago

one fucking loli spammer is enough to grind this place to a halt, no one rises up to do anything about it, and this place just takes it

it's fucking stupid. writing on the wall says "2 + 2 =" and no here can seem to think of the number 4.

ImonVoatnow ago

Yes. Thank everyone for being honest shills for Israel for me.

elitch2 ago

gabara vs aged

theoldones ago

(pops knuckles)

Maggotbait88 ago

Guys watch out he's serious now! (ᕑᗢूᓫ∗)