MetalAegis ago

Cashiers provide a service, services are a commodity, case closed.

RM-Goetbbels ago

Death to cashews!

Zulu2Oscar ago

Your to late,gone before half-time.

ootz ago

I mean to be honest its not surprising. Someone who believes in Marxism has to be retarded so conclusions/questions like these cant be at all surprising.

xenoPsychologist ago

cashiers do not produce any commodities.

nor do communists.

GreasyCaveman ago

They still have cashiers in communist regimes.

i_scream_trucks ago

Lol they alreqdy are.

Woolworths stores in melbourne cbd now cash only

Lal ago

And this is how communism killed 100 million in the 1900s.

Mahkol ago

First they came after the cashiers, but I did nothing because I was not in retail...

bloodguard ago

They're going to be shocked when stores start putting up bastion entrances that won't even let you in unless you have a valid credit card with a decent limit.

Companies aren't going to endure having people walk in, grab stuff and just walk out now that all the Cops have stood down and Soros's DAs declining to prosecute.

Hand_of_Node ago

They already have door guards to verify validly compliant customers, and regulate their entrance frequency. It's a maximum of 20% of capacity in any business that's allowed to remain open after today. Yep, another "lockdown", and I suppose we're technically subject to arrest and fines if we're caught outside without a mask. (plus some really insane stuff) Realistically, you probably won't get harassed (by the cops, at least) unless you're near others or causing a disturbance.

Retail theft is probably way down because of this. You're examined at the door. You're watched inside the store to ensure you're correctly wearing The Mask. They watch for you to leave so they can let another customer into the building. That's a lot of scrutiny, and it would make it difficult to not be observed.

Some guy on here yesterday was saying his big box store tells them to just let thieves walk out with no questioning. A policy like that could make a regular customer who pays for stuff feel like some kind of chump.

BTW, how did the tagging work out for you with AVE?

NorthSeaPagan ago

"Commies" (they literally aren't Marxists, Marx would literally advocate killing these faggots) on reddit are such fucking retards, they think that the whole government and financial system is bad except for the fucking media, academia and Hollywood

Fucking retards.

They got literally all their views on the world from media, academia and Hollywood lol

Alhambra ago

communism is just 'gibsmedat' with jewish obfuscations and rationalizations decorating it, so this is actually perfectly in line with judeo-bolshevik ideology.

tourgen ago

Yeah yeah. "Private property is evil! I have a right to take your stuff!"

Marxist ideology. Labor theory of value. Maybe the dumbest ideas in modern history.

CrudOMatic ago

In the new communist world order, only the state can purchase your labor and your labor can only be used to create - the concept of "services" is bourgeois (s-s-stop l-looking at t-the leader and the p-p-politburo with hate, goy! They are producing misery!)

Under a communist system, services like the kid raking your leaves for $10, and the mechanic are supposed to be outlawed, because neither produce value (one removes your leaves, the other swaps parts on your car to fix it) - the kid didn't create your yard and the mechanic didn't build your car! Of course when they realize how shit that is, they'll make excuses for why mechanics are laborers even though they aren't creating.

I also love the implicit admission that their communist society will be lawless (no cops, stealing products from stores created by laborers). It's a workers paradise, they say, where you get to keep the fruits of your labor, they say - but niggers can steal your fruits and you better not provide services - bougie!

These people are societal cancer. Communism really is the ideology of the young and terminally dumb.

Nicoladepierola ago

Holy fuck. I love this so much. All of this infighting is just music to my ears.

jimibulgin ago

There is kind of a legitimate point underlying this. The only reason the job of a 'cashier' exists is due to specialization and economy of scale in a market. In 1800, you paid the guy who baked your bread, or cut your beef, or built your wagon, or provided whatever goods/services. Now, you walk around shelves full of merchandise and walk up to the register, where the person's job is exactly as described in this post. It will probably be more like this in the future. It is a commoditization of humans, until the process can be automated and the human can be removed. Beware.

ZenoOfElea ago

let me summarize: I'm bitter because I was caught stealing like a fucking nigger

tokui ago


Replace with literally anything, except critical thinking, and rationale should still hold together.

BasedWolf ago

Lol, these faggots think kindergarten teachers and grad students are "working class".

Warnos44 ago

When you know they've had too much to smoke.

undertheshills ago

Its a cohesive statement, that's really all that required of socialists. Maybe thats why I loved being a cashier back in the day when I was a poorfag. Easy as fuck, busy enough where time flew by, but never got stressful, get to see what people are buying, I liked the small talk too. I didnt realize I was a frontline guard for the capitalist system, but I like the idea of it.

WhatsThatSkaSong ago

You also learn a lot about where your tax dollars are going on the first of the month.

irelandLost ago

In a Marxist analysis, who do you think you might meet when you finally reach the top of the bread line?

CrudOMatic ago

Pffft... the top of the breadline is a Marxist fairy tale. There is no bread! Now shut up and eat your sawdust loaf.

CelticMutt ago

A jew.

Lal ago

Ding ding ding we have a winner

lipids ago

A wall. And the prize for getting there is a blindfold.

Tallest_Skil ago

A turtle.

anoncastillo ago

They kind of have a point despite the completely warped worldview it grew from. Would there be as many cashiers in Nazitopia? Would they be part of the working class represented by the national worker's party, or would the workers the party represents be manufacturers, farmers, and construction workers? Cashiering is women's work for the most part, perhaps such work should not be valued as highly as more necessary work like building things and raising the next generation.

jpu ago

National socialism represents the people as a whole, working together, recognizing the importance of everyone. National socialism represents everyone, naming your party NSDAP is just how you get the votes and it's not dishonest either.

CrudOMatic ago

Cahiers are money & people wranglers. All the people who created 99% of the products in your store can't be directly present to sell their wares, and the store deli and the store butcher are too busy creating cakes, sandwiches, and cutting meat to deal with every single customer and their money. The cashier is a necessary position created by the economics of scale running headlong into product distribution. Remove the cashier and you cripple both.

PhilKDick ago

I've never trusted cashiers. They try small talk on me, to get my guard down. But I know their game. And they never double my coupons, like they should.

SIayfire122 ago

With the exception of Harbor Freight. It's like a socialist paradise. They let me keep the "free tape measure" coupon three times!

PhilKDick ago

How do they keep those prices so low?

CrudOMatic ago

Everything is made of tissue paper, balsa wood and bismuth.

PeckerwoodPerry ago

Harbor fright is asshoe China. I still go there for tarps and ropes though.

everlastingphelps ago

"This guy comes in every two weeks, buys some tarps, rope, duct tape and zip ties."

PeckerwoodPerry ago

Priorities man. Some times you just need essentials.

anamazonslittle ago

Yeah, don't get anything with moving parts from Harbor Freight.


This makes me ask a curious question: For the big corporations who hired College/University students. Did they hire more propaganda degree taking students?

QueensNewYorkGuy ago

Hahahahaha! These people are fucking DEMENTED! Has to be a troll job.

Oldmanathome ago

This is really funny until you realize some faggot out there probably believes it to be true.

DeadFox ago

And would kill to enforce it.

tourgen ago

anyone on a marxist site doesn't understand economics or even the history of their own ideology. the depth of their thinking is "Gibs me dat!!"

gazillions ago

They're real and they've been created by the millions. They've been creating poverty for 40 years in the west.

Marxism is not a propaganda argument in a shitty textbook. It's designed to create food shortages that kill the poor.

Canada has a socialist Dairy marketing board and there and poor families simply don;t buy cheese and haven't since Pierre Trudeau established it.

You can't be a dairy farmer unless you pay the marxist extortion board at least $25,000 just to register each dairy cow.

The provinces have marxist egg marketing and because they aren't omnipotent psychics they cant predict how many eggs people will buy and always run short so they have to buy capitalist eggs for the US for make up the difference or her would be no eggs.

Socialim is designed to cause food shortages and kill milions of people. Mostly teh poor.

Marxist youth are not an indulgence. They are the children of the financially comfortable and are scared shitless of the poor and want them dead. I'm not just taking about the jew who think everyone buy jew are trash and don;t matter. I mean the non jew bitches who jump in because they're nothing but useless vicious cunts who can't make their own money like daddy did.

buckhorn ago

The analysis, on top--that cashiers are part of a hierarchy that enforces property rights, is essentially a statement of fact. Of course, property rights are only a bad thing if you're drunk on commie kool-aid. What they seem to (intentionally?) miss is that the part of the hierarchy occupied by cashiers is extremely democratized and distributed. Just about anyone can be a part of it--if they're willing to 'work'. And, yes, fending off thieves to preserve a modicum of social order is valuable work. The bottom part is obviously satire but I think it's also fairly weak and not particularly biting because it misrepresents the text too much. Cashiers should be the second smallest marionette.

allahead ago

I assume that anything like this that tries to distract from the bankers was probably made by a jew for them. Death by a thousand cuts.

MarauderShields ago

How meta. Wavy gravy man.

AntiMason ago


PeckerwoodPerry ago

That's what I thought, but it's reddit so no real surprise.