Wahaha ago

Thanks for keeping up the good work. Always helpful to out people who hate free speech when things are said they don't like.

fightknightHERO ago

temp banned for spamming behavior

continues spamming low effort smut with very little relation to v/gaming

Putitout should've perma'ed your ass

Fambida ago

Man, I wanna be clear here, I have defended your ass and your free speech over and over. But I think the world would be a better place if you kill yourself.

Just consider suicide and why it might be the right decision for you.

theoldones ago

you defended him, you enabled this, this is what you get

i told you so.

you sowed this. reap it.

Decidueye ago

Same advice goes for you, glow in the dark CIA CP solicitor.

J_Darnley ago

He might just be a shill for the UN and their hard-on for banning objectionable forms of expression.

theoldones ago

one-time argument tactic and not what you or dortex-fuck claims

Decidueye ago

Lol. I saw you tried it on two other users in that post.

theoldones ago

and that doesnt change a goddamn thing. anyone advocating for Aged is running in a pack of pedos

chances that one of his supporters also has CP is higher then 50%

hang Aged from the fucking rafters with an electrical cord then piss on the corpse.

Decidueye ago

You doth protest too much.

PSA that this whiny faggot is a devious kike who engages in (((Pilpul))) tricks: 1 2 3 4

theoldones ago

you doth speak lies, and thou father was of the eater of the mating sword

Dortex ago

chances that one of his supporters also has CP is higher then [sic] 50%

So that's why you kept begging for some. You figured you'd found the source. Makes sense. Then if it gets pulled, you've got plausible deniability. Nobody can say you downloaded it if without a warrant.

theoldones ago

shit like this is why your inbox is stuffed with nigger spam.

Dortex ago

Speaking of which: Can you stop making those posts? They're annoying.

theoldones ago

you got any plans on stopping your accusation of calling me a CP seeker despite me addressing those claims?

Dortex ago

No, now stop it. I'm so nettled when you spam my inbox.

Decidueye ago

Why stop? I think it's fucking hilarious how triggered you get.

theoldones ago

then i hope you like getting an N-bomb every so often because fair is fair.

Decidueye ago

Looking forward to it, rabbi mohel.

Fambida ago


Dignitas are some really good people, please consider it.