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SeanBox ago

Actually, he is getting upvoats because everyone hates aged.

Obrez ago

I don't think OP disagrees that everyone hates aged, the issue is one of them is spamming content that isn't against the rules and the other one is spamming ban requests unrelated to v/gaming. I want to see aged's "content" disappear from this board too and all that would take is a simple rule banning low effort smut posting, and defining "low effort" in succinct terms for this specific use case; the alternative is lowering the bar of responsibility, credibility and capacity for recourse from the community against moderation like on reddit (think how they stretch terms like "off topic" to shut down shit they don't like).

I also firmly believe the people with their undies in a bind over this whole thing wouldn't be one tenth as purterbed if it weren't for theoldones, who has been provoking the issue but is also clearly playing games using the issue if you aren't aware of who he is and what sort of shit he does here"s my experience with him: frankly he's a bigger threat to voat than any smut peddling faggot.

Decidueye ago

Well, @theoldones might be getting the banhammer soon. He's trying to dox @Dortex now after being repeatedly called out by him for breaking federal law for soliciting child pornography multiple times.

theoldones ago

he drops libel and lies because i already addressed that shit.

go see my fucking explanation post, suck my dick otherwise.

Decidueye ago

Your explanation is complete hogwash, since it's dependent on your intentional misinterpretations of definitions and false equivalencies.

theoldones ago

it doesnt matter one fucking iota you think of it.

what matters is i said it, and yet you fucking two keep pushing the old claim repeatedly to the point of harassing my good name.

if the motherfucker wants to play the game of harassment and accusation then i'll play it. perhaps he should have thought about that before making his own decisions.

if @puttitout has a goddamn problem with me questioning his legal status within the united states, then i think he ought to also tell the spic to shut up with repeating his accusations as well.

Dortex ago

claim repeatedly to the point of harassing my good name

I don't think people that beg for child porn get to say they have a "good name".

theoldones ago

oh fuck you, i have addressed this.

this is why i'm doing the same shit to him, and you're just keeping the dumpster fire going.

if putt wants this whole thing to stop he better get the spic (and you as well) to back the fuck off.

Dortex ago

oh fuck you, i have addressed this.


this is why i'm doing the same shit to you.

You were doing something to me? What was it?

you are a federal criminal, its 100% fair game to have ICE on your ass.

Bitch, you think ICE is going to deport me? In your dreams.

if putt helps you evade ICE, he's aiding and abetting a criminal.

Oof. Maybe dont libel Putt's good name?

theoldones ago

oh now you're worried about libel? how convenient.

Dortex ago

Well yeah. Putt's the owner of the site. With an "angel investor". Who knows what kind of legal team is behind that. I'm saying this for your own good. I am unaffected by any libel suits that may come your way.

theoldones ago

ICE is gonna drag your ass back to taco-town, and you started this with literal, real libel.

you deserve the shit happening to you from me. you, set it off.

Dortex ago

As opposed to fake libel? I'm confused. Is the ICE thing a lie then? I don't know what the point of comparison is.

theoldones ago

you know damn well i have a response written

you then ignore it existing and push only your evidence. you knowingly lie by omission.


i called it slander at first but you corrected me and pointed out thats libel

by your own definition, you commit libel.

Dortex ago

you know damn well i have a response written

Yes yes. You dindunuffin wrong. Youz a gudboi who never aks for kid porn.

you corrected me and pointed out thats libel

I'm still waiting on that payment for my legal services.

ignoring its existence is the source of the libel charge.

Are you going to sue me or not?

theoldones ago

you declined to give any information that would let me sue you, so instead i'm quite to happy to have ICE probing your butthole then tossing you back to mexico instead.

Dortex ago

But you need more information to report me to ICE than to sue me. I know you're stupid, but it's still surprising how stupid.

theoldones ago

-your first and last name




-date of birth/age

i'll wait.

this ICE reporting form wont fill itself out.

Dortex ago

Why would I do your work for you when I can just show everyone you beg for child porn? :(

theoldones ago

because that alone is lying about the situation by omission. you damn well know this, and at this point i have to assume you're just trolling

you picked a heavy damn subject to troll with though

i can tell you right away ive already seen one dude ask you why you're accusing people of having CP as a joke.

that dude will probably not be the last.

Dortex ago

you damn well know this, and at this point i have to assume you're just trolling

I'm just letting everyone know you beg for child porn.

i can tell you right away ive already seen one dude ask you why you're accusing people

And then he found out you begged for child porn.

theoldones ago

I'm just letting everyone know you beg for child porn.

bullshit that's your intention.

And then he found out you begged for child porn.

no. he then told you to cut your fucking bullshit.

Dortex ago

bullshit that's your intention.

Can we really know the mind of another?

no. he then told you to cut your fucking bullshit.

Must be thinking of another guy.

theoldones ago

Must be thinking of another guy.


clamhurt_legbeard's take was very clearly

if im reading that correctly didnt you just link to a post where you are describing what is very specifically not child porn

and he challenges you to produce something you claim to be legal but he feels is disgusting regardless of court rulings

makes it sound like youre the pedophile and hes calling you out

clamhurt_legbeard ago

Pretty fuckin' clear.