TheSeer ago

It is this simple. They said "trust the plan" and then didn't tell us what the plan was.

And then told us, we still had to "trust the plan" because it was a really good one. Almost as if the plan was to get people to... I don't know, become complacent and not do anything?

spacelog ago

wwgwwolalwwgaalwwweLAwwh=ga awwwapdl

Tyrodragon ago

"To be honest, these Qultists are holding us back."

What's your plan?

lolokaygood ago

What’s the plan? Let non whites just keep taking shit over while you make memes in MS Paint?

Liquidtree808 ago

Look I don't know how so many of you are so misinformed? Q only points out news articles and tells people to think and research for themselves. I don't see how this is a cult at all? Does the Mainstream media every tell you to think for yourself?? No! MSM is a cult.

LaRiver ago

Yeah, Q/Trump points out only news articles beneficial to Trump's re-election, and never mention articles non beneficial to this goal, let alone information abundantly out there on internet detrimental to his goal. That is a guided "think for yourself", and is a little better than MSM.

Liquidtree808 ago

Well that's because the corruption is coming from one side right now.

LaRiver ago

One side only now? Romney, Mcconnell, Amash, etc, etc, not to mention Ft Dietrich, UNC, Duke, CDC, NIH, etc, etc. GOP is as corrupt and just another side of the same coin. Who do you think you are kidding? Not everyone is a kid or retard.

1-eyed-king ago

Anyone reading this want to call this BULL SHIT out go to the /v/qrv and read a few posts. If not convinced it is a flipping cult post a question or honest doubt about Q and "The Plan™"

You'll get yourself first hand experience of what it is like to challenge a cult leader.

This poster is obviously a Q fish in Q water - unaware.

Liquidtree808 ago

Well sorry you're so far gone you're not able to reason with. I don't put all my trust in anything! I question everything and I follow the money. Hasn't led me wrong yet.

Smokybubbles ago

You go out and solve this shit then, tough guy.

badruns ago

The Q larp is really infuriating for those that remember FBIAnon before they got got.

Tiessa ago

What was FBIAnon?

badruns ago

FBIAnon was "a" member of the FBI who posted 2-3 times on 4ch answering questions during the Hillary email server scandal. Basically talked about the internal divide at the FBI at the time between the higher-ups covering/protecting Hillary, and the field agents who wanted her to see justice. They didn't give bold claims about arrests of important people happening in x days like the Q bullshit, but they did appear to know what was happening in the FBI. If you search for it, you'll probably find their posts.

I wouldn't be able to find the news article about it now, but immediately after 2 FBI contractors (husband and wife) died in a car crash, any notion of internal strife inside the 3 letter agencies ceased. This is at the time when public opinion was at an all-time low after the Comey press conference.

FBI anon posts also ceased after this car crash. Real ones anyway, there were a few faux ones that read more like Q larp that continued until the q bullshit started.

Tiessa ago

Thank you.

TheSeer ago

Don't forget 5thAveAnon that tried to paint Jared Kushner as some sort of saint! Was probably Kushner personally, or his team.

MrDarkWater ago

A precursor to Q.

Just more limited hangout to squelch the power of the autists

i_scream_trucks ago

hands up in this thread all the HURRQRCULT people who have been longer here than a month.

No one?

You yards realise what the Streisand effect is yeah? The more you shoot off at the mouth the more people start investigating. You dickheads that believe Greta are a really fuckin small minority. Don't forget that.

i_scream_trucks ago

easier to fool a man than convince him he's been fooled

You just keep right on paying that carbon tax friendo but if you think I'm going to get a vaccine because you like your head up your ass we gonna have a problem.

c0ck ago

No one even mentioned vaccines you shitstain. Your writing is so incoherent with your head so far up your own ass, it makes you sound like an inbred kike fucked a nigger and shat you out the anus. You Qikes are a plague on decent, hard working white people willing to take a stand.

telleveryoneyouknow ago

Q warns against this exact thing. to be prepared. to be ready. this guy wasn't prepared. this guy wasn't ready. GET READY!! protect yourself at all times. failure is not an option. capture is not an option. don't be fooled. this is an awakening.

c0ck ago

Fuck off Qike. “Be prepared” on your computer screen reading disinfo drops, while a mob of 100 armed niggers surround your house or business. Not even your neighbors can save your ass then.

telleveryoneyouknow ago

already heard multiple booms in my neighborhood and made several patrols. you should get prepared because there's no excuse for you anymore

Splooge ago

You do realize you not only confirmed his speculation that niggers are on their way to you, but also that your response was the intellectual equivalent of “I know you are but what am I” right?

he_found_wepon ago

Qtards hide behind their fantasy because they're too afraid to face the reality of the situation themselves.

Ignitionswitch ago

Q claims to work for Trump. We know Trump hates fake news. Why hasn't Trump denounced Q as fake news? Oddly, Trump has said nothing about Q either way. Why?

slapstick2 ago

Because q only exists to shill for trump and israel

Splooge ago

Trump hasn’t said pee pee poo poo. Does this mean he doesn’t pee pee poo poo? Where does it all come from? Is it a dietary thing? Is this what it means when Q takes a dump?

IrbyTremors ago

Fucking kek

Liquidtree808 ago

Man you are strait up delusional

c0ck ago

Media is instructed that he will take no Q related questions, because he’s basking in the false-hope narrative. He’d break years of hopes & dreams to shreds, so he just lets people enjoy living in their fantasy illusion if it means he keeps a massive wave of supporters. Multiple other people from his administration have already confirmed there’s nothing to it, and Q is a farse.

Ignitionswitch ago

Oh, is that why? You haven't followed Q seriouly, have you? No, you haven't. I can tell.

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XSS1337 ago

Didn’t he only have a sword ?

Wasn’t there a mob of feral niggers ?

TheSeer ago

He thought he was dealing with one. Because he's not racist. So he thought it was 1 v 1, and he had a sword.

BumbleTummy ago

Oh, I bet he was a dedicated follower of the Plan™

terminator7 ago

What does this even mean?

ArielQflip ago

Who is this person?

c0ck ago

It’s Q himself, leading by example.

itssomatic ago

My regret is that I have but one life to give to Greater Israel.

Splooge ago

my sides

FederalShill ago

except for the fact he did the opposite of trust the plan, this meme is going to convince other whites to go on suicide runs just like him. he did not sit back and trust the plan he acted when the time wasnt right.

freeman84 ago

Q is for boomers and retards lol

MidnightStar ago

your a retarded young faggit

slapstick2 ago

Can't even spell go fuck off

freeman84 ago

You're. Faggot.

chrimony ago

Q is for boomers and retards lol

your a retarded young faggit

Q boomer retard confirmed.

Blehblehbleh73 ago

In case anyone cares, I heard this guy made it and is gonna be okay

reeehunter ago


Blehblehbleh73 ago

Heard it on Steven Crowder's livestream last night

chrimony ago


If he lives, probably with permanent disabilities and brain damage.

RockmanRaiden ago

I wouldn't say he's going to be okay yet, but he's alive and conscious.

Uncle_Slob ago

He's just break dancing, eh?

Blehblehbleh73 ago


CheeBooga ago

Most of the females in their families fuck niggers and probably have lil niglets running around

BlowjaySimpson ago

Traitors get the gas before enemies.

spaceman84 ago

No different than George putting Lennie down.

iwantoff ago

Lol... no one is disabling you you fucking pussy. Go do something or shut the fuck up. None of us are going to risk our lives so you little grommet rednecks addicted to meth can play cosplay with SS memorabilia. Pathetic.

Call_Of_Goat ago

A bunch of pussys

I think all the Q followers are cowards and will never stand up

MrDarkWater ago

What's holding you back?

Do you need an army of boomers behind you to act?

i_scream_trucks ago

I have seen zero 2a people shooting rioting niggers.

Shut the fuck up and sit down gutless fingerpointing cunt and let the adults do the talking.

CockSlappingMassacre ago

So are you going to go shoot a nigger? Or are you going to "gutlessly," post on voat too? Faggot.

Podd ago

Where's the adult here?

MidnightStar ago

there are no adults here that's why these fags call everyone a boomer

c0ck ago

Don’t even bother with this retarded kike. He’d take a nigger schlong up his anal canal if it meant the Q psyop continues deceiveIng and preventing decent white folks from organizing in real life.

Splooge ago


Q pre-dick-ted this

Splooge ago

Oh, I get it, so Q’s plan is Agenda 21, where there’s a one world government, no borders and it’s all populated by raceless, cultureless, low-IQ muttoids (who are of course STRONG together).

BlackGrapeDrank ago

so....Q tard. question:

has Q confirmed yet that "THEY" are the Jews?


Liquidtree808 ago

No but he/they always says think and research for yourselves. There is nothing wrong with researching and having more knowledge and information.

TheSeer ago

"think for yourself, and also, research what I tell you to"

Liquidtree808 ago

No research completely! Never trust fully, question everything, follow the money. That's how I live.

BumbleTummy ago

No, Q Loves Him Some Jews.

Don-Keyhote ago

I'm obviously BOLSTERING the OP with an example. How does it feel to be functionally retarded?

Glory_Beckons ago

It wasn't obviously, just posting that image. Any Qtard could have posted it fully believing in it.