Absolem ago

There's a place for Reddit loyalists. It's called Reddit.

taxation_is_slavery ago

Like, 21℅ "shitbag", 16℅ "racist", etc.

SpaceRosa ago

It's not that people don't care. I think they just don't see what they can do about it. A lot of moderators don't seem to bother with rules, so they literally can't ban him without doing it on the basis of a personal thing, and if they did that, the community would eat them alive. This was the reason I requested /v/AskVoat when MigTao was being allowed to run free. I think that there should be some form, at least, of a sitewide guideline on what moderators must do. Too much shit is allowed, I think, to get through because regular users can't act and moderators refuse to, or take their bloody time about it. As you said, Voat's not in the stage where it can just brush off trolls and their shitposts. Therefore, I say something needs to be put in place to raise the bar - subverses should have a minimum quality of moderation they have to adhere to. For example, having no rules I'd say should be out the door. Have sitewide rules for moderation or something like that, and then beyond that mods can do as they please. Hopefully, it would have a positive effect.

People's adherence to free speech is becoming damaging, I think. There's moderation and then there's censorship, and some people don't seem to see the difference, or are too afraid to define the line, so they're letting a lot of shit fly. It shouldn't go on.

taxation_is_slavery ago

Aside from up/down vote, users should have various attitude ratings that people can vote on, and is visible.

chronos ago

@Atko, This is exactly how I felt when I saw him attack someone in /v/introductions and what led me to create the watch list in /v/antigot.

Hang in there brother. You are doing a good thing and people appreciate it. I hate seeing people abuse things of beauty though and that is what you have here....a thing of beauty. Even if we never find a way to make it work, I'll never forget that I felt welcome here when I started commenting and I will always be grateful for that.

Peace to you brother.

chronos ago

I think this is a brilliant idea. My troll / shill watch list at /v/antigot would be irrelevant at that point which is a good thing!

GOT ago

You are entitled to your opinion. However, you abused your admin powers on a site where you claim there is no censorship and where you claim to be different to reddit. In the future, if you are feeling frustrated, why not create a self-post in /v/self to make your feelings known? There is even an /v/antigot subverse to vent. There is never any need to abuse your position. Please do not censor content and continue to undermine the community. Try and maintain a calm and neutral position.

Voat sometimes seems to be a platform for trolls to shit on reddit with hyperbole and silly stuff. I'm quite happy to challenge these trolls whereever that happens. If it is a problem in /v/introduction, then the mods of that community can deal with it.

ohcanada ago

Gosh, you're cute.

vrataski ago

You're a funny little creature

Doog ago

Be brave and keep the good fight going. Fuck, I love the mojo here.

SpaceRosa ago

Betcha it's bullshit. You're lying. And even if you aren't, how do you expect anyone to believe you after all the shit you say?

Mumberthrax ago

I support moderating trolls. Free speech is good, and civil conduct is better. I don't know what the best way to moderate people like GOT is, and I don't think doing nothing is ideal.

I know, somewhat, how you feel. I've had to deal with trolls shitting on a project I put a lot of energy and time into, and it sucks. It drains you of energy. You try to ignore it, and that works for a bit, until you realize they're influencing others.

I want you to know that I believe voat is a really neat project, and I'm very happy that you're the one in charge. There are some really cool people here who outweigh trolls considerably. Hang in there.

edit: er, when i say "trolls" I mean, i guess, toxic people. People who revel in destroying things and hurting others. those with antisocial personality disorder, or malignant narcissism.

AustNerevar ago

Unfortunately "troll" seems to be a highly subjective term.

I agree. Although, I think it's more widely misused than it is just subjective.

I took your meaning to be "malicious, pointless, and antisocial behavior intended to destabilize an online community."

That's what I mean by troll and I assume that's what my friend meant, but I guess I can't be certain.

What your friend might have seen were the large number of conspiracy theorists and other misfits who populate the site, but I don't see them as malicious in their intent, just odd.

I'm actually not so sure if he meant that. He tends to buy into conspiracy theories more than I do. While I do see the merit in speculation over theories, I try to reinforce the fact that they are just that, theories, so my imagination doesn't run away with me. Anyway, that's probably not what he meant. He probably read somebody else say that about Voat, somewhere on Reddit (for whatever reason, I guess to make fun of us?) and just decided to believe it.

AustNerevar ago

I was talking to my friend about Voat yesterday and he accused it of being filled entirely with trolls when he visited here. I figured he was just saying that as I haven't seen any from what little time I've spent here.

It's good to know that there's a good community here, though. I guess it's a tradeoff, though...you gain a more active community and the quality inevitably begins to suffer. Still, I would like to see activity go up soon.

AustNerevar ago

Ah okay. Thanks for the info. Does trolling like this happen a lot here?

AustNerevar ago

So apparently there is some backstory here that I missed. I'm new here, just registered last night, and I posted this screen cap because I thought it was funny that Reddit Loyalists was so deserted. However, it seems that most everyone else is enjoying this for another reason. Can somebody please fill me in? I'm out of the loop.

AustNerevar ago

Can somebody tell me what he did wrong? I'm new here and uninformed on the subverse I screencapped. I thought it was funny simply because it was so deserted, but apparently there's some backstory I'm missing out on.

milkshake ago

I would urge some moderation of tone. There's no need to resort to direct insults against individuals in dealing out the requisite punishment.

Anchy ago


Kinda late for all the fun :(

PuttItOut ago

Personally I love this idea. This is surely an idea worth exploring further. I'll code the entire thing if @Atko thinks it's worth trying out.

TheBlueGhost ago


PuttItOut ago

This guys bio looks pretty legit: @GOT3

rosary505 ago

eh close enough.

ducttape83 ago

I am spartacus

rosary505 ago

rip /u/GOT he will be missed (by some, i found him entertaining as fuck)

press F to pay respect

mr_skeltal ago

Yeah, cheers @PuttItOut! You might suck at golf but you're good at coding :D

PuttItOut ago

True. I wish I was at good at golf as I am at spitting rad ass code haikus:

Golf has no redo's

Code is built around redo's

Thus golf needs redo's

See. Told you.

mr_skeltal ago

I love that you can open the gifs in the thread. I've got a long line of guys eating popcorn now and I'm stoned so super entertaining haha

PuttItOut ago

I hate to do this as I'm writing code for Voat but I'm a little bothered personally by this. @Atko will you please provide an explanation for what is going on here?

Edit: @GOT has been globally/admin banned from Voat. This is why his submissions are not showing up in the subverses. He dun got himself mega benned

Edit 2: If you can't log in then the password has been changed manually though. I misread, you can log in with your banned account

Edit 3: Global bans are very similar to shadow banning unfortunately by how they are implemented.

Edit 4: Correction: GOT was SPAM banned. LOL.

freedoms ago

Why was he banned?

PuttItOut ago

I have no idea so I can only assume. But usually things that appear bad on the surface are understandable once explained.

mr_skeltal ago

Well, now we're going to find out one way or another.

Deathstalker ago

I made a post. Lets see if it stays. /v/redditLoyalists

jerry ago

Yep /u/GOT had posted MUCH more to that sub. Like, much more. At least 20 different submissions IIRC. I remember he was arguing with me and i looked at his profile and saw he had posted in that sub many times and he was literally the only one lmao. Fuck reddit and fuck GOT he hates voat i dont know why he hangs on everyones nuts here

mr_skeltal ago

Oh now this is juicy. Were you given a reason for being banned? Do you have any screenshots to verify your story?

LiterallyGod ago

Yeah, if this is true, then what is the point of Voat? I came here to be less censored than reddit, not more or the same. That's the whole appeal of this domain. Reddit is much larger and has more discussion, so if Voat isn't offerring anything different, why change over?

PuttItOut ago

No shadow banning here. It's not a feature that is implemented. Subverse owners can ban though.

Correction: Voat has admin/global(aka SPAM) bans.

mr_skeltal ago

Well I'm taking this with a grain of salt so far. @GOT was one of the more dedicated trolls here but surely would know enough to take screenshots. Or he could be making it up, I wouldn't put it past him. He's had an agenda, trying to convince people to go back to Reddit, which he's been pushing relentlessly.

vrataski ago

What did you call him out on?

AustNerevar ago

What do you mean?